Thank You

Chapter 261:

"Welcome to this space-time temple."

Uesugi Kenshin turned his head to the side, found Su Jin's position precisely, and then said with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth:

"Sure enough, I'm one step behind you."

Uesugi Kenshin still appreciates Su Jin's intelligence gathering ability.

And she thinks that although Su Jin's mouth is a little annoying at times, her character is still very good.

At least judging from the records of the King of the Last that were kept outside and were not destroyed, Su Jin really did a good job.

Not only did he dug up the information of the last king, but he also knew that he would leave some information for them and use it for business.

This kind of sensibleness is quite suitable for Uesugi Kenshin's appetite.

Coupled with the canary's back, Uesugi Kenshin's face couldn't help but show a little provocation and a little seriousness:

"How about it, do you want to consider coming to Tianjun to work in the future?"

"Thank you for your invitation, but there is no independent demand here for the time being."

Su Jin stood up, clenched his right hand into a fist before his heart, and gave a greeting.

Am I going to Tianjun and Di Shitian to compete with whoever cheats people? Isn't that being played to death by that guy... Su Jin groaned in his heart.

Although according to various rumors, Di Shitian is a waste god, and a terrible **** who especially loves his wife.

But don't forget, who was the person who loved his wife in the history of the Celestial Dynasty?

It's Cao Cao and Cao Ahu!

In Su Jin's view, Di Shitian is no less dangerous than Cao Cao in history.

This is the oldest supreme **** of Hinduism. Even if he is usurped by the three gods, he still maintains the throne of the gods.

And when Zoroastrianism was prosperous, he was still Bahram, and when Buddhism was prosperous, he was the head of the twelve days of Dharma guardians.

See the tricky?

Which big power is prosperous, that one has the figure of Di Shitian, such a big power must try his best to win over the big man, who is a real fool when he is a real waste.

"Looks like I failed." Uesugi Kenshin said unsurprisingly.

At this time, Skaha laughed next to him:

"Forget it, Uesugi, if this kid really agrees, I'm afraid I have to deal with him and maintain the majesty of the queen.

So you know, he can't be so stupid as a slick kid. "

"Oh? Did the queen also send an invitation to Su Jin?"

Uesugi Kenshin's eyes lit up slightly at this time:

"This time, I don't want to give up."

It's no secret that the Queen of Halloween has a unique vision for talent discovery.

After the Celtic gods stood in the wrong team and were all wiped out, the only Queen of Halloween who took the lead was by digging out talents to establish a powerful force including the community 'Avalon', and in the lower level where many gods gathered The Southern District has become a dominant force.

From this point of view, anyone who will not be able to reach four-digit legends in the future will not fall into her eyes.

And the four-digit number is the top combat power in the lower level, and those who can reach the legendary level are the targets of many gods.

As for the outliers, it was a special accident, and there was basically no need to consider attracting the other party, because the outliers themselves could build a group of gods.

Thinking about it this way, the canary seems to have picked up a treasure.

It's no wonder that Xiao Jialing said that the woman who had poured out a cup had been drinking with her for a while.

At this moment, Hercules coughed and reminded: "Three, now is not the time to chat."

After saying this, he looked at the temple not far away, and said in a serious tone:

"The master here has been inviting us."

Uesugi Kenshin and Skaha paused for a while, then turned to look at the main hall not far away.

And Kalji and Cai Liling tried to maintain a low sense of presence, guarding against Su Jin and Hercules.

If it wasn't for the decisive information from the King of the End, I would have returned to Hakoba long ago. I really don't want to stay where there is Su Jin before and Hercules after... Kalgi muttered in his heart, and then suggested. :

"Who shoots first?"

Everyone looked at Su Jin in unison and expressed their attitude.

Although I know that you guys want to be humble, but to be honest, I always feel like I've become an unlucky person stepping on thunder... Su Jin scolded his heart, but still said:

"Then let me do it."

"This is the reward that the pioneers deserve." Uesugi Kenshin nodded with a smile and moved out of the way.

Seeing this, Su Jin did not hesitate, and went straight through the crowd, followed the road to the gate of the temple and stood still.

He looked up at the towering stone gate in front of him, raised his hand and pushed it.


The stone gate slowly opened, and the scene inside the temple suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes.

The temple is extremely empty, with no furniture on the marble floor, and various murals painted on the surrounding walls.

Everyone entered the temple and recorded those murals.

Among them, some gods slay dragons, some gods fight against gods, and some gods crusade all kinds of evil. At first glance, they are gods of monsters.

And on the murals that are suspected to be recording history, in each of them, there is a figure of a male deity.

It was a man with dark brown hair, a strong build, and a mighty physique.

He fights dragons, wrestles with gods, or slays monsters.

Gradually, he moved from innocence to maturity. He waved a long white-gold sword countless times, and in countless battles, he ushered in aging and death.

And as Su Jin saw the end of the mural, he suddenly moved with inspiration and looked at the center of the temple.

There, a throne carved from jade slowly rose.

At the same time, on the jade seat, the eyes were sunken, the hair was half tea and half white, and the man was tall and majestic, but opened his eyes to the man who felt like he was twilight.

He looked at Su Jin sharply, looked at him with warlike and hostile eyes, and said in a heavy tone:

"My name is Mithra, the last king to appear in this world!"

0323 Give me a face


He was the god-king of ancient Persia, the **** of the sun, the **** of warriors, the **** of law, and the **** of contracts.

In the little garden, the Persian mythology has collapsed at dawn, the members are scattered, and many gods and kings are missing.

But Mithra did not belong to this category. He was a **** who was clearly defeated and was killed by the Holy Son of the Crusaders.

And in the little garden, because of the well-known reasons, there are a lot of black materials of the Crusaders.

For example, Mithra's birthday is December 25, and Christmas, the birth of the Son, is also December 25.

For another example, after Mithra's death, the Son was promoted to double digits shortly after.

This makes the relationship between Mithra and the Crusader Son ambiguous.

Di Shitian even said personally that he suspected that the Son of God had absorbed Mithra and completed a certain unfinished spiritual figure before arriving at the double-digit number.

And two hundred years ago, Aziz Dakaha broke into the Garden of Eden and forced the Son to fight, but after that, he didn't know why.

The Mother of Evil, Zoroastrianism, fought against the Crusaders one after another at the end of the dawn period.

These kinds of rumors made the eyes of everyone looking at Mithra very ambiguous.

This is equivalent to a small, weak Holy Son of the Cross... Uesugi Kenshin's eyes flickered, but in the end he chose to give up.

One is to see that Mithra is already dead, and at this time only has the power to fight.

The second is because the Heavenly Army has an alliance with the Crusaders, and some of the angels are members of the Heavenly Army's reserve team.

Therefore, as a Dharma protector for twelve days, it is naturally not easy for her to take action against Mithra.

However, just because you don't do it doesn't mean you won't do anything.

With so many people present, as long as the news that Mithra is the last king is killed, the Crusaders are doomed this time.

Thinking of this, Uesugi Kenshin said quietly:

"So Mithra is the last king!"

This is blatantly implying that everyone has a unified opinion.

On the other side, Skaha, who heard Uesugi Kenshin's words, couldn't help but laughed:

"Is Mithra the last king? It seems that this information must be recorded."

Celtic and Crusaders have a big feud.

Although the Celtic group of gods in Hakoniwa was destroyed by the dystopian demon king, according to the queen's speculation, there was a cross-connection in it.

Under such circumstances, Skaha was not at all unwilling to be able to engage in a wave of Crucifixion, and even a little eager to try.

"As a member of the Greek group of gods, I also consider myself necessary and obligated to document this fact."

Hercules said in a warm voice, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a slight smile.

Mithra is the last king!

This is great!

As long as all investigators say Mithra is the last king, no one cares about him and probably Hercules too.

As for the spiritual change, he had to look for Zeus and Athena to cover it up.

Even if it doesn't work, hook up with Su Jin next to him, let him contact the two thousand-eyed or Bai Yasha, go bankrupt and seal the spirit.

As long as the Crusaders attract firepower on it, he Hercules will not be cared about.

Therefore, without speaking, the dead Crusaders are really good people!

It's really kind, and it's a model for saving all sentient beings!

These guys are trying to unify their opinions. I didn't secretly remind me, so I took the initiative to teach the cross... Su Jin couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

Then, he turned his head and glanced at Skaha, Hercules, and Kenshin Uesugi, and then looked at Kargi all at once.

No way, Kalji is still pretending to be a 'bishop', and in the presence, he and Cai Liling are on the side of the Crusade.

Therefore, they are the most to be ruled out when it comes to letting the crucifixion take over.

What the hell...why... Cairi Ling has already tried her best to reduce her sense of existence, but because of her status as a Crusader, she and His Highness have become the most beautiful boys in the audience.

Of course, this is the most beautiful in a negative sense.

Everyone present now, I am afraid they have the idea of ​​​​slaughtering him together.

This is a very **** up thing.

Continue to pretend to be a Christian? That will definitely be slaughtered... At least it will be peeled and sealed, and Lingge will plant a seal.

Stop pretending, and answer that you are not a Christian?

That's even worse!

Who knows if you're doing a slowdown?

And an unidentified person, isn't it even more dangerous and needs to be excluded?

That self-destructed identity, saying that she is Cai Liling, and the bishop next to her is Kalji?

That's probably worse.

Not to mention that the identity of Kalgi is very important to Ouroboros, it is said that this identity is exposed, and Hercules is afraid that he will turn his face on the spot.

After all, anyone who has seen the stele knows that Hercules and Kalgi are also one of the last king's spiritual hosts, and they have spiritual conflicts.

And if Su Jin next to him knew Kalji's name, he would definitely think of the abnormality in him.

You must know that Kalji is one of the ten incarnations of Vishnu. The treasure on his body that makes Su Jin's power boil, will Su Jin think of the sovereignty of the sun?

Wouldn't it be worse?

It's so hard for me... Cairi Rin wants to cry but has no tears.

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