Thank You

Chapter 250:

In this way, Rama may not have anything to do.

And just when Su Jin was a little relieved, Omega smiled slightly:

"That world seems to involve many people with unfinished spirits. You are quite picky."

Su Jin looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, and pretended not to hear this compliment.

"But if this is the case, Qianyan can't help but act."

Omega said this, and with a wave of her hand, a roll of golden parchment suddenly formed in the void and flew to Su Jin.

Su Jin reached out to take it, glanced at it, and said in amazement:

"Four-digit task, investigate the real name of the last king?"

"This is the task of Thousand Eyes, and I will give it to you. Of course, the reward is naturally not much."

"But I will create a reasonable experience where you can show five-figure strength without reservation."

This kind of task where Su Jin already knew the answer was basically a free gift.

In comparison, Omega's reward is attractive enough.

At present, Su Jin's biggest flaw is that it grows too fast and experiences huge faults.

Before, he did not dare to be promoted to four figures because of this kind of thing.

Having only stayed in Hakoba for two months, it was too unusual for him to be promoted to four figures. Everyone knew that he had a great adventure.

But if it's Omega's own hands to create a false experience, that's fine.

For two-digit numbers, even a three-digit agent has a quota, not to mention a five-digit outlier.

Su Jin put away the parchment solemnly, bowed and said, "Thank you for your generosity."

This wave made up for his shortcomings.

Although it may be necessary to travel to the Godslayer World again because of this mission, this is only a matter of a few days, and it does not affect anything, but the benefits are real.

At this time, the pure white woman who could not see her face lightly smiled and said:

"No need to be polite, this is a little investment from our sisters in you."

Although there are not many humans with simulated star creation charts, there are not many.

However, the worldview of Greek mythology is biased, and its potential is comparable to or even more than the inheritance of the ten incarnations of Hinduism, but only Su Jin is alone.

His existence is worthy of the investment of the two goddesses, not to mention, according to understanding, Su Jin is not the kind of man with a narrow mind.

This can be seen from his willingness to take over the burden of Arcadia because of his life-saving grace.

"Grow up as much as possible. The turmoil in the lower layers may not be a bad thing for you."

With advice.

Su Jin in the altar opened his eyes.

What caught my eye was Shiroyasha's big, round face.

"Oh, get up? Did the boss say anything to you?"

Bai Yasha smiled and asked curiously.

"One mission, one message." Su Jin shook the golden scroll in his hand, and then smiled, "Sir Baiyasha, are you interested in listening?"

"Oh? Then you have a good talk with me."


【1224】Outer door, Thousand Eyes Station.

Wearing a white knight uniform and a sky blue shawl, Ashilia looked at the woman in front of her respectfully:

"Lord Athena, the door to the trial is ready."

"What do you call me?" the blond goddess with an olive garland smiled narrowly.


Ashley shouted helplessly. The goddess in front of her has a gentle personality, but she prefers to tease her disciples, which really makes Ashilia helpless.

"Although it has not been made public yet, Ashilia, you are officially apprentice, so you have to get used to the name."

Athena raised her hand and tapped Ashilia on the head.

"I'm not even used to this kind of title. When you marry NoName in the future, I'm afraid that you will be bullied to death by that insidious kid, so be ashamed!"

"Yes!" What else could Ashilia say, she could only respond first.

The marriage with Su Jin is also the most troublesome thing for her recently.

Originally it was just a 'mistake' of Luos, but now, the ancestor of Perseus recognized it, and the teacher Athena also recognized it. It is said that Hades, the king of the heavens, also heard about it, and even gave it as a special product of the underworld. Gift.

If it goes on like this, don't you have to marry if you don't want to get married? Ashilia feels helpless for her future life.

At this time, Athena next to her looked at the door that opened not far away in a very helpless tone and said:

"If possible, I really don't want to come here."

She sighed, thought about it, and stepped forward, crossing the door.

And at the same time, a palace filled with various mirrors.

The coquettish yet immature, beautiful yet pure girl in purple-haired restraint dress suddenly raised her head with a look of astonishment.

Chapter 0309 Algorand and Athena

Inside a room full of mirrors.

Algor turned his head sideways and looked at the location of the door.

At the exit, where there are no mirrors.

An olive branch grows from the ground, and at the end of the branches and leaves, snow-white olive flowers bloom.

Immediately afterwards, Olive Branch transformed into a blond woman in a white robe and an olive wreath on her head.

Seeing this, Algor turned around, sat sideways on the ground, and said with three points of disdain and seven points of contempt:

"Sure enough, you ugly girl is watching the beauty of Ar-chan."

The face of Athena, who had just been transferred in, froze, and what she wanted to say was stuck in her throat, unable to say it.

After about three seconds of silence, she said coldly, "I'm not here to quarrel."

Algor picked up the small mirror in hand, picked up the wooden comb, combed his hair, and said disdainfully:

"Ar-chan only quarrels with beauties."

She said and tapped the floor.

A vertical clock suddenly rose from the ground, and the clock just pointed to 12 noon, and a cuckoo bounced out of it:

"Gah~ Ugly! Gah~ Ugly!"

The cuckoo popped and retracted from the clock, which made Athena sigh deeply:

"You really can't communicate."

Al Gore was taking care of his hair, and he didn't seem to want to pay attention to Athena.

At this time, Athena said calmly:

"I can let you out in an avatar."


Algor stopped, turned his head, looked at Athena in surprise and said:

"Zeus, the blind guy, is thinking about his fart again?"

"Oh, that's right. Although you're not good looking, your brain is still good. I guess you have the idea of ​​​​playing occasionally to relieve boredom."

Athena was in no mood to speak again.

Rather than talking, she now wants to tear Algor's disgusting mouth apart.

"I'll repeat it again, I'm not here to fight, this is the second time."

Athena's face was expressionless and looked extremely cold.

Seeing this scene, Algor tilted his head and said with disgust:

"What are you calculating again?"

"Let me go out with an avatar, those gods will be uneasy."

"Besides, isn't your mission to seal me?"

"No, you're wrong."

Athena said calmly:

"The mission of the Greek gods is to make the little garden gods think you are sealed by Greece."


Algor was silent for a while, then smiled helplessly:

"It seems that the center of the small garden has taken away your beauty, but it has also given you a complicated, deep, and filthy heart."


Algor shook his head, reached for the cosmetics, and smeared lip balm on himself:

"A lot of ugly people are making fun of it~~"

Algorr finished applying the lip balm, then looked at Athena who was silently waiting in front of him and said:

"Have you found the avatar I threw out?"

"Sure enough, you cooperated with Su Jin."

A hint of gloating appeared on Athena's face, but it was quickly covered up by her.

After the Oolong incident between Ashilia and Su Jin, she secretly investigated Su Jin's experience.

Among them, passing the heroic trial of Perseus aroused Athena's suspicion.

And now, the answer is obvious.

Algor raised his beautiful eyebrows: "Oh? Isn't that little guy the trap you threw me?"

After she finished speaking, she suddenly realized:

"But that's right. With that kind of beauty ability, you ugly girl has already used it herself, how could you be willing to pay tribute to me."

"You are always so arrogant." Athena said with a cold face.


Looking at Athena's annoyed look, Algor made a playful chuckle:

"Jealous? Are you unwilling? However, what can you do with me as a Protoss?"

I can forcibly demote you, cultivate a second ancestor to pollute your spirituality, and turn you into an ugly monster... Athena sneered in her heart.

However, this is a plan that was arranged before. With the current situation at the upper level, let Algor partially break free of the seal, in order to make the situation even more chaotic and give me a chance to go further.

Athena sighed in her heart, and then said expressionlessly:

"In another month or two, Medusa can appear in the lower level of Hakoniwa."

The subtext is that Algor can split into Medusa's incarnation and move freely in Hakoniwa.

With Algor's brain, he can definitely understand this sentence.

"Do you really want to let me out to breathe?"

At this time, Algor showed a puzzled expression.

"Could it be that you think that achieving that 'Queen of the Trinity' spirit can really kill me? Kill an awakened Protoss?"

"Could it be that after the center of the small garden took away your beauty, it also took away your IQ?"

Protoss cannot die.

At least that's the case in Hakoba.

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