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Chapter 234:

Spiritually overlaid spaces.

Rama's figure appeared in the overlapping layer of space.

It's a deserted island, full of surf-beaten reefs and hard rock formations.

Rama, who appeared here, looked left and right, and seemed very satisfied with the venue.

At this moment, he turned sideways, looked at Su Jin who was chasing after him, and said:

"Just here."

"In an overlapping world like the Netherworld, as long as you don't use the space-destroying tricks, even if you destroy this Netherworld, it won't affect the human world."

Of course, the result of this is that Su Jin cannot freely use the ability of the space type.

Although Rama is not sure whether Su Jin has such ability, in fact, he did take some advantage.

At least it is impossible for Su Jin to have such an understanding of the structure of the underworld.

Thinking of this, Rama laughed at himself and said:

"Forgive my despicableness, Su Jin, after all, your existence has already affected the order of this world."

"You're funny too."

Su Jin, who stopped, looked at him in surprise, then smiled playfully:

"Obviously you don't want to take advantage of me, but you are saying things that irritate me. It seems that you have an advantage over yourself, and you dare to blame yourself for not being able to fight fairly?"

Rama opened his mouth, but smiled dumbly:

"The one who knows you best is really the enemy?"

"Come on."

The corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched, and his tone was somewhat mocking:

"Think you have the advantage? Wrong, so wrong!"

As he spoke, a silver-white brilliance lit up on his body, but when the brilliance boiled, it flashed a coquettish purple light:

"It's me who has the absolute advantage!"

"Is that so?"

Rama opened his mouth, and the sword of salvation in his hand stretched and deformed, but it turned into a golden longbow.

He held the bow body, pulled the bowstring, and said solemnly:

"Be careful, this is the bow and arrow that Dayi gave me. Although I have lost the bow and arrow, with the power I have been blessed by the gods now, even if I can't achieve the great cause of destroying the sun, it is enough to break a star!"

When Rama said this, he paused and said seriously:

"Don't die!"

"Is it the strongest attack in the first place?"

Su Jin raised his brows, but the coquettish purple light on his body became more and more prosperous:

"Well, I'll see if you can kill me!"

Rama was silent, stared at Su Jin, and then slowly pulled the bowstring.

On the bowstring, a golden thunder light gradually formed and converged.

The high concentration of terrifying magic power is continuously compressed and condensed on the arrow, accumulating destructive power.

The heroes of the Indian pantheon are best at bows and arrows, which is not surprising to Rama.

Ignoring the damage to the longbow, he pulled the bowstring to the fullest.

Then, Rama's fingertips loosened.

The golden bow and arrow turned into meteors, turned into light, and attacked Su Jin.

The arrow, with its vast power, slammed towards Su Jin with terrifying power and speed.

next moment.

The arrow hit Su Jin.


passed through him.

"What? Fake?"

Rama's eyes widened and he shouted in astonishment.

He didn't expect that Su Jin, who had just spoken righteously and righteously, turned out to stay in place with a fake body and wait for the attack.

He thought that Su Jin was thinking of confronting him head-on.


A sneer sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a strange purple light hit Rama in the spiral.

Accumulated corpse gas underworld wave!

The unique move of the Golden Saint of Cancer hit Rama's body.

"It happened!"

Rama, who was hit, shouted badly, but in the next second, he was stunned to find that he didn't seem to have received any damage.

"This is?"

Rama raised his head and saw Su Jin in the direction from which the attack just came.

At this moment, Su Jin was spreading his palm, and a dazzling bluish-white flame was burning in his palm.

Is it a mistake? With that in mind, Rama unfolded the Sword of Salvation.

An artifact emerged from the divine sword mandala and turned into golden arrows of thunder.

Then, with Rama waving his arm as a signal, 10,000 rays of lightning were fired at Su Jin for the first time.

At this time, Su Jin said meaningfully: "This move is called Cang Yan, the ghost of corpse accumulation."

The bluish-white flame spread to Su Jin's arm, followed by Wan Dao's fist that turned into light.

Su Jin's punch hit the thunder arrow called by Rama at the speed of light, and one shot down without falling.

And in the process, Rama, who was not attacked to the slightest point, let out a painful wailing.


Rama covered his head, knelt down on one knee, his body trembled, and he wailed.

At this time, protecting him and taking the madness of the **** of disobedience in place of Rama, Rama's younger brother Roshmana showed traces on the sword.

The brown-skinned Roshman raised his body from the divine sword, looked at his brother who was in pain, and couldn't help crying:

"Brother, what's wrong with you?!"


Rama couldn't help crying.

Roshman looked at it in astonishment, then reacted, turned his head to look at Su Jin, or looked at the blue-white flame in Su Jin's hand, and suddenly said angrily:

"How, how despicable!"

Tears of Roshman's atmosphere flowed out:

"What a despicable act to actually fight with your brother by burning his soul!"

"Don't you have a little warrior's glory!"

"Even if you say so..."

Su Jin squeezed the bluish-white flame on his hand, or in other words, he squeezed Rama's soul drawn out by the underworld wave and said:

"My corpse gas ghost Cangyan itself is a way to fight the enemy by burning the enemy's soul!"

Accumulating corpse gas ghost Cang Yan!

Written in the diary by Sasha, the reincarnation of Athena, commenting on my 'most vicious' tricks.

The secret skill of Cancer that draws out the enemy's soul through the underworld wave of accumulated corpse gas, and then burns the enemy's soul to fight the enemy.

It has unimaginable wonders in the face of undead enemies.

After all, it is hard to have immortality in which immortality penetrates deep into the soul.

Therefore, burning the soul is one of the best ways to deal with the undead body.

To be honest, it is indeed a bit immoral to use this kind of trick to confront the enemy Cancer.

Because of this move, enemies who want to fight Cancer Saint Seiya must guard against this move carefully.

If you are a little careless, you need to endure the pain of burning your soul and fight against the Cancer Saint Seiya.

In this process, the stronger the tricks the Cancer Saint Seiya uses, the more fiercely his soul is burned.

Therefore, Cangyan, the ghost of corpse gas, was called by Sasha as a rogue trick of "taking the enemy's lifespan and fighting the enemy", and was further evaluated as one of the most vicious golden combat skills.

But I have to say, this trick is really useful against Rama.

"What, how despicable!"

Roshman was almost annoyed by Su Jin's shamelessness.

Burning his brother's soul and launching an attack against his brother, how could this man in front of him be so shameless!

There is still the face to say that his trick is to fight in this way.

Do you still have the face to develop such a trick?

Do you still have a face?

"You coward, if you have the guts, give up that—"


Rama snorted angrily and stunned Roshmana.

"Brother?" Roshman looked at his brother with worried eyes.

And Rama recovered from the pain of burning his soul, stood up tremblingly, looked at Su Jin and said:

"I see, using this trick to crack my immortality? It's a bit of a rogue, but it's a wise judgment."

"Rogue?" Su Jin's mouth curled slightly, and then said with a smile: "I prefer to call it a tactical victory."

"You!" Roshman's angry body twisted.

The phantom attached to the Divine Sword of Salvation twisted and swayed, and he almost died on the spot without getting angry.

At this time, Luo rubbed the corners of his mouth. When he was crying, he couldn't even control the flow of saliva, which caused the corners of his mouth to be full of stains.

He reluctantly stood up, summoned the bow and arrow again, looked at Su Jin in front of him, gritted his teeth and said:

"Come on, let's continue our duel."


Su Jin squeezed the bluish-white flame on his hand, and said with admiration:

"Good courage!"

"Then next, I will use the 'Soul Burial Wave' that is higher than Gui Cangyan to fight."

One level up? Rama's heart skipped a beat.

For the first time in his life, he had a 'fear' of fighting!

The enemy burns my soul and fights with me, this is really unbearable!

Chapter 0291 The Seventh God Killer

At the next moment of deciding the experimental tricks.

The blue-white flame in Su Jin's palm exploded and burned like gunpowder had been added to it.

And the bluish-white flame also turned into a sky-like blue.

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