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Chapter 239:

However, on this day, the purest place was greeted with six terrifying wills.

"Athena, come out—!"

"come out--!"

"come out--!"

The voice containing the terrifying will shook the atmosphere, and the temple of the Goddess of Wisdom, protected by the complex divine patterns, kept shaking at this moment.

That is in the realm of three-digit almighty, and the existence of the king of gods vents his anger.

The wind howled, the lightning flashed, the night was dense, the earth shook, and the golden eyes stared at the earth.

Every phenomenon is a god-king, a manifestation of anger.

Then, a golden bird incarnation of the sun came.

The golden sun's true fire ignited the vegetation of Mount Olympus, turning the originally densely forested peaks into giant torches.


The waves sounded.

Poseidon strikes!

One after another, the waves fell from the sky, endlessly, and soon drowned the entire Olympus Mountain.

At the same time that the terrifying sun fire was extinguished, the building vegetation on the mountain was also saved, and a layer of blue protective film was added.

Then, above the sky, a huge human face on the azure blue appeared out of thin air, stared at the golden sun bird, and said in a dissatisfied tone:

"Nate, why are you not staying in your Egyptian dominion, running to my Olympus and setting it on fire?"

At this moment, the golden divine bird raised its head, and a cold female voice came out of its mouth:

"Poseidon, this matter has nothing to do with you, let Athena come out to see me."

Why are you looking for Athena and setting fire to my temple... Poseidon murmured in his heart, but still said stubbornly:

"Athena is not at home, I am in charge today."

Although the infighting on Olympus is fierce, to a certain extent, the infighting of the twelve gods has a bit of a performance element.

After all, if Olympus, who occupies the absolute advantage of the lower level of Little Garden, is too united, it will make more gods uneasy.

However, when it comes to facing a foreign enemy, no one of the Twelve Gods will answer vaguely, even if they fight inside.

This is why Poseidon will come forward.

At this time, the faintly flickering thunder in the sky is increasing.

A certain will is triggered in the sky but not triggered.

Zeus is here... Knight knows it well, and understands the reason why Greece let Poseidon come forward, not Zeus.

If the **** king in charge of the group of gods confronts a conflict, it is easy to cause a war of the group of gods.

This is the reason why Zeus is invisible, and it is also a deterrent by force.

After all, appearing here is just the will of the God King projected from the upper level of the three-digit figure, not the deity.

In the face of the twelve gods who are generally four-digit exceptions, they are at an absolute disadvantage.

However, such deterrence, which was useful in the past, is useless now.

"Poseidon, I advise you to get out of the way, or you need Athena to come out and give me an explanation."

The golden divine bird incarnated by Knight's will suddenly changed its form.

The golden winged serpent, the dragon, appeared in place.

Golden divinity pervades.

The drums of war resounded in the atmosphere.

This is the manifestation of the divinity of war!

And it is the war divinity of the Greek gods.

"...Athena's divinity?"

Poseidon looked at Knight and made a confused sound.

If he is not mistaken, Knight should have the divinity of Athena.


Among the thunder, the same doubtful voice came.

Even Zeus was bewildered and surprised by Knight's display of Athena's divinity.

Athena planted spies in the Egyptian gods, developed offline, and developed all the gods and kings?

That's not right, the content of the manifestation of the divinity of war clearly indicates that Knight is an incarnation of Athena?

The supreme **** of Egypt, the feminine side of the sun **** Ra, the **** king Nate is the incarnation of Athena?

Isn't it April Fool's Day today?

And at this moment, above the sky, another sun appeared in the sky.

And within the sun, a figure wearing a high hat, with flames on his shoulders, and his face could not be seen, was sitting on the golden throne, overlooking Mount Olympus.

The blue face suddenly frowned, and said the name of the person in a low voice:

"Xia Matthew! Why did he come?"

Babylonian group of gods, the **** of the sun and justice, Shamathiu.

This group of gods, which had long been close to destruction in Hakoba, still had several great beings remaining in the upper three-digit level.

And Xia Matthews, the **** of the sun and justice, is one of them, and he is also an extremely powerful **** among the three figures.

At this time, above the sky, Xia Matthew said in a low voice:

"Let Athena come out, Zeus, you can't protect her."

Amidst the thunder and lightning, a strong and magnetic male voice sounded:

"Xia Matthew, are you sure you want to start a war?"

Xia Matthew was silent for a moment, shook his head slightly, and sighed:

"I just want to get back the status of my beloved daughter Nanna after she fell, and I don't want to cause too much disputes."

Hearing this, Poseidon asked with a strange expression:

"Isn't the throne of the **** Nanna always in the hands of the Babylonian group of gods?"

In Little Garden, fallen gods will be resurrected under the coercive force of history.

Of course, if someone occupies the corresponding **** position and climbs to the top to become a new god, the fallen **** will die completely.

This is one of the best ways to kill a **** completely.

However, how could the divine throne of Nanna be in the hands of Athena?

There's no reason for this?

What is Athena doing to trouble the recluses of the Babylonian group of gods?

"I don't know."

Xia Matthew in the sun shook his head slightly, and then said:

"But you Greece should know."

At this time, Knight, who incarnated as the Dragon of the Sun, said indifferently:

"Athena has meddled in the affairs of me and other gods, but don't say you don't know anything in Greece?"

At this moment, in the cloud-covered sky, a golden Eye of Horus slowly opened.

The Egyptian group of gods, the goddess of life and death, Isis lifted the silence and conveyed his will:

"The position of God is very important to us. Since you have the courage to touch it, you should be ready, Athena, right?"

To be... Poseidon looked at the three gods in front of him with a little scruples.

Not to mention the existence of the three in front of him, the other three who are still hiding are not to be messed with.

Offending the existence of six three-digit figures in one breath, what did Athena do? That's not right. When has this woman ever been caught?

Could it be that he was framed?

Time passed by minute by minute.

Isis, who had not received a response for a long time, sighed and said:

"It's war or peace, give me an answer."

The words fall.

A golden bolt of lightning pierced the sky and pierced the Eye of Horus in the sky.

Then the lightning fell and hit the ground, making a huge roar, and at the same time, it also revealed its true body.

It was a golden spear that was calling for victory all the time.

At this moment, a cold female voice came from the Temple of Wisdom.

"If you want to fight, fight!"

The goddess of war made a notice to declare war!

0296 The object of suspicion

The six god-kings eventually withdrew.

After Athena expressed her will, the **** king Zeus, the sea emperor Poseidon, the **** of light Apollo, and the goddess of the moon Artemis also appeared.

After knowing the will of the Greek gods, the six god-kings left silently.

But everyone knows that the contradiction has not been resolved, but has deepened.

And after the gods and kings left, before the temple of Athena's goddess of wisdom.

Three figures appeared out of thin air.

The leader is the **** king Zeus, a middle-aged man with wavy white hair and a beard, who is quite mature and charming.

On the right is Poseidon, a young man with algae-like blue curly hair, a burly stature, darker skin and distinct facial features.

On the far left is a goddess.

She has long silver-white-blue hair, wearing an ancient Greek-style one-shoulder white robe, and restraining her waist with a golden corset, revealing her exquisite figure.

Her facial features are soft, but she has a cold meaning. Even if she is side by side with Zeus and Poseidon, she has deliberately opened a distance.

This woman is Artemis, the goddess of the moon.

After the three gods appeared in front of the temple, Zeus, headed by them, stepped forward and said:

"Athena, we need an explanation."

The closed tall stone gate of the temple opened automatically.

Seeing this scene, the three gods did not hesitate, and immediately stepped into the temple.

After passing through the long aisle, they came to the center of the temple and saw Athena under a huge goddess statue.

At this time, the goddess of war and wisdom is surrounded by dense stars.

Each particle-like star exudes a rich divinity and represents a power.

And these thousands of power stars have constructed a blue galaxy that surrounds and surrounds Athena.

At the same time, it is also singing, singing the sacred honorable name in a ethereal voice:

[O the noble queen of the Trinity! 】

[You are the embodiment of wisdom, you are the mercy of the earth, and you are the embodiment of war. 】

【You are the only Holy Spirit who is the most holy—】

Hearing such a song, the three gods instantly judged her state.

Seeing this, Artemis went up a few steps, frowned and asked:

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