Thank You

Chapter 243:

We also counted on that kid Su Jin to help us. If he died, it would be bad for our early investment to go to waste. "

"Will not."

Athena sighed, looked at her hand, clenched her palm little by little, and said with a bit of gnashing of teeth:

"Who made me promise to let him go and do it?"

After she finished speaking, she was silent for two or three seconds, and sighed:

"Let's not talk about it, find someone to talk about it, if it's him, talk about it later."

"We understand, you calm down."

Bai Yasha lost a smile, and then called the Qianyan clerk to come in. At the same time, he removed a piece of paper from the drawer, wrote down the request, and handed it to the clerk who came in:

"Let the magic eye troops work, hurry up!"

"Yes!" The clerk stepped back.

Shiroyasha then turned his head, looked at Athena, and said with a smile:

"Drink tea, drink tea, there will be results soon, you can check out when you find someone, this time we can give you a 50% discount~"

At this time, Athena's brows jumped slightly, and she vaguely gained some enlightenment.

This feeling... Could it be that Su Jin really did this? However, there are only less than two days... Athena thought suspiciously.

Chapter 0300 I'm going to surrender

NoName Community Headquarters.

The members who had been busy for nearly a week held a small welcome party next to the flowerbed.

Participants are members of the NoName youth group and all full members.

In reality, however, the banquet turned into a BBQ feast for a group of boys and girls in the youth group.

The members of the official group are completely different styles.

It was a wonderful atmosphere in which a blond vampire knight lectured, two big and one small, and three beautiful women.

"In Hakoba, most of the abilities are bestowed by high-ranking existences such as gods, celestial spirits, and dragons."

"A small part is produced by the individual's own special design and the ability to copy and learn in batches."


"... Above power is the realm of power."

"At present, it is generally believed that power is a fixed ability formed by a certain sequence of basic rules and runes that individuals can operate, combined with beliefs and concepts."

"And ideologically, the so-called power can be divided into two separate and unified parts: power and function."

"And the biggest controversy about power is 'what you can do with this power' and 'what you can't do with this power'."

"This debate is very crucial, the former defines the scope of 'you can do' and the latter defines the scope of 'you can't do'."

"Broadly defined, the powerhouses of Hakoba are constantly breaking the latter and reaching the former.

That is to say, the strong are constantly breaking the limits that they are prescribed to be unable to do, so as to achieve the right to exercise power in more fields. "

"When you use a power, you can have corresponding effects in all areas recognized by Hakoba.

Then you have reached the basic conditions for promotion to the three-digit [Almighty Field]. "

"And to do that requires a deep understanding of the concept of power..."

Beside the spring pool, Su Jin held a wine glass and looked at Athena, Luo Hao and Lancelot sitting in the pavilion.

Then he looked at Leticia, who was holding the blackboard and kept explaining, with a very subtle expression:

"It always looks weird, isn't this a welcome party for new members?"

Beside, wearing a dark purple evening dress with a high waist, the black rabbit with a very concave figure showed an indescribable smile:

"It's a good thing to be motivated, so don't worry about it Su Jin."

"That's what it says."

Su Jin turned his head, looked at the youth group who were having a BBQ and glanced at the small classroom from time to time, and sighed slightly:

"Those little ghosts are probably disappointed, it's a rare time to accept a new one."

"Master Ren and Miss Lily will understand."

Black Rabbit said with a toothless smile.

Then, she pulled Su Jin's arm, gestured at the flower garden, and said:

"Can you walk with me?"

Su Jin was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Of course."

The two immediately left the flowerbed together, but they didn't go very far. Instead, they entered the side door of the community and came to a utility room.

Wait until Su Jin enters the utility room.

With a bang, the door was closed by the black rabbit and locked.

Seeing this scene, Su Jin was taken aback: "No, do you like this kind of tone?"

"What kind of tone?"

The black rabbit who locked the door was stunned for a moment, then his face flushed, and he pooh a few times, and then said:

"That's not what I want to do, what do you think about all day long~"

She said three steps and took two steps, stepped forward to hold Su Jin's shoulder, and asked seriously:

"look into my eyes."

Su Jin was stunned, but still looked directly into Hei Rabbit's eyes.

The black rabbit's eyes are very large, and the pupils are the light red unique to the Moon Rabbit family, clear and bright, like gem-like eyes.

"Pretty eyes."

"Just, even if you suddenly praise people like this..."

Black Rabbit was a little shy subconsciously, and wanted to let go and run away, but then, she came back to it again.

No, she didn't come to flirt with Su Jin.

Thinking of this, Black Rabbit took a deep breath and asked seriously:

"Be honest, where did you deceive those three girls from?"

"Especially the silver-haired one, and the honey-haired one. Don't tell me the names of Athena and Lancelot are just the same name."

"No, not only that, the last Miss Luo Hao also has to explain.

The unusual five-digit spirituality, the sense of threat it gave me to the rabbit, and the way he didn't even respond to greetings, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't seem like the kind of person who was willing to join our community. "

"It's a bit too much to say a lie?" Su Jin said in a dissatisfied tone.

"As the leader, I have worked so hard to pull a strong member, you just don't appreciate my hard work. It's too much to say that it's a lie, right?"

Then when he heard his words, the black rabbit became flustered instead:

"If it's not a lie, are you seducing them?"

"..." Su Jin opened his mouth, but didn't know what to do.

After thinking for a while, he simply picked up the wine glass in his hand, took a sip, and sprayed it directly at the black rabbit.

The gushing wine passed through the figure of the black rabbit and sprinkled on the ground.

The rabbit avoided this bad attack by moving at a high speed, and then came to Su Jin again, and said with a subtle expression:

"It can't be true? I guessed it right?"

"Believe it or not, I sprayed you to death with a sip of wine?" Su Jin glared at her and said.

Black Rabbit shrank his neck, and then muttered:

"...People are just not at ease~"

In a coquettish tone, she muttered:

"Lord Leticia said, that Athena has at least the level of a four-digit elite in terms of strength alone, and may even have an evaluation higher than that.

And Miss Lancelot next to her is also an elite level among the four figures.

Plus that five-figure exception, Miss Luo Hao, who couldn't reach four figures because of her power.

See for yourself!

After going out for just over a day, I brought back three or four figures and volunteered to join us.

That's it? Can you tell me it's okay?

And most importantly, the two four-digit numbers have the same name as the existing bigwigs in Hakoniwa, which obviously has a big problem! So you must be hiding something from us on purpose, right? "


Hearing these words, Su Jin was really hard to answer for a while.

He thought for a moment, then changed the subject and said:

"There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

"Bad." Black Rabbit said without hesitation.

Seeing this, Su Jin sighed and said:

"Athena is indeed Athena, but Athena from another world."

"The battle for the throne?" Black Rabbit's expression froze for a while.

In Hakoniwa, the positions of deities with names and names are fixed.

This thing is similar to the central system, and it is also a special management system.

Therefore, each 'divine position' corresponds to a 'stipend', which is the 'belief' that is one of the sources of divine power.

Therefore, the position of the gods is also a thing that the gods value very much, and it is almost equal to the proof that the gods advertise their own privileges as legitimate.

And the battle for the divine position is the battle for the divine position, and it is more than enough to have a war of beliefs in the lower level of Little Garden.

"It's still the war with that Athena..."

The black rabbit's teeth began to tremble:

"It will die, it will definitely die, that one has never lost!"

At this time, Su Jin calmly made up the knife and said:

"By the way, Athena's spirituality is in charge of the wisdom of the sky, the sublime of the mother earth, the dignity of the queen of the underworld, and the queen of the Trinity."

"The corresponding gods are Athena, Medusa, and Metis."

"Oh, I helped her achieve the status of Almighty God and the Only God in another world, and it seems that she has also merged into her spiritual status."

"Trinity, the only and all-powerful queen?"

Hearing this, the black rabbit widened his eyes and muttered to himself:

"This description should involve the field of the unfinished spirit, and it is at least a three-digit unfinished type, and it may reach two digits."

Speaking of this, Hei Rabbit's nose was sour, and he looked at Su Jin with tears in his eyes and said:

"Liar, this is more than just bad news!"

"Want to hear good news?" Su Jin said calmly.

"Well." Black Rabbit nodded, his expression eased a little, and he snorted.

Su Jin said directly at this time:

"The good news is that before I went to another world, I was authorized by Golden Athena to allow me to mess around."

Hearing this, Black Rabbit's eyes suddenly lit up:

"You mean?"

"Yes, I took the death-free gold medal in advance."

Su Jin calmly finished the red wine in his hand, and then smiled.

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