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Chapter 256:

This is also something that can't be helped. Many locals know about Su Jin's actions in this world.

This is unchecked.

After all, shielding the real name of the King of the End does not mean shielding everyone's memory, but secretly handling the key points involving the real name.

But, in a sense, this is the only way to refute my exoneration... Thinking of this, Su Jin said with a smile:

"It's a trade secret."

"Oh?" Uesugi Kenshin asked with twinkling eyes: "What kind of secret is it? What is the rank in the ABCD ranking?"

Su Jin said with a smile: "D-level secret, 10,000 gold, only 1,000-eye gold coins."

A gift card was thrown over by Uesugi Kenshin, followed by Uesugi Kenshin's disgusting expression:

"You bastard, not as cute as a canary."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Su Jin responded, and then said with a smile:

"Do you want to answer publicly, or privately?"

"in private."

Uesugi Kenshin glanced at everyone and said.

Hearing this, Su Jin transmitted his voice through his mind and said:

"This matter involves my main god, the 'boss' of Shiroyasha."

After saying this, Su Jin didn't answer, standing there smiling without saying a word.

Uesugi Kenshin was stunned for a moment, then his face turned red and his face was slightly distorted.


Bloody mother!

When it comes to two-digit intelligence, one word is D-level secrets, and the fee starts from 10,000 gold coins. This is the pricing rule of Thousand Eyes.

However, this sentence is not like a fart, except for the information that the two-digit person cares about the king of the end, there is nothing else.

But, but but!

High-level Buddhists, Dishatian, Crusaders, Greece, and the Queen of Halloween have all sent people over.

Isn't it obvious that this matter spread to the ears of the two goddesses and was concerned by the other party?

This he meow is a piece of trash information.

The real information is definitely more than D-level, maybe F, maybe G, but this brat in front of him deliberately said it was D-level, and then tricked her into buying it, which is simply maddening!

Thinking of this, Uesugi Kenshin endured the heartache and looked at Su Jin with a slightly distorted face:

"I take back the foreword, you are more annoying than the canary, NoName really picked up a ghost this time."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Su Jin replied with a smile, then looked around the crowd and said:

"Who else needs to buy information? This time, you can get a 30% discount on the vomit blood field."

Chapter 0316 Everyone has left

Who still buys this, didn't you see Uesugi Kenshin's expression just now?

That is definitely the expression of being pitted and bleeding!

Cairi Rin whispered in her heart, but as a staff advisor to the community, she still had to look at Kalji's opinion.

"No, let's investigate by ourselves."

Kalji said this, and then took the lead with Cai Liling to leave the stage.

They plan to investigate directly first, and if they can't find out the problem, then let the funders behind the Ouroboros come forward to buy intelligence from Thousand Eyes.

Then, Hercules glanced at Su Jin, and then said goodbye and left.

Because intuition told the Hercules that buying information from Su Jin was definitely more expensive than buying it from the Thousand Eyes branch of Hakoniwa, and it was much more expensive.

Uesugi Kenshin, who was tricked, glared at Su Jin, did not speak, turned around, and was about to leave.

"Wait a mininute."

Su Jin suddenly stopped Uesugi Kenshin.

Uesugi Kenshin paused, turned his head to look at him, then froze for a moment, and reached out to catch a gift card.

This is the gift card she handed to Su Jin just now, but if you check it carefully, you will find that there is a thousand gold coins missing.

"You are this?"

Uesugi Kenshin looked at the gift card, and then looked at Su Jin in surprise.

"According to the existing information, all the heroic gods of steel in this world may become the last king."

After Su Jin finished saying this, he smiled and said:

"This information is worth a thousand gold coins."


Uesugi Kenshin raised his eyebrows in surprise, then showed a smile:

"You kid, are you deliberately coaxing those few away for this?"

"No, I'm just doing it for money and connections."

Su Jin said very frankly.

Canary, the former chief of staff of Arcadia, is the head of the Twelve Days of Dharma and is a disciple of Emperor Shitian.

And Uesugi Kenshin is one of the direct subordinates of Emperor Shitian.

From the point of view of maintaining the relationship alone, it is impossible for Su Jin to cheat each other for ten thousand gold coins.

It is very stupid to consume three-digit favors for a little gold.

"You're being honest."

Uesugi Kenshin smiled, then threw the gift card back:

"Just what you said just now is enough to get the money."

"If you have something to do in the future, you can find me at the Heavenly Army branch at Outer Gate 1000."

Su Jin reached out to catch the gift card, looked at the card, and smiled:

"That would be disrespectful."

While earning gold coins, I also got a favor by the way, this wave is obviously not a loss.

After throwing the gift card, Uesugi Kenshin waved his hand and left, as if he already had a direction to investigate.

In the end, only Skaha and Su Jin were left in the scene.

Skaha, who witnessed the after-the-fact transaction, laughed jokingly at this time:

"Well done, even that Bishamonten was tricked by you."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Su Jin looked at Skaha with a smile.

"Sure enough, he's a troublemaker."

Skaha grumbled, then asked:

"And then, does that last king have anything to do with Celtic?"

"E-level information, 100,000 gold coins, or an equivalent gift."

Su Jin's face turned pale, as if he was doing business.

However, Skaha didn't care about Su Jin's 'performance' at all.

She leaned on the broken marble pillar, narrowed her eyes slightly, and said in a frivolous tone:

"My sister doesn't have that much money, can you pay with meat?"

"Please don't drive up the price." Su Jin's mouth twitched slightly, and he said expressionlessly.

"Heartless man."

Skaha muttered, then narrowed his eyes and said:

"Okay, stop joking with you, what do you want me to do for you?"

"Go and don't tell me the reason why you deliberately made me wait until the end, and you don't even shy away from trading, just because you want to chat with me?"

Su Jin's expression paused, and he asked a little hesitantly:

"His Royal Highness Skaha."

"Huh? It seems to be a difficult thing to handle?" Skaha knew that it must be a big deal when he heard Su Jin's honorific title.

"Well, it's a big deal."

Su Jin said this, and then said:

"I want you to ask the Queen for me."

Su Jin said this with a very solemn expression on his face:

"What are the conditions for borrowing the twelve constellations of the zodiac once?"

According to Bai Yasha's estimation, to complete the simulated star creation map of the small universe, it may be necessary to use the sun sovereignty of the twelve constellations.

And according to his chat with Bai Yasha yesterday, Su Jin learned that there are five shares of Sun Sovereign that have been revealed.

Not to mention the Ophiuchus constellation held by Leticia for the time being, the other four sun sovereignty whose whereabouts are unknown are Taurus, Leo, Pisces, and Chenlong.

Three of them are the sun sovereigns of the twelve constellations.

The zodiac signs in the hands of the Queen of Halloween are Virgo and Aquarius.

Compared to the seven twelve constellations in the hands of Shiroyasha, the troubles are the lost three, and the two in the hands of the Queen of Halloween.

These are the solar sovereignty that must be obtained, even if it is only for a period of time, for the sake of the small universe, Su Jin must collect them completely.

This is likely to be related to his future.

Among them, 7 in Baiyasha's hands will not be mentioned, and 2 in the Queen of Halloween. Su Jin thinks it is necessary to test the Queen's attitude first.

Hearing that the zodiac constellation was borrowed, the smile on Skaha's face disappeared instantly.

She narrowed her eyes, looked at Su Jin seriously, and frowned:

"It's really rude."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked the queen to borrow the sovereignty of the sun. It was the first time Skaha had seen a daring guy like Su Jin.

"I will report the request, but whether the Queen will answer or not, I can't guarantee it."

Even so, Skaha thinks that the Queen might actually agree to this request.

If Su Jin doesn't care about the exposure.

After all, the matter of 'the subordinate **** of Shiroyasha borrowing the sovereignty of the sun from the queen' is a very interesting thing for the Queen of Halloween.

After all, this can swipe the face of the White Night King once.

"I hope this is a secret deal." Su Jin said in a serious tone.

Although Bai Yasha said in private that he didn't care, but after bothering others so many times, Su Jin was embarrassed to make her lose face once.

Su Jin suspects that the Queen of Halloween will spread the news without hesitation.

Hearing this, Skaha paused for a moment, spread out his hands and said, "I can't guarantee this."

No one can figure out what the Queen of Halloween is thinking, and even Skaha, who is a valet, can't guarantee the idea of ​​the other party.

Seeing this, Su Jin didn't say much, but said:

"The Last King and Artio are suspected to be mother-son relationship."

Skaha was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said:

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