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Chapter 258:

Kalji nodded slightly and sighed softly:

"Maybe he holds a simulated astrological chart like me, or maybe he is the best holder of Leo's approval, but in any case, it is too dangerous to get along with him in private."

Whether it is attracting Su Jin's attention, or his secret of holding the sovereignty of the sun is recorded by Thousand Eyes, this is a very dangerous thing.

Here, especially the latter.

Once Su Jin chooses to report the information of Leo to Qianyan, the existence of the god-king level will be chasing them.

This is a deadly threat to Kalji.

"Indeed, the defensive gift we purchased may be able to withstand his atomic smashing attacks, but after all, the number of times is limited."

Recalling how Maxwell faced Su Jin's ending, Cai Liling was immediately frightened.

If Kalji really faces Su Jin in private, and the other party can sense Leo.

It is very likely that Su Jin will make a desperate shot.

Sovereignty of the sun has such value!

And even if they don't do it, as long as the other party uses Qianyan's authority to put a price on this information.

Nagarji's situation will be very dangerous.

Even the world is under siege without escaping.

This is very possible.

"His Royal Highness, what shall we do next?" Cai Liling asked worriedly.

Facing a tiger who could choose someone to devour at any time, Cai Liling was very nervous.

Kalji raised his head, looked at the starry sky, closed his eyes and said:

"Go to Daying. My intuition tells me that there is information I need there. Let's hurry up, end it quickly, and leave this world quickly."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Cai Liling responded respectfully, then quickened her pace and quickly left Rome with Galgi.


Lushan, Luo Hao's former residence.

Back here, Su Jin saw Alice and Erica who had been waiting here.

After seeing the two of them, Su Jin smiled: "Looks like, do you have good news to tell me?"

Alice lifted the skirt and gave an elegant salute:

"As you requested, the records in the Council of Sages have been corrected accordingly."

"The red copper black cross has also completed the revision of the record." Erica showed a sly smile.

At this time, Su Jin poured cold water and said:

"Don't be careless, the means of those guys are far beyond your imagination."

Although several successes have been successful in calculating the gods, Su Jin is very clear that the cover of the Dimensional Forum is one of the main reasons.

He is standing in the dark area under the lights to count the gods, so naturally there is no disadvantage.

Because the gods don't even know he exists.

But now it's different.

He has appeared in everyone's sight as the spokesman for the lower realm with Thousand Eyes.

This inevitably leads to a rapid increase in the risk of exposure.

So from now on, every plan must be extremely careful.

Erica immediately restrained her smile and said respectfully, "I am too arrogant."

"The gods of the little garden..."

Alice had a headache at this time.

"Although all actions are required by you, it is indeed too difficult to calculate them with our thinking."

Su Jin sighed after hearing this, and said with a serious face:

"It doesn't matter, I didn't have the purpose of convincing them all from the beginning."

Human records Those who may believe in three points, but at most three points.

Although it is said that he has just successfully misled Uesugi Kenshin and others.

But to be honest, Su Jin succeeded because of the particularity of the Godkiller world.

After all, who would have thought that the King of the End would be a position where all the heroes of steel could take office?

Who would have thought that Athena was actually the goddess of the Trinity in this world?

This is the world's advantage, not Su Jin's. He has always seen this very clearly.

Therefore, next, Su Jin will naturally continue to increase his advantages and let himself continue to enter the field of "darkness under the lights".

Thinking of this, Su Jin looked at Erica and said:

"Have you found all the people I asked you to find?"

Erica smiled and replied: "Through the cooperation of Miss Angela, I have successfully found it."

"very good."

Su Jin nodded, then walked into the courtyard and went straight to Pandora's room.

Pushing open the old-fashioned wooden door, Su Jin found the weak Pandora on the Eight Immortals table in the center of the room.

He saw this scene, walked to the side of the table, picked up the ceramic kettle on the table and poured a glass of water.

"Give me a cup~" Pandora said weakly.

Su Jin silently handed over the poured cup and watched Pandora finish drinking.


Pandora took a long sigh, then looked at Su Jin, and said with a slightly resentful expression:

"Really, you are imprisoning your mother and asking her to do things again. You are really naughty as a child."

Su Jin was too lazy to refute, since he gained power on the ring of usurpation, Pandora began to call herself a adoptive mother and was willing to cooperate with some of his actions.

And he completely turned a blind eye to the title because of the fact that Pandora took the initiative to become a tool person.

After Pandora finished complaining, Su Jin asked, "Where's Sita?"

"The concubine is here."

On the right side of the table, Sita's figure walked out of the world and saluted gracefully:

"I have seen King Su Jin."

Seeing Sita, Su Jin showed a slight smile on his face:

"It looks like you are willing to cooperate with me?"

"Because of your kindness to Prince Rama and the invitation of His Majesty Pandora, Sita cannot find a reason to refuse."

Sita smiled, and then asked with a slightly worried expression:

"It's just a pity, no matter how much my majesty Pandora and I searched, we couldn't find any trace of the prince. If the prince was here, your plan would be more perfect."

Su Jin's face was silent, and he was already mentally prepared to find no trace of Rama.

After all, it was a two-digit arrest with his own hands. Rama was able to escape, but he was even more flustered.

Thinking of this, Su Jin sighed and said:

"I can only be sure that the existence that took Rama was not some evil god."

"And now that the situation has reached this point, I have to give up looking for Rama, and try to use this plan to face the search of the gods."

"Sita is very pleased that you can give an answer."

Sita smiled and said seriously:

"Then, please invite King Su Jin to follow Sita to the Netherworld."

She paused, then said:

"According to your request, the ceremony of summoning the last king from the parallel world is ready."

When Su Jin heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

Chapter 0319 Scary guess

The Underground Library of the Council of the Sages, Glenridge, London.

Kalji was holding an elder lantern with two bulb eyes and stood behind Cairi Ling.

In front of the two is a long wooden table filled with scrolls, parchments, books, slates and other records.

"Is there anything to gain?" After waiting for half an hour, Kalji couldn't help but ask.

Cai Liling rubbed her eyebrows, relieved her fatigue, and then closed the scroll in front of her and said:

"The identity of the last king is generally locked, but the number of people seems to be exaggerated."

"How to say?"

Kalji frowned and asked with a serious look.

Cai Liling opened her mouth and sighed slightly:

"I locked some gods who might be the last king."

"They have Hercules, Rama, Indra, Velesrana, Mithras, Son Goku, King Arthur, Odin, the Son of Messiah, and..."

Saying this, Cai Liling looked at Karji with a strange expression and said:

"Your Highness Kargi."

When she said this, she said with tears in her eyes:

"You may also be the last king."


Kalji's head was full of question marks.

This is like when you, as a police officer, investigate a murderer, and after rigorous reasoning and heavy tracking, you finally find that the murderer is yourself.

This is a plot that no third-rate novelist can write.

Thinking of this, Kalji couldn't help but say strangely: "So, the final answer is to ask me to surrender?"

"That's not it."

Cai Liling sighed slightly:

"From the existing information, combined with this organization called the Council of Sages, it is inferred that the last king may be a conferred position."

"The condition for becoming the last king is a male hero of steel. In simple terms, it is the **** of the paternal line, plus a condition that we don't know."

"According to the inference of Alice, the chairman of the Council of Sages, this condition is likely to be given by 'fate'."

"Fate~" Kalji's tone was full of emotion.

He also bears the fate of the savior, and it can even be said that the reason why Ouroboros takes a fancy to Kalji is because he can become a double-digit savior, thus achieving some purpose of the high level of Ouroboros.

From this point of view, it seems that he does have a lot of affinity with the King of the End.

After sighing for a while, Kalji couldn't help but ask: "Does this destiny refer to individuals, or is it a false one?"

"It's most likely an individual."

Cai Liling looked at the pile of documents behind her, and said in an uncertain tone:

"The **** who bestowed the fate of the **** of steel, the last king, is collectively called the **** of fate.

According to the existing information, it is likely to point to the three goddesses of destiny in Greece, but it may also be Zarvan of Zoroastrianism, or it may be the candle dragon in the east. "

"It seems that as long as it is a **** related to time or destiny, it may be this **** of destiny."

"It's just..."

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