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Chapter 267:

At this time, Hercules coughed and even vomited a little blood.

But he carelessly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Su Jin with burning eyes:

"Although I said it might not be very suitable, let me explain."

Hercules looked at Su Jin and said solemnly:

"You may not know that Zeus is already following you."

Chapter 0330 Hercules' Reminder

Zeus is staring at me... Su Jin couldn't help feeling a chill when thinking of this.

It's not that he is afraid of Zeus. Although the other party is a Greek **** king and has strong strength, Su Jin is not a person who is afraid of strength.

What he was afraid of was actually 'perverted', 'Brother Jie', and 'the beast ancestors'.

After all, Zeus is not only a woman, but a beast, he is also a man!

Seeing Su Jin's disgusting face, Hercules opened his mouth and wanted to explain, but he felt that it was useless for someone like Zeus to explain, so he could only sigh, raised his thug, and patted Su Jin on the shoulder road:

"You can rest assured that at present, he is only following you because of the relationship between the crown of Athena."

Su Jin's face softened a little.

Athena of Hakoten made no secret of her desire to be the king of gods.

This is common knowledge among the gods.

And Zeus, the third-generation king of gods, is wary of this daughter who is staring at her position, and it is normal to pay attention to the human beings she chooses.

At this time, Hercules added:

"Although Zeus said you were handsome, don't worry, it should be safe just to be handsome."

The corners of Su Jin's mouth twitched, feeling disgusted when she wanted to complain.

Finally, he said without a word:

"Then tell me, when is it not safe?"

Hercules replied without hesitation:

"It's dangerous when he says, 'Like this guy,' or 'I got **** by this guy.'"

Speaking of which, Hercules added:

"Of course, be careful with rumors. When Zeus can't grab people, he will let the poets create some bad poems. I think you should be able to understand what the poems are."

"Of course, it's not yet at this point."

Hercules said this, in a slightly helpless tone:

"It is more likely that he will let you have a relationship with a beautiful woman in the Temple of Athena, as he did to me back then, in order to force His Majesty Athena to distance herself from you."

And this kind of good thing... Su Jin thought of this subconsciously, but in an instant he realized the purpose of Zeus doing this.

As we all know, Athena is a virgin goddess.

And such a goddess, the temple must forbid that kind of thing to happen, so as not to tarnish the faith of the temple.

If a man did such a thing in Athena's temple, it would be possible to be punished by Athena.

Even if the other party has a background and cannot be punished by God, but because of this kind of thing, Athena must express something.

It is very normal to go from friendly to neutral to hostile.

Hercules was one of the former victims.

However, in the lower level of Hakoten, among the legends that the poets preached, it was Hercules who made a big mistake in the Temple of Athena because he was drunk.

Needless to say, these poets must have received money.

However, this kind of indiscriminate behavior came from a god-king.

Thinking of this, Su Jin was suddenly speechless:

"The god-king of Greece, is this the pattern?"

"Pattern?" Hercules tilted his head and said, "That's something that the Crown of Metis, the Crown of Athena, and the Crown of Hera will only think about."

Women hold up half the sky, well, very real. Su Jin can't complain about the concept of Greek gods.

"Simply put, I was noticed by Zeus, would I use this level of beauty trick?"

Su Jin rubbed his temples and said with a subtle expression.

The beauty plan, if he looks particularly beautiful, he probably will be tricked.

Hercules snorted at this time and said:

"No matter how bad it is, it is still a princess, and it may even be the daughter of a god. Of course, if you are very valuable, Zeus may even give away his own daughter. That's how Heber and I were back then."

Hebe, goddess of youth.

The daughter of Zeus, on Mount Olympus, was a water bottle waiter who poured wine for Zeus.

After Hercules became a god, she was appointed to marry him.

Su Jin played back the materials he remembered from the NoName underground library in his head, and then looked at Hercules with a subtle expression:

"You also want the goddess who serves Zeus?"

The goddess who served Zeus closely, although Su Jin didn't want to look at people with prejudice, she couldn't avoid it.

However, Hercules said without thinking:

"I don't mind, as long as you are beautiful."

Su Jin: "..."

At this time, Hercules also came back to his senses, looking at Su Jin with a strange expression:

"Do you like pure?"

Su Jin didn't answer and remained silent.

Herculeston understood in seconds, and immediately patted Su Jin's shoulder regretfully and said:

"Brother, old wine is fragrant."

Su Jin twitched the corner of his mouth and said:

"Sorry, I don't like having an extra key in my house, and I don't like people who have died in it..."

"If that's the case, you'll probably make it difficult for Zeus to do it."

Hercules said with a schadenfreude expression.

He was gloating at Zeus.

If he really wanted to win over Su Jin and keep him away from Athena, who would Zeus send to seduce Su Jin?

There aren't many goddesses of cleanliness in Greece, are they?

Lord Artemis?

That Zeus was afraid that he was going to have a fight with Apollo.

The Crown of Hestia?

That's even worse. Hades, Poseidon and even some gods from the outside world are afraid that they will form a group to beat Zeus.

"I can understand why Her Majesty Athena values ​​you."

Hercules laughed and patted Su Jin on the shoulder.

For him, making Zeus uncomfortable, he was very happy.

Su Jin ignored Hercules' heavy blow, looked at him in surprise and said:

"Which side are you on in Greece?"

Herculeston took a moment, and then said helplessly:

"In principle, I am loyal to Zeus, but in fact, I am only willing to obey Hera's orders."

Su Jin was stunned.


The Hera who sent a viper to assassinate Hercules after Hercules was born?

Su Jin looked at Hercules with a subtle expression, but didn't say much.

He has no hobbies for getting to the bottom of things.

Seeing that Su Jin didn't ask more, Hercules was relieved.

His allegiance to Hera was relatively secretive, and it was good for him that Su Jin didn't ask more.

He took out a bronze arrow from the gift card and handed it to Su Jin:

"It's almost time for me to return to my life. This arrow is my token. If there is any information about Taurus, I will contact you through this."

"Of course, if you are in a hurry, input energy into this arrow for 3 seconds, and you can contact me."

Su Jin did not refuse, and took the arrow directly.

Seeing this, Hercules breathed a sigh of relief, and before leaving, he finally reminded:

"Athena is a very upright goddess. It is always pleasant to work with her, but remember, don't anger her, especially don't anger her three times, remember!"

Su Jin silently watched Hercules leave, and finally breathed a sigh of relief:

"It's finally over now."

Although there are still some things that need to be finished, the matter of the last king is indeed drawing to a close.

〇〇【Garden Box】

Chapter 0331 Deal


Inside the small nunnery.

After leaving Mithra's Temple of Time, Su Jin, who returned here, lay on the bed and rested for a while, then got up and came to the courtyard.

In the courtyard, three women, Sita, Anciela, and Pandora, sat around the stone table talking and laughing.

After seeing Su Jin, the three of them stood up immediately.

"Forget it, don't be too polite."

Su Jin waved his hand, then went straight to the stone table and sat down, pouring himself a cup of tea:

"The matter of the last king is generally resolved."

He said this, looked around the crowd, and finally looked at Pandora and said:

"If there are no accidents these days, you can leave."

Previously imprisoned Pandora was Su Jin's consideration that the gods of the small garden might make a search operation.

And now that the action has ended, Su Jin will naturally not continue to restrict Pandora.

Still, some reminders are to be made.

Thinking of this, Su Jin said:

"For safety reasons, I suggest you leave this world, like Prometheus, and go to a parallel world. In this way, you may be able to restore your status as a goddess."

The myth of this godslayer world has entered a period of dormancy. The gods either die, fall into a deep sleep, or go to another world where myths are active, like the goblin kings of Prometheus.

In fact, when Su Jin was chasing the gods in the underworld, he knew that a group of gods fled to another world.

At that time, as long as he achieved the condition that only Athena was left as the **** of this world, he naturally didn't bother to stop it.

The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry. He always wants to give others a way to survive.

"I do have some access to parallel worlds."

Blonde with double ponytails, a seductive and innocent former goddess, Pandora looked at Su Jin resentfully:

"But those were probably destroyed by Prometheus, who wasn't the type to leave a trace."

Su Jin didn't lift his eyelids, just glanced at Pandora and didn't speak.

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