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Chapter 251:

Even if Athena wanted to achieve the spiritual status of the Trinity, Algor who was Medusa could not be avoided.

In terms of competing for the Spirituality of the Trinity, Algor, as a Protoss, has the absolute advantage of 'not dying'.

As long as Al Gore does not voluntarily give up the identity of Medusa, it is impossible for Athena to complete the Trinity.

With Athena's IQ, it is obviously impossible not to think of this.

At this time, Athena sneered:

"For a prisoner, it's the occasional ride that gives him the most pain."

And at that time, Su Jin can sprinkle coarse salt and chili water on your pain... Thinking of this, Athena raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

She believed that with Su Jin's ability, one day Al Gore would feel 'pain'.

Even if she can't feel it, she will create conditions for Algor to 'enjoy'.

Athena gave Algor a deep look, her figure turned into a breeze, and instantly dissipated.

"Enjoy your last vacation."

After Athena left, Algor held the small mirror in front of him and whispered to himself:

"What is that ugly girl calculating?"

"Well, from the perspective of the avatar's perception, the little guy named Su Jin doesn't seem to have died, but he put my avatar in the lingerie to block the perception..."

Algor narrowed his eyes at this time and said with a smile:

"Huh, it seems that the answer to the change in Athena's attitude lies with that little guy."

"After you go out, do you want to go and have a look..."

Algore hummed a little tune and combed his hair briskly for a long, long time.

3345 Exterior door.

Su Jin, who had finished communicating with Bai Yasha, walked out of Qianyan's station and looked up at the sky.

"It's going to rain? It looks like I have to hurry up and get back to the community."

As he said this, he turned his head and looked at the streetscape tree next to him.

On that tree, an owl tilted its head and looked around curiously.

Seeing the owl, Su Jin smiled, then turned his head, facing the black rabbit with a big bag and a small bag behind him, and said a little speechless:

"What are you doing?"

"Anyway, I'm on the upper floor, so I'm going to buy something for the community~ and two of the newcomers are goddesses, so you have to prepare some furniture that matches the identity of the other party, right?"

Black Rabbit answered confidently, and then asked:

"By the way, Su Jin, do you still have stored gifts over there?"


Su Jin sighed, rolled up his sleeves, and stepped forward to help.

After a while, a doubt sounded:

"It seems that most of them are things you use?"


0310 Olive Wreath

Return to NoName's stronghold.

After putting the purchased goods in the warehouse and letting the youth group and the black rabbit arrange, Su Jin came to the living room.

On the white sofa in the living room, he saw Athena drinking coffee.

"You're the only one here?"

While talking, Su Jin walked across the sofa, sat down, and poured herself a cup of brewed coffee.

"Leeticia took Luo Hao and Lancelot to the underground library, it seems because there are some photostones of strong fights stored there."

Athena took a sip of coffee, then said with a slightly smiling tone:

"The God of Steel is always like this, passionate about force, battle, and glory."

"I suspect you're saying they're full of violence..."

Su Jin groaned, took a sip of coffee, and said:

"I just went to negotiate with another you."


Athena took the coffee, smiled and said:

"The concubine should have become part of one of her plans by now."

"You know her well." Su Jin put down the coffee, leaned back in the chair and smiled.

"For the concubine of a disobedient god, taking back the glory of Mother Earth is the most important thing.

For her in mythology, replacing Zeus to become the king of gods is at least among the first three goals. "

As she spoke, she lowered her head, looked at the brown level of the coffee cup, and breathed a sigh of relief:

"It's not the concubine of a born **** and Buddha, it can't hinder her path, so naturally it won't become a target."

"She should have just made some irrelevant conditions and acquiesced to this matter?"

"It's more exaggerated than you think."

Su Jin complained, then took out a necklace from the gift card and handed it to Athena:

"It's an item she made me conditionally hand over."

Athena lowered her head and looked at the necklace with a stunned expression:

"Pallas's personality... how could she be?"

Hearing this, Su Jin raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in surprise, "Did you guess her intention?"

So mysterious?

Hako Tina said that when Athena saw the necklace, little Athena would understand her intentions. Are you two conjoined babies?

"I guessed a little."

Athena put down the coffee, picked up the necklace, and said in an incredible tone:

"You should understand when you say 'Shadow Warrior', right?"

"I see."

Su Jin was suddenly a little surprised.

This is the same as when he is doing things in the lower realm, he must get a scapegoat.

Athena seems to be planning to do something that requires the use of shadow warriors to provide herself with an alibi.

And Pallas's divine position may be the reward for this.

"Perhaps not only that, but the identity of the concubine cannot be determined."

Athena thought for a while, but still put the necklace around her neck.

Then, her image suddenly began to change, and she quickly changed from a young girl to a young girl.

Feeling the newly acquired power, the silver-haired Athena sighed softly:

"The power has increased again, but unfortunately, it may not be imitated in terms of power."

At this moment, Su Jin and Athena looked up at each other at the same time.

Both of them realized something.

That is, Athena could not allow such flaws to occur.

At this time, Su Jin said with a subtle expression: "I saw an owl when I left Qianyan."

Athena frowned and explained.

"Owls are messengers of concubines in mythology, and this may be no exception."


The chirping of birds and the flapping of wings sounded.

Su Jin turned his head and saw outside the floor-to-ceiling window, an owl was flapping its wings and circling outside the window.

Su Jin stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and opened the small window.

The owl's wings flew in and landed on the coffee table, scratching its feathers with its beak.

Athena reached out and touched the owl's fur, and then the necklace around her neck lit up softly.

"Cuckoo~" The owl called out, and then the body gradually brightened, glowed, and finally dissolved in the light.

When the light faded, a wreath of olive branches remained on the table.

The garland is very ordinary, like it is woven from a few olive branches, there is nothing unusual.

Su Jin came over and asked:

"Want to put it on?"

He reminded Athena that this could be very risky.

"It's a reasonable deal."

The wreath on Athena's head dissipated, and at the same time she held the wreath in her hands and put it on her head.

There is nothing abnormal, but this is only what Su Jin perceives with the naked eye.

In the sixth sense extended by the small universe, Athena's breath is constantly expanding, changing, and eventually, becoming unobservable.

"What?" Su Jin was a little surprised by such a change.

At this time, Athena said quietly:

"The wreath contains the power of 'war'."

Athena said this, paused, and smiled a little self-deprecatingly:

"She has gone further than she thought in the triple-digit field."

Hearing this sentence, Su Jin was stunned for a moment, then sighed:

"The thought of Zeus being stronger than her makes my scalp go numb now."

Fortunately, he didn't die, and exposed himself in front of the gods... Su Jin sighed in his heart.

A wreath can divide the power, inflating the power of the silver-haired Athena to the point where he feels intractable, even to the point where he can't deal with it without burning the small universe.

The three figures of Hakoniwa are really scary and unimaginable.

But this horror made Su Jin both fortunate and happy.

The man should be so!

He thought of what Liu Bang had said.

It's only three figures. He can increase his strength to this level in two months. How about two years? Twenty years? What about two hundred years?

A saint with a sixth sense can easily live for tens of thousands of years, and a seventh sense has a life span of hundreds of millions of billions.

Three figures are not something he can't touch.

Thinking of this, Su Jin suppressed the excitement in his heart and looked at Athena seriously and said:

"How is your evaluation now?"

"Four figures are out of the ordinary."

Athena said this, and at the same time said in a helpless tone:

"But to be honest, the concubine doesn't think she can be comparable to you."

Athena even suspects that there is no more watery four-figure breakout than her.

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