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Chapter 233:


One after another artifact turned into a golden thunder light, rushing towards the attacking attack.

A dense and terrifying explosion was produced. What the naked eye saw was golden fire, and what the ear heard was a dense explosion.

boom boom boom-

The explosions, which are constantly being produced, sparked light and heat that even overshadowed the sun's brilliance.

And in this seemingly evenly matched confrontation, Rama gritted his teeth and instantly appeared beside Hanuman and Lancelot, grabbed the arms of the two, and rushed towards the corner where the attack was useless.

He's trying to crash land on Earth!

In the blink of an eye, the light overwhelmed the array of the Divine Sword of Salvation, pressing the Divine Sword into space.

The three of Rama turned into meteors and fell towards the earth.


On the ground, an island dozens of kilometers away from Dongdu Bay.

On the beach, Athena looked at Su Jin who stopped beside him and said:


"No, not yet. After all, it's just a greeting. I didn't expect to solve him like this."

Su Jin shook his head.

"What happened?" Athena asked curiously.

Hearing this, Su Jin smiled, looked up at the meteor in the sky and said:

"It's nothing, it's just that I didn't expect to open the distance on purpose, and he would be so slow to react."

"Sure enough, has his fighting instinct started to degenerate?"

Hearing this, Athena frowned, looked at Su Jin, and reminded:

"Anyway, it is the strongest steel. If you are so careless, you may suffer a loss."

"The strongest?" Su Jin's mouth curled slightly and said, "I'm sorry, I'm the strongest."

After he finished speaking, he stood on the spot and gave up his plan to continue to shoot, but raised his head and quietly waited for the falling of the meteor from the sky.

At the same time, Rama in the sky suddenly lowered his head and looked down.

At this time, one person and one **** looked at each other.

0289 The Last King Rama

The meteor fell from the sky and landed on the sea level not far from the island with a loud bang.

A tsunami with a height of dozens of meters rose and hit the island overwhelmingly.

Facing such a scene, Athena floated in the air, chanting words and calming the waves.

After the weather calmed down, Rama, covered in water vapor, had already arrived on the island.

The Wind King Hanuman and Lancelot barely stood beside him, their chests rising and falling, and their cheeks, arms, and waist were covered in blood.

Obviously, in the attack just now, Rama did not protect his subordinates perfectly.

At this time, the injured Lancelot looked at Su Jin who was standing on the beach not far away, and smiled bitterly:

"It's an exaggerated attack, King Su Jin."

Attacking space from the earth actually has the power to seriously injure her just by brushing the edge.

Even in the eyes of God, this kind of strength is a bit too foul.

Su Jin shifted his gaze slightly at this time, looked at Lancelot, and said in surprise:

"You seem to be sheltering the goddess of Gnivia?"

"Where's the witch who used a spell to sway in front of me?"

Hearing this sentence, Lancelot sighed slightly and said:

"Gnivia has been loyal to her lord."

"Is that so?" Su Jin shook his head slightly and said, "It's a pity, she's obviously a good woman."

After he finished speaking, he turned his attention to the handsome man with grey hair:

"Is the last king Rama? Your state seems to be worse than I thought, and you don't have any fighting spirit~"

"As you can see, I'm just a weary traveler."

Rama chuckled lightly and raised his tired face. Staring at Su Jin and said:

"Oh, is this? An illusion created by the Ring of Usurpation?"

"Yo, see through."

Su Jin was slightly surprised and smiled:

"You're the second one. The monkey can see through me that I'm not a godslayer and rely on his eyes. I don't know what you rely on?"


When Lancelot heard this, he was shocked.

Isn't Su Jin a godslayer? how can that be?

At this time, Rama said in distress:

"Anyway, I have also fought to the death with many godslayers. It is still possible to see whether a person is a godslayer or not."

At the same time as he said this, he raised his hand and called out to his own body.

Not long after, a red-golden thunder light descended from the sky and was used by Rama.

However, it was the Divine Sword of Salvation that was called back to Rama.

With the sword in hand, Rama's eyes gradually sharpened.

He looked at Su Jin and said in a somber tone:

"You seem to have committed a more unforgivable sin than those god-killers who disturbed the historical order."

"Sin?" Athena, who was floating in the air, sneered: "It's just the strong eating the weak. Where is the sin?"

Hearing this, Rama glanced at Athena, then sighed:

"I see, are you supporting this visitor from another world?"

"I didn't think that hatred of steel would make you choose to kill the gods and destroy the myth. After all, you are extreme, Your Majesty Athena."

"Boring remarks."

Athena looked at Rama expressionlessly:

"What extremes? What sins? It's all false. The concubine is just sending them on the road ahead of time."

Faith created the gods, but also brought the gods into the Jedi.

As long as Su Jin doesn't give up the idea of ​​observing the world, the gods will inevitably die out.

Just like her Athena, without Su Jin's assistance, sooner or later, she will be swallowed up by the stronger self and become an insignificant part of the other party.

What she is doing now is nothing more than taking revenge one step ahead of the gods before they disappear.

"It seems that words alone cannot make you change your mind."

Rama sighed, then looked at Su Jin opposite.

At this time, he saw Su Jin took out a pocket watch from his arms, looked at the pointer pointing to '10', frowned and said, "That pocket watch..."

At this time, Su Jin put away his pocket watch, looked at Rama, shook his head with regret and said:

"Unfortunately, it seems that I can't save your life."

Just like the Blade of Demon Slayer wants to solve the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable, the blood-devouring mad attack wants to solve the holy annihilation.

If you want to observe the world of the godslayer, it seems that you must solve the ultimate enemy of Rama in order to completely push the influence to a critical point.

Otherwise, keeping Rama is actually more in line with Su Jin's intentions.

After all, this Lord is the final savior who gathered Rama, King Arthur, **** and other godheads and mixed them.

If Rama was alive, it would be a natural dynamite keg, the kind that could blow up the entire Little Garden.

This is a better material than Athena for carrying the pot!

Su Jin's eyes revealed such regret.

However, Su Jin suspects that if he kills the goddess of fate who gave Rama the fate of the last king, the same effect should be achieved.

Killing the last king, or destroying the Goddess of Destiny, the representative of historical maintenance, is the ultimate choice?

Su Jin narrowed his eyes slightly.

But Rama, who saw this scene, smiled bitterly:

"Can you put away your surging malice?"

"Yeah, did you find it?"

Su Jin said in surprise.

Then, Rama shook his head with a wry smile and said:

"Looks like you're not going to let me go."

He said, looked at Lancelot and Hanuman behind him, then turned his head and said with a resolute expression:

"In that case, please follow me to the Netherworld to fight."

"I don't want a fight between us to destroy the planet."


Su Jin raised his eyebrows, and then felt the surging power of the King of the End, but was surprised:

"It turns out that the strength of the blessings of the gods also depends on the quality of the carrier?"

In the face of Sun Wukong, the protection given by the gods through the great law of the covenant was stunned to send the great sage to a five-digit exception, comparable to a four-digit level.

For Rama, who is more adaptable to the Dafa of the Covenant, although it is an exceptional five-digit evaluation, the difference seems to be about 10 times.

In terms of energy scale alone, the last king seems to have little gap with himself.

At least one thousand, and one thousand two hundred, did not open a decisive gap.

"You can understand that this is the wrath of the gods after their power was taken away."

As Rama said this, he waved the sword of salvation, and drew a crack leading to the world in the air.

Before entering the world, he looked at Lancelot and Hanuman, and thought for a moment:

"If I fail, can you please spare my subordinates?"

Rama was not sure of winning, or through the collision just now, he realized that his chances of winning were not high, so he said such words to show weakness.

"Is that so?"

Su Jin glanced at the seriously injured two gods, nodded slightly and said:

"Then how about signing a gentleman's agreement? No matter which side wins, the defeated army will not be hunted down."

"Thank you for your generosity."

Rama laughed, finally glanced at his subordinates, and then stepped into the world.

Behind him, Su Jin and Athena looked at each other.

At this time, the silver-haired goddess of wisdom said confidently: "Go, holy warrior in the form of a concubine."

"It's easy for you, but I have to work for you... Forget it, who made me greedy for you."

Su Jin scolded and shook his head, turned into light, and followed Rama into the world.

0290 Tactical Victory


The realm of life and immortality.

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