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Chapter 226:

Susanoo narrowed his eyes and did not answer.

And the black-clothed archmage was talking and looking at Sita:

"If that strongest steel senses the breath of the godslayer, I'm afraid it will recover directly, right? Does His Highness Sita willing to watch Rama wake up?"

Sita, who was being stared at, raised his hand, covered his lips and said, "My concubine does not have the strength to compete with the Rakshasa King."

After saying that, Sita looked at Susanoo just like that.

Seeing this, Susanoo rolled his eyes and said:

"Forgive the old man! The old man has never graduated from the position of the god, it is better to stay away from the disputes in the world."

Susanoo paused when he said this, and said with a playful expression:

"Furthermore, it is still a question whether the two godslayers can kill the god."

"Oh? Is it possible that my husband has something behind?" The black-clothed archmage asked in surprise.

"It's not that I have something behind."

Susanono laughed, picked up his chopsticks, turned over the ingredients simmered in the pot, and said with a smile:

"Why do you think I have to choose Divine Sovereign as the patron saint to suppress Rama?"

"Oh?" Sita raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Susanoo in surprise.

At this time, the black-clothed archmage snorted;

"Don't play dumb, my husband, now is not the time to play games."

"The hotheaded guy."

Susanoo groaned, and then said:

"In terms of force, that monkey can be said to be the strongest under Rama."

"In addition, he belongs to the mixed-race God of Steel. He is close to Rama and has suppressed Rama for so many years. He already has the conditions to perform that secret technique."

"That secret method?" The black-clothed archmage was stunned.

But Sita was the first to react, his face changed slightly: "Is it the Dafa of the Covenant?!"

"Yes!" Susanoo clapped his hands and said with a smile, "So we don't have to worry about anything at all."

When he said this, he narrowed his eyes and said in a playful tone:

"Su Jin and Luo Hao, who are godslayers, are powerful, but as godslayers, they are destined to be weak in the face of monkeys."

"With the Dafa of the Covenant, the more god-killers that come, the more dangerous it will be. If you are not careful, you will die in the hands of monkeys."

Susano said this with a smile: "So, for us, it's good to just watch."

"Watching the godslayer be beaten to death, we are drinking and eating here? This is interesting." The black-clothed archmage played with his taste.

Hearing this, Sita's expression became slightly subtle:

"If that's the case, it always feels a little bad, doesn't it?"

Susano said calmly: "Then, does His Highness Sita want to advise those fools?"

"Then spare the concubine too." Sita muttered and sighed softly.

"Watch the show with peace of mind. In any case, we are all chess players."

The black-clothed archmage said calmly:

"Compared to those ignorant godslayers, I am more concerned about the recent turmoil in the underworld. Many fairy kings have appeared one after another, and I don't know what the situation is."

"When the matter between the two fools and the gods is over, I will also check it out. For now, let's slowly appreciate the fight between the fools and the gods."

Sita heard the words and sighed:

"A troubled autumn!"

Chapter 0281 The Monkey King

Tochigi Prefecture, on Mount Nikko.

Su Jin stood on a low mountain and looked at the Nikko Toshogu Palace in the east.

And not long after he appeared, a breeze blew, and Luo Hao appeared in front of Su Jin.

And in her hand, there is also a young man in his late twenties, in a suit and leather shoes, with the smell of a book.

At the same time, beside her, God Ancestral Ansheela was looking at Wanli Guguang behind Su Jin with great interest.

Being watched by the ancestors like this, Wanli Guguang couldn't help shrinking his head and hid behind Su Jin.

Luo Hao, who showed himself, noticed this, but he didn't care. He just looked at Su Jin and Athena on his own, and nodded slightly towards them as a greeting.

Then he threw the young man in his hand to the ground and made a bang.

"This little guy seems to be the only heir of the Jiufazu family's generation. I grabbed him when I was holding the sword, and I'm going to confirm the process of the ceremony."


Su Jin lowered his head slightly, glanced at the unfortunate bastard, and immediately said indifferently:

"Athena, Angela, who of you will control her?"

"I'll come. After all, Ansheela is going to incarnate into a snake that violates the Tao. At this time, she must save some strength."

Athena said this, walked to the side of the young man on the ground, and raised her hand slightly.

In an instant, a pure black snake with intricate patterns on its body suddenly emerged from the ground, and then got into the young man's mouth.

The young man shivered a few times, then slowly and stiffly climbed up from the ground, his eyes were already out of focus.

Seeing this, Su Jin stretched out his hand and pulled Wanli Guguang behind him, and then said to Athena:

"You and Angela stay here, preparing for the Serpent's Ceremony."

Athena nodded slightly, and then said:

"I have already understood the ceremony of the Nine Laws Tomb, and I will transmit it to you here."

She said this, her figure floated up, flew in front of Su Jin, held up his face, and then transmitted the ceremony.

"Yeah!" Wanli Guguang covered his eyes with a look of surprise, but the eldest, who had his hands open, looked at the two with a blushing face.

Beside her, Ansheela peeked at Luo Hao, and found that the other party was calm, as if 'the situation is urgent and it should be so'.

Huh, it's really not a family, don't enter a family... Ansheela sighed in her heart.

At this time, Su Jin, who received the information about the ceremony, took a few steps back, wiped the corners of his mouth and said:

"Come with me!"

He nodded towards Athena and Angela, then took the katana from the hands of the young man in the Nine Laws Tomb, and walked towards the Nikko Toshogu Shrine not far away.

Hearing this, Wanli Guguang followed step by step, and at the same time looked at Luo Hao who was floating in the air with envious eyes, like an immortal descending to earth.

Others climbed with flying, she climbed with her legs, it was really sad.

Climbing the stone steps, crossing the torii gate, and not far from the splendid and luxurious main hall, Su Jin turned a corner and walked towards a simple shrine.

That is the stable of the gods.

This is where the shrine used to raise horses.

At this time, there were indeed two horses standing there, wagging their tails.

At this moment, Luo Hao stopped here, glanced at the monkey murals on the wall, and sneered:

"Oh, the edge of the enchantment is such a place, and it is also in line with the identity of the monkey."

At this time, Su Jin, who came to the back door, looked at the forest ahead and said:

"The real shrine is in the back, and you can scold me when you see me."

"Good." Luo Hao responded, then followed Su Jin.

Are you really going to point your nose to curse? Su Jin shrugged, watching Wanli Guguang tired of walking, picked her up in exclamation, and then walked quickly.

With Su Jin and Luo Hao's footsteps, 100 meters just passed by in the blink of an eye.

But even so, it still took more than three minutes.

The surrounding forests and roads had long been abnormal, but they were ignored by the two people.

Except that Wanli Guguang was startled when he occasionally saw the face on the tree, there was basically no reaction.

Just four minutes later, Su Jin suddenly stopped, and then stepped away, the scene changed instantly.

The sight of the forest suddenly disappeared, replaced by a luxurious and complicated palace.

It is a palace in the style of the Forbidden City of the Celestial Dynasty.

However, the location of Su Jin and others was in a remote corner of a group of palaces, a place similar to the gods' stables outside.

Looking at these buildings from a distance, Su Jin couldn't help but complain:

"A replica of the Forbidden City? Should I ask the islanders for royalties?"

At this moment, Luo Hao next to him frowned and sneered:

"Is it really hiding in the Netherworld? No wonder I couldn't find it no matter how I looked for it a hundred years ago."


The realm of life and immortality, the world where the spirit rises and the body sinks.

In this place, which is similar to a layered cake, there are no detailed coordinates, and it is normal for Luo Hao to return without success.

"Ah, there are monkeys there!"

Wanli Guguang, who did not intervene in the communication, pointed at the open door and snorted softly.

When Su Jin heard the words and turned to look, he saw a golden monkey lying on top of a pile of hay in the stable.

About 80 centimeters tall, it is very short, with golden fur with a little orange on his body.

It was lying on the hay, with dog's tail grass in its mouth, its right foot resting on its left leg, and swaying boringly:

"It's amazing."

"Forget the witch, there are two godslayers? Oh, one of them is a little strange?"

The monkey looked at Su Jin with a slightly subtle expression, and then said:

"Unfortunately, my name has been sealed, and the ability I originally had is gone, but I can't see the abnormality in you."

Su Jin raised the corner of his mouth slightly, but replied with a smile:

"Is it flamboyant? I'm also very curious whether this thing can see through the spells I put on."

"Oh? It's called Huoyanjinjing? It's a good name, but it's a pity. Even after I hear it, I'll forget this name in a few days."

The monkey sighed, then got up from the hay, sat on the haystack, and looked at Luo Hao:

"Speaking of which, you are very familiar, oh, I remember, that God Killer from more than a hundred years ago, did you still come to fight with me this time?"

"But I'm sorry, I have no intention of leaving here."

At this time, Luo Hao looked around. Although it was a rather luxurious stable, she showed an expression of disgust:

"It's really sad to be kept in a stable and become so small and lowly, but you don't even have the desire to run away. There must be a limit to being useless!"

"Even if you say so?"

The monkey scratched his head and said helplessly:

"I'm just a monkey who forgot my name. I don't feel anything like a fool or something."

"And even if you scold me in person or something, I don't know how angry I should be."

Luo Hao didn't speak, but judging from the ups and downs of his chest, he seemed to be out of breath.

"Remove your breath."

Su Jin came over and patted Luo Hao on the shoulder.

Seeing this, the monkey's eyes lit up:

"Oh? Do you have a good relationship? This is rare. According to my shallow memory, there should be no good relationship between the godslayers."

The monkey scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks, and said with a curious expression:

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