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Chapter 254:

"Hehe, declining beliefs often require strong warriors."

Hercules, who was sitting on the west side of the temple, fought, staring sharply at the shadows on the ground.

It was the shadow left by the sunlight hitting the remaining stone pillars.

"This level of shadow manipulation? Leticia Decrea? Or Skaha?"


In the shadows, Skaha's figure slowly emerged from the ground, standing in the north of the temple.

She looked at Hercules with a playful and enthusiastic look at her prey.

"I didn't expect to meet an opponent like you in this lower realm."

"I don't want to conflict with the Queen's Steward."

Hercules said in a humming voice, the mountain-like figure with a strong oppressive force.

At this time, Skaha licked the corner of his mouth and said:

"On the contrary here, I like to play with the masters of the gods who discriminate against women like Greece."

Although Hakoba is the gathering place of countless myths, gender conflict is an enduring contradiction of human beings.

The Queen of Halloween is the master of the house and the Celts who advocate equal rights.

It is not news that they do not deal with the Greek gods who have many goddesses but secretly discriminate against women.

"That's right, for a mission like this, sharing information is the key, and the premise of sharing information is the understanding of their respective forces!"

Hercules stood like an iron tower, without doing anything, just staring at Skaha, looking like he was ready for battle.

And at this moment, the impatient persuaders came out.

"Both of you, although we are restricted, if we go all out in the lower realm, we will be attacked by the Heavenly Army."

Look at Uesugi Kenshin who suddenly appeared in the south of the temple.

Skaha and Hercules gathered their breaths together.

And Hercules took a fancy to Sugi Kenshin, showing a fearful expression:

"you are?!"

"The Dharma Protector actually came in person for the twelve days?"

Twelve days of Dharma protection.

An army guarding the borders of the heavens, preventing the upper-level gods from descending on the lower levels of Little Garden, and taking into account the duty of crusade against the Demon King—【Sky Army】.

Its essence is to include all kinds of warrior gods in the Middle East, ancient India, and East Asia, and it is considered to cover the most violent legions of the upper class.

Among them, the most core and strongest twelve people are called the twelve days of hair care.

And Uesugi Kenshin in front of him is the incarnation of Bishamonten.

Therefore, the slender and thin woman in front of her is essentially a three-digit [Martial God].

Looking at each other, Hercules said with a little surprise:

"I didn't expect you to appear in the form of a human being."

Uesugi Kenshin in front of him naturally cannot be Bishamonten.

The presence of three digits in the Nether will lead to the collapse of the galaxy level.

Even if it comes to the lower level of Box Garden, which is relatively stable, it will cause changes in the world, causing the destruction of dozens or even dozens of outer gates.

Therefore, the reason why Kenshin Uesugi appeared in front of him was that he was reincarnated as a human through a secret method.

This is a god-king-level existence who descends from heaven as a human being.

"Well, various things happened."

Uesugi Kenshin straightened his hair, then put his hands on his hips and said in a relaxed tone:

"There are orders from the bosses that are irrelevant, and there are questions from the top officials of Buddhism who want me to investigate. In the end, it is the 'trickster' who has appeared frequently recently."


Hercules and Skaha were stunned at the same time.

And Uesugi Kenshin, who noticed their doubts, scratched his cheeks and said:

"Speaking of which, is it really okay for me to leak such information?"

There was a beeping sound in the earphone of her right ear, which seemed to be connected with some existence.

"Ah? Let them assist in the investigation? I understand. When everyone arrives, I will announce the news."

Seeing this, Hercules looked around, and then said loudly:

"Are you still thinking of hiding? Or do you think you can escape the perception of me or the protector for twelve days?"

There was silence for a second or two, and then a young male voice sounded.

"I know it's a very troublesome job."

Kalgi and Cairi Ling suddenly appeared on the east side of the dilapidated temple.

As the leader, Kalji stood up and bowed slightly:

"first meet."

"Unfamiliar face, are you from over there?"

Skaha looked at it with interest.

Another four-digit powerhouse.

However, after taking a few glances, Skaha was a little regretful.

So immature!

With Kalji's current standing position, Skaha had at least twenty ways to send him to hell.

The age at which the other party was born may not even be 20 years old.

With a natural four-digit number, it seems that he is a guy with a big background.

And just as Skaha was thinking about it, Kalji smiled and said:

"You can call me: 'Bishop'."

People of the Crusaders, why are you using this kind of good seedlings to waste every day... The three people present felt emotional together.

At this time, Skaha reminded kindly:

"Little guy, hurry up and worship a good teacher. It's shameful to waste your talent."

"Thank you for your concern."

Kalji said with a smile, but he felt a little helpless in his heart.

Teacher... Then there must be someone who really wants to be!

Uesugi Kenshin glanced at Kalji, then pressed his earphones, looked around and said:

"According to the report of the Tianjun Observation Department, there seems to be a group of talents right?"

"It's weird. Thousands of eyes should send observers for this kind of thing? The rest should be them. Could it be that those people have already begun to collect intelligence?"

At this moment, a smiling male voice rang out.

"I'm sorry, but this is not the kind of investigative professional here."

The next moment, Su Jin tore the space and appeared in the center of the Quartet.

0314 Qualified Thousand Eyes Member

Tearing apart the space with psychic power, Su Jin, who arrived at the scene, stood on the spot, looked around the crowd, and said with a slightly playful tone:

"It looks like I'm the last to arrive?"

Skahar, who was standing beside the northern marble column, said with a little surprise:

"Interesting, Qianyan will actually ask you to intervene."

"Because that one offered conditions that I couldn't refuse." Su Jin responded with a smile.

Who... Uesugi Kenshin looked at Su Jin blankly.

Hercules hesitated, as if he knew Su Jin, but he couldn't be sure.

Beside them, Kalji and Cai Liling were busy for a while before showing a puzzled expression, as if they didn't know Su Jin.

"Skaha, who is this?"

Uesugi Kenshin, who really didn't know Su Jin, turned his head to look at Skaha and asked.

"Some time ago, the topical figure of the upper class, the one newly acquired by the White Night King belongs to the gods."

Skaha explained briefly.

"Oh~ it's you!"

Uesugi Kenshin showed a stunned expression:

"The little guy who was picked up by the canary before."

Hearing this, Su Jin just glanced at Uesugi Kenshin with a little doubt.

Another person who has climbed up the relationship with the canary? He couldn't help but think so.

And knowing Su Jin's "origin", Uesugi Kenshin said with a little emotion:

"It looks like Qianyan has been in a mess recently because of the riots at the top."

Even Bai Yasha asked the 'private soldier' ​​to perform important tasks, and it is conceivable how tense Qianyan's power is.

Of course, this is the same with the Heavenly Army.

Otherwise, a three-digit Martial God would not descend to the sky, let alone come to the lower realm to perform tasks.

Uesugi Kenshin sighed for a while, closed his eyes, then looked around the crowd and said:

"Then, in this way, all the representatives are here."

Afterwards, everyone announced their identities, and during this period, everyone was in a situation where the above Sugi Kenshin was the main one.

Quietly, Uesugi Kenshin became the 'leader' of everyone present.

Even Hercules, who sent the contact signal, did not express any objection.

The existence of three figures, being the interim leader, is the obvious thing.

Even if the current Uesugi Kenshin has only four-digit power, no one can ignore the essence of the other party and the background behind it.

As the most powerful army in Hakoba, the Tianjun is still very deterrent.

In the face of everyone who did not object, Uesugi Kenshin reluctantly raised the corners of his mouth and said with a half smile and half a sigh:

"Although I really want to say nonsense like 'let everyone work together', I also understand that it is impossible for you **** to cooperate."

The contradiction between Greece and Crusades, the contradiction between Celts and Greece, the hatred of Crusades that murdered Celts and destroyed them, plus the neutral Thousand Eyes.

Even Uesugi Kenshin doesn't think he can integrate this group of people and unite.

If she was forced to unite, she dared to guarantee that everyone would act in the same way, even showing an IQ that was inferior to that of a monkey.

This is a criminal record.

She is not like a hero like Hercules, who is used to the position of the leader. It is better to shirk this kind of job as a scapegoat.

Uesugi Kenshin narrowed his eyes and said in a serious tone:

"Investigate the real name of the King of the End, and at the same time search for the group of mischievous ghosts and gods that have appeared frequently recently, presumably everyone received the same task, right?"

No, I'm different, I'm here to be a **** stick... Su Jin complained in his heart.

At this time, Uesugi Kenshin, who saw no objection, looked around the crowd and said:

"My only requirement is for everyone to cooperate with an open mind in the sharing of intelligence."


Everyone keeps silent, but sometimes, silence is an attitude.

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