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Chapter 217:

"The information you asked for King Su Jin, Void Memory has no memory. Of course, although the other two have them, they are very vague. You can't find any useful clues."

"What's going on? Is there anyone who can't be recorded by Void Memory?"

Annie frowned, but her doubts grew more and more.

"If there is a power related to destiny, or it comes from another world, or it is a causal ability, it is also possible to erase its own records in the void memory."

The Keeper of Time shook his head slightly, and then said:

"Before you came, I peeped into your future, but only saw a void."

"After that, I noticed the source of the void, the god-killer named Su Jin."

"In him, I saw the fingerprints of victory, the cause and effect, and the fate. I think he was probably not recorded by the void memory because of his power."

Annie frowned and asked, "Then what happened to the two strange people I met today?"

"Those two? Of course I can't see clearly, but I can also make guesses."

The Keeper of Time laughed and explained:

"Their fate was swallowed up by something. This is the reason why they can't observe it. Come to think of it, is it the character destined to die in the hands of King Su Jin in the future?"

"Without me, will those people be dealt with too?"

Annie showed a stomachache at this time.

She took a deep breath, eased her mood, and asked.

"Since that's the case, I need information from Ansheela and an ancestor."

The Keeper of Time suddenly asked, "Are you going to give it to King Su Jin as a reward?"

"Did you foresee it?" Annie asked in surprise.


The Keeper of Time said in a complicated tone:

"At the same time, I also foresee the destruction of the world."

When the old man said this, he said in a sad tone:

"This world will eventually usher in demise!"

"And the only light that can save the world is on that King Su Jin."

Chapter 0270 Let him choose, that's it

"King Su Jin is the only hope?"

Anne was stunned for a moment by the words of the Keeper of Time, and then asked with a frown:

"What does it mean?"

The Keeper of Time is a fairy who guards [Void Memories].

And where he guards, there is a gate of time that corrects history.

Through this door, one can travel to all eras in history.

For this reason, the temple in front of Annie is also known as the [Space-Time Singularity].

At the same time, the Keeper of Time, whose owner is responsible for correcting history, is also given the authority to observe history.

Therefore, what the old man said is likely to represent the real future.

At this time, the Keeper of Time explained:

"You may not know that you have been in the lower realm, but in fact, some things have been spread among the goblin kings."

"Some of the fairy kings are now going to the parallel world to avoid disaster."

Fairy King.

The **** of disobedience who gave up the earthly world and entered the seclusion world, the human sage who transcended life and death, and the racial powerhouses in myths and legends, a common name.

They occupied a layer of Netherworld and became the ruler of another world. Although they were recluses, they jointly maintained history and the operation of the world.

In the past, there were also anecdotes of powerful godslayers who wanted to destroy the earth, but were stopped by the goblin kings.

And these people, although they are in seclusion, but relying on the nature of the world, the news is also the most well-informed.

In a sense, Annie, who holds a layer of underworld, is also a member of the Fairy King.

According to Anne's understanding, the devil king Satan, the Greek north wind **** Polyas, and the dwarf king Alberich are all among them.

And these people are far from all of the Fairy King, but only part of the members, probably only a tiny part.

Therefore, Annie naturally knew the horror of the fairy kings.

However, such an existence actually intends to go to a parallel world in order to avoid disasters?

This is like fleeing in advance before the war begins, which is indeed a very bad behavior.

Thinking of this, Annie couldn't help but ask, "What makes them so scared?"

The Guardian of Time smiled bitterly:

"The realm of immortality, the myth that you humans often say, is dying."

"What did you say?"

Anne, who heard the news, was shocked:

"Myths die, isn't that planet?"

Mythology is a system devised by ancient sages to restrain the spirits of the planet.

For countless years, myth has long been inseparable from the planet.

His demise, in a sense, also represents the demise of the power of the planet.

For human beings, that is, the earth under their feet, has fallen into a countdown to destruction.

If this is the case, it is no wonder that the Keeper of Time pessimistically said something like 'the world will eventually perish'.

However, at this time, the Keeper of Time shook his head and said:

"The planet has not entered the end of the star, or on the contrary, it seems to be undergoing a transformation."

"Then why did the myth die?" Annie was completely confused by the current situation.

The planet is fine, but it is transforming, but the myth has died.

This is not the ancient times, when the myth has not been integrated into the planet, how can the two be calculated separately?

"The exact reason is unknown."

The Keeper of Time shook his head:

"But among the fairy kings, there is a saying that the will of the planet is rejecting the myth, intending to reclaim all power and consume all the gods."

Annie, however, showed a toothache.

At this time, she understood why the Fairy King fled without fighting.

They are basically born from the planet, and at the same time they are equal to the tentacles of the planet. It is really too difficult for them to fight against the planet.

This is the same as fingers wanting to rebel against the group of 'human beings'.

The Celestial Dynasty has summed up this behavior many times with a four-character idiom.

Either say that the man's arm stops the car, or say that it is beyond one's own strength, all in all, there is no good thing to say.

In contrast, escaping to a parallel world is a little more difficult, but at least there is a turning point.

"But why did King Su Jin become the so-called hope in your mouth?"

The Guardian of Time shook his head and said that he was not sure, but he hesitated again and said:

"Maybe you may not believe it, but according to my prediction, the last king is about to wake up!"

Annie's mouth twitched at this time:

"The strongest steel that bears the fate of killing all godslayers?"

At this time, the Keeper of Time said:

"According to the previous record of the awakening of the last king, once he wakes up, he will squeeze the vitality of the planet, which will lead to landslides and tsunamis, and the environment will go backwards."

"This phenomenon will only be stopped if the planet is turned to death, or all the godslayers are slaughtered."

My darling, is he the last king, or the ultimate devil?

Are you the last savior? Even more godslayers than us godslayers, we may fight madly, but we will also protect the environment... At this time, Annie showed a stomachache.

This wave, this is not a wolf before a tiger.

Planet raised the slaughtering knife against the gods, and the last king killed the devil at the same time as he also killed the planet. This wave, he wanted to kill them all!

Annie was speechless at this time: "If this is the case, doesn't it mean that human beings and the planet are all over?"

"No, no, you may take humans too seriously."

The Guardian of Time waved his fingers and corrected:

"The demise of the myth is just the demise of the gods, and the last king cleans the earth, and in the end it only causes the planet to become a dead place, but it is not a Jedi."

"As long as it takes hundreds of millions of years, new life forms will be born on the planet, and new intelligent creatures will be born, and the extinct humans and gods will naturally be buried in the empty memory of this history with history."

When Annie heard this, she said with a very embarrassed expression:

"Then what does King Su Jin represent hope?"

At this time, the Keeper of Time smiled slightly:

"I see a future where he seems to have defeated the King of the Last."


Annie was silent for a moment, then smiled bitterly:

"It turns out that the planet exists, the last king was killed, and the human race survives, but the gods died? It really fits your position."

The Keeper of Time is the watcher of the historical correction power, but also a member of the elves.

As he is not a god, he naturally doesn't have to worry about the disappearance of the myth. It may have an impact, but at this special time-space singularity, this impact will also be minimized.

As long as human beings continue to exist, the history recorded by human beings continues, and the world has not disappeared.

Then the gods perish, so what?

Among the countless parallel worlds, it is not a world that cannot exist without gods.

It is impossible for the Keepers of Time to have not seen such a world.

So all he has to do is choose.

Choose to survive in a world without gods, or choose a future opened up by the last king, in which gods and humans will be destroyed together, and the planet will dominate the future.

But now it seems that he chose a world without gods, and chose to support Su Jin and defeat the last king.

At this time, Anne murmured:

"I don't think a godslayer would live in a world without gods."

"One hundred talks, more than a try!"

The Keeper of Time replied with a smile:

"Maybe, that King Su Jin agreed?"

Anne Charlton is a demon king who cares about the people, which is why the Keepers of Time are open and honest.

He knew that Annie would make the best choice.

At this time, Annie smiled bitterly and said, "I'm not sure that King Su Jin and the King of the End will face each other."

"No, we don't need to do that."

The Keeper of Time shook his head and said:

"What we have to do is to put the information of the last king in front of him and let him choose, that's enough."

Chapter 0271 boil me into soup?

In the hotel restaurant, Su Jin, who was enjoying breakfast, saw uninvited guests.

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