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Chapter 257:

"Is it her? In other words, is it related to Arthur?"

The son of Artio, who is suspected to be the prototype of King Arthur in mythology.

It's a bit sensitive.

Celtic mythology has been wiped out in the upper level of Little Garden.

If King Arthur is the last king, the birth of this spirituality would really be able to awaken the destroyed spirituality and allow King Arthur to return.

And such an action must be the handwriting of the Queen of Halloween.

At least, outsiders would think so.

Skaha turned, and before disappearing she said:

"I'll try to ask once, but don't get your hopes up."

"Are you promised?"

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

This information could be exchanged for Skaha's assistance, as he expected.

But whether the Queen of Halloween will agree or not is not within Su Jin's calculation.

After all, the strength is still too weak... If you have the eighth sense, even the great power of the universe or the small universe of God, you can put a three-digit number to grab the sovereignty of the sun... Su Jin complained a bit in his heart, and then stayed in place quietly. waiting.

Not long after, Hercules, tall and strong, like a heavyweight boxing champion, folded here again and stood opposite Su Jin.

Su Jin was not surprised in the slightest, but instead showed an indifferent smile:

"What information do you want?"

Hercules said loudly: "The last king and the troublemaker."

After he finished speaking, he added:

"As soon as it came, I got a piece of information from the local people with power. After reading the information, I took the initiative to initiate Lingge contact, just to test whether the content of the information is true."

He said this with a serious expression:

"The seventh god-killer, the one who killed the recalcitrant Athena, is it you?"

Hercules said this, his eyes narrowed and said:

"Let Athena achieve the Trinity's troublemaker."

Chapter 0317 The person who can't wait

Sure enough, how could the most famous hero in Greece be a reckless man... Su Jin laughed at himself.

"Yes, it's me."

Su Jin directly admitted that, in fact, this does not allow him to refute, because he has no time to delete the memories of people all over the world.

Hercules' face became solemn, and then said:

"I see, I'll keep it a secret."

After he finished speaking, he added:

"Take it as a belated apology to that guy."

This is ashamed of Athena... Su Jin was surprised for a moment, and then said:

"You seem to have misunderstood something?"

Hercules froze for a moment, then frowned:

"How to say?"

At this time, Su Jin said with half a smile and half a sigh:

"I did meet the Athena of this world, but at that time, she was already a Trinity."


Hercules showed a look of astonishment.

Before Su Jin met, was it the Trinity? That is to say, is it not Su Jin's ghost?

At this time, Su Jin said helplessly:

"I tried killing the Athena and tampering with the myth, but in the end, I found that I couldn't do it."

This is all true. He unconsciously took Athena's godhead from the very beginning, and indeed tried to kill her.

Tampering with myths? Isn't helping Athena become the only **** tampering with the myth?

As for not being able to do it in the end? Silver-haired Lolita Athena is too fragrant, isn't it normal to not be able to do it?

All of them are true, all of them are true, but it is just another impression in the ears of those who hear them... Su Jin sneered in his heart.

Didn't lie, didn't feel like he was lying, was it all true? Hercules frowned so deeply that nasolabial lines appeared on his forehead.

"Is that so?"

In this way, it can also explain the information he obtained.

The reason why Su Jin was rumored to have killed Athena is understandable.

He tried to kill, but found that he couldn't do it, but in the eyes of the locals, the scene of the battle became the factual basis for him to kill Athena and become the devil.

If so, is the troublemaker still hiding?

That's right, even the existence of two digits can be concealed, how can such a fatal flaw be exposed.

And when Hercules was thinking, Su Jin hesitated and said with some hesitation:

"Hercules, I have to tell you some information in advance."

"Huh? You said." Hercules regained his senses and wondered.

At this time, Su Jin said with half pity and half sigh:

"In this world, the myth of Hercules is linked to Mithras, Bahram, and Deshatian."


Hercules was stunned. When he was in the lower realm, he really felt that his spirituality had changed, but he was in the lower realm very early, so he just felt that there was a change, but he had not seen the real body, so he did not know about it.

But if it's really like what Su Jin said.

Does that mean that there is an unfinished spiritual personality that involves oneself?

And, most importantly, he has two more terrifying opponents.

Mithras and Di Shitian, these are big three figures!

Wait a minute, it seems that Di Shitian has already occupied Bahram's position?

Doesn't that mean that he is the one most likely to achieve this unfinished spirit?

Hercules' face suddenly became very ugly.

Whoever had an additional three-digit enemy, and this enemy was the biggest violent organization in Hakoba, the commander-in-chief of the Heavenly Army, would be as embarrassed as Hercules.

As if worried that the stimulation was not enough, after Su Jin finished speaking, he said in a meaningful tone:

"And this spirit figure has a very close connection with the Last King."

"Grass!" Herculeston couldn't help but blurted out.

If it is really the spirit of the last king, then the so-called danger is very fatal.

The last king who appeared in the last days, the ultimate savior.

This kind of spirituality is obviously a single-digit category.

Would Di Shitian not want to achieve it?

Would Mithras not want to increase his strength?

If you want to, doesn't it mean that the first step is to kill Hercules and seize the spiritual status?

Nima, why, I am the tool person who came to perform the task!

At this time, Su Jin said with some pity and some sadness:

"And, according to my information, this spiritual personality seems to be related to the Holy Son of the Crusaders."


Hercules was silent for a long time, and with the etiquette of a scholar of the East, he solemnly bowed to Su Jin and said:

"Thank you, brother, I have something to do, so I'll take my leave."

After finishing speaking, a sound burst, but Hercules left the scene at an abnormally high speed and went to check the relevant information.

This time, Hercules was far from being as steady and leisurely as before, but was very impatient.

Because even if another person knew that he was about to be besieged by the Celestial Army, the Crusaders, and the Persian gods, he would be as impatient as Hercules.

This is indeed a very fatal thing.

During the run, Hercules always felt a little strange.

Obviously he went to question Su Jin, but why did Su Jin not panic, but he became like this?

Why is this?

Hercules was silent for a while, and silently moved towards India. Where would he go to find relevant information, if he couldn't find it, his goal would be the secluded world in the local population.

All in all, he must verify the information in Su Jin's mouth.

Thinking of this, Hercules' figure gradually became illusory, but he used his gift to speed up his journey.

Inside the ruined temple.

Su Jin leaned on the load-bearing column, yawned, and waited quietly.

After waiting for nearly an hour, Su Jin showed a suspicious expression.

"Crazy people, why didn't you come?"

Logically speaking, anyone who knew that I arrived a month in advance would buy a piece of information... Su Jin was a little puzzled.

This is like playing a new game without looking for a guide, which is a very rare practice, and even an abnormal behavior.

Could it be that he didn't see through his death just now asking for money, but he was actually implying a private transaction?

Isn't that so, the people of the Crusaders can't turn their heads? Oh, it's possible.

At this time, Su Jin suddenly paused, and his ears moved slightly:

"Number five, what did you say? There are familiar fluctuations in that person? But there is no way to be sure?"

After listening to the golden description of the fifth lion, Su Jin vaguely confirmed an idea.

There is a big problem on the cross side of the sect... That one man and one woman, young, can't you... Su Jin was suspicious and turned around and left the temple.

He doesn't have much time now to wait for someone who probably won't come.

Moreover, if the bishop is really the boy named Kalji, then he needs to make some preparations!

Chapter 0318 Ceremony

The streets of Rome, people come and go on the sidewalk.

Cai Liling looked at Kalji who was walking slowly ahead with doubts on her face:

"Dan... Bishop, why don't you go to Qianyan to buy information privately?"

Speaking of which, Cai Liling added:

"Doing this will make that man doubt our identity?"

"Lin, it's not that I don't want to hide my identity, but that man is very dangerous."

Kalji stopped, paused, and said in a low tone:

"Leo, had a special reaction to him."

Cai Liling's pupils shrank suddenly, she couldn't help opening her mouth and said:

"You mean, the Sovereign of the Sun reacts to that person? Doesn't that mean.?"


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