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Chapter 259:

Kalji opened his mouth and thought about it for a long time before he came up with an appropriate answer:

"It's like painting a pie."

All time gods can be fate gods, all steel gods can be the last king.

And these two, in Hakoniwa, may be unfinished spirits.

Especially the last king.

Appearing at the end, the last savior!

This spirituality covers the ten incarnations of Vishnu, the belief in the Son of God, and the eternal king of Celtic, King Arthur, and even Taoism.

This kind of spirituality has a high probability of being a single-digit unfinished spirituality, and it is the ultimate dream of all life in Hakoniwa.


This kind of spirituality is basically impossible to complete.

He is like a cake hanging in the sky. You can see it, but you can never eat it. It's really disgusting.

"His Royal Highness." Cai Liling said in a slightly tangled tone: "I feel that the next small garden will be very dangerous."

Kalgi frowned and did not speak, but waited for Cairi Rin's explanation.

"This kind of high-ranking is involved, but there is basically no complete possibility, or the price of completion is almost slaughtering a large number of unfinished spirits of the gods, don't you think it is strange?"

Cai Liling said this, Kalji's eyes suddenly sharpened.

"You mean?"

Cai Liling nodded slightly, swallowed and said:

"Someone or a certain existence is deliberately observing these other worlds, making cakes for the gods, or making a bad check."

"He or they use the possibility of evolution one by one to induce the gods to kill each other against each other, and even kill each other in large numbers, just like raising a gu, forcing the gods to evolve."

"And in this process, he did not consume too much power."

"The gods who devoured the gods themselves will become stronger, and the so-called unfinished spirituality is just a 'mutation channel' that provides stability for this strengthening."

"But in the process, a lot of gods die.

And even if some people fulfilled their demands in Hakoba, it didn't matter.

It is not uncommon for the gods to achieve the conditions, but unable to complete the final spiritual sublimation. "

"But when the gods die, that's the real death."

"I suspect that He, or their purpose, may want to reduce or even disappear the gods."

"Stop talking!" Kalji raised his voice suddenly.

Cai Liling was startled, took a few steps back and bumped into the table.

She frowned in pain and wanted to shout, but she saw Kargi's fearful eyes.

Cai Liling didn't care about the pain, but asked in surprise, "Your Highness, do you know something?"


Kalji was silent for a moment, and then exhorted in a very serious tone:

"Don't talk about this idea in Hakoba, don't even think about it."

"His Royal Highness?" Caili Ling was stunned for a moment, then her pupils shrank and said, "Could it be that it is a two-digit existence."

Kalgi hesitated for a moment, but shook his head and said two words silently.

Cai Liling was suddenly dumbfounded.

Judging from the shape of Kalji's mouth, he was clearly saying the word 'central'.

Is it the Hakoba Center, inducing the gods to kill each other?

He actually gave birth to self-consciousness? !

Seeing that Cairi Ling understood the danger of the matter, Kalji quickly added:

"Don't mention it again, or even report it to the top."

The center of the small garden has self-awareness, and this kind of thing is really terrible.

To use the description of orientalization, that is, the way of heaven has a self.

How could the four-digit Kalgi and the five-digit Cai Liling be able to resist the center under the rule of the center of the small garden?

Regardless of whether the Central Little Garden has self-awareness or not, and with that level of self-awareness, fighting against him is an extremely unwise choice.

Although the combination of two figures may not be able to compete against the center of the small garden, but before that, he and Cai Liling will definitely die.

It is even possible that when they say that the center of the small garden has self-awareness, they will be obliterated by the center of the small garden by various means.

This is not impossible.

Sakyamuni's law of causality can achieve this, and it may not be impossible for Sakyamuni's "causal truth" to limit the small garden center.

Knowing the danger of the matter, Cairi Rin said with a fearful expression:

"Your Highness, shall we continue to investigate?"

Kalji was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth and said:


"Dead Daoist friends don't die poor Daoists. If we keep this secret and don't tell it, He has no reason to kill us."

"Continue to investigate the real name of the King of the Last, and determine who is the proof of the King of the Last among the names just now. If it doesn't work, report the pile of names just now."

Hearing this, Cai Liling said weakly:

"His Royal Highness, if you want to investigate next, you may have to go to the world unique to this world."

Kalji heard the words and said in a serious tone:

"Then go there and solve this task quickly, the sooner the better!"

Chapter 0320 Respective Actions

India, Kathmandu.

Hercules stood on a plain, sensing the underground temple, looking a little embarrassed.

"To dig, or not to dig?"

Hercules hesitated, wondering if he should dig out the underground temple of Indra.

However, the apocalypse from the gods told him that the information he wanted was probably in the underground temple.

After hesitating for a second or two, Hercules made a decision.


Although digging Indra's temple is a bit taboo, it is similar to digging a grave.

But it's the most important thing to not know whether the character of the King of the End is related to him and Indra.

If he made a mistake, he went back to the small court and apologized to Di Shitian.

If this is dug right, then digging or not, Di Shitian may try to kill him and further achieve the unfinished spirituality.

The lesser of two evils!

Hercules immediately decided to dig a grave.

He called out the power of the wind and the power of the earth, and in the earthquake and gust of wind, he completely excavated the underground temple of Indra.

Then, he gritted his teeth and entered the temple of Indra.

Relying on his intuition, he walked straight into the central temple. In the center of the temple, behind the four-armed statue of Indra, he saw a strange passage.

"A spiritual world?"

Perceiving the power at the other end of the tunnel, the daring Hercules took a big step and walked in.

The island country, Kyoto Bishamondo.

Uesugi Kenshin, wearing a business lady's suit and a tall ponytail, came to this small temple.

Standing in front of the torii gate, Uesugi Kenshin looked at the priestesses cleaning the steps, and said in a very subtle mood:

"It's actually a temple dedicated to me?"

Although her name is Uesugi Kenshin, she and the so-called Japanese Warring States military **** are two different beings at all.

Her deity is Bishamonten, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Buddhist Dharma Protectors.

The reason why Uesugi Kenshin's name is walking on the earth is only because of the widespread saying that "Uesugi Kenshin claims to be the incarnation of Bishamonten".

Her essence is a natural **** and Buddha, a Dharma protector of Buddhism.

"Is the apocalypse of spiritual knowledge here? The place where the information of the last king can be found."

Uesugi Kenshin crossed the torii gate with a smile on his face with a subtle mood, stepped up the steps, and entered the temple.

During this period, the cleaning priestesses seemed to have lost their sight, turning a blind eye to any actions of Kenshin Uesugi.

Entering the main hall from the front, Uesugi Kenshin was stunned for a moment when he looked at the heroic woman in the attire of an island country general on the stage:

"Huh? Do people here know that I'm a female Dharma protector?"

"However, this armor, although it looks like the style of the Warring States Period, is not the coverage too small, why is the stomach exposed? And the clothes are wrapped with bandages?"

"And there are a lot of beliefs here, enough to raise a small grade by a six-digit number."

Uesugi Kenshin hesitated for a moment, then looked at the face of the idol.

Oh, not even one-tenth of her beauty has not been carved.

However, for the sake of the sculptor's belief that she was a woman, the correct image was erected.

Let this little thing go with the wind.

At this moment, several short, rounded men walked into the temple.

Uesugi Kenshin looked at them curiously.

I saw these people holding the sandalwood purchased outside the temple, lit it up, worshiped three times, put it in the incense burner, took out their mobile phones, and opened a game directly against the statue of Uesugi Kenshin. One of them was still chanting. road:

"Goddess Uesugi bless me, I wish me the SSR war **** Uesugi Kenshin, I promise I will marry you after I pull it out, please bless the goddess! Please bless the goddess!"

Looking at the boy who bowed three more times, Uesugi Kenshin blinked, his expression suddenly very subtle.

When the few people failed to draw cards, they cursed in the temple, and were warned by the staff to leave.

Uesugi Kenshin looked at the statue, the majestic belief that almost filled the entire roof, and suddenly felt a little disgusted.

At this moment, an illusory figure came out of the statue.

Taking a closer look, the figure's appearance seems to be 80 or 90% similar to the **** statue.

The illusory figure looked up at the illusory power of faith above his head, and muttered:

"It took fifty years to save such a little amount. In this way, isn't it a long way for my real body to arrive? I'm afraid that even if I work hard for three hundred years, I won't even be able to come to my incarnation body, right?"

"Damn it, if it wasn't for that strange god-killer and Athena to hunt down the gods, would I be self-defeating and hiding here?"

With such a complaint, the figure gradually flew up and approached the belief in the sky.


Uesugi Kenshin couldn't help but speak out at this time.


The illusory figure immediately lowered his head, looked at Uesugi Kenshin, raised his eyebrows, and scolded with divine might:

"Who dares to be presumptuous in front of my Echigo Dragon!"

"It always seems that communication is very troublesome."

Uesugi Kenshin scratched her cheek, she took a breath, and a golden halo appeared in the back of her head, like the sun.

This is one of the Buddhist supernatural powers, called the golden light of merit.

The illusory figure suddenly stopped, and together with the power of faith in the sky, it was sucked into the golden light of merit without resistance.

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