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Chapter 268:

He has to carry this pot.

Back then, when he hunted the gods, he was so fierce that he had to clean the Netherworld almost every day.

In that case, it is normal for a frightened Prometheus to make any decisions.

Thinking of this, Su Jin took out a slate very calmly.

It was Prometheus's fire-thief tool, which Athena had obtained from Kusanagi Godou before.

"This thing should be enough to connect you with Prometheus."

"Of course, if you are willing to go to Hakoba, I don't mind taking you there, but the condition is to serve me for five hundred years. After five hundred years, you will be free again."

In a world linked to Hakoba, it is also difficult to go to Hakoba on your own initiative.

In the absence of a three-digit figure who is good at realm, the only way to enter Hakoniwa is to trigger a new historical transition period.

This is also more troublesome for the four-digit gods and Buddhas of Hakoba, let alone outsiders.

People from the outside world who go to Hakoniwa are often out of luck. They happen to be in the historical transition period and have established enough merits to be summoned by Hakoba.

As for Pandora, Su Jin predicted that it would take her at least three hundred years to go to Little Garden, so she gave her a five-hundred-year validity period.

After all, he also needs money to spend points to buy invitations.

"Five hundred years..." Pandora sighed.

Su Jin quietly waited for Pandora's answer.

She and Prometheus are mythically allied.

It belongs to the power of the gods standing on human beings, so the dark Christmas season will be developed.

Of course, in a parallel world, it may not be Pandora who developed the dark Christmas season, but at least this world is.

If you go to Hakoba, Pandora may be able to get the spirit of a godslayer mother.

If Omega's prediction is not wrong, this Lingge will be very valuable to Su Jin.

At least after many **** kings descended into the sky and became godslayers, Pandora's spiritual role would have a certain value.

This is also the reason why he is willing to take Pandora.

Compared to Erica and Liliana, who were not strong enough and could only maintain their power in the Godslayer World, Pandora with at least five figures had a high probability of being able to save their lives in Hakoba.

After thinking about it carefully, Pandora spread her hands and said:

"I feel like I'd better go to the small garden, at least it's interesting enough, and I don't have to hide in the world all the time, to avoid being backlashed by myths and degenerate into disobedience."

Living in the underworld for thousands of years, the unchanging situation also made Pandora a little bored.

Going to Hakoba, where there are many gods and Buddhas, is not an option.

Moreover, the key point is that Su Jin, who is a local, will serve as a guide and provide shelter.

This is already a very good foundation, at least much stronger than those who are passively summoned to Hakoniwa during the historical transformation period.


Su Jin nodded and said:

"I will send an invitation after returning to Hakotei, and then you should pay attention to whether any letters come to you."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Sita, and then calmly said:

"According to our previous agreement, I provide Rama's information, and you help me make spells that connect parallel worlds."

"I think our deal is done."

Su Jin said this while looking at Sita in surprise and said:

"So this time you came to Hakoba?"

"Yes." Sita, who was dressed in classic twelve, smiled and nodded.

Su Jin was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Is it to find Rama?"

At this time, Sita shook his head and said with a smile:

"No, I have already paid off the kindness of His Royal Highness, and now I just want to see a wider world."

Su Jin glanced at Sita and said:

"Seven hundred years."

Sita also has value. At least Su Jin believes that a five-digit ex-goddess will bring certain benefits. Of course, at least it is not as big as Pandora, so the validity period will naturally be revised.

"Deal." Sita smiled and responded directly.

Seeing this, Su Jin sighed, looked at Ansheela and said:

"I still ask you for this world. The things here have been understood, and I'm about to return to the small garden."

Ansheela raised her head at this time, looked at Su Jin and said, "Can I go too? After the guard's work is over?"

Why do all these goddesses want to go to Hakoba? Su Jin muttered in his heart, and replied at the same time:

"Yes, but only after I confirm the information on the Hakoniwa Leviathan."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, looked around at everyone, got up and left the courtyard.

It was odd to say goodbye twice in a week, but now it was time for him to say goodbye to Liliana.


The upper floor of the garden, the outer door of 3345, the ground floor.

The huge realm gate lit up.

Su Jin's figure gradually took shape in the dazzling light.


Standing in front of the realm gate, Bai Yasha waved to Su Jin.

Seeing this, Su Jin, who still had lipstick marks on his face, reached out and wiped his face, and then said a little flattered:

"No way? You're actually waiting for me here?"

"What are you thinking!"

Shiroyasha rolled his eyes, then said with a smile:

"You left for ten seconds, you idiot, do you understand the operation of the timeline?"

Su Jin was stunned for a moment, and then said with a subtle expression: "This means..."

Bai Yasha spread out the folding fan, covering the lower half of his face, his eyes curved into crescents:

"That's right, you came back at least a day earlier than the rest of the group of gods."

Su Jin twitched the corner of his mouth, and then said:

"Could it be because of intelligence?"

At this time, Shiroyasha said with a smile:

"Of course, otherwise why do you think you need a big man like us to accompany you when you go to the lower realm? It's not for the timeliness of information! So we need to control the timeline!"

Through the operation on the timeline, let him report back one day earlier than the other gods, and then sell the information to the upper gods 'early'.

Is the operation of Thousand Eyes so rude?

Su Jin looked strange for a few seconds, and then asked curiously:

"What's my dividend?"

"Depend on!"

Bai Yasha rolled his eyes, glared at Su Jin and said:

"It's good that I didn't find you to settle the account, and I also paid dividends."

She complained half-jokingly, and then said:

"The highest ratio is 7:3, you are 7, and Thousand Eyes is 3, but because we shot, your 70% will be divided into half of us."

Su Jin said without hesitation:

"make a deal!"

The money that comes for nothing, don't want it for nothing!

Chapter 0332 The so-called unfinished spirit

3345 Outside the door, the tea room of the Thousand Eyes Station.

Bai Yasha held a memory crystal made by Su Jin, and after reading it, he tutted his tongue in surprise and said:

"There are so many worlds in this world. Sure enough, there are all kinds of wonderful things. Less than a few hundred elves can actually support hundreds of mainstream myths. The level of nesting dolls in this godslayer world is also unmatched."

In terms of number, there were less than 300 elves in the world of the godslayer at first, but they deduced the myth of the group of gods that is not much different from Hako Garden.

The vest was layered one after another, and three hundred people were stunned to the effect of tens of thousands of people, and there was no one left.

"However, the situation of the last king is also a bit strange. Actually anyone can be, as long as he is selected, but it really hurts the gods here."

With a playful tone, Bai Yasha said in a cadence:

To describe it, it's a funny tone on his face.

Behold, the last king! How famous is it! Linguistics is still a single-digit level.

But what about competitors.

Almost all of the male gods of the little garden can participate.

It's a ball game!

There are less than thirty people in the ten incarnations of Vishnu. You, the tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of competitors, are not different from those who do not have this spirituality.

Pit to grandma's house!

At this time, Su Jin, who was sitting opposite to drinking tea, said calmly:

"Personal suggestion, just release the information that the last king is equivalent to Mithra."

The memory crystals made by Su Jin, including his agreement with Uesugi Kenshin and others.

That is, including throwing the cauldron of the Last King on Mithra.

He even got into the solar sovereign deal with Kalgi and Hercules.

He didn't hide anything from Shiroyasha this time, which really moved Shiroyasha quite a bit.

I almost called him to go to the clubhouse for a fart.

In the end, I found that I looked like a daughter, and I would suffer a big loss if I called Su Jin together, and then I stopped talking.

"Only for Mithra, if we play like this, we are afraid we will lose a lot of money.

Moreover, the effect of this is not great, after all, there are too many black materials on the side of the Crusaders, and there is no need to worry about the debt. "


After reading the memory, Bai Yasha crushed the crystal and burned the **** into nothingness with divine fire, planting a seal, and then clapped his hands and said with a smile:

"Categorize the information on the Last King and sell it at a high price to those who want to be the Last King, and only sell the information that is relevant to them.

This is the thinking of a thousand-eyed man, can you understand it? "

Saying this, Bai Yasha blinked at Su Jin with a playful expression.

Profitable businessman thinking, people who bought the information might think that they are special, but the information turned out to be rotten.

"Are you sure someone bought this thing?"

"Then why are you not sure?"

The White Yaksha thief smiled and said:

"You may not know that many gods in the upper layers have been hiding for a few days now, and you can't find them anywhere."

"Before we received your report, we still didn't understand why the upper-level movement was so small, but now I want to understand."

Saying this, Shiroyasha couldn't help showing a funny smile and said:

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