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Chapter 244:

As soon as he said this, the black rabbit's eyes suddenly brightened.

This roar, at least Su Jin's responsibility can be cleared away.

At least if the one in the Greek **** group is to blame, there is also a reason for sophistry.

Although the silver-haired Athena may suffer, as long as Su Jin doesn't suffer, she will be fine.

At this moment, Su Jin smiled and said:

"By the way, I plan to turn myself in and admit that everything related to Athena was planned by me."


Black Rabbit froze for a moment, and then, opened his mouth slightly:


The stunned voice of the rabbit broke through the sky.

Chapter 0301

"Hey, this is too messy, isn't it?"

Everyone followed Su Jin out of the community stronghold, and Hei Rabbit's advice was "long overdue".

"Although it is said that if you confess directly to His Majesty Athena, you may be exempted from some punishment, but is it really good for the two of us to go?"

The black rabbit who followed Su Jin to the realm gate complained at this time:

"The other party didn't notice it at all? Didn't he even give the right to know?"

"If you really don't give it, then this can only be regarded as Su Jin's own maverick, right?"

At this time, Athena was still listening to Teacher Leticia's small lecture, and did not notice the departure of Su Jin and Black Rabbit at all.

In other words, in her impression, it is not uncommon for Su Jin to leave secretly with women.

So not worth paying attention to.

"Yes, this is my maverick."

Su Jintian shamelessly admitted that he just made his own decisions and planned to decide the solution of this incident for Athena.

Moreover, Su Jin also has reasons for sophistry:

"That idiot goddess of wisdom was brought to Hakoba by me anyway. If Athena's temperament is not good, I will suffer to death in any event."

To put it bluntly, Su Jin didn't want to gamble.

He didn't want to bet on whether the golden Athena would take action when she saw the silver one.

It's good to win the bet, but if you lose the bet, it's over.

A level stuck with four digits, the target is obviously how terrifying the goddess of war and wisdom in the two-digit field is, Su Jin can't imagine at all.

Rather than betting on the 50% probability, Su Jin would rather choose to hide the probability from little Athena and directly reduce the probability to zero.

Next to him, Hei Rabbit was not moved at all when he heard these words, but said quietly:

"Such words actually said to me face to face, in a sense, Su Jin, you are really amazing..."

Su Jin smiled, but a drop of cold sweat seemed to slip on his forehead.

Fortunately, the Black Rabbit did not get too entangled in this matter, but asked with a solemn expression:

"So, the reason for going to the Thousand Eyes Station at the outer gate of 3345 is that you plan to ask Lord Shiroyasha to mediate?"

"This is a measure to prevent me from being beaten to death."

Su Jin replied simply and rudely.

I don't want to shout 'burn the little universe', that move is really life-threatening... Su Jin added in his heart.

"I knew it."

Black Rabbit sighed helplessly at this time:

That's why I have to follow... She sighed.

Compared with Su Jin, her relationship with Bai Yasha is actually better.

Following the appearance, it is nothing more than aggravating Shiroyasha's bargaining chip and making her lean towards this side.

At this time, the black rabbit said a little uneasy:

"However, whether Lord Shiroyasha will offend Athena for a **** is also a very serious question."

At this time, Su Jin said without hesitation:

"Then I will send you to the outside world, and then go to the Queen."

"Queen..." Black Rabbit twitched the corners of his mouth.

Having said that, she heard Leticia say that the Queen of Halloween sent a competent subordinate to invite Su Jin.

If things really turn out that way, the Queen of Halloween might actually accept it.

After all, this is a good opportunity for the disgusting Bai Yasha. The queen who has been focusing on fighting for countless years will be willing to take the risk of offending Athena, and the possibility of accepting Su Jin is quite high.

"Of course, if that doesn't work, I have a last resort."

Su Jin said in a very relaxed tone, as if he really still had Athena's trump card.

And in fact, it is.

At this moment, in Su Jin's line of sight, the dimension forum is emerging.

On the forum, there is only one exchange interface for items.

[Sasha's half-awakened blood (80,000 points can be exchanged)]

An Athena who possesses the will of the gods and whose strength, in Su Jin's view, is likely to be equal to two digits.

Athena of Hakoba knew what her divine blood meant.

That is a tragic future in which the road to double digits is completely cut off, and I may be swallowed up.

After all, the Athena in the Saint Seiya world is not an acquired elf, but an Athena who was born from the will of the gods before the big bang of the universe.

It is a veritable [natural **** and Buddha]

Of course, this is a threatening trick at the bottom of the box, and there is a high probability that Su Jin will not use it.

He also doesn't want to spend points to search the world of Saint Seiya to die.

Next to him, the black rabbit who heard Su Jin's words said weakly:

"Sometimes I think Su Jin, are you very insecure? Why do you always have a bunch of backhands?"

Hearing this, Su Jin paused for a while, then stared straight at the black rabbit, not speaking for a long time.

"What's wrong?"

Black Rabbit was stunned, and asked with a puzzled expression.

Facing the doubts of Black Rabbit, Su Jin just gave a thumbs up and said with a hearty smile:

"It's nothing, I just think that a simple person like you, Black Rabbit, is still suitable as a pet!"


Black Rabbit suddenly raised his tone, and then chased after Su Jin and said:

"Su Jin, what do you mean? Do you mean to put a collar on me, lock me in the basement, and beat me with a leather whip every day?"

"Very good, I will take the initiative to give opinions."

Su Jin also gave the other hand a thumbs up, expressing a double-click to like.

Then without waiting for the black rabbit to get angry, he turned his head and looked at the realm doorway not far away:

"Okay, don't make trouble, we're at the realm gate."


Hei Rabbit blushed, looking at Su Jin who tidied up his neckline and pretended to be, and stomped his feet angrily.

This bastard, isn't her hinting obvious enough?

At this time, Su Jin was already approaching the realm gate. Seeing this, Black Rabbit could only follow with a look of resentment.


3345 Exterior door.

tea room.

Bai Yasha, who had just received the report, looked at the sheepskin scroll in his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched faintly.

"What's written on it?" Athena's hunch became stronger and stronger.

At this time, Shiroyasha sighed, threw the scroll to Athena, and then took a big mouthful of tea, pretending to say angrily:

"Don't mention it, the Athena you are looking for is now in the capital of the end, in his Su Jin's house."

Athena took the scroll, flipped through it, and then said with a subtle expression:

"How did he do that?"

"Is that impossible?"

Athena repeated the words 'impossible' and 'how could such a thing happen'.

At this time, Bai Yasha sighed and said:

"That kid's ability to do things is really too strong. No wonder the boss told me not to support him too much."

"We've become so daring before we support it, is it okay to support it?"

"At that time, I'm afraid that it won't be a **** pot to put on our head and make us burp."

After listening to Shiroyasha's complaint, Athena, who was flipping through the scroll, had a very subtle expression.

Regret, inconceivable, stunned, and angry, various expressions changed on Athena's face.

At this time, she actually heard the hint from Bai Yasha's mouth.

Su Jin is someone who has entered the sight of the twin goddesses. If you really want to kill her, she may 'have to' come forward to stop it.

At this level of suggestion, Athena can naturally understand.

But compared to these, Athena is more concerned about another thing.

Whether or not to withdraw the asylum that she promised to provide at the beginning... Athena is very entangled in her heart.

Granting heroes asylum is something Athena often does, and it is also a sign to win over the lower class.

The guardian goddess of heroes, she has used this nickname for thousands of years.

This is a sudden slip of the tongue, and if you don't protect Su Jin, isn't that self-defeating?

But if she doesn't give up the protection, what if Su Jin gives her such a thing to other big figures in the group of gods, such as greeting the two-digit number Jesus?

So is Athena taking the blame, or not?

Thinking of this, Athena leaned on the edge of the coffee table, covered her face with her hands, and let out a long sigh.

It was a sigh full of regret, with a long aftertaste.

"How do you feel now?" Bai Yasha asked curiously at this time.

Athena took a deep breath, folded her hands in front of her, and interlaced her fingers uneasily:

"In addition to regret, I still regret, I have tried my best to overestimate him, but... but... alas~"

At the end, Athena could only let out a sigh.

"So why did you think so hard the day before yesterday?"

Shiroyasha made aftermath remarks:

"At the time, I didn't know how to discuss it with us, otherwise it wouldn't have happened."

Shiroyasha quietly held Athena's hand and patted the back of her hand.

She is alright!

Shiroyasha thought so, and at the same time kept in touch.

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