Thank You

Chapter 262:

It doesn't look like it's going to end well.

However, at this time, the sight of everyone present has become very dangerous, and even a strong hostility is faintly revealed.

Thinking of this, Cai Liling was a little flustered, and quickly looked at Kalji and shouted, "Bishop!"

Kalgi, who had been silent all this time, raised his hand and stopped Cairi Rin from speaking.

Then, he looked around the crowd, and finally said to Su Jin:

"I know where the NoName flag is."

Su Jin raised his brows, but remained unmoved.

At this time, he completely determined the identity of Kalji, and also understood that Kalji wanted him to mediate and save his life.

But he thinks the NoName flag is not enough.

Seeing this, Jiaerji immediately understood part of Su Jin's intentions, he gritted his teeth, and then continued to transmit:

"In addition to this matter, help me with one more thing, Leo's sun sovereignty is fully presented."

Su Jin's eyes lit up, and immediately stood up, looking around the crowd and said:

"Everyone, give me a face, this bishop's business, forget it."

Chapter 0324 This is my last ripple

Su Jin's voice fell.

The scene was quiet for a moment.

A line of sight staggered on Su Jin and Kalji.

Then, Skaha laughed and looked at Ken Uesugi:

"I don't care here, what about you Uesugi?"


Uesugi Kenshin's words were very brief, but his attitude was very clear.

She needed a reason to let Kalji go.

Hercules didn't speak, just stared at Mithra without saying a word.

At this time, Su Jin said meaningfully:

"The bishops sent by the Crusaders did not arrive in this world."

Uesugi Kenshin's brows raised slightly, and Skaha's eyes also moved.

"Ah..." Cai Liling gradually opened her mouth wide and grabbed her head in confusion.

Is this person here to help, or to get in trouble!

Is it possible to say this out loud?

How can this be said!


Uesugi Kenshin narrowed his eyes and looked at Kalgi and Sairi Rin with a profound look.

The two people in front of them came down by pretending to be Christians?

That's kind of interesting.

Skaha said with a smile at this time:

"You can actually make the bishop of the cross overturn?"

"Stop looking down on people there, we defeated that priest head-on."

Cai Liling grinned, trying to add a little more deterrence.

But the cute appearance showing tiger teeth can only make Skaha laugh:

"Defeat head-on? That's interesting."

Although a bishop in the lower ranks of the Crusaders is considered ordinary among the four figures, he has the ability to descend, and he can connect with the Lord with a trace of power.

Although this power is not much, it can make a bishop instantly become a tricky figure in four figures.

But according to her eyesight, Kalji didn't look like someone who could defeat the bishop head-on.

Is it a sneak attack?

It is unlikely that the evil in Kalji is not much, even very pure, and his will is pure white.

In the Cross religion, this is already the purity that can be regarded as the Son of God, and it seems to belong to the category of good gods.

The probability of sneak attack is very small, but it is a head-on defeat.

In an instant, the members of the great forces present thought of three words.


Well done, Cai Liling... Su Jin smiled and said:

"Ms. Uesugi, I already know their origins. There is something about the last king, and I am willing to vouch for their character."

Uesugi Kenshin glanced at Su Jin, then sighed lightly, then turned to look at Skaha.

And this behavior has already shown her attitude.

"Well, since this bad boy said it, then I will agree."

Skaha shrugged, as if he was on Su Jin's side.

After that, Uesugi Kenshin looked at Hercules.

"I owe him a favor," replied the humming Greek hero, who proved to be tall.

Seeing this, Uesugi Kenshin narrowed his eyes, glanced at Karji, and then looked at Su Jin:

"Okay, I'll give you a face."

Hearing the sound, Kalgi and Cairi Rin both breathed a sigh of relief.

It paid a little price, but at least managed to save his life without revealing his identity on a large scale.

Under the current conditions, this is already the best result.

Su Jin smiled and nodded towards Uesugi Kenshin, then looked at Kalji, then turned his head, looked at Mithra on the throne, and said:

"Thanks to King Mithra for waiting, our matter has been dealt with."


A slightly hoarse laughter came from Mithra's mouth:

"Thank you? As long as you don't mind me accumulating the power to kill you here, then I'll accept this thank you, unknown godslayer."

He said, stood up from the jade seat, looked around the crowd and said:

"Buddha's Bishamonten."

Uesugi Kenshin frowned.

"Celtic Valkyrie."

Skaha had a surprised look on his face.

"The **** that my former subordinates transformed into."

Hercules was dumbfounded. What? When did I become your subordinate?

You take Welleslana of Persia for me? Take the sword of the previous dynasty to kill the officials of this dynasty? Do you still want a face?

And just when Hercules was a little annoyed, Mithra looked at the last Kargi.

"Are you the incarnation of Vishnu? In this space-time temple, I can smell the peacekeeper on you."

Lying on the grass... Kalji's eyes widened, and he has cut off Mithra's heart now.

I managed to hide my identity, and you, a little **** from the lower realm, sold me?

In an instant, Kalji instantly became the focus of everyone's attention.

Avatar of Vishnu?

This identity has a lot to do with it.

In a big way, that is a figure of the same level as Buddha and Kurimo.

Of course, looking at Karji like this, it may just be an incarnation of an incomplete body.

But in this case, the background hidden in his dark place is obvious.

Either the subordinate of the world dragon or the subordinate of the Buddha Sakyamuni.

Among the ten incarnations of Vishnu, these two are respected.

On the other hand, Uesugi Kenshin was directly acting as Kalgi's subordinate to Kuremo.

It is impossible for Shakya to send Kargi after sending her.

The Buddha was not careful to send an overseer to watch over him.

At this time, Mithra, who noticed the changes in everyone, showed a hint of apology:

"It seems that I have leaked an important secret about you."

Kalgi's face darkened, not wanting to speak to Mithra.

At this time, Mithra said sincerely:

"I'm sorry, I did it on purpose."

Kalji was stunned for a moment, and when he reacted, his face turned red with anger.

This **** is actually intentional!

He actually did it on purpose!

"His Royal Highness, calm down! Be calm! This may be a trap. He deliberately angered you."

Cai Liling hurriedly grabbed Kalji who was about to rush up and shouted loudly.


Mithra laughed at this moment.

He looked around the crowd, the laughter became smaller and smaller, and finally the voice became extremely sad:

"I can feel that the world you came from has heard the cry of mythology."

"I can also perceive the will of the stars to reject you visitors from other worlds who have disturbed the world."

He said, turned his head and looked at Uesugi Kenshin: "You should have digested a **** of disobedience."

Uesugi Kenshin does not refute, no matter how kind she is, she will not allow a **** who bears her name and can replace her to continue to live...

Mithra turned around again at this time, looked at Hercules and said:

"You should have dug up my temple and gained enlightenment by killing the divinity there."

Hercules face suddenly full of embarrassment.

In this world, Mithras and Dishta, that is, Indra, are the same Godhead.

In this way, he did enter the world by digging Mithra's grave.

Mithra turned his head at this time, looked at Su Jin, and smiled little by little at the corner of his mouth:

"You are the one who I will definitely crusade against, the most sinful person who killed the gods, and the one who the Ancestral God Zulma hates extremely."

Su Jin did not refute, he did indeed become a godslayer by killing the goddess of fate.

And the Last King and Godslayer are natural mortal enemies.

Seeing this, Mithra sighed, shook his head and said:

"It's a pity, it's a pity that I died four hundred years ago because I swept away the demons and gods in the world I guarded, and because I used my life to wield the sword of salvation countless times. It's just an afterimage of time."

He said with a self-deprecating smile:

"My power can only deliver one blow, and I have no advantage against any of you."

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