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Chapter 227:

"Seeing you like this, I remember that I seem to have something to regret."

"What you regret?" Wanli Guguang next to him asked curiously.

The monkey nodded humbly, and then said nostalgically:

"It seems that seven big beauties settled in a Taoyuan, but I only remembered eating peaches. In the end, I was afraid of being found out and went too fast, otherwise I would definitely find those big beauties to give birth to a few more little monkeys and give them to me. relieve fatigue."

Hearing this, Su Jin paused, and Luo Hao's expression was also a little subtle.

Seeing that the atmosphere suddenly became a little strange, the monkey scratched his head again and said:

"Speaking of which, what are you doing here, woman?"

"If you are looking for me to play, I am very welcome, but if you are looking for me to fight, please come back."

Monkey said this, looked at Su Jin, and sighed:

"I've seen the woman next to me take action a few times, and I'm not interested, but if it was you, I would really like to fight."

When it said this, it looked at Su Jin sharply, and said solemnly:

"Can a godslayer be as strong as you? Or, are you really a godslayer?"

"Oh? Isn't your authority sealed?" Su Jin said slightly surprised.

"This is the spiritual world. You can still use it if you are in a hurry. Similarly, although you have extremely strong control and cover yourself with some kind of power, I am sorry, in this spiritual world, you will still reveal the bottom. of."

The monkey said this, and at the same time said solemnly:

"To be honest, I've never seen a human whose spirit surged every 10 seconds. Are you really human?"

"It's genuine." Su Jin smiled.

Hearing this, the monkey was stunned for a moment, and said doubtfully: "It's weird, how can you think you're a human?"

"No need to say nonsense." Luo Hao stood up at this time and said indifferently: "Sun Wukong, I am here to kill you today."

"Oh, my name was Sun Wukong."

The monkey looked stunned, then scratched his head and said:

"But, if I want to go out, I need the display of the dragon and snake... eh?"

Feeling the supernatural power of dragon and snake manifested in the outside world, the monkey moved and looked at Su Jin with hot eyes and said:

"Interesting, it seems that you are well prepared!"


Su Jin said and threw the sword to Wanli Guguang, then looked at the monkey and said:

"Looks like you want to fight me?"

"Yes, after all, it is my duty to subdue demons and subdue demons."

The monkey said this, while looking at Su Jin up and down, he smiled and said:

"You don't even pretend!"

"I can see right away that you are not human!"

Chapter 0282 Disobedient Sun Wukong

After Su Jin heard Sun Wukong's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was speechless:

"Does this expel me?"

At this time, the monkey smiled and said:

"Although you look human, you don't look like you. At least it's impossible for human beings to gain a lot of strength every 10 seconds like you."

"No, it's not right, it's a big increase for me, and for you, it's probably just a small increase."

The monkey said this with a look of regret and pity:

"If you calculate it like this, even if I want to crusade you from this other world, it will be very difficult."

"I saw through." The corner of Su Jin's mouth curled slightly, but he did not refute his identity as a person from another world.

At this time, the monkey said with a smile:

"But it doesn't matter if the strength is insufficient. As you are, the historical revision force will definitely regard you as a mortal enemy. At that time, I can also use the covenant to strengthen the power."

"In this case, against you, I may not necessarily lose."

"Oh?" Su Jin raised his eyebrows slightly, especially when he heard the Dafa of the Covenant, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

He knew about this secret method.

The so-called Great Law of the Covenant refers to the great secret law possessed by the King of the End.

He received support from the strong self-healing power of history, the heavens, the earth and the stars, and obtained the protection of the gods of the heavens and the earth as the **** of the hero who killed the demon king.

The effect is to obtain magic power beyond the limit when annihilating the Demon King. According to understanding, it is about 3-10 times the amplitude.

Moreover, this effect is effective for a long time after use, because it can be said to be an extremely powerful spell.

But the monkey thought that Covenant Dafa could compete with him, which surprised Su Jin.

The gap between him and this monkey is thousands of times more.

Thinking of this, Su Jin asked the monkey: "To be honest, you aroused my curiosity about the Dafa of the Covenant."

The monkey was obviously stunned, and then laughed loudly:

"It's a bit interesting, as a godslayer, you actually want to learn this great covenant method that can only be used after the approval of the gods of heaven and earth!"

When the monkey said this, he stood up and said with a smile:

"This thing is in the steel, and it is also the privilege of a few people. Of course, I don't know if the godslayer can use it, but if it can be used, it will be interesting."

"That's it, after defeating me, I will be the first **** to recognize your use of the Covenant Dafa."

"Of course, the premise is that you can learn this covenant Dafa from me."

When the monkey said this, his body gradually turned gray, from the foot to the head, and gradually turned into a stone sculpture.

During this process, he looked at Su Jin motionlessly and said:

"Come on, let the miserable witch use the sword, let me retrieve the sealed real name, and make a big fuss like never before."

Hearing this, Su Jin glanced at Wanli Guguang next to him.

Seeing this, Wanli Guguang took a deep breath, raised the shisha knife in his hand laboriously, and then instilled the magic power bit by bit, singing the words of the spell in his hand.

At the same time, the monkey has completely turned into a stone sculpture.

From the appearance, it is the same as the real stone carving.

But only those eyes were unusually bright, even glittering with gold.

Fiery eyes!

The monkey gradually regained his supernatural powers as a disobedient god.

And just when Wanli Guguang was using Woba, a cheerful laughter sounded from the stone statue:

[I remembered, I remembered, I am not a monkey god. I am the sky, the existence of the sky——. 】

[I am the Monkey King born in the stone, with infinite supernatural powers, myriad changes, stealing medicinal herbs, greed for alcohol, stealing peaches, practicing martial arts, being fierce, and showing evil in the heavenly palace! 】

[My surname is Sun and my name is Wukong. Self-named Monkey King! 】

The stone monkey turned into lightning in the loud laughter, split the roof, flew high into the sky, and then slammed down heavily, blasting the original haystack into pieces and splashing a lot of dust.

After the dust dissipated, a figure appeared in the middle of the broken earth.

Mao-faced Lei Gongzui, wearing a seven-star crown, chain mail, walking shoes, and holding a golden iron rod carved with dragons and phoenixes in his hands.

It is the Monkey King in the image of the Monkey King.

"Haha, my old grandson finally remembered~"

The monkey, who was not tall but had an extraordinarily domineering laugh, supported the golden hoop and laughed out loud.

After laughing, his eyes flashed and he stared at Su Jin and said:

"Overlapped, like clouds and fog, as if looking at the stars in the universe, hey, you have a big secret on your kid."

When he said this, he muttered:

"Strange, [Bi Ma Wen]'s spell actually lifted most of it?"

As he spoke, he muttered to himself:

"Yes, are you looking at my grandson?"

Although he was talking to himself, his eyes seemed to be looking at a deep and distant place:

"Don't worry, I'll settle accounts with you later. Before that, my grandson will know whether it's human or the great enemy of God."

While he was talking, he lifted the golden hoop and looked at Su Jin who rolled up his sleeves with burning eyes and said:

"Hey, wait a moment, wait for my grandson to deal with the chores."

Hearing this, Su Jin paused and asked with a weird expression, "Why do you think I'll give you time?"

"If you bully the weak, your adoptive mother witch Pandora will not recognize your god-killer."

Sun Wukong replied this sentence, then looked at Luo Hao next to him, then looked into the distance, clapped his hands and smiled:

"Two godslayers, just right, just right."

While he was speaking, he recited the spirit of words aloud:

[I, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, let the virtuous brothers appear with the contract of righteous brothers! 】

After he finished speaking, he shouted:

[Come out, second brother, Zhu Gangye! 】

The head of a wild boar, a fat, rich man carrying a rake, walked out of the void, and muttered:

"Come on, come on, Senior Brother Jing will summon people."

At this time, Sun Wukong glared at him, and then shouted:

[Come out, Third Junior Brother, Monk Sha! 】

Bald, red-haired, blood-faced fangs, wearing skull necklaces, and tattered monks also came out.

"Big Brother."

After calling out the brothers and sisters, Sun Wukong's magic power was greatly weakened, but his fighting spirit was extraordinarily high:

"Two junior brothers, please entangle the two godslayers inside and outside this world, and leave me a place to fight."

Hearing this sentence, Su Jin raised her brows and sensed the outside world, but she saw a lively girl with wheat-colored skin and a Middle Eastern dress at the foot of Sunlight Mountain.

At the same time, Luo Hao, who noticed the girl, said with a black face:

"Aisha, that idiot, actually chose to come here at this time."

However, at this time, Zhu Bajie smiled and came over with a nail rake:

"Beauty, let my old pig come to meet you!"

At this time, Sun Wukong, whose spell was weak, looked at Luo Hao, who was dodging, and laughed:

"Junior Brother Zhengyi, you can play with this **** killer."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Su Jin, turned into a golden light, and disappeared instantly.

And after that, the voice came from a distance:

"Let's change the venue."

Su Jin frowned and glanced at Luo Hao who was fighting Zhu Bajie.

After all, according to the arrangement, it was Luo Hao who dealt with Sun Wukong.

But now it seems that the other party does not seem to like such an allocation.

"Hmph~" Luo Hao snorted coldly, but full of resentment, he slapped Zhu Bajie in the air, and said in an unhappy tone, "The monkey will trouble the husband."

Su Jin nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then took a step forward, chasing the whereabouts of Sun Wukong, and left the world.

Chapter 0283 Covenant Dafa

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