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Chapter 245:

Hey, if nothing else, the hand of the virgin goddess is really soft~

In the next thousand years, she is afraid that she will not want to wash her hands~

"Alas~" Athena, who was still in regret, sighed.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Lord Shiroyasha, Mr. Su Jin is outside asking to see you."

Hearing this, Bai Yasha froze for a moment, and then said:

"Yo ho, I've also thrown myself into the net."

Chapter 0302 give you a good position

Thousand Eyes Station, on the sofa in the store, a clerk in a maid outfit walked over quickly and said:

"Mr. Su Jin, Lord Shiroyasha is already waiting in the tea room."

"I see."

Su Jin nodded, stood up, and the black rabbit next to him also stood up quickly and followed behind him.

The two walked through the long aisle, came to the tea room, knocked on the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the tea room, Su Jin looked at the blond woman who was sitting on the side of the coffee table with her back to him, wearing olive yellow, her smile solidified a little, and then it became very natural:

"It's a coincidence, can't you think of Athena's crown, you are also there?"

Athena measured her head, glanced at him, and said calmly:

"It's really a coincidence."

Her tone of voice made Su Jin feel a little drum in his heart, but on the surface, he was still calm and natural.

Am I self-inflicted? Su Jin smiled in his heart.

He was not surprised that Athena appeared here, and could even vaguely guess the other party's purpose.

Because, if Su Jin wanted to obtain some classified information, the first thing he thought of was Qianyan.

"Ya, ya..."

Black Rabbit was slurring her tongue, and she shuddered just seeing Athena's back.

At this moment, she heard Su Jin's smiling voice:

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?"

"Huh?" Black Rabbit blinked and opened his mouth like a fool.

Although she knew that Su Jin came to 'surrender', can she be so wild when she surrendered herself?

Athena paused, and seemed a little surprised by Su Jin's reaction.

But in the end, she still smiled and said, "please feel free."

Hearing this, Su Jin stepped forward, walked to Athena's side, sat down, and glanced at Bai Yasha.

At this time, he found that Shiroyasha seemed to be slamming his right hand with pain on his face. If he looked closely, he could also find that the back of Shiroyasha's hand was red.

"This is you?"

Su Jin showed a puzzled expression.

Shiroyasha stopped when he stopped, and said with a haha:

"It's nothing, I was scalded by the teapot when making tea, ah, we were too careless."

Your excuse is too perfunctory... Su Jin groaned inwardly and turned to look at the black rabbit at the back.

'Come and sit! ' Su Jin winked.

Black Rabbit shook his head frantically, looking at Athena's back with scruples.

Seeing this, Su Jin was a little speechless.

But at the same time, I understand that it is a bit embarrassing to let this timid rabbit sit with the Greek goddess of war and wisdom.

At this time, the opposite Bai Yasha suddenly beckoned:

"Black Rabbit, you came just in time. The job of making tea will be handed over to you."

Bai Yasha said carelessly, and at the same time took a breath of cold air in pain, and blew a few breaths towards the back of his red hand.

Beside, Athena calmly picked up the teacup, glanced at the black rabbit who was acting as a tool, and took a small sip:

"Is it Di Shitian's moon rabbit? It's rare in these years."

"It's cute."

Bai Yasha suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth and reached out to pat Black Rabbit's butt:

"We love this rabbit very much."

Two bangs sounded.

It was the sound of palms lining the scalding teapot.

Su Jin and Athena looked at the smiling black rabbit holding the teapot, and at the white Yaksha who patted the teapot with their palms, with a slightly amused expression.

"It's a little hot." Bai Yasha was silent for two or three seconds, then pulled his hand back awkwardly.

Then, she quickly changed the subject and said:

"Speaking of which, Su Jin boy, what's the matter with you coming to us this time?"

When you touch the teapot this time, your hands are not red? Su Jin stared at Bai Yasha's hand.

Immediately guessed something.

This old-fashioned embryo has just 80% of Athena's hands and feet.

You are so bold~ In terms of lust, I, Su Jin, would like to call you the strongest!

Su Jin groaned inwardly, then took the tea handed over by Black Rabbit, picked it up and blew it, took a sip and said:

"There is something."

"What's up?"

Bai Yasha said this, glanced at Athena, and then blinked at Su Jin:

"Don't worry, Athena sauce is not an outsider~~"

That sweet tone made everyone present feel a slight discomfort.

At this time, Su Jin received the signal from Bai Yasha, turned his head, looked at Athena's perfect face, and said very politely:

"As you wish, I have completed the task you assigned."

"From this point in time, you should have received the corresponding feedback, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Yasha raised his brows, and Hei Rabbit's whole face was a little distorted.

This wave, this wave is a frontal bayonet!

"As I wish?"

Athena's tone was a little unnatural, and then she emphasized her tone again:

"Corresponding feedback?"


After Su Jin finished speaking, she looked at Athena with a smile on her face.

"In my opinion, it seems that you can prepare the corresponding compensation."


Athena repeated in a very subtle tone.

The smile on Su Jin's face remained the same: "Rereading is useless."

"Repeat?" Athena repeated playfully.


Su Jin was silent for a while, then sighed slightly:

"Your Majesty Athena, it seems that we need to reach a consensus."

Athena took a deep breath, and immediately took another sip of warm tea:

"Your face has the three skills of Zeus."

"Three points? Isn't it three points?" Su Jin was a little puzzled: "Can I consider this a compliment?"

At this time, the narrator Bai Yasha complained:

"She's saying you're three times more shameless than Zeus."

He cheated on Athena, and came to say, "This is what you expected" and asked for something in return. I have to say that Bai Yasha underestimated Su Jin's face.

Good boy, if she was so shameless back then, I'm afraid the Queen of Halloween wouldn't be able to steal so much solar sovereignty from her.

"I'll take this as a compliment." Su Jin glanced at Bai Yasha and twitched the corners of his mouth.

After that, he glanced at Athena, then turned around, picked up the teacup, and said:

"Your Majesty Athena, you should know the difficulty of the task. I personally think that I am entitled to a high reward if I give the result within 2 days."

"...I can understand." Athena took a slight breath, calmed down and nodded.

Within 2 days, a two-digit unfinished spirit figure was created, and her beliefs were divided, and an acquired **** Athena was created, equating her with Algor.

Athena admitted that she far underestimated Su Jin's ability.

She now even understands the reason why the Thousand-eyed Twin Goddess and Bai Yasha didn't choose Su Jin as their agent.

This guy can really do things!

"Since the consensus has been reached, then there should be corresponding rewards, can you understand this?"

Su Jin was cheeky, thinking about Athena asking for a reward, never mentioning another Athena.

He is trying to characterize the matter.

From 'creating a bad influence on Athena' to 'perfectly completing the task assigned by Athena, and returning to Little Garden. ’

The definition of things is different, and the way to solve it is naturally different.

Su Jin is thinking about it now.

"I can understand."

Athena nodded, then raised her hand very abruptly and patted Su Jin's shoulder:

"So I decided to give you a good spot."

Su Jin's eyes instantly focused on the little hand that was pressed against his shoulder and almost broke his bones.

At this time, Athena said seriously and firmly:

"I will propose to Hera, asking her to cede her position as a goddess.

Please rest assured, we attach great importance to the treatment of heroes and will never let you suffer any grievances. "

Su Jin: "..."

Chapter 0303 Vicious revenge

The queen's position... The corners of Su Jin's mouth twitched slightly, not sure if it was Athena who was deliberately teasing herself.

For Athena, who aspires to become the fourth-generation god-king, making him a queen is not equal to an alternative marriage proposal?

But then, he noticed the key point.

What Athena was talking about was asking Hera to 'give up' the position of the queen.

In other words, let him replace Hera's current position?

And this, doesn't it mean that he wants to replace the position of Hera's third-generation queen, that is, Zeus's wife.

Hiss... let the disgusting man and the disgusting father communicate in the most disgusting way?

This is indeed the way of revenge that Athena will think of, and it is indeed vicious.

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