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Chapter 228:

Nikko Toshogu Shrine.

The essence of water and the earth gathered in Ansheela's body.

Her immature face began to mutate, silver-white scales appeared on her body, her feet disappeared together, turning into snake tails, her hands merged into her torso, becoming a huge snake body.

Not long after, the giant snake **** with a body length of more than 50 meters was suspended in the sky and let out a deafening roar.

On the ground, the silver-haired goddess was chanting the words of the night:

"Order in the real name of Athena: O night, appear here, dispel the favor of the sun, and destroy the fire of Prometheus!"

The night spread in the blink of an eye, covering the entire Nikko Toshogu Shrine.

In an instant, the humans who were panicked by the appearance of the snake **** fell to the ground one after another, fell into a deep sleep, and were then dragged into the earth veins by the snakes of the earth.

The Queen of Hades manipulated the power of the night to force humans away from the battlefield.

After doing this, Athena turned her head slightly and looked at the other end.

There, a woman with a white cloth and a white robe with healthy wheat-colored skin was looking at her in surprise.

"Ehhh, the gods are actually sheltering humans?"

"Just clearing the way."

Athena said this, while staring at her with snake-like vertical pupils:

"This kind of breath, the unknown Rakshasa King, so it is, are you the queen of the demon cave?"

With Su Jin running around the world, almost all the godslayer Athena in the world has seen it.

The only exception is the Queen Aisha of the Demon Cave.

Therefore, seeing the strange godslayer at this time, Athena naturally recognized it for the first time.

At this time, Mrs. Aisha also reflected, tapped her palm and said:

"Ah~ are you the goddess Athena who cooperated with my elder sister?"

As she said, she looked at the empty Nikko Toshogu Shrine, patted her chest and said:

"Accidentally is a kind god, it's really nice."

"I thought I needed to move people around."

At this time, Athena felt the resentment left by the gods on Elsa, but frowned:

"So that's the case, have you killed the concubine's clone, Ishtar?"

Hearing this sentence, Aisha's expression froze, and she couldn't help but take a few steps back:

"Oh, that's a force majeure factor..."

"If you're willing to accept, I can apologize to you..."

Before she could finish speaking, Athena suddenly raised her head and looked at the sky:


Golden lightning flashed.

Wearing a chainmail, the short but heroic monkey **** suddenly appeared in the sky:

"Is it a snake that violates the Tao? It arouses the exhaustion and passion of Lao Sun!"

"Well, let's play with you before the godslayer arrives!"

After that, he raised his golden cudgel and shouted loudly:


The golden hoop rod became bigger in the wind, and all of a sudden, it expanded countless times.

From a distance, it looks like Sun Wukong is holding a building.

Ansheela, who was still absorbing the earth's essence, shuddered, her snake skin numb.

"Fall for me!"

The mansion-like iron rod smashed down immediately, and smashed her to the mountain range with the screams of the giant snake.

For a time, the ground shook and the house collapsed.


When Su Jin arrived, the monkey was laughing and smashing the snake against the Tao with a golden hoop.

The silver-white serpent transformed by Ansheira kept whining on the ground, but no matter how he escaped, he could not escape the heavy blow of the golden hoop.

On the other side, Mrs. Aisha and Athena were being firmly entangled by the monk Sand who came out of nowhere.

To be more precise, it was Mrs. Aisha who was swayed by the aftermath of the fight between Athena and Monk Sha.

"I'm not good at fighting~"

The girl's cry was accompanied by a cold wind as cold as the poles.

The cold wind blew across the mountains in an instant, directly turning the surrounding ten kilometers into permafrost.

Forced by this move, Athena and Monk Sha stopped at the same time and left the earth.

At this time, Su Jin took An Xiela out of Sun Wukong's stick.

He grabbed the huge snake body in one hand and blew the cold wind away with the other, and looked at Aisha on the ground with a strange expression:

"Why did this scumbag come at this time?"

At this time, Athena, who had temporarily stopped fighting, came to Su Jin's side and said in an unnatural tone:

"She said that she discovered the appearance of the dragon and snake and came to save people on purpose."

At this time, Aisha on the ground found Su Jin in the sky, and said with a look of surprise:

"Eh? Are you the new brother-in-law? No, elder sister said that you are her husband, so that should be my brother-in-law?"

"Oh, I always feel like the relationship is so complicated."

Su Jin looked at Jiraichi below, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Trouble."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Sun Wukong and Monk Sha who were on the opposite side and took a shot, frowned and said:

"You will lead Monk Sha away later, and if possible, lead Aisha away too."

"My concubine understands the seriousness of the matter."

Athena said this, while staring at the opposite Sun Wukong and said:

"Be careful, the dragon snake has awakened the monkey's steel divinity, and he is ready to start the covenant."

"I understand." Su Jin nodded slightly, then looked at Sun Wukong.

At this time, Sun Wukong was scratching his cheek and said with some distress:

"Oops, I overplayed a little bit, I almost forgot to fight a snake, it's up to the owner."

"Senior brother, it seems that we are outnumbered and outnumbered now, do you want to call out the master as well?" The monk next to him immediately suggested.

"This can't be done. If I call out the master again, I won't have the magic power to activate the covenant Dafa."

Sun Wukong shook his head, then looked at Aisha below, and then at Athena in front of him and said:

"Junior Brother, I'm sorry for you, and entangle the God Killer and the Western Goddess."

Beside him, Monk Sha suddenly looked confused:

"Senior brother, there is another snake that goes against the Tao. Are you trying to trick me?"

"Don't worry, I beat her to death in advance because I was worried about that."

Sun Wukong said this, hehe smiled and said:

"Even if the Western Mother Earth can recover, it will take at least 20 minutes. In this time, it is more than enough to activate the Covenant Dafa. When I solve the enemy in front of me, I will help you."

"That's fine then."

Monk Sha hesitated for a while, but picked up the shovel honestly.

At this time, Sun Wukong turned a somersault, a golden auspicious cloud appeared under his feet, and then glanced at Su Jin and said:

"It's not suitable here, come with me."

As he spoke, he turned a somersault and turned into a golden lightning bolt.

Su Jin glanced at Athena, and after receiving the reassuring look, he released Angela and followed silently.

The two ran after each other. After leaving the tundra, they entered a forest area, and stopped after pulling away.

Sun Wukong landed on a cliff and looked at Su Jin who had arrived one step ahead of him, but was surprised:

"Hey, you're running a few minutes faster than that golden-winged Dapeng."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

Su Jin said this, a faint silver radiance appeared on his body, he narrowed his eyes, looked at Sun Wukong and said:

"Aren't you going to use the Covenant Dafa?"

"Yohoo, it seems that your kid is really planning to steal the lesson, let's just let you see the Covenant of Steel!"

Sun Wukong laughed, then stomped on the edge of the cliff with one foot, and recited the spirit of words aloud:

[Gods of heaven and earth, follow the ancient covenant and entrust your power to me! 】

Accompanied by the spirit of words, there is an unimaginable divine power surging.

At the same time as the divine power, Sun Wukong's uncontrollable painful cry:

"It hurts me too!"

Visible to the naked eye, Sun Wukong's magic power is constantly expanding, hundreds of thousands, even thousands of times soaring.

Indistinctly, there seems to be a figure composed entirely of golden threads, suspended behind Sun Wukong, hiding the lines on his body.

"This is! How can I get so many gifts from the gods, old grandson?!"

Sun Wukong, who was relieved from the unbearable pain, felt the curse power that had expanded thousands of times, looked up at Su Jin, and suddenly showed surprise:

"How many gods did you kill?"


Su Jin was surprised for a moment, then came back to it, looking at the silk figure behind him and said:

"That breath... So that's the case, the myth's counterattack?"

Seeing that Su Jin did not refute, Sun Wukong immediately said incredulously:

"Wait a minute, you're not a godslayer?"

His fiery eyes, which were strengthened by the limit of the magic power, finally saw through the appearance of Su Jin.

In exchange for it from the planet, the abyss-like energy of the earth veins came from the gods, and there were thousands of fragments of power.

And, the gods fell in a deep sleep, wailing and anger at a loss.

All kinds of information were seen through with fiery eyes, which made Sun Wukong angry, but also made his blood boil:

"So it is, so it is, is it a demon from outside the realm?!"

"It looks like my grandson is going to really come here today to do justice for the sky!"

He said, using the inflated magic power, and laughed:

"Come on, Demon King, my old grandson brought the gods who died in humiliation to seek revenge for you!"

Accompanied by the words, the golden hoop, which is as heavy as the mainland, is swung thoroughly by the blessing of the mantra.

In the midst of swiftness, towards Su Jin, he took a blow to the head!

Chapter 0284 What is the Jedi comeback

The golden hoop slammed down on the head.

The high concentration of magic power even distorted time and space, trying to seal Su Jin's movements.

At this moment, Su Jin raised his finger first.

Silver-white, with golden light in the center, flickering on his fingertips.

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