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Chapter 253:

Turning his eyes, Su Jin came to a barren mountain.

Surrounded by dense vegetation and weeds, next to a dirt path, on an undeveloped hill.

"This crossing is really disgusting."

Su Jin untied the collar of his shirt and said slightly uncomfortable.

He released his mind power, sensed the surroundings, and found that he seemed to be near Shennongjia.

After thinking for a while, he took a step and came to a small nunnery in Lushan, raised his hand, and knocked on the door.

"who is it?"

Above the wall, at the eaves, a head popped out.

It was the **** Anshera.


Ansheela was startled, and hurriedly jumped into the yard and opened the door from inside:

"Didn't you just leave for two days?"

Seeing each other, Su Jin sighed and said:

"Looks like I wasn't teleported to the wrong world."

There are also many parallel worlds in the Godkiller world. Although Su Jin thinks it is unlikely, it is indeed possible for him to be teleported to other worlds.

If that's the case, he'll be a little more relaxed.

Because that means the gods of Hakoniwa have found the wrong target world.

This will make it easier for him to cover up his traces.

But it seems that things are not as easy as he imagined.

Su Jin stepped into the small nunnery under the welcome of Ansheela:

"Where's Pandora?"

"According to your instructions, within 10 years, she and I, and Hui Na of Qingqiuyuan will stay in this courtyard, but Qingqiuyuan went out to exercise on the mountain this morning, and I haven't come back yet."

Ansheela said, and led Su Jin into the small cubicle inside.

The sealed world of Pandora is combined with the small room there.

Su Jin walked to the window of the small room and looked inside like a dean.

In the room, the former goddess Pandora with blond hair and double ponytails, full of coquettish beauty, was lying on the bed sleeping soundly.

At this time, Angela explained:

"It's 8:30 in the morning. Pandora usually only wakes up after 11:00. Do you need me to wake her up?"

"No, it's fine now."

Su Jin waved his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

Before returning to Hakoba, he made some arrangements.

For example, let An Xiela and Qingqiuyuan Huina Pandora, who have the power of the ancestors and a lot of force, stay in Mount Lu.

And Liliana, Erica, Alice and Lu Yinghua are responsible for the operation of the forces.

In this world of the godslayer, the power of the godslayer has been greatly weakened due to the temporary demise of the gods, and such a force configuration is sufficient.

At least there will be no problems in a short period of time. Even if it does, Su Jin has left the communication method of the Dimensional Forum, which can ensure the stability here.

Although now that the strong men of Hakoba are coming, such a setting must be inappropriate.

"Ansheela, please inform Lily and the others and ask them to report their location. I will take them back to Mount Lu."

Su Jin's eyes flickered, and he made a decision.

There are only a few people related to him, and these are the only people who know directly that he has fought against the King of the End.

If you want to cover up, it is enough to bring people over and hide in Mount Lu.

However, Su Jin didn't want to hide like this.

He wanted to strike out and steer the investigations of the forwards of the gods in his favor.

"Want to take an adventure?"

Su Jin narrowed his eyes, he was more inclined to take risks.

Although it will lead him into the sight of the gods, Su Jin has confidence in the hidden function of the Dimensional Forum.

He knew the double-digit Kurimo would arrive in this world, and once she didn't find out.

No matter how suspicious Su Jin is, he will be regarded as an 'innocent man' by the gods.

And... after all, he has to face the gods, and entering the sight of the gods earlier will be more conducive to creating a dark scene under the lights.

As Ansheela went to arrange, Su Jin let out a deep breath.

Then, the corners of his mouth gradually turned up, revealing a smile.

"Are the gods?" Su Jin looked to the west with a little playfulness.


Rome, the Papal State under reconstruction, next to a construction site.

A boy with white hair and a short stature, who can only be said to be Zhengtai, appeared beside the construction site.

And beside him, this is a girl of the same age.

Cai Liling took out a roll of animal skin, looked around, and then said to the young man next to her.

"Your Highness, we seem to have reached our destination."


Kalgi responded, and then looked around with flickering eyes, listening to the sound of the wind:

"This seems to be the Papal State?"


Caili Ling was stunned for a moment, and looked around the construction site:

"Isn't this a construction site?"

At this time, Kalji closed his eyes, and the tip of his nose twitched slightly:

"I can smell the power left here, um, it was destroyed about a month ago? The murderer seems to be using power? However, very weak?"

"Did you get major information when you came up?"

Cai Liling took out another scroll, using her thoughts as a pen to record information, and muttered at the same time:

"Speaking of which, why did the above make such trouble, let us knock down the investigators of the Crusaders, and pretend to be their lower realm?"

"And why must you, Your Highness, come and investigate the last king yourself?"

"My Lingge has not been unsealed, and I can't figure out what's going on. I guess it has some deep meaning."

Kargil shook his head slightly puzzled, then glanced at Cai Liling and said:

"Lin, don't call me Your Highness here."

"Eh? What's that called?"

Cai Liling was stunned for a moment, then she realized the fact that they needed to disguise, and said tentatively:


"Just call it this."

Kalji smiled, then looked to the west:

"The feeling of that power seems to be in the west, let's go check it out."

"Intuition tells me that the person who destroyed the Papal State has something to do with the last king."

"In that case, let's go check it out."

Cai Liling said this, suddenly paused, and looked to the west.

In the same way, Kalji also found an abnormality and said with surprise:

"Lingge contact technique?"

Immediately afterwards, Kalji smiled and said:

"Looks like someone wants to be the leader~"


Dongdu, Shiba Park.

A woman wearing a lady's suit with an extraordinary ponytail, standing under a telephone pole, turned her head to look at the green-eyed woman with a cup of milk tea and a braided braid, surprised.

"It's weird, how could the Queen be willing to send you out to investigate such a boring thing?"

Opposite her, Skaha, who was wearing casual clothes, also looked at the person in front of her with a headache:

"Fumen actually sent you here, Uesugi."

"It is more accurate to say that it is Emperor Shitian. Of course, there must be a high level of Buddhism behind this."

Uesugi Kenshin said with a playful expression while eating ice cream:

"To be honest, it's been a long time since I saw the flustered look of that waste god."

"It seems that the change in the spirit figure has a great impact on him. It is estimated that he found himself and his thorny enemy to become competitors of the unfinished spirit figure?" Skaha joked.

However, Uesugi Kenshin shrugged:

"Unfortunately, before I came, he was chatting hotly with the club's mother Sang."

"It's really in line with the habit of other people's wife control."

Skaha groaned, then turned his head to look west.

"Oh? Signal from the Greek location?"

Uesugi Kenshin squinted and looked at the west:

"I heard that the famous Hercules was sent over there."

"In that case, it's worth a visit."

Skaha laughed and said to Uesugi Kenshin in a relaxed tone:


Uesugi Kenshin ate the ice cream in one bite, then licked his lips and said:

"I can't ask for it!"

Chapter 0313 Five forces gather

Greece, dilapidated, even covered with moss, the Temple of Athena.

Over 2.5 meters tall, with a sturdy physique, wearing a large custom-made suit, the gentle but wild man raised his head, looked at the dilapidated building, and said with emotion:

"In this world, is Greek mythology broken?"

As the Hercules of the Greek gods, Hercules couldn't help feeling a little emotional when he saw the dilapidated scene.

In Hakoten, Greece is still at its peak.

Zeus, who captured the wisdom of Metis, saw through the loopholes in the rules of the little garden sharply and cunningly, and made the gods stay in the lower realm with a four-digit exception, occupying a large amount of faith.

This makes Greece have residual beliefs in the universe observed by Hakoniwa, and still maintain a strong vitality.

This led to an increase in the voice of the Greek gods in Little Garden, and even Hercules gained many benefits.

Maybe it won't be long before he'll be a four-figure breakout, truly a member of the Greek top ranks.

Even he has been able to perceive the approaching critical point.

And this border point, perhaps can start from restoring the glory of Greece in this world.

Recreate the myth of the great hero Hercules once again!

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