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Chapter 236:

While it has a strong side, its weaknesses are also very obvious.

Just like the 'privilege of annihilating the Demon King' he has now obtained.

It can only be used when facing multiple enemies and there is a Demon Lord among them.

Even if a certain multiplier can be obtained, this condition is still quite harsh.

And just when Su Jin sighed.

Originally floating in the air, the broken golden threads noticed the birth of the new last king, and they went up one after another, entangled Su Jin's body.

"Be careful!" Rama, who was watching next to him, suddenly reminded loudly.

"I've been protecting you for a long time!"

At this time, Su Jin sneered and suddenly reached out, grabbed a golden thread, and then pulled it hard, pulling a figure out of the void.

It was an expressionless female **** with long golden hair.

In Rama's memory, she was known in Greece as 'Atropos, Cloto and Lachesis. ', in Norse mythology, she was called 'Wulde, Belle Dante, Shi Kedi. ’

She is the goddess who lurks in mythology, the goddess of destiny, and the **** who bestows destiny on Rama, the last king.

"Because my destiny has been deprived, and thus manifested, want to pick out a new last king?"

Rama muttered to himself, but when he saw the sneer on Su Jin's face, he suddenly realized:

"It turns out that she didn't show up on her own, but was deliberately induced by you?"

Su Jin came first, holding back the throat of the goddess of fate, and then turned her head and looked at Rama and said with a smile:

"It's too much to say inducement, I just want to try some new possibilities."

"A new possibility?" Rama asked inexplicably.

Su Jin narrowed his eyes, took out a pocket watch with his free left hand, opened it, and looked at the hour hand pointing to '12', the corners of his mouth rose sharply:

"It's almost as I expected. Although the identity of the last king is the last kizi, the condition is not necessarily to kill you Rama."

"As long as I have enough 'influence' on the 'King of the End', the most crucial secret in the world of godslayers, this **** will be obtained automatically."

By killing the last king to make an impact, how can he grab the identity of the last king by himself, and it is quick to come?

And then because of unexpected changes in the identity of the king of the end, the goddess of fate who had thrown herself into the net was just an addition to Su Jin.

Just as Su Jin had expected in advance.

Killing the Last King, or killing Destiny is the way to maximize the influence he needs most.

However, in the fight just now, he used the third method he noticed.

That is to usurp the position of the last king.

Now he can use the abyss method to observe Box Garden!

Hearing Su Jin's answer, Rama still frowned and said puzzled: "...Aren't you going to kill me?"

He didn't know what Su Jin meant by "Qi Zi", but he could still feel Su Jin's disappearing fighting intent and killing intent.

Su Jin stretched out his hand and pressed on the chest of the tool man, the Goddess of Destiny, took out her soul with the underworld wave, and then calmly looked at Rama and said:

"To me, your value in life is far higher than the value in death."

In the world of godslayers, Rama's mythology is too complicated, almost merging the savior of Hindu mythology, Celtic mythology, and Cross mythology.

And such an identity, in Su Jin's view, is destined to bring huge turmoil to these myths.

And the subtle is.

In addition to the destruction of the Celtic group of gods of the Queen of Halloween, the group of Indian gods and the gods of the Crusades are in the little garden, and they are suspected to be the behind-the-scenes funders of the Alliance of Demon Kings.

And the Alliance of Demon Kings is the enemy of NoName commanded by Su Jin!

This is what Su Jin finds interesting!

Su Jin was naturally willing to save Rama's life when he kept Rama's enemy who could disgust him the most, and also took the blame for himself.

Rama, who doesn't know the way, can only understand the superficial meaning of Su Jin's words, and understand that he has no thoughts of killing himself.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly:

"You can't survive, you can't die, in a sense, you are really cruel!"

He didn't understand Su Jin's calculations, but Su Jin obviously had the ability to kill him, but he let go at the end and deliberately watched him wandering in the world.

In a sense, Su Jin's cruelty to him was almost beyond his imagination.

It is no wonder that he can use the kind of tactics that burn the enemy's soul and fight the enemy.

"Is this your attitude towards the benefactor who saved you from the fate of the last king? This is really cruel."

Su Jin smiled playfully, and at the same time stretched out his hand to open the space of the secluded world, turned around, turned his back to Rama and said:

"Next, if you want to continue wandering, or you want to die, it's up to you. I'm no longer interested in you."

As he said this, he took a step forward and returned to the small island in the world.

At this moment, the three people who were still facing each other on the trail suddenly turned their heads and looked at Su Jin, who had stepped out of the world.

In that moment.

Athena showed a little reassurance, Lancelot sighed slightly after being stunned for a moment, while Hanuman, the **** of wind, froze, and then fell into silence.

Obviously, in the eyes of the three, Su Jin's appearance has already interpreted the ending of the battle.

At this time, Athena flew to Su Jin's side and asked in a pleasant tone:

"Have you solved that wicked prince?"

"No, after my goal was achieved, I left him alive."

Su Jin shook his head, then looked at the gap behind him.

At this moment, some weak Rama came out from inside and looked around the crowd.

"My lord!"

Hanuman's voice was filled with surprise and ran to Rama.

And Lancelot stood there, frowning at his old friend:

"My friend, your godhead..."

The impact of Rama losing his identity as the last king was so obvious that Lancelot found out at a glance that the other party had lost his identity as a deity.

Rama put his hand on Hanuman and comforted the old servant. At the same time, he raised his head and looked at Lancelot with some relief and said:

"Sorry, Lancelot, I don't want to fight anymore."

Hearing this, Lancelot opened his mouth and finally looked at Rama in a complicated way:

"So that's the case, did you voluntarily give up your identity as the last king?"

Rama laughed, but did not refute.

At this time, Su Jin, who was standing there, shouted to Lancelot:

"Hey, Valkyrie over there, if you are disappointed with this guy, are you interested in coming to work under my command?"

Lancelot paused when he heard the words, and looked at Su Jin with a somewhat surprised expression.

And at this glance, she suddenly felt Su Jin's current abnormality.

"The new last king..."

Lancelot looked at Su Jin, sighed complicatedly, and then opened his mouth to refuse:

"I'm so sorry, I……"

At this moment, Rama suddenly interjected:

"It looks like my friend needs some time to think about it."

Lancelot looked at Rama in amazement.

At this time, Rama smiled and said:

"I can't do such a thing as letting the soldiers who are galloping on the battlefield follow me into seclusion."

After he finished speaking, he sighed, picked up the Divine Salvation Sword in his hand, glanced with emotion, and threw it directly at Su Jin:

"Take it, this sword of salvation is the proof of the last king, and it is also your trophy."

However, Su Jin did not reach out and let the magic knife stick on the beach.

Rama was stunned, but Su Jin, who was opposite, shrugged and said:

"Forget it, I don't have the habit of using other people's bodies."

After saying this, Su Jin gave Rama a deep look, and then said:

"Finally, I would like to advise you that if you want to live in peace, it is best not to leave this world."

The words fell, and a breeze blew through.

The figures of Su Jin and Athena disappeared on the beach.

"What does that sentence mean?" Lancelot looked puzzled at the four footprints left on the beach in the distance.

Rama shook his head, looked up at the sky, and sighed:

"I don't understand either. Maybe that Demon King saw something we couldn't see."

"My lord." Hanuman, the **** of wind, looked at Rama with some worry.

"I'm fine, Hanuman."

Rama responded, then said with a smile:

"I'm sorry, but losing my status as a warrior is a relief for me."

When Hanuman heard the words, he did not respond, but stood quietly beside Rama.

Rama, on the other hand, was standing on the beach, looking up at the gradually falling sunset, and closed his eyes with a relaxed expression.

Chapter 0293 Before the Return

3 days later, Lushan.

After giving the dowry, Su Jin lived in a small nunnery in Lushan upright.

Deprived of the last throne, he spent three days in a row with Athena and Luo Hao, and carried out their plan.

The three of them successively took action to eradicate the remaining gods of disobedience in the world, and collected powers. Until now, they have cleaned up all the remaining gods in the world.

Even if there are still slumbering fish that slip through the net, after the ring of usurpation goes deeper into mythology and deprives them of divine power, it doesn't matter.

In Su Jin's eyes, the plan has come to an end.

In the morning, under a pine tree in Mount Lu, Su Jin raised his head and looked at the sky dimly.

His sight passed through the appearance of reality, and saw the collapse of the sky and the twilight of the gods in the secluded world.

"...Has the myth collapsed?"

Su Jin sighed with emotion, then smiled and shook his head:

"Sure enough, even if God dies, the world still operates normally."

"But that's just a hundred years."

In the posture of a sixteen-year-old flower girl, Athena, wearing a Greek-style white robe and an olive wreath on her head, appeared beside Su Jin:

"In another hundred years, when the planet has integrated the spiritual veins you refined, the new elves will continue to riot, and at that time, a new myth will be born."

"Who can say what will happen in the future, it's enough to take care of yourself."

Su Jin shrugged, but said indifferently.

Athena did not refute, even a little silent.

Yes, it's enough to take care of yourself.

She can't even manage herself, let alone the new myth... Athena laughed at herself:

"That's right, after all, the concubine has to face that person after all."

Su Jin paused when he heard the words, and understood that Athena was talking about the goddess of war and wisdom of the little garden.

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