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Chapter 241:

And her current location is in the park next to the church, not far from the fountain pool and the woods.

"Has it been discovered after all?"

With emotion, a somewhat immature voice rang out.

Athena turned around suddenly and looked behind her. In the forest shrouded in darkness, she saw a petite figure.

That figure was wearing a cat-ear knitted hat, wearing the school uniform of a modern Oriental school, and had a pair of dark vertical eyes.

It was a vertical eye like a snake.

A long sigh sounded.

That petite figure turned into gravel, starting from the footsteps and being blown away little by little.

Suddenly, Athena opened her eyes, propped herself up with a dignified expression, and squatted on the ground, her brain couldn't even think for a short time.

Her face gradually paled, the corners of her mouth trembled slightly, and her mouth opened slightly.

At the end, she said in a complicated tone:

"Athena, Medusa, Metis, the Trinity Mother of Heaven..."

Athena was speechless for a long time, and finally said with a slightly distorted face:

"Why is it Medusa?"

At this time, Athena even wanted to retching, but she forcibly held it back.

She stood up, pale, and said in a subtle tone, "Another Athena?"

After thinking for a while, she walked straight out of the inner hall, took Pegasus out of the horse house next to the Goddess Hall, and sat on the horse behind, swept towards the east.

The Thousand Eyes Station towards the outer door of 3345.


The capital of the end.

After waiting for 10 minutes, Su Jin finally sensed the response of the first invitation letter.

He stood up, rubbed his hands, and after thinking about it, he first drew the curtains, leaving the room in darkness.

Then the candles were lit, and a small universe was emitted, affecting the entire space of the room.

"Unfortunately, I'm not very good at those tricks that interfere with perception."

After he sighed like this, his eyes also shifted to the position on the east side of the sofa.

In the void, there seemed to be a crayon, which outlined a figure little by little.

With short silver-white hair and a blue cat-ear braided hat, she has a petite figure and a young and beautiful face.

Seeing the other party, Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said with a smile:

"Welcome to Little Garden."

Chapter 0298 Trouble

Athena slowly opened her eyes, moved her fingers rather unaccustomedly, and asked softly:

"Is this Hakoten?"

"How does it feel?"

Su Jin smiled, picked up the kettle on the table next to him, poured two glasses of boiling water, and handed it to Athena.

"The strength has grown too much."

Athena took the water cup carefully, took a sip, and squinted her eyes as she looked at herself reflected in the cup.

The transparent glass made a creaking sound at this time, and then completely cracked, pouring the warm water on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Athena couldn't help sighing: "This feeling is really fascinating."

Su Jin drank the boiling water in one gulp, put down the water glass, and asked, "How does Hakoten Center evaluate your strength?"

"Oh, if you don't know how to look at it, focus your attention on the between your eyebrows, and you'll see the spiritual grid. There is a gift card in the spiritual grid, and you can see the information from there."

Athena closed her eyes, opened them again not long after, and said in a calm tone:

"The Lingge is not a card, but a stone plate similar to a 'snake', a style familiar to the concubine."

"Is that so?"

Su Jin was surprised and said:

"It seems that not everyone uses gift cards to reflect the essence of spirituality."

Speaking of this, Su Jin asked curiously:

"By the way, what's the rating like?"

He was still curious about how much Athena could improve.

Could it be an exception to the four-digit figure I guessed before?

"The four-digit legendary field of spirituality, the four-digit ordinary body, and the four-digit legendary field of power."

After Athena said this, she whispered:

"The total rating is four-digit 'elite', which is completely different from what you said to me."

She complained and worried that Su Jin misunderstood that she was angry, so she added:

"However, compared to the previous strength level of the concubine, it is already a gap of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times."

"And the concubine feels that there is still room for improvement in her body, which seems to be because it takes time to adapt to the spirit."

"It is estimated that it will stabilize at the level of a four-digit legend in the end, but don't expect a concubine to guarantee the combat effectiveness."

The sudden power doubling is still this exaggerated scale.

Athena does not have the root power of a small universe that increases with increasing control, and it is obvious that she cannot control her own power.

"Has your physical fitness been stretched? But a strong Lingge can indeed make your body stronger."

As Su Jin said, he sat on the sofa, raised his legs, frowned and said:

"However, the rating is a little different from what I imagined. What is the essence of your spirituality? I'm talking about the fundamental race."

Athena frowned, and said in a slightly unhappy tone, "Elf."

"The godhead of the concubine has been torn apart, and only has the godhead and honor of Metis."

"It turns out that the problem is here."

Su Jin showed a clear expression at this time.

"It's not a natural **** and Buddha, so the basis of strength is calculated from five digits, and the godhead is also split, which is a bit troublesome."

Innate gods and Buddhas are born with four-digit status.

And Athena in the Godkiller world seems to be missing this, resulting in a lower evaluation.

To investigate the reason, it is probably because the gods in the godslayer world were first earth spirits.

In other words.

The current Athena is probably an acquired **** who holds the name Metis.

This is also because Metis of Little Garden has completely died, leaving only the divine position, otherwise it may be lower.

Hearing Su Jin's explanation, Athena shook her head slightly, with a smile on her face:

"Although it's worse than you think, it's still better than being a concubine in the godslayer world."

Hearing this sentence, Su Jin sighed, and then asked, "What about Luo Hao and Lancelot?"

Athena complained at this time:

"It is estimated that I haven't found the letter you wrote, although I don't understand why the invitation is a letter-writing mode, and it is also attached with love paint."

"I don't understand that either." Su Jin was stunned for a moment, and said with a subtle expression, "Maybe the forum thinks we are a natural pair?"

"A bit of a nasty answer."

Athena said this, and at the same time looked Su Jin up and down:

"You don't seem to have changed much?"

"If there is a change at this time, I'll be an idiot." Su Jin complained.

"Oh?" Athena showed a curious face, waiting for Su Jin's explanation.

Seeing this, Su Jin paused and said:

"In essence, the one, two or three figures of Hakoba are called the upper level, the four or five figures are the middle level, and the six or seven figures are the lower level."

"But the four-digit 'middle level' is unified by the gods and Buddhas of the upper level, and it is also called the 'upper level'. What do you think is the reason?"

Athena frowned, looking puzzled.

At this time, Su Jin sighed:

"It's something similar to a person like a **** position."

"Under five figures, there is no clear status in Hakoniwa, but there are four figures."

"To put it simply, it is the difference between those who are prepared and those who are not."

"The former is drought-flooded and guarantees income, and it attracts the attention of the audience, while the latter has no three, like weeds."

When Su Jin said this, with a smile, he said playfully:

"If I choose to be promoted to four digits, I'm afraid I'll be blocked by two digits at this time?"

"I guess the first person who came to the door was the one from the Crusaders. Because I was forced to believe in religion by the elderly in my family when I was a child, I still have strong malice towards him."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Hearing this, Athena was silent for a while, then stepped forward and touched Su Jin's head.

"Thank you."

Su Jin replied, then narrowed his eyes, looking at the two more people in the room and said:

"Look, who did I find?"

Luo Hao, who was dressed in Hanfu, and Lancelot, who was dressed as a homeless, turned their heads together.

After seeing Su Jin's face clearly, the two relaxed more or less.

At this time, Su Jin opened his arms and said:

"Need a welcome word from me? Ladies."

But no one paid him any attention.

Both Luo Hao and Lancelot are feeling their own power.

Seeing this, Su Jin shrugged and said, "It seems that the official newcomer reception will take a while longer."


3345 Exterior door.

Thousand Eyes Station.

Bai Yasha, who invited a famous girl group from the Western District to come over to dance the lustful dance, looked at the subordinate in front of him, and said in amazement:

"What? Boss wants to see us?"

"Yes, Lord Shiroyasha." The clerk responded in awe and nervousness.

"Tsk, I have an ominous premonition."

Bai Yasha muttered, then waved at the half-dressed girls in the girl group, and silently entered a closed room in the backyard.

After entering the room, the door was instantly closed, and then, the golden lights on the ground lit up, forming a circle, forming an 'α' character.

But if you look closely, you will find that the center of the character is obviously an 'egg', while the heads on both sides are two-headed snakes wrapped around the egg and their tails connected.

However, this is a matter at the micro level. Ordinary people will only see an alpha character the size of a basketball.

Seeing the characters light up, Shiroyasha walked to the center of the characters and closed his eyes.

The light blooming on the ground is getting brighter and brighter, and bit by bit of light is gathered in the sky.

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