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Chapter 255:

"Don't you want to achieve even that?"

Uesugi Kenshin raised his hand to rest on his forehead and shook his head a little helplessly.

"Listen, the real name of the king of the end, etc., the Tianjun can ignore it, but if you find out the information about the troublemaker, you must hand it over."

'Trick or Treat'

This is the name given by the upper levels of the small garden to the 'group of gods' who recently deliberately observed other worlds and created riots in that small garden.

The turmoil of the World War and the Godslayer Rebellion, which has already begun, are clearly the work of that unknown group of gods.

This kind of continuous production of big events involving the gods, and the group of gods who may even fool themselves, it is simply blind to not call it a 'trickster'.

Of course, troublemaker is just a private name for the gods.

The official name promulgated by the Heavenly Army is 'Gremlin'.

The implied meaning is 'mischievous little devil', a title that makes Su Jin complain endlessly.

Uesugi Ken said in a serious tone:

"On this point, do you have any objections?"

"It's impossible, ma'am."

Dissent rang out.

Uesugi Kenshin turned his eyes, looked at Su Jin who was speaking, and narrowed his eyes:

"Just call me Uesugi, and then what? What's Qianyan's opinion?"

"Sharing intelligence is impossible."

Su Jin looked around everyone Hello with a subtle expression, and said jokingly:

"After all, if you find out yourself, it will be difficult to handle."

This is called a back-and-forth... Su Jin has a taste in his heart.

For a moment, everyone fell silent.

Uesugi Kenshin opened his mouth, but in the end he was unable to refute this possibility.

She also suspected that there might be a troublemaker among the Heavenly Army, and he was a high-ranking member, and even protected the law for twelve days.

Otherwise, the Heavenly Army has been investigating the troublemakers for a week, and they are a group of gods without any major suspicion. This in itself is very unreasonable.

Observing a different world, or a different world with such distortion possibilities, the changes in spirituality should be very obvious.

The scale of these two times is enough for an ordinary person to be promoted to four figures, and he is still a good player among the four figures.

If it is a four-digit number, the spiritual level will also be greatly improved, and such changes can be detected by the central authority of the Heavenly Army.

After all, the leader of the Twelve Days of Dharma Protector, Teisha, was one of the members who used to manufacture the Hakoten Center.

Wait a minute, Emperor Shitian... Uesugi felt a sigh of relief, and he had an ominous premonition.

On the surface, she has a serious face, a normal look that can no longer be normal, and even asked Su Jin:

"It seems that Qianyan has obtained important information?"

Uesugi Kenshin narrowed his eyes slightly, sneering in his heart.

Are you not a professional intelligence spy?

You clearly know something!

At this time, Su Jin said with a smile:

"Ms. Uesugi should know the rules, right?"

Uesugi Kenshin stayed for a while.

Su Jin was stunned, thinking that Uesugi Kenshin didn't understand, deliberately raised his right hand and rubbed his thumb on his index and middle fingers.

Uesugi Kenshin then reflected what the rules were.

This rule is commonly known as 'to ask for money', also known as 'slaughter the big family'!

Seeing this, even Skaha, who knew Su Jin, couldn't help laughing and scolding:

"Thousands of eyes attract you to become a member of the outer circle, it's really a ghost."

"Where are you, you are welcome."

Su Jin replied with a smile, and added:

"Looking at the fact that Miss Uesugi seems to be an acquaintance of my former chief of staff, give a special discount, this time 5% off."

Uesugi Kenshin twitched the corner of his mouth and said:

"It's really a good deal."

"However, to be honest, I don't actually have much cash with me."

While she said that, she turned her head and looked at Calgi and Hercules faintly.

Tianjun is an organization that operates at its own expense and is occasionally subsidized by Buddhism, so it is old and poor! Especially at the top is the stingy Di Shitian, that's even worse!

As it happens, there are two big dog owners present!

Kalji: "???"

Hercules: "?"

Chapter 0315 Hematemesis Selling Intelligence

Hercules and Calgi looked at each other, and both saw the embarrassment in each other's eyes at the same time.

As we all know, Thousand Eyes is a large intelligence community alliance.

Also known as the intelligence quotient.

And the group of intelligence dealers depends entirely on the asking price of intelligence.

So here comes the question?

How much is the last king's intel worth?

How much is the information of 'Gremlin's body' worth?

This kind of information involves multiple groups of gods, has a wide range of influence, and may also involve double-digit intelligence, so the cost will obviously be extremely high.

Zeus didn't give me much money, so it's impossible for me to pay for it, right? If you can't, then you have to look at the Crusaders, but I don't know how much the Bishop of the Crusades has brought... Hercules said in a deep voice:

"Greece waives first refusal for intelligence."

It's not that I don't buy it, but that I give up the priority and let the rich buy it. First-hand information and second-hand information are definitely not the same price... Hercules narrowed his eyes and looked at Calgi.

Seeing this, Kalji's expression was very subtle.

I, he, knocked out the bishop of the Crusaders and pretended to be the other party. Where did the funds come from?

The orders given to me by the senior executives of Ouroboros were just to investigate intelligence, but they didn't say to buy it with Qianyan. Those guys probably never thought about paying.

"Bishop..." Cai Liling touched the gift card in her pocket and looked at Kalji with some worry.

Money or something, they have some, but that's the funding for their community 'incarnation'.

Moreover, according to Thousand Eyes' pricing rules, when it comes to double-digit intelligence, it can often only be exchanged for physical gifts, at least starting with a godhead.

They obviously can't afford this price!

It's impossible to sell an important gift in yourself, right?


Seeing the reaction of the two, Uesugi Kenshin raised his eyebrows slightly.

The Cross religion in Hakoniwa is very special, and although there are many sects, when carrying out the task of the God of the Bible, it is often costless.

This hesitation is not normal.

It's over, I'm suspected... Kalji complained in his heart, but on the surface, he still looked calm:

"His Royal Highnesses did not distribute excessive funds."

"Oh huh?"

Skaha showed a playful expression:

"Don't the gods have any leftovers? It looks like you will sell more indulgences next year."

In Hakoniwa, there is a tradition of compulsory purchase of indulgences in the area controlled by the Crusaders.

The official slogan is 'people who are ungodly in their beliefs can eliminate part of their ungodliness by buying indulgences. ’

This method was invented by "Judas", but for various reasons, his method was still retained by the Crusaders.

Of course, there are also Buddhist 'golden offerings' and some local Taoism's 'incense money'.

Everyone is basically half a pound, but because of the large number of Christians, they have received a lot of money.


Kalji skillfully drew a cross in front of him, then looked at Su Jin and said:

"Compared to the purchase problem, I want to verify the correctness of some Thousand Eyes intelligence. If it is verified that the intelligence is necessary to purchase, it is not impossible to purchase at a high price."

This man seems to be a peripheral member of Thousand Eyes, and the protection effect is not very big. It is where Athena is... Hercules is both excited and hesitant.

Although he was sent by Zeus, Athena had sponsored him in the past, and he was still a little incense, which made him hesitant.

The queen said that she would bully this arrogant little fellow, should I settle it easily... Skaha thought about it with a playful look.

As expected of the guy from the cross teaching, he can always induce the devil in others... Kenshin Uesugi seriously suspects that Hercules and Skaha are very excited just now, and they are not far away from doing it.

At this time, Su Jin found that the eyes of the **** around him seemed to light up.

Shit, these **** want to prostitute for nothing... Su Jin couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

These bastards, 80% want to buy and sell strongly in the case of the crucifixion.

Anyway, Thousand Eyes will definitely be looking for trouble with the Cross religion.

Thinking of this, Su Jin said expressionlessly:

"This matter is very simple, just one sentence can tell the correctness of the information."


Uesugi Kenshin blinked, and at the same time couldn't help but glance at Kargi.

Seeing this, Kalji hurriedly asked:

"Can you elaborate?"

Su Jin looked at Kalji at this time, and said expressionlessly:

"As long as you investigate the intelligence of this world, you will know."

The corners of Su Jin's mouth lifted little by little:

"It's been a month since I arrived in this world."


For a moment, everyone showed a surprised expression.

Is Thousand Eyes' technology so powerful? Can you stagger the time arranged by the Queen and arrive early? Skaha thought in surprise.

Oops, most of the information has already been collected by Thousand Eyes, and it has even been found out. Damn intelligence dealers, they always start so fast... Kalji is a little irritable.

I always feel that the man opposite seems to have been watching the bishop of the Crusaders because of the intelligence he collected? Hercules frowned.

At this time, Uesugi Kenshin also looked at Su Jin suspiciously:

"I take the liberty to ask, how did you arrive in advance through the mutual influence of the gods?"

Sure enough, I was suspected... Su Jin thought to himself.

Since multiple groups of gods sent members to the world of godslayers, the top leaders of the groups of gods would naturally guard against each other and interfere with each other.

In the end, the result is that everyone arrives at the same time, and all members have the same starting point.

However, now, Su Jin said that he arrived a month early, which makes it easy to doubt whether Su Jin is a member of Gremlin.

It was suspected that he was the one who deliberately observed the world of the godslayer and created riots.

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