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Chapter 235:

Just like the color of the Milky Way.

"Hmm!" Rama groaned, and blood even flowed from the corners of his mouth.

The severe pain caused his hands to tremble and his standing unsteady.

This is a soul burning pain ten times stronger than the previous Ghost Cangyan.

But in order to continue fighting, he bit off his tongue, dealt with the pain with pain, and forcibly pulled the bow and arrow in his hand.

And then, his more and more determined thoughts shook the atmosphere and made a sound of words:

[Great Shiva, please grant me the power of destruction to destroy everything in front of me! 】

Accompanied by the spirit of words, jet-black arrows appeared on the golden longbow.

Rama bends the bow and shoots the arrow, his body trembling, but the hand holding the arrow is extremely steady.

"Did it hold up?"

Su Jin looked at Rama who was aiming at him in surprise, and the corner of his mouth curled slightly:

"So what?"

In the palm of his hand, the blue flame burned violently.

This is a very rude way of fighting, and it has even deviated from the original intention of Soul Burial.

The tricks of the corpse qi series are all golden combat skills centered on the soul system and the space system.

Although the surface is rough, it is a technology that requires extremely fine operation.

As for Su Jin, who has not reached the seventh sense, he does not have that kind of control. He can only violently extract Rama's soul and burn it to reproduce a very small part of the power of the soul burial wave. .

And this effect is that Soul Burial Wave's greatest destructive power, "Spirit Body Attack", cannot be used.

At the same time, it also gave Rama more intense soul burning pain.


With a loud bang, Rama protruded a mouthful of blood, and even the fragments of his tongue and teeth spit out, hitting the yellow-brown ground, spattering a pool of blood.

With a plop, Rama was half-kneeling on the ground, his face pale and covered with fine beads of sweat.


Roshman, who was attached to the sword of salvation, exclaimed, turned his head suddenly, and looked at Su Jin with hatred:

"Brother, please wait a moment, Yudi is here to help you."

"Stop!" Rama heard the words, his pupils shrank, and he stopped loudly.

At this time, Roshmana had turned into a shadow-like viscous liquid and submerged into the ground, attacking directly towards Su Jin.

"Facing me in the state of the soul body? Really courageous."

Su Jin raised his free left hand as he spoke, and his fingertips lit up with a coquettish purple light, which instantly illuminated the ground.

- Accumulated corpse energy underworld wave!

This move is the foundation of the corpse qi series, and it is also a stunt that kills twice in one move.

The first underworld wave will only extract the enemy's soul in terms of damage.

But the second time, it completely shreds the enemy's soul body, and scatters the fragments into countless different-dimensional spaces.

It seems to be a vicious combat technique that keeps the enemy forever immortal.

What's worse is that Roshman is in the state of the soul body right now, and even his power is not comparable to the weakest silver saint.


Without the slightest accident, Roshmana's soul was torn apart by Su Jin's underworld wave in extreme pain.

Before the soul was torn apart and thrown into another dimension, Roshmana used all his strength and shouted:

"Brother, it's purple light!"


Su Jin raised his eyes subtly.

He didn't seem to hide the brilliance that was characteristic of his moves.

"I see……"

Rama, who was kneeling on one knee, stood up forcibly, his bloodshot eyes looking down at his own body.

"Invisible connection?"

He muttered to himself, then gritted his teeth and said:

[The realm of life and immortality, I exchange my left eye for the wisdom under your clear spring. 】

Rama's left eye burst open, and half of his face was stained red with blood.

And in the next second, an eyeball like an emerald gem appeared in his empty pupil.

"I saw!"

Rama, who opened his emerald eyes, saw the purple light.

The starting point is his right wrist and left thigh, and the end point is the tip of Su Jin's right index finger, a light like a purple ribbon.

That was the power bond Su Jin used to burn his soul.

Seeing this scene, the longbow held in Rama's left hand was instantly deformed, restored to the posture of the sword of salvation, and then chopped it down without hesitation.

Puff twice!

Looking at Rama who had cut off his right arm and left leg, Su Jin frowned, stopped the soul burial wave, and said in surprise:

"Does it make sense?"

If the tricks of the Accumulating Corpse series can be avoided in this way, then the Golden Saint Seiya will be underestimated.

Without the interference of a small universe of the same scale or other forces, Romorgan could not escape the capture range of the corpse gas.

Before he broke his hands and feet, Rama couldn't avoid his underworld waves, let alone his broken hands and feet?

So Su Jin asked Rama the meaning of doing this.

Rama inserted the divine sword of salvation on the ground with his left hand to maintain his balance, and then looked at Su Jin with clear eyes and said:

"This is the chance my brother gave me in exchange for his life."

"Because of proving that Roshmana's efforts were not in vain?"

Hearing this sentence, Su Jin's face softened a little.

He was silent for a moment, shook his head, and said in a tired tone: "It's a boring battle."

In Su Jin's view, it is interesting to fight against a weak or powerful enemy.

But the guy who seeks death is an exception.

A person who commits suicide does not find a place to die, but wastes his energy, which will only make him sick.

Unfortunately, Rama is such a 'disgusting' guy.

"I'm so sorry I didn't make you happy."

Rama smiled, then slowly regenerated his limbs, and said in a serious tone:

"It may be my honor to die in the hands of a strong man like you."

"Want to borrow my hand to seek death?"

Su Jin narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Rama and said:

"Ah, probably," Rama replied in an ambiguous tone.

Hearing the sound, Su Jin was silent for a moment, as Rama's sight became more and more dangerous.

After a while, he raised the arm that suddenly turned pitch black and had blood-red texture, and said in a low voice:

"Rapid attack, Rainbow Flame of Ming Ji!"

Golden magic power rose up, and in the magic power, a female knight with a sword in hand and wearing a heavy Kai appeared.

Rainbow Flame of the Sixth Familiar Beast, Ming Ji.

One of the strongest beasts of the Fourth Primogenitor, with the ability to cut karma.

"This is?"

Rama was amazed at the female knight who showed her figure:

"A false life that is not a power or a manifestation of magic power, is it a real life?"

And just when he was surprised, Ming Ji Zhi Hongyan held the big sword in both hands and slammed down towards Rama.

Seeing this, Rama looked at the hands that would regenerate completely, sighed, closed his eyes, and waited for death.

one second.

two seconds.

Rama, who didn't feel the pain, opened his eyes, but saw the golden threads surrounding him.

"This is? The Thread of Fate?"

Rama looked at the golden threads around him with a shocked expression and opened his mouth slightly.

And right now.


The thread of fate is broken!

With the sound of rattling, the threads of fate wrapped around Rama were broken one after another.

Blessed to the soul, Rama realized it.

His personality and identity as the 'Last King' was cut off.

It was completely cut off by the same life as the female knight just now.

"Fate, can it be cut off?"

Rama muttered to himself.

Opposite him, Su Jin took out a disc from the void.

It was a heavy-looking, cast-steel disc.

In the center of the surface of the disc, there is a sculpture of a dragon's head, and around the dragon's head are eight golden sword-shaped engravings, which can be felt just by looking at it.

Rama saw through the disc's real name at a glance:

"The ring of usurpation? Pandora made the godslayer's artifact..."

At this time, Su Jin, who was holding the disc, said in a frivolous tone:

"Yo, although I thought about it, I didn't expect it to work!"

Hearing this sentence, Rama noticed that his identity and personality as the last king seemed to be deprived by the ring of usurpation.

"This is!"

Rama's eyes widened, and he watched helplessly as the ring of usurpation took away his fate, and then turned it into power and gave it to Su Jin.

A new Godslayer is born!

The seventh godslayer who killed the fate of the last king and seized his power was born in the underworld!

Chapter 0292 The New Last King

At the moment when the ring of usurpation took effect, Su Jin closed his eyes and felt the power he had obtained.

——The privilege of annihilating the Demon King!

When facing multiple enemies, and there are characters who meet the definition of "Demon Lord" among the enemies, the power will be greatly multiplied.

"Sure enough, power is powerful, but at the same time it has inevitable flaws."

The moment he felt the power, Su Jin shook his head slightly.

This is pretty much the norm of power in the godslayer world.

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