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Chapter 263:

While Mithra said this, a white-gold divine sword slowly emerged above his head.

- The sword of salvation!

This is an artifact that every last king will get from fate.

Mithra raised his hand, stroked the divine sword that had fought alongside him for many years, and said in a strong tone:

"At least, take at least one of you."

At this moment, everyone raised their guard.

Mithra, who has swept away all the gods and demons in a parallel world, has already reached four figures in power.

This kind of death blow of existence, even if the people present can hold it, do not want to suffer this blow.

But at this moment.

Mithra shattered!

Literally smash!

His body turned into countless white fine sand, falling in the breeze.

The scene looked a bit anticlimactic.

However, except for Cairi Ling, who was weak, everyone's faces turned ashen.

Because above the sky, the savior sword that gathers Mithra's last power is exuding the breath of destiny.

That breath, in Su Jin's interpretation, can be transformed into a sentence.

【Anyone who is around to choose the final king! 】

Mithra sacrificed herself and wanted to choose a 'lucky one' on the scene to be the last king!

In an instant, the expressions of Uesugi Kenshin, Skaha, Hercules, and Kalgi changed drastically.

What a vicious thought this is! !

This is trying to kill people without paying for their lives!

You Mithra are already dead, and you want to kill one of us!

This is simply insane!

Chapter 0325 No room for negotiation

In the sky above the temple, the divine sword radiating white-gold brilliance was spinning.

Then the people surrounding it were like a mourning concubine, with an incomparably painful appearance.

Everyone knows that once the sword makes a choice, that person will get the fate of the last king.

And now that the center of the small garden has been linked to this world, the fate of inheriting the fate is to obtain the spirit of the last king.

What is this concept?

It's all about the concept of a reminder!

Uesugi Kenshin, Skaha, Hercules, and Kalgi are all gods with the nature of a warrior.

They acquire the spirit of the last king, which is almost equivalent to declaring war on all gods and buddhas who are interested in this spirit.

This is basically equal to the enemy of the whole world, without surrendering!

How does this play?

"Did this guy see through the corner of fate?!"

Uesugi Kenshin looked annoyed at the still-surviving Yuzuo.

In the parallel world, Mithra killed all the gods and godslayers with his own power, and became the only **** in the actual sense, the last king of salvation.

According to his achievements, if he enters the small garden, he is afraid that he will get an exceptional four-digit evaluation.

For such an existence, it is not difficult to see through a trace of fate.

But it is precisely because of seeing the trajectory of fate and knowing the damage that the last throne has done to them, Mithra, who has long since died, will come to this last hand.

This is simply a means of changing the limit!

Thinking of this, Uesugi Kenshin didn't care about anything else. She tried to contain the scale of her power, projecting a trace of power in the seal that descended into the sky, disturbing the surrounding time and space.

She didn't dare to do too much, so as not to be judged by the center of the small garden to interfere with the lower realm, and be severely punished by the center.

She just interfered with the flow of time a little, so that everyone could have a few minutes to breathe and think.

"Everyone, I have temporarily frozen the selection mechanism of this knife, leaving us only five minutes."

"During this time, we must choose a person to bear the fate of the last king."

Hercules asked with a slightly distorted face when he heard the words:

"Lord Uesugi, can you remove this divine sword?"

"It can be done, but at a high cost."

Uesugi Kenshin pursed his lips and said with a little distress:

"The power of the divine sword comes from the four-digit Mithra and the God of Destiny behind him. If I want to completely eliminate the superimposed power of the two, I need to completely remove the **** from the sky and return to the almighty realm."

"But it doesn't make sense at all."

Kalji explained next to him:

"If you take the initiative to lift the seal, you will be recalled by the center immediately, Your Majesty Uesugi. At that time, we will have to play the Russian turntable."

Russian turntable!

A dangerous game in which a bullet is placed in the magazine of the revolver, and the players fire one shot each and survive by luck.

The current scene is very similar to the Russian turntable.

"Why doesn't it make sense?"

Su Jin sneered beside him:

"At least Ms. Uesugi can exit early to avoid becoming the last king, right?"

Having said this, with the exception of Skaha, who was always smiling and couldn't see his emotions, Hercules and Calgi looked embarrassed.

Uesugi Kenshin can escape, but not the two of them.

Even because of Uesugi Kenshin's exit, they are more likely to be selected.

In fact, they all had the same hunch in their hearts.

That is the fact that the sword will only choose 1 out of 2 of the two of them.

The essence of the last king is the hero of steel.

This is determined by the conditions, and he will only choose men.

And in this regard, Hercules and Kalgi also have the "bonus" of the last king in another world.

This is very embarrassing!

At this time, Uesugi Kenshin said calmly:

"My place in the lower realm for nearly a thousand years has been used up. If I forcibly return, I am afraid that I will only be able to return to the heavenly realm. This conflicts with the purpose of my lower realm."

"So, I choose to stay here and wait for the result."

Of course, you are not afraid. With a little use of the three-digit method, you can make the magic knife not choose you... Su Jin sneered in his heart.

Then Su Jin looked at Skaha, who had been smiling all the time and didn't seem to care about this matter.

Needless to say, the opponent must have a means of evading this choice.

For example, the blessing of the Queen of Halloween or something.

After all, the queen is very fond of Skaha, a capable subordinate, and it is normal to give some treasures.

Therefore, in fact, the people chosen by the divine sword are only him, Hercules, and Kalgi.

As for Caili Ling, she only has five digits, and she is not good at fighting, and she has nothing to do with the last king, so she will basically be fine.

Su Jin's side itself has nothing to do with mythology, but he couldn't bear to kill the God of Destiny, seize the fate of the last king, and turn it into power.

In other words, he is equal to the last king with power but no character.

And the divine sword in front of him, to him, was equal to the missing personality.

If you think about it this way, his ranking is still ahead of Hercules and Kalgi.

These two people are just the last king in another world, and Su Jin is now equal to half the last king.

The difference is still obvious.

The possibility of me being tricked is greatly increased... Su Jin thought so, and at the same time looked at Hercules and Kalji who were looking nervous and looking at each other at the same time.

Needless to say, these two people must be secretly transmitting their voices to seek means of self-help.

And at this moment, Cai Liling suddenly said:

"His Royal Highness, otherwise, how about I inherit this position?"


Kalji turned his head suddenly, his face stunned.

And Su Jin and the others also looked at Cai Liling.

"If you think about it carefully, I am just a human. Even if I get the fate of the last king, I can't exert my power, and there is no possibility of completing the unfinished spirituality, because I have no connection with any gods."

Cai Liling calmly analyzed and said:

"At best, because of this fate, I was raised by the center of the small garden once in the spiritual scale."

"Furthermore, if you concentrate your efforts on destroying the divine sword before the selection is successful, with the strength of all the people present, it can at least be partially disabled."

"Returning to Hakoten like this, even if there are gods trying to get this spiritual status, they will not target me.

Because the price of repairing Lingge is likely to exceed what he gets in return. "

Hearing these words, Uesugi Kenshin narrowed his eyes and said:

"Using non-god humans as a carrier to carry the fate of the last king, in this case, it is very close to the godslayer in this world."

"In this way, most of the risks can indeed be avoided, especially the few who are related to the last king Linge, and can get rid of this crisis."


Kalji refused without even thinking about it.

Hercules retorted directly at this time:

"Before you say no, please give a proper solution."

He personally agrees with Cai Liling's choice very much.

Even if he could see that the other party was trying to save Kalji, so what? He can be saved too!

At this time, Kargi said with an embarrassed expression:

"In the end, this is just your guess. Who can be sure that Ling won't really inherit the complete spirit of the last king? How will she escape the gods who are trying to complete the unfinished spirit at that time?"

"Furthermore, don't forget that we are not yet sure that the existing means can interfere with the choice of the sword."

Uesugi Kenshin said calmly at this time:

"I can temporarily release part of my essential power, interfere with fate, and make Shendao mistakenly think that Cai Liling is the right person for the last king."

When Kargi heard this, he opened his mouth, but he couldn't refute whether Uesugi Kenshin could do it.

The woman in front of him was not him, the unfinished spiritual figure, but the three-digit Valkyrie Bishamonten.

It is natural that she can interfere with fate.

"Your Highness, let me come."

At this time, Cai Liling took Kalji's hand and said pleadingly.

Kalji gritted his teeth, then turned his head and looked at Su Jin who was watching the play next to him.

The presence of Su Jin, the same human beings, has the same nature as Cai Liling, and can bear the fate of the last king without causing too much hostility from the gods.

This is the same even if Su Jin has obtained a godhead.

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