Thank You

Chapter 211:

However, Annie was unmoved, just sitting in the back seat with her arms crossed and her legs crossed.

Seeing this scene, Best's face was smiling, but in his heart he was calling 'fuck'.

My queen... what are you doing? Didn't you say that you are very optimistic about this young man Jack, and want to try to date? Best was speechless.

Unlike Jack who doesn't know the truth.

Best is Pluto's right-hand man and has been assisting the godslayer for more than 10 years.

In a sense, he can even be regarded as Pluto's family, elder, and the person who guided her to practice in the mysterious world.

That's right, it's her!

And the outside world imagines that John Pluto Smith must be a handsome gentleman.

Pluto, the god-killer, was actually a woman.

Under the full-coverage helmet like a motorcycle helmet, is the glamorous face of Anne Charlton.

Rational and calm, a [strong woman] with both intelligence and ability to act, a veritable top student, the devil who reigns in America!

However, in essence, it is a love failure 28 times, the most successful one is holding hands.

And in the male image of Pluto Pluto, the way to save the fallen "heart object".

Rather than holding hands, it's more about saving people!

And afterwards, the other party took his girlfriend to thank him in person, ate several dog food madly, and finally had to go home to drink alcohol to relieve his worries.

To put it bluntly, Anne Charlton is like this, a woman who is always victorious on the battlefield, but always forced to be single.

By the way, Jack is the 29th Anne's favorite.

However, in fact, according to Best's understanding, the dialogue between the two sides stayed on 'Hello' and 'Oh, how are you'.

Then ask Annie in private, and you'll get something like 'happy talk, mutual interest, almost broke'.

I believe you a ghost, your little girl's film is very bad!

Every time you say you have someone you like, let the old man match me up, and every time you have a cold face, everyone is the same as the enemy, you are afraid that I will make fun of the old man!

Full of complaints, Best had to talk to the young man while driving:

"Speaking of which, Jack, do you know anything about the target?"

"Well, does only the photo and name count?"

At this time, Jack was a little embarrassed and said:

"Ghosts know what's going on with the intelligence department. At such a time, they refuse to provide me with information on the grounds of confidentiality."

"Now I don't know anything except that the other party's name is Su Jin, he looks like an Oriental with black hair and black eyes, and he looks very handsome. This is too absurd, isn't it?"

At this moment, Annie in the back seat said in a cold tone, "The Lu family has put pressure on me."

"Lu Family?" Jack turned his head in confusion.

At this time, Anne calmly explained:

"The big family based in the port city of the eastern mainland has an interest relationship with the demons that rule the land over there. At the same time, in the Americas, it has contacts with 90% of the Chinese gangs."

"When the intelligence was blocked, the Lu family was behind the scenes with remote command. Of course, there was also the magic association between Italian Dali and Daying who was connecting the bridges."

Jack was stunned when he heard this:

"The Lu family doesn't matter. What happened to Italy and Daying? Why did they provide assistance to the demon king named Su Jin?"

At this time, Best smiled and said, "That's because that King Su Jin is now their leader."

"Leader?!" Jack said in shock.

"Yes, Confederate."

Annie narrowed her eyes and said calmly:

"Among those existences at the same level as Pluto Pluto, Su Jin is also a special person."

"You may not believe that a week ago, he was just a little-known figure, at least there is no record of him in the magic associations around the world."

"Only a week ago, he was concerned about the miraculous rise of Italian Dali."

"First he defeated Pallas Athena, the queen of the Trinity, and then challenged the ancient Persian war **** Veleslana and the Mediterranean **** King Mekal.

Then he defeated the leader of southern Europe, the king of swords, Salvatore Tony, and also fought with the black prince of Great Britain for control of the Council of Sages and succeeded. . "

"Who is this with whom?" Jack said with a confused look on his face.


At this time, Best looked at Jack with the eyes that looked at the monkeys in the zoo and said:

"You just need to know that these characters are all as famous as our hero Pluto, Pluto."

"Hey!" Jack breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Annie sighed and said with a little worry:

"To be honest, even Pluto himself may not have the confidence to deal with King Su Jin."

"Why do you have to deal with it?" Jack wondered at this time.

"When the new king ascends the throne, he often steps on the old king to ascend to the throne. This is the norm."

Best smiled bitterly and explained:

"Just like the King of Swords challenged the world four years ago, King Su Jin is doing the same thing now."

"So, the purpose of his visit to our country is to challenge Pluto?"

At this time, I finally figured out the order, and my expression changed greatly:

"A monster of that size is going to fight in Los Angeles? This, this!"

Best nodded, then looked at Annie in the rearview mirror and said:

"And most importantly, our Hades doesn't have much confidence."

Hearing this, Jack immediately cheered:

"Don't worry, Professor Best, Pluto is a miracle-creator. Didn't he challenge many powerful enemies in desperate situations and win? I think this time will be no exception."

Young man, your way is wide... Best looked in the rearview mirror, Annie with the corners of her mouth raised, nodded with satisfaction and said:

"You're right, Hades will not lose! Haha~"

The classic car that Best drove quickly entered the airport.

This is the military's secret airport. Because of the reception of Su Jin, it was specially cleared out and provided for a special plane to land.

When Best and others arrived at the airport, a small passenger plane was slowly falling from the sky.

"Is the time just right?"

Jack sighed, looked at Annie with a serious face next to him, then followed Best and came to the bottom of the gangway.

Not long after, the cabin door opened, and a man walked out first.

With an obvious oriental face, black hair and black eyes, the eyes are a bit like black pearls, but they are like deep pools. Vaguely, Jack can feel a terrible will.

The appearance of the other party is also very handsome in the eyes of a Westerner like Jack, but the strange thing is that even if you see the other party's appearance, when you look away, that face will disappear, leaving only a pair of bright eyes.

Weird, powerful, and terrifying, like a **** in a temple stepping into the world.

This is Jack's first feeling when he sees Su Jin.

Just when Jack was in a trance, Su Jin had already walked to the gangway and came straight to the three of them, looking at Annie arranged by Jack with a little surprise.


How could such a terrifying figure be so surprised to see Annie?

At this moment, Su Jin spoke up.

He laughed and said lightly to Annie:

"Pluto, the King of Pluto, personally greeted him? Su was a little flattered!"

Hades? Pluto? ? ?

Chapter 0263 Anne Charlton

Pluto the Pluto?

Anne Charlton is Pluto?

This is a mistake... Jack thought subconsciously.

Pluto Pluto is a man. How can King Su Jin not be able to distinguish between men and women?

At this time, Jack found that the black professor Best opened his mouth next to him and looked at Su Jin with an incredible look.

Annie, who is the party concerned, looked at Su Jin with an embarrassed expression, her eyes dodging.

Jack blinked, his expression slightly stiff.

"I'm sorry, you've got the wrong person, I'm not Pluto Pluto."

Annie gritted her teeth and refused to admit Su Jin's words.

Until this time, Anne regretted her presumptuous love.

Known as John Smith, it was ten years ago that he was a hero in Los Angeles.

At that time, Annie was about thirteen years old. After watching Iron Man and Spider-Man, she imagined that she could incarnate into the same character and defend Los Angeles at the hands of the warlock.

Coincidentally, in a later encounter, she killed the supreme **** in Aztec mythology, Tezcatlipoca.

Thus, a gentleman full of aristocratic tastes, wearing a duplex helmet and a black suit, the King of the Underworld, John Pluto Smith, was born.

Just like Iron Man, Annie defended Los Angeles many times from the hands of sorcerers, and gradually, became the Pluto in the eyes of the Americans.

When she's a little older, the helmet won't be easy to take off.

If people knew, the Pluto who spoke in a British accent, wore a helmet and a heroic cape, solved heresy incidents in the streets and alleys of Los Angeles, and occasionally molested boys and girls, was her Anne.

That end, that scene, Annie would rather hit her head on the plane in front now than face it.

What a shame!

By analogy, it is like shouting "I am Tiga" on the school playground with a magic wand when I was a child, and being watched by everyone, and then ten years later, it was broadcast on a national loop by TV stations.

This, simply - social death!

In the face of Annie's denial, Su Jin raised his eyebrows and played with his taste:

"There is no need to deny that in this world, I can resist the will of the holy sword that comes with me. Except for the godslayer, there are only gods."

"And just now, except for you, the other two were directly recruited."

Speaking of this, Su Jin raised his hand and pointed at Annie with his index finger:

"So there is only one truth, and you are Pluto, the Pluto!"


A huge blow sounded.

It wasn't that Su Jin was attacked by Annie, but that Jack next to him was hit in the head by Annie's heavy punch and fell unconscious.

"This is?!"

Liliana, who got off the plane at the back, was suddenly dumbfounded.

As soon as I got off the plane, the receptionist in the Americas became angry and infighting? This is how the same thing.

Similarly, Su Jin, who was startled by Annie's behavior, looked at Annie with a blushing face and said:

"You are this?"

Annie raised her hand immediately and stopped, "We'll talk about it later!"

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at Best and said:

"Best, prepare a technique to delete memory!"

"Okay, Queen!"

Best hurriedly bowed.

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