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Chapter 240:

"Athena, whose calculations are you in?"

Athena's current state is obviously an abnormal phenomenon of spiritual change.

And that sound of praise is the embodiment of Athena stabilizing her own spirituality.

Until now, Artemis finally understood why Athena didn't come forward to face the god-king who came.

If this state is exposed to the eyes of the gods, it will put Athena in a very dangerous position.

The last **** to be placed in the position of the only **** was Yahweh of the Cross religion.

And his experience of being targeted by the gods of the small garden, Artemis still clearly remembers until now.

It was only after **** achieved double figures that he got rid of that embarrassing position.

Of course, the upgraded **** pushed Yahweh into a very embarrassing position.

That's another story.

At this time, in the face of Artemis' inquiry, Athena did not answer directly, but shook her head slightly, indicating that she did not know.

"The only Almighty God of the Trinity, so it is, is it an unfinished spiritual personality?"

"Yes, it is a pity that the center of the little garden is still changing, and the spirituality that I am transforming now cannot be fully manifested."

Athena replied calmly, as if such a big event as a spiritual change was irrelevant to her.

Hearing this, Zeus' gaze at Athena became meaningful.

Is Athena really being tricked?

Not always!

No one knows Athena better than Zeus.

This goddess who was born with wisdom and was gifted by her mother Metis at birth, has a complex mind far beyond everyone's imagination.

It is very unlikely that such a person is calculated by outsiders, and even the enemy does not know who it is.

So Athena must know what it was, but she deliberately chose to hide it.

If nothing else, at least Athena's Trinity, which has not yet appeared completely, makes Zeus vigilant.

On that, he smelled the familiar smell, the smell of conspiracy.

At this time, Poseidon next to him also looked at Athena with an incomprehensible expression.

Apparently he had an idea with Zeus.

But for him, Athena's strength is a good thing in a sense.

At least able to attract Zeus's attention.

Of course, before that, the matter of the previous siege by the God King was the most critical issue today.

Thinking of this, Poseidon immediately asked:

"What do you plan to do with the divine positions occupied because of your spiritual change?"

After the spiritual change, it is possible to occupy the divine position of other gods.

Just as the Greek gods can be said to be the Roman gods.

This kind of mythological change happened after the gods settled in Little Garden.

Although rare, it still exists.

It's just that Athena's scale seems to be a little bigger this time, affecting the existence of six three-digit figures.

But this is also a bigger blow, and it puts a part of the contradiction between the Greek **** group and other **** groups on the bright side.

To say that Athena caused a big disaster, it is not necessarily.

This is why Poseidon and Zeus are now at peace.

After listening to Poseidon's words, Athena was silent for a moment, stretched out her hand and squeezed lightly.

Several silver-white light spots appeared, and slowly floated into Artemis' hands.

"Artemis, help me deliver these gods to the crown of Hestia in the heavens, and ask her to mediate for me."

When it comes to diplomatic issues, handing it over to the well-connected Hestia is the best choice at present.

The head of the main Greek god, with a gentle personality and unimaginable connections, perfectly meets the needs of Athena today.

At least, she didn't have to worry about Hestia backstabbing herself.

"I understand."

Artemis sighed, put away these gods, and then warned:

"Be careful yourself."

Athena nodded slightly, then looked at Zeus and Poseidon next to her.

The two knew each other and found a reason to leave the temple before and after Artemis.

After the three gods left, the originally calm Athena was full of doubts at the moment.

"Strange, who is it that plotted against me?"

Different from what Zeus imagined.

Athena really didn't know who she was in.

"It's not Zeus, it's not Poseidon, Ares doesn't have such a brain, and Apollo doesn't have much hostility to me..."

Athena thought about it for a long time, but she couldn't think of anyone in the Greek **** group who would harm her in this way.

As for Hermes, Athena did not even doubt it.

No brains like that!

"An enemy outside the group of gods? Impossible, who would voluntarily send me an unfinished spiritual personality?

If I were my enemy, I should understand that I can't go the trinity route.

It's impossible, is it deliberately disgusting me? "

Thinking of deliberately disgusting her, Athena suddenly thought of Algor?

But the possibility is also not high. Algor has been monitored by her all the time, and it is impossible to make such a small gesture.

Athena frowned deeply.

One by one the group of gods, one by one enemy was rejected by her.

Then, Athena, who had excluded all objects, noticed the last person.

The man I met the day before yesterday.

The man who was evaluated by Bai Yasha as 'fire, theft, and Su Jin'.

Will it be him?

Athena thought suspiciously.

Chapter 0297 Welcome to Little Garden

Su Jin's face appeared in Athena's heart.

But soon, it was rejected.

"time is too short…"

She leaned back on the stone chair and sighed.

The meeting with Su Jin happened the day before yesterday, and it didn't even last more than 30 hours.

In such a short period of time, it is almost impossible to observe the end of a different world and still allow her to give birth to a world with the only divine personality.

It was impossible, Su Jin had already guessed that she would choose to shelter the other party, and prepared in advance.

Even so, it is very difficult to find a corresponding world to execute.

Because in that unobserved world, there must be an Athena who happens to be the Trinity.

One can be said to be inevitable under manipulation, two can only be said to be accidental, and three can only be called miracles.

"Not only can it be said to be a miracle, it can also be said to be 'I deserve my Athena's bad luck'."

Athena muttered, feeling slightly unhappy.

Although she didn't focus on the power of luck, she didn't want to get the title of 'unfortunate'.

After excluding Su Jin, Athena really couldn't find a person who could be suspected.

"If that's the case, then put the next-level people in the scope of suspicion."

Athena narrowed her eyes, took out a piece of paper, and wrote several names on it in turn.

Zeus, Algorr, Poseidon, Knight... After writing more than 10 names at a time, Athena hesitated for a moment and wrote the name 'Su Jin' on the last position of the note.

This is the object of suspicion she thought of, and it is also the target that needs to be tested later.

"Unfortunately, the Spirituality of the Trinity has not been fully manifested, otherwise, more information can be obtained."

Speaking of this, Athena was a little suspicious.

Although it is because of the change of the spiritual level, the specific nature cannot be sensed, but the spiritual level can only be perceived as the trinity of the sky, the earth, and the underworld.

However, the specific spiritual manifestation cannot be displayed, which is obviously abnormal.

As a client, she can feel the progress of the observation of the Lingu by the center of the small garden.

And with the power of the center of the small garden, the change of spirituality should not be so slow.

Is there any force that affects the interference of the center of the little garden?

Athena frowned deeply and wrote the words 'two digits' on the note.

The existence of two digits has restrained the self in the observation universe, and it belongs to the only existence within the observable range of the small garden.

For this reason, although Athena suspected some people with double digits in her heart, she could not write down their names.

Because it makes them aware of themselves.

The power that affects the center of the little garden involves at least two digits... Athena leaned on the back of the chair and pondered for a moment, then stood up and walked into the inner hall.

She needs to increase sources of intelligence, and divination is one of them.

The inner hall of the Temple of Wisdom is unusually wide, but the furnishings are simple, with only some commonly used furniture such as stone tables and stone beds.

But it didn't seem too empty.

Because a large area of ​​the inner hall has been occupied by rows of bookshelves.

Rather than a bedroom, Athena's nave is more like a library with an added sleeping area.

But even so, the bookshelves are only some books that Athena often flips through, and the ones that are not often used are in the huge library behind the inner hall.

Reading books is one of Athena's few personal interests, which allows her to temporarily abandon those unnecessary thoughts, and at the same time, it can also generate some enlightenment of wisdom.

This is a good relaxation for Athena, who is often caught in overthinking.

Enter the inner hall.

Athena paused for a moment, walked to the center, and summoned a golden spear.

It was the spear that condensed her power of victory, a three-digit divine weapon comparable to Indra's spear.

Athena cut her fingers with the spear of victory, ignoring the pain, and calmly sketched a mysterious pattern on the ground with her own blood.

In terms of divination, the most effective auxiliary material is nothing more than the divine blood of the goddess of wisdom.

This is the cheapest thing for Athena, since it just needs to be supplemented with some high-energy food afterwards.

After painting the auxiliary array, Athena put on a clean white robe, lay down on the array, and recited in a low voice:

【I pray for the enlightenment of wisdom! 】

After speaking, she closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep after a while.

In half-dreaming, Athena opened her eyes.

She felt the resonance from Linga.

She stood up, looked around, and saw a marble church that was probably only a few hundred years old.

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