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Chapter 216:

Not to be defeated and surrender, but to make a contract with human beings as a goddess.

In this way, Angela was completely incomprehensible before, and he could only suspect that Athena was completely crazy because of the counterattack of the myth.

But now, she saw a little taste.

That lofty victory, similar to power but completely different, seems to be a higher level of power.

There is also the strong 'Athena' breath revealed in that power.

All of this made Angela have to start thinking again.

Beside her, Athena, holding her knees, looked at Angela and said calmly:

"The concubine has never deceived, it's just that you don't believe it."

Before seeing the real thing, no matter how much you say, it is all false.

It is because of knowing this that Athena chose to tie Ansheela for the first time, rather than communicate patiently.

Because she knew very well that as long as she saw Su Jin, Ansheela's attitude would inevitably change significantly.

Hearing Athena's words, Ansheela subconsciously said:

"If you divide your power like this, if this man betrays you, you will never be able to make up for what you lost, even if you take back what the steel took away."

Mother Earth and Hero of Steel.

The relationship between the two parties is very complicated.

In the beginning, the Hero of Steel was even believed by humans with a noble identity like the "son of the Earth Mother God".

Then came the slaughter of the mother by the vicious child.

In a sense, Athena was knocked down like this.

Metis, who gave Zeus wisdom, was swallowed by Zeus.

Athena, who empowered Perseus, was decapitated of Medusa's godhead.

These myths compiled by humans are all induced by the hero of steel, and in this way, they have successfully captured power.

However, Su Jin was different.

What he was doing with Athena was something deeper.

If Su Jin is willing to rebel, he can even take away everything from Athena.

From name to power to existence, it can be snatched away.

At that time, Athena, let alone becoming a **** ancestor, I am afraid that even her own existence will disappear directly.

In its place was Su Jin, who was the new 'Athena'.

It is precisely because of seeing through this that Angela is so shocked.

This completely unreasonable trust made her, who had been betrayed, not knowing how to deal with it.

At this time, in the face of Angela's malicious speculation, Athena shook her head slightly and said:

"Before doing this, the concubine was enlightened."

"You're crazy enough."

Ansheela struggled, got up from the ground, and then looked at Su Jin and said:

"I'm a little curious about your plans now."

"Of course, don't tell me that with such a big sacrifice, you will have no purpose."

"The One God."

Su Jin said these three words with a smile.

"I promised Athena to make her the only **** in this world."

Ansheela's eyes lit up, but she hesitated.

Agreeing to this request means that she will never be able to regain her lofty position as Mother Earth.

But again, this restriction is the same for all the gods.

They will feel all the pain she has felt all these years and more!

Thinking of this, Ansheela suddenly laughed madly:

"Interesting, so interesting, will the gods feel the suffering I have suffered?"

Fallen into the ancestors of gods, wandering in the world, and may even be captured by superb magicians or god-killers.

In ancient times, there were even goddesses who were forced to give birth to real offspring and humiliated.

This is also one of the origins of witches.

And now, this feeling, the gods, or those heroes of steel have to try it once.

Thinking of this, Angela couldn't help but spit out malicious words:

"Those ugly rebels should be left behind by a 500-pound woman and bullied day and night as breeding pigs!"

"Oh no, they have to find a 800-pound boar to put on them. Those vicious, lust-filled guys should be oppressed by the filthiest monsters!"

Hearing this sentence, Su Jin's expression changed slightly, and a chill appeared in his heart.

This Ansheela, the hatred of male gods is a bit too high!

At this time, Ansheela stared at Su Jin with bloodshot eyes and said:

"As long as you can do this, I will help you, even if you are a cow or a horse, I will recognize it."

"I can only guarantee that they will die miserably."

Su Jin smiled at this time.

"Deal!" Ansheela, who was bound by the chains, showed a 'sweet' smile.

Chapter 0269 The Keeper of Time


An overlapping world that overlaps with the real world, but is dominated by the spiritual world.

In this unit that doesn't seem to have an elevator.

A realm called Oberon Forest.

A figure gradually emerged.

Red hair, red eyes, wearing a tattered black tuxedo with scorch marks, the back even exposed directly, and most of the duplex helmet on his head was broken.

But it was Anne Charlton, who survived the playful hunt of No. 5.


Annie spit out blood, but she just wiped it, then forced herself to get up and leaned against a big tree:

"Damn, that blond girl, is she too strong?"

At a speed that is completely uncapable, you can't see anything at all except to see the golden light emerging from your fingers.

And that speed was matched by an unimaginably heavy attack.

That kind of attack, I am afraid that a single blow can deform the continent, right?

If it wasn't for the fact that he was severely injured, the automatically activated power [Invisible Man] turned all his injuries into a mirage, and he would probably be finished.

"And that woman..."

Annie recalled that the woman who appeared last, the whole body wrapped in the dark divine power, was suspected to be a god, but the specifics could not be determined.

However, compared to the blond rainbow-eyed loli, the gods are much weaker.

After taking out a few recovery potions, Annie raised the corners of her mouth and said:

"Fortunately, after I felt uneasy, I set up the power."

Anne Charlton's combat style tends to be more focused on intelligence.

Her power effects are all very good, but each has its own flaws.

Therefore, the most important thing when fighting the enemy is to collect information on the opponent, and then kill the enemy according to his changing power.

Before that, she was using the **** of disobedience, who had been revived by Anshera, as an imaginary enemy, and conducted intelligence gathering work.

All means of escape are pre-booked.

That's why she was able to escape successfully.

"However, the girl with rainbow eyes should be left behind. She seems to be a little unaccustomed to the golden power on her body?"

Annie, who thought of the fifth Agurolla as the **** of disobedience, wondered in her heart.

At the same time, she also had some doubts about Angela, who was trapped by the chains.

Is that a ceremony? Or simply bound?

If this is the case, on which side are the existences of the two suspected gods of disobedience?

Annie, who couldn't figure it out, gave up thinking, but quietly felt the reply of her injury.

When the reply was almost done, she stood up, moved towards the inside of the forest, and moved slowly.

In front of the route, is a faintly visible ancient Greek-style temple.

Not long after, Annie saw an old man with white hair, wearing a white robe, and holding a bronze pen in front of the temple.

"The Keeper of Time, didn't you expect you to greet me here?"

"Your Excellency the Fairy King."

The old man known as the Keeper of Time is the custodian of this secluded space.

The original owner was the Elf King named Oberon, who appeared in some novels and biographies.

But now, the Elf King Oberon is dead.

Killed by Anne Charlton, her powers were seized by her, and even in the territory dominated by the Netherworld, the Oberon Forest was usurped by Anne.

It is precisely because of this that Anne became the lord served by the old man who was the keeper of time in front of her.

At this time, the old man in the white robe sighed:

"Are you here to spy on history again?"

"I have encountered opponents that are difficult to solve, especially the one with blonde hair, and I can't even think of a way to solve them now."

Annie said this, but she looked at the temple not far away and said:

"However, if I borrow the vault under the temple, "Memories of the Void", maybe I can find a way. "

In this world, the past, present and future of human beings are all recorded in the spiritual world of Netherworld.

And its materialized manifestation is [Void Memory].

Those who get it will naturally be able to spy on everyone's secrets.

And Annie is the godslayer who obtained [Void Memory].

The reason why Pluto is always victorious and undefeated is that everyone has no secrets about her.

Annie was silent for a moment, and said in a slightly curious tone:

"Also, I also have a very curious man there."

"Are you trying to spy on that man named Su Jin?" The Guardian of Time opened his eyes and looked at Annie.

"I'm really curious about him," Annie nodded.

"It's spying on the boy's secret again, you really have a wretched queen."

The Keeper of Time grumbled and scolded Annie face to face, making the other party very embarrassed.

And after the long-winded, he sighed again and said:

"But if this is the case, Queen, you should give up."

"What's wrong?" Annie showed a surprised expression.

At this time, the old man explained:

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