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Chapter 242:

When Shiroyasha opened her eyes, she saw a line of text floating in the air.

The text is a unified language, and the translated meaning is only one sentence.

'Investigate the 'real name' of the King of the End. ’

When Bai Yasha saw this line of words, the handwriting disappeared little by little as if it had been wiped by an eraser.

Seeing this, Bai Yasha scratched his head in distress and said:

"Looks like there's trouble again."

She said, sighed, and walked out of the room, but before taking a few steps, she saw feathers falling down one by one.

Shiroyasha looked up suddenly, and saw Athena sitting on the side of Pegasus.

The two sides looked at each other, speechless for two or three seconds, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little subtle.

In the end, Bai Yasha suddenly said in a positive tone, "Have you been trapped by Su Jin?"

Athena was stunned and did not respond for a while.

Chapter 0299 ​​As if he did it

Athena was silent for a while, then frowned and asked:

"I don't understand why your opinion on Su Jin is so deep?"

"Yo? Did we guess wrong?"

Shiroyasha was a little surprised this time.

At this time, Athena asked curiously:

"I'm curious that you would target the suspect as Su Jin's reason."

"Oh, probably because I'm used to it recently."

"Hey, that kid doesn't make any trouble for three days, so let's burn high incense."

Shiroyasha said in a melancholy tone.

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Athena and asked curiously:

"Then what's the matter with your frowning face?"

Athena didn't answer, just stared straight at Shiroyasha's face.

Seeing this, Bai Yasha patted his head and said suddenly:

"Oh~ come with us."

The two entered the reception room dedicated to entertaining distinguished guests, and then sat down.

While making tea, Bai Yasha asked:

"What the **** happened?"

"I'm looking for someone."

Athena said simply and directly.

Communicating with a straight-hearted person like Shiroyasha is something she likes very much, because she doesn't need to think too much.

"Yo? Is co-authoring for business?"

Bai Yasha's eyes lit up slightly, he quickly replaced the tea leaves with the VIP version, and then said with a smile:

"Xiaoya, you are such a caring little padded jacket. How do you know that we need to improve our performance recently?"

"Oh, by the way, who are you looking for? Just say it directly. I don't dare to say it outside the box court. There really is no one in the box that we can't find with thousands of eyes."

"Athena." Athena said calmly.

"What?" Bai Yasha paused while making tea, looked at Athena with a dazed expression, and said with a blink of an eye, "Are you really here to help us achieve results?"

There is no one to find their own operation?

Could it be that Athena wanted to use the Thousand Eyes to cause the scene of her 'disappearance'?

Does she want to deliberately spend money to let the intelligence organization find her, make the enemy suspect that she has disappeared, and then lead the snake out of the hole to trick the enemy?

Has anyone offended her recently?

The more Shiroyasha thought about it, the more likely it was.

However, at this time, Athena shook her head and said:

"No, the person I'm looking for is Athena, but not Athena either."

When she said this, she struggled for a while, and said:

"She should be holding the godhead and divine position of Metis now."

After hearing this, Bai Yasha was shocked and blurted out: "Your mother opened the coffin and got up?"

Athena's mouth twitched slightly.

At this time, Bai Yasha, who knew that he had said something wrong, pooh-pooh a few times, and then asked with a strange expression:

"No, her existence and divine position should have been restrained by the old boy Zeus, why is she alive again?"

"'s someone else."

Athena explained a sentence, but worried that Shiroyasha's intelligence would not be able to understand, so she simply let go of her spirituality.

In the process of coming to Thousand Eyes Station, her spiritual transformation has been completed.

However, there was a very obvious acceleration in this process.

This gave Athena a faint guess in her heart.

The trinity of Athena, I am afraid, has arrived at Little Garden.

This is also one of the reasons why she made the purchase of information from Thousand Eyes.

"The wisdom of the sky, the sublime of the mother earth, the dignity of the queen of the underworld..."

Bai Yasha looked at the thing that appeared in the spirit, and the whole person was stupid.

"Athena, Medusa, Metis, the ancient queen of the Trinity, who is so vicious?"

Making Athena and Algor the same person was too ruthless.

No, this is one point more than the ruthless man, werewolf!

Who was the one who thought of this trick, and this person had any grudge against Athena.

"Who have you offended recently?" Bai Yasha asked curiously.

In Little Garden, Athena really wants to talk about enemies, but there are not many, and most of them are conflicts within the Greek gods.

Seriously speaking, there is only one enemy who is completely hostile. As we all know, Algor is the only one.

After all, Athena's temper is quite good, and her popularity in Greece is only that of Hestia.

And because he has cultivated many great heroes, he is even a perfect teacher in the eyes of many people.

Many people even fantasize about having a beautiful relationship with this noble goddess.

Most of the anecdotes of Athena in the Greek gods were made by such people, and they were even spread to the outside world, becoming a 'myth' in the eyes of people.

There are even some poets in it, hoping to use the power of their own rewriting to turn the false into the real.

Although most of these people end up very miserable.

However, turning Athena and Algor into the same person, and pulling Athena's mother in, letting her occupy her mother's **** position, adding to the trouble for Metis, who could never be resurrected.

With this one hand, Bai Yasha had to say a word of service.

This is to accurately capture the pain point of Athena, and it is completely the rhythm of fighting to the death.

You are not so cruel, Zeus!

But Algorand and Athena are the same person... this, this is really a bit...

No, I can't laugh, I will be warned by Athena for the first time... Shiroyasha tried to suppress his expression, and then asked with a slightly broken expression:

"If there's something bad to say? It doesn't matter if you say it directly, you know, our tone is very strict."

Athena paused and said, "Actually, I myself don't know who the one who calculated me is."

"Huh?" Bai Yasha was surprised for a moment, and asked with a somewhat surprised expression: "What else?"

Athena shook her head and said:

"The corresponding information is completely undetectable in the center of the small garden, and it seems that some kind of force is interfering in it."

"That's why I came to Qianyan, hoping to buy the news of Metis.

Of course, it's best to check all the four-digit numbers that have been added in the last hundred years. I suspect that someone deliberately made this change by observing another world in an unknown area. "

"This..." Bai Yasha looked carefully at Athena and said, "Have you ever doubted Su Jin?"

Athena answered honestly: "I doubted it, and the corresponding temptation has been planned."

Hearing this, Bai Yasha was very careful, and asked very carefully: "If it's really him? What would you do?"

"Of course, in terms of position, we must be on your side."

You can rest assured that Shiroyasha looks like a die-hard fan:

"But you also know that that kid is ours anyway. If the two of you have a conflict, it will be a little difficult for us to do it here."

Seeing this, Athena sighed and said:

"I don't know what you're worried about."

"Uh..." Bai Yasha suddenly got stuck.

At this time, Athena said calmly:

"In fact, if Su Jin did it, it would be more beneficial to me. At least it rules out unknown enemies who are suspected to be in the double-digit field."

"And the Queen's spiritual personality of the One God, Almighty God, and Trinity can obviously reach the category of double digits.

Although I lost some faith, it also gave me a new route to the summit. "

"In terms of stake, I don't have much to lose."

Shiroyasha nodded after listening to Athena's remarks, and then asked, "What's in your heart?"

Hearing this, Athena replied without hesitation:

"If it wasn't for the promise to let him go, just for the fact that 'Algor and I are the same person', I would have screwed his head off and used it as a chamber pot."

"Being a chamber pot?! There is such a good thing?!" Bai Yasha said in surprise.

"..." Athena looked at Bai Yasha speechlessly, her eyes very dangerous.

"Just kidding, just kidding, hahaha."

Shiroyasha smiled awkwardly, then rubbed his hands, poured a cup of hot tea for Athena, and said:

"How do you say it? Listening to what you said, we really doubt that kid Su Jin."

"Why?" Athena asked with a frown.

Shiroyasha paused, and said with a very subtle expression:

"How do you say it, maybe that kid is very good at doing things?"

Speaking of this, Shiroyasha added:

"At least we think that there is definitely a place for him among the three major problem children of Hakoniwa."

"Anyway, the black pot comes from the sky, and if you can't find the mastermind behind the scenes, just assume that he did it, that's right."

Athena opened her mouth and said delicately:

"...Your trust in him is quite strong. Well, very strong."

"So, before looking for the Athena you mentioned, do you want to ask Su Jin?"

Shiroyasha asked a little tangled:

"But you have to say it in advance. If it's true, you can teach it a lesson, but don't kill it."

"You also know that we don't have any competent people here, and there have been a lot of direct orders from the boss above recently.

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