Thank You

Chapter 252:

Before she came to Hakoniwa, at most she was rated as a five-figure elite!

"It looks like I can still maintain the strongest position in the family for a while."

Su Jin sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and said with a smile:

"Probably tomorrow, I'm going back to Godslayer Time, do you want to return home?"

"When the spirit changes drastically, you can't go to the lower realm."

Athena replied like this and said at the same time:

"In Leticia's answer just now, it seems that the nobles of the little garden can't leave the little garden, and during this time, Luo Hao and Lancelot probably won't leave the underground library."

After Athena said this, she picked up the coffee cup and blew lightly:

"Fortunately, you still have a real wife over there, so it shouldn't be too boring."

Su Jin shrugged, fell on the sofa, covered his forehead with his arms and said:

"Life is bitter~~"

Chapter 0311 Who is a friend and who is an enemy

The next day, at 9 am.

Su Jin had already arrived at the outer gate of 3345, the residence of Qianyan, and saw Bai Yasha.

However, such efficiency made Bai Yasha in panda pajamas speechless:

"Can't you stop for a while, this guy?"

The upper level was still making a fuss, so Su Jin came to perform the boss's task. It hasn't been more than 24 hours since he returned from the outer door, right?

"Compared to these, can the cost of the realm gate for the mission be reimbursed?"

The fee for a seven-digit outer door to a four-digit outer door is 10 gold per person.

According to Su Jin's impression of purchasing power, it is about 100,000 yuan.

He has gone back and forth many times these days, and it is true that he has consumed a lot of money, especially when the community has not yet developed, this money is a bit painful.


Bai Yasha took it out, lay down, and smashed a stack of cheques on Su Jin.

"You can write whatever you want."

Su Jin caught it without being annoyed at all, took out the pen from the gift card, and started writing zeros from the right.

"Fuck, you robbery!"

Bai Yasha hurriedly grabbed the banknotes and said incredulously:

"Why are you so thick-skinned?"

"Sorry, I started writing subconsciously."

It was only at this time that Su Jin realized what he had done, and forced a smile.

He agreed to write it casually, but he just wrote a few more zeros and grabbed it back. Is this still called casual? Su Jin sighed in his heart.

At this time, Bai Yesha signed a check for a thousand gold coins, handed it to Su Jin, and snorted:

"Five or five points, understand?"

Su Jin looked at the check in his hand, and then at Bai Yasha, and understood in seconds.

Social Society~~ But why don't you write more?

Bai Yasha seemed to see through his doubts, looked left and right, and whispered:

"If you write too much, you will be beaten by the boss."

"Oh~" Su Jin made a long final sound: "I see."

"Then, next, go to the realm gate?"

Because it was a task issued by Thousand Eyes, Su Jin's trip to the Godslayer World this time needed to pass through the special realm gate leading to the outside world through Thousand Eyes.

This is the process required by regular procedures.

"What are you doing in such a hurry?" Bai Yasha rolled his eyes, "No one is robbing you."

A few seconds after she finished speaking, a clerk dressed as a maid ran over and whispered a few words in Shiroyasha's ear.

"What? The Heavenly Army has sent people to the lower realm? The Crusaders also responded with teleportation? Zeus sent Hercules? Did the Crusaders also send people?"

"Hmmmm? Halloween also let people go down? Or is it Skaha, who has left and right hands?"

Hearing this pile of information, Bai Yasha raised his head and stared blankly at Su Jin.

"Isn't this normal?" Su Jin spread his hands.

"No, this is not normal."

Shiroyasha retorted and muttered:

"These guys are usually lazier than us, why are they reacting so quickly today?"

She had received news from Omega that she knew that the observation of other worlds by the center of the small garden was still very slow, and she just released the part of the godslayer first.

So the current situation is very abnormal, very abnormal.

It is very likely that the mixed spirits that Su Jin said were already known to the gods.

Otherwise, these slackers will not be so efficient.

Thinking of this, Bai Yasha raised his head, looked at Su Jin and said:

"Boy, you might have to get ready."

After hearing this, Su Jin frowned and asked:

"Shouldn't it be better to find out who is the enemy? Who is the friend?"

"Then you have to judge for yourself." Bai Yasha rolled his eyes: "Anyway, our Thousand Eyes are a neutral community."

In other words, I have to figure out who is my enemy and who is my friend... Su Jin squinted and said nothing.

At this time, Bai Yasha, who knew that Su Jin had a good idea in his heart, didn't bother to change his clothes, and waved:

"Okay, come with us, we're in a hurry, there is still a big gap between the speed of the outside world and Hakoten."

Not long after, Bai Yasha led Su Jin to the underground space of Thousand Eyes Station.

"This is at least 100 meters down, right?"

Su Jin, who arrived in the underground space, raised his head and looked up at the false blue sky above, and sighed with emotion.

"I can't put the equipment without digging so big." Bai Yasha responded: "Okay, we're here."

Su Jin lowered his head and looked at the 50-meter-high, huge steel-colored metal door, his eyelids jumped and said:

"This thing is so big?"

"After all, it's something going outside." Shiroyasha explained, and then shrugged: "Of course, it may also be Laplace's bad taste."

"Is that the class ruler of the Western District?"

The demon of Lapuslas, one of the four-digit big demons, is in charge of the omniscient corner, and is said to be one of the chief cadres of the Thousand Eyes.

He seems to be a very terrifying intelligence gathering expert, but he is also proficient in the production of Realm Gate.

At this time, Shiroyasha threw a single-ear earphone:

"By the way, it is not allowed to destroy planets in the lower realm, and it is not allowed to show power exceeding five figures, except for some special worlds."

"Of course, if you want to use the power beyond the limit, you need to apply to Laplace. The headset in your hand is her clone."


Su Jin looked at the headphones, and looked at Bai Yasha with a subtle expression.

With so many secrets on him, how could he possibly wear this?

Shiroyasha rolled his eyes at this time and said:

"This is a specialized type, and the data inside can only be viewed by us and the boss."

"Why are you rolling your eyes recently?" Su Jin asked deliberately.

"What?" Bai Yasha turned again, raising his small fist at the same time.

"It's nothing, it's weird."

Su Jin obeyed the call of the soul.

Bai Yasha glanced at Su Jin, then stepped aside:

"Go in, remember to go and come back quickly, don't take thousands of years to come back."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Su Jin put the earphone on his right ear perfunctorily, and then stepped into the realm gate.

The next moment, the world is spinning, and the disordered pixels are endlessly circulating in front of you.


Godslayer World.

India region, a small hill.

Rama, who was lying on the stone with the dog's tail grass in his mouth, suddenly frowned, stood up suddenly, and exhaled with a big mouth.

"Prince..." said a dull, worried voice.

But it was a three-meter-tall giant white ape, looking at him worriedly with its wrinkled face.

"I'm fine, Hanuman."

Rama shook his head, then lay down on the stone again, closed his eyes, and smiled bitterly:

"It was just a nightmare."

Thinking of the scene in the dream, Rama chuckled lightly:

"Fate reappears, asking me to be the **** of destiny and re-elect the last king or something. It's really funny."

"Does this want me to change from a victim manipulated by fate to a perpetrator?"

"And the statement that the world is facing a crisis of destruction is too boring. That king is still on the ground."

As Rama talked, he found that something was wrong.

Hanuman, why didn't you say a word.

Rama opened his eyes and said:

"Hanuman, what happened..."

Rama's eyes widened, his mouth gradually opened, and there was no response even when the dog's tail grass fell.

He swallowed, looked at the sky, and muttered to himself, "Three suns..."

"Prince, that's not the sun, it's the eyes..." Hanuman, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his head and said in awe.

above the sky.

Two of the three suns zoomed in rapidly, constantly zooming in, occupying the entire sky in an instant.

Finally, Rama woke up.

It wasn't the sun at all, it was a pair of eyes.

A pair of huge golden vertical pupils like stars!

At this moment, Rama heard a female voice.

A very young, beautiful and innocent female voice.

"I was found by Xiaoju."

In the next instant, Rama's consciousness fell into darkness.


Chapter 0312 Full Screen Broadcast

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