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Chapter 264:

After all, the main function of the godhead of the little garden is to increase the power of the individual to the upper limit of the race, which is very different from the so-called standing god.

Obtaining a godhead is only a quasi-god at best. As long as he has the human factor recognized by the center of the small garden, then Su Jin is still human, and the essence is the same as that of Caili Ling.

At this time, seeing the eyes of Kalji, Su Jin raised his brows and shrugged:

"Sorry, I don't want to be the last king."

After Kalji heard it, he was a little desperate, opened his mouth several times, but couldn't say a word.

Could he really only sacrifice his subordinates? Sacrificing Cairi Rin, the subordinate who awakened him from eternal sleep?

Karji's tone was pleading: "Isn't there any room for negotiation?"


Su Jin said with a calm expression.

Kalji Dengdeng took two steps back, his eyes were empty, as if his heart was dying.

At this time, Su Jin said with awe:

"Unless you add money!"

Chapter 0326 I am so happy

Add money... Kalji's eyes were blank for a while, and he didn't react for a long time.

At this time, Skaha next to him couldn't help but chuckle softly:

"There is no room for negotiation, unless you add money? Hahahaha, your kid is quite funny!"

Hearing Skaha's laughter, Uesugi Kenshin's mouth twitched a few times, but he still said:

"Little guy, you still want to be clear. It's still a question how the personality of the last king will be determined by the center of the small garden."

"Compared to you, the little girl who is a woman and a human at the same time, does not have the divine nature, has the biggest conflict with this personality, and this ensures her maximum safety."

Hearing Uesugi Kenshin's advice, Su Jin replied with a smile:

"But in a sense, her strength is very weak, but it is more dangerous, isn't it?"

"That's right."

Uesugi Kenshin glanced at him and did not refute:

"A three-digit or even four-digit identity won't depend on her spirituality, but it's hard to say with five digits."

"If one is not careful, the possibility of her being killed is not small."

At this time, Skaha also glanced at Cai Liling, and then said:

"That's true. This little girl has no traces of exercise on her body. I think she is a gift holder who favors assistance. If this is the case, some six-figure preparations can kill her."

When she said this, she looked at Su Jin, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly:

"In comparison, you, a little monster who can wrestle with four figures, is indeed much safer than her."

"From this point of view, the two of you have strengths and weaknesses."

At this time, Hercules next to him said:

"For me personally, no matter who of the two of you is willing to assume the position of the last king, I am willing to pay a certain price."

Hercules wouldn't be so foolish as to give no compensation when others were willing to take risks.

It's not impossible to take advantage of it directly and slip away, but it is very likely to find revenge in the future.

Calgi, who is suspected of being calculated by the Crusaders, may be a subordinate of Klimo.

Su Jin is a bit dangerous. Behind him is Athena, the goddess of wisdom.

Galgi's backstage was far away from him, but Athena was too close.

It is impossible to say without compensation.

After thinking about it, Hercules narrowed his eyes and said:

"The only compensation I can give now is two, one is the 'three godheads', and the other is the news of the sovereignty of the sun. After you decide, you can come to me to get the compensation."

The three godheads are Hercules' reward to Su Jin, because he knows that the other party's community lacks manpower, and the three godheads can effectively improve the opponent's power.

The sovereignty of the sun is aimed at Kalji.

The information that the ten incarnations of Vishnu are related to the sovereignty of the sun is still very clear as Hercules, second only to the twelve gods in Greece, Hercules.

Therefore, no matter which Su Jin or Cai Liling accepts the fate of the last king, he can give 'appropriate' compensation.

Hearing the words "sovereignty of the sun", Su Jin narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this time, Kalji, who had come to his senses, looked at Su Jin with complicated eyes.

Although he really wanted to scold Su Jin for taking advantage of the situation, in fact, he was a little grateful for the other party's willingness to agree to the conditions and to carry the fate for Cai Liling.

But now, judging from the situation, his original plan could only be scrapped.

He originally wanted Su Jin to help him get rid of the control of the high-level Ouroboros, and take Caili Ling and some subordinates to break away from the Demon King Alliance.

But now it appears that this is no longer the case.

No, it can't be said.

Thinking of this, Kalji struggled for a while, and then secretly said:

"I can give you the sun sovereignty of Leo."

Su Jin's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Kalji also said before that he had to do one thing for him to deliver the sovereignty of the sun, but now it is enough to make his heart move.

After all, that is the sovereignty of the sun, the highest authority in the world of Hakoniwa.

Being able to carry the fate of the last king and obtain the sovereignty of the sun is naturally very cost-effective.

He already has half of the last king anyway, and it doesn't matter if he gets another one.

Even if the gods were to come to **** his spiritual status, at the lower level, one-on-one, he still didn't know who would **** who.

And this wave of obtaining the spirit of the last king, he already had the sword of salvation and the great law of the covenant can also be used blatantly.

Even the small universe can shirk the power given by the sword of salvation, and no one can break it anyway, so what is there to be afraid of.

At this time, seeing Su Jin's acting, but unmoved, Kalji secretly scolded Su Jin for being greedy, but he could only sigh, and said again:

"I still have information on Pisces, but I can give it to you after I get it. At the same time, you have to help me with one thing."

Pisces? ? ?

Su Jin looked at Kalji in amazement. There are only 5 solar powers falling outside, and there are actually one and a half of Kalji?

Is this kid the protagonist?

Oh, it seems to be right, he is indeed the protagonist of Hakoniwa, and he is also the spiritual origin of the savior.

Still not moving? The two suns are sovereign, is there something wrong with you?

Kalji looked at Su Jin who was unmoved, and everyone was a little stupid.

Two sun sovereigns! This is two sun sovereigns!

Su Jin didn't respond at all.

Could it be that he despised the sovereignty of the sun? how can that be?

Or, he doesn't know the value of sun sovereignty?

This is possible.

The main **** of the opponent is Shiroyasha, the existence that holds the sovereignty of 14 suns.

Because the upper echelons of the small garden knew the value of the solar sovereignty, they also clearly stipulated that they were not allowed to disclose the secret of the solar sovereignty to the lower bounds. Su Jinhui thought it was possible that the value of the solar sovereignty was not high.

After all, there are only 14 main gods in his own body, which makes it possible for Su Jin to think that this thing is worthless.

You are a man with a thousand eyes, don't you know how to investigate high-value items? Do you think that the sovereignty of the sun is only for activating the power in you? Don't underestimate the sovereignty of the sun too much, bastard... With such a speechless mind, Kalji said again:

"I still have news about Chenlong, but that place is too dangerous, I can tell you."

He said this, paused, gritted his teeth and said:

"The sovereignty of the sun is the most advanced gift. You may not know that the entire Little Garden universe is built according to the worldview of the Heavenly Movement Theory."

"And the sovereignty of the sun is the supreme authority of the little garden, and to a certain extent, it can even restart the entire little garden."

"The bell is a very important family member to me, but it doesn't mean that the people behind me allow me to exchange the sovereignty of the sun for her safety. You should be able to understand that."

Hearing this, Su Jin raised his brows, then looked at Kalji strangely, and said:

"Actually, I was already moved when you told me about Leo."

Kalji was stunned: "Then why are you..."

Su Jin said very sincerely at this time:

"I'm so happy, I didn't react for a while."

I Nima... Kalji only felt a sweetness in his throat and almost vomited blood.

Fortunately, he estimated that everyone present was afraid of being misunderstood that something was wrong with him, especially to guard against Hercules, lest he have any bad thoughts.

Of course, it was also to avoid Cai Liling's worries. Kalji tried his best to restrain his impulse and swallowed the blood back.

Then he looked at Su Jin expressionlessly, deeply, forcefully, and with all his strength.

No sound transmission anymore, he said directly:

"My conditions are these, you can do it."

Hearing this, Su Jin raised his brows slightly and said with a smile:

"make a deal!"

0327 The real hapless

After the successful negotiation with Kalji, Su Jin did not delay, but said directly to Uesugi Kenshin not far away:

"Ms. Uesugi, we have reached a consensus."

He paused for a moment, then smiled and said:

"I will carry the fate of the last king."

"Have you decided?"

Uesugi Kenshin suddenly asked.

Su Jin, who understood that the other party cared about her, had a slightly different expression, but nodded anyway.

After receiving such a response, Uesugi Kenshin glanced at Su Jin, then turned his head and looked around the crowd and said:

"Since you have all discussed it, then I won't interfere much."

When she said this, she said in a rather serious tone:

"As for the fact that the last king is Mithra, and all the gods of steel may become the last king, I hope you will report truthfully when you go back."

This sentence is equivalent to the final characterization.

As long as everyone present insists that Mithra is the last king, then this matter is basically qualitative.

Even if there is a group of gods trying to refute this fact in the future, and using means to search for evidence, it will be useless.

Because this is a fact in itself, what these people do is to highlight this fact and weaken some factors that are unfavorable to them.

"Swear an oath in spirit."

Skaha, who has always been smiling, said so.

At the same time, she also glanced at Kalji and said:

"You can just take the oath on behalf of the Crusaders."

Kalgi was stunned for a moment, and immediately showed a stunned expression.

It turned out that he was supposed to represent the Crusaders, and that Mithra was definitely the last king, so get an 'official certification'!

Well, it's very interesting. The Crusaders were represented by him and recognized that Mithra was the last king. If this information was passed back to Hakoba by everyone present, the Crusaders would naturally be very uncomfortable.

Moreover, it is useless to refute even the sect of the Cross, because the funders behind the Ouroboros actually have the sect of the Cross, so they will be called to catch the thief for a while, and it will be exposed later, and it will definitely be more uncomfortable.

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