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Chapter 269:

"Cooperating with those hidden gods, I want to cover up the changes in my spirituality."

"Looking at the appearance, it is estimated that 80% of them thought that they had hit the big luck, and wanted to secretly complete the spirit of the last king, and then made a blockbuster."

Speaking of this, Shiroyasha suddenly wanted to laugh.

Thinking that some gods in the upper layers secretly killed the hostile gods, occupied the other party's spiritual status, wanted to become the last king, and finally found that he had tens of thousands of competitors, Bai Yasha just wanted to laugh.

If she released Thousand Eyes and obtained important information about the King of the End, then there must be a lot of gods visiting and giving her various luxurious gifts, right?

Thinking about it carefully, it must be very boring~~

Hearing this sentence, Su Jin said with a subtle expression:

"They can't be so stupid, can they? Bo such a chance?"

Single-digit unfinished spirits are rarely born.

This kind of spirituality can be considered as a way forward in Little Garden.

When viewed as a game, it can be regarded as the direction of bloodline evolution.

The corresponding spiritual requirements are the conditions for evolution.

After the conditions are met, the bloodline may not evolve, it needs an opportunity.

The difference between the so-called single-digit spirituality and the two-digit spirituality is the approximate strength range of the holder after the evolution is achieved in the center of the little garden.

Taking the spirit of the last king as an example, killing all the competitors is just a condition and needs an opportunity.

And opportunity, to put it bluntly, is luck.

Maybe some people just get some sleep, but maybe you won't feel that opportunity until you increase your strength to a single digit.

In a sense, the opportunity is quite a face-to-face thing.

Instead of taking such luck, Su Jin might as well improve the small universe honestly to the scale of the will of the gods, and it is estimated that it is also a double-digit existence.

This possibility is at least 100,000 times stronger than the pursuit of an unfinished spiritual personality.

As for the unfinished spirit, although there are people who have achieved it, to be honest, Su Jin thinks that this kind of thing is really similar to buying lottery tickets.

And what a lottery pit is, people who know it naturally know it.

"You boy don't understand."

Shiroyasha shook his head, looking like 'you're too young':

"Wait tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, when your strength is not even close, you will understand the thoughts of those people."

Speaking of this, Bai Yasha said with a melancholy expression:

"It's not that we don't know it's a pit, but there really is no better direction."

"So even if the odds are small, if you can fight, there are still people who are willing to fight."

Hearing this, Su Jin said with emotion:

"It turns out that, it seems, I will never be able to feel this way forever."

"Why do you speak so irritatingly?"

Bai Yasha rolled his eyes at Su Jin, this kind of genius face that I can improve my strength with just moving my fingers, it really makes people angry at first glance.

"Speaking of which, you got the Sovereignty of the Sun from Kargina, do you want to activate the simulated star creation map on your body?"

The small universe on Su Jin's body is the most demanding among the star creation charts that Baiyasha has ever seen since his career.

This also led to the difficulty that Su Jin wanted to liberate the star chart, beyond everyone's imagination.

Twelve sun sovereignty, even if Bai Yasha is willing to help, it is very troublesome.

The amount of Sun Sovereign on her is closely monitored by the gods.

It's okay to transfer one, transfer two, and many people at the upper level are afraid to check it in person in the lower realm.

And her side is so troublesome, not to mention the Queen of Halloween and the lost five sun sovereigns.

That is to say, Su Jin got the news of the lost Sun Sovereign during an investigative activity.

This eases the difficulty a bit.

Although it only lowered the difficulty from the abyss level to the lower level of the **** level, at least, the difficulty is also reduced, isn't it?


Su Jin nodded, did not deny it, and even explained a little more:

"Not only that, I also want to make an exclusive piece of armor with Sun Sovereignty."

As a Saint Seiya, Su Jin naturally wants to get a Saint Cloth, and preferably a Gold Saint Cloth.

This is not only a question of whether it is handsome to wear a holy garment, but also the power increase and strong defense that the golden holy garment can provide is also a point of concern for Su Jin.

If Sasha's diary is correct, a piece of golden cloak might provide a Saint Seiya with support on the scale of the seventh sense, and this support will become stronger as he becomes stronger.

Even if this support is only enhanced within the scope of the seventh sense, but even so, it is equivalent to superimposing the power of a seventh sense saint to Su Jin.

According to this inference, even in the early stage of the seventh sense, Su Jin dared to go head-to-head with those four-digit numbers without burning the small universe.

And the four-digit number is exceptional. In the lower level of the box garden, it is almost invincible.

With this kind of support, Su Jin dared to stand up and boldly develop NoName.

Therefore, the Holy Cloth must be made, and it must even be done as well as possible, so that it can provide a powerful help.

"The exclusive armor of the simulated star creation map? Did you know it when you analyzed the simulated star creation map?"

Bai Yasha asked in surprise.

The simulated star chart can show the entity in the form of weapon equipment.

This point, Shiroyasha is also clear.

Therefore, she naturally regarded Su Jin's desire to make exclusive armor as an attempt to make a physical simulated star creation map.

"This kind of thing, is a sun sovereign enough?"

"I am also not certain."

Su Jin was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said.

"I can only say try it."

Hearing this, Bai Yasha was silent for a moment, and then thought:

"If you can, I suggest that you exchange the money for selling intelligence this time with the points of the members of Thousand Eyes."


Su Jin froze for a moment and asked with a frown.

"It's the virtual currency used inside Thousand Eyes, when Athena and Ashilia bought information from us, they used this.

1 point is equivalent to the value of 1 gold coin, but functionally, points are more valuable than gold coins. "

Saying this, Bai Yasha blinked at Su Jin and said:

"At least with points, you have a chance to temporarily borrow the sovereignty of the sun from us."

"We mean safe borrowing!"

Hearing this, Su Jin's eyes suddenly lit up.

Chapter 0333 I'm just a waste god

Without any accident, Su Jin directly agreed to Bai Yasha, because the money for selling intelligence was exchanged for points.

It's a good deal.

Things that money can buy in Thousand Eyes can be bought with points, and things that can’t be bought with points.

Not only that, if you can buy the temporary right to use the Sun Sovereign of Shiroyasha.

Doesn't that mean that he can use this method repeatedly to let himself handle the sun sovereignty of the twelve constellations little by little?

Although the requirements of the simulated star chart are basically to require the holder to have more or less solar sovereignty at the same time.

But Su Jin knew his own particularity.

Perhaps, he does not need to hold all the sovereignty of the sun at the same time, but only needs to have it, and he can unblock the power of the simulated star creation map of the small universe.

Because the small universe in him is actually the power transformed from the spiritual personality.

In Hakoba, there is no such thing as Saint Seiya. After the big bang, the root force resides in each material body.

It is estimated that people in the Saint Seiya world can get the fragments of the root power from the opponent's body by eating ordinary food, but in Hakoba, Su Jin does not have such a superior environment.

Su Jin's small universe was actually successfully awakened by a secret deal between the Dimensional Forum and the Box Garden Center, adding the root power to his spirituality.

This is also the reason why Su Jin has corresponding spiritual requirements to improve the small universe.

There is no root power in the little garden, so Su Jin can only be self-sufficient, and the small universe can't be higher than Su Jin's spirituality.

Because the spirit is the essence of life.

Neither man nor God can exert a power beyond their own essence.

This point, in Su Jin's view, is the same even for the Pegasus.

Pegasus seems to be stronger when it is stronger, and even Hades, the king of the gods, can kill.

But what is his essence?

Athena's guards, no matter how they are reincarnated, are the strongest guards who can come to Athena's side.


This is the privilege of the gods who hold the will of the gods.

How strong is the essence of Nagasus, and the reason why he can explode the power of the scale of killing gods is naturally obvious.

It is an existence that is close to a god, and there is a great possibility of killing a god...

Therefore, in the Saint Seiya world, the distinction between humans and gods is basically predestined.

Except for Ophiuchus, who died in the age of mythology, none of the saints have truly become gods.

So in fact, the road to God may be frozen in the world of Saint Seiya.

Those who can break this point are basically empowered by higher powers.

And in the little garden, the improvement of spirituality is the improvement of the essence of life.

When Su Jin's spirituality was raised to three digits, or even to two digits.

Then he can completely sublimate the small universe to the will of the gods and to match the scale of the gods.

This point, Su Jin has verified through the dimension forum.

It is the path that has been proven 'workable'.

After walking out of the Thousand Eyes Station, Su Jin, who was on the way to the realm gate, has been trying to figure out how to improve the small universe.

"For now, the spiritual level is enough. The four-digit spiritual level is enough for me to reach the seventh sense, and the eighth sense is not an improvement of the small universe in essence, but a realm."

"Theoretically, even if I don't have the seventh sense, after I die, I will automatically awaken the eighth sense."

"The difficulty is to comprehend the eighth sense before death. Awakening the eighth sense requires walking on the edge of life and death."

"But honestly, with my character, I wouldn't put myself in a corner at all."

Su Jin thought for a while, then smiled dumbly:

"What are you thinking, the seventh sense has no effect. Even Bengyu has been reminding me that I haven't met the promotion conditions. It's too early to think about the eighth sense."

"Comparatively speaking, it is faster to make a holy garment. Whether it is to comprehend the seventh sense or to enhance the combat power, the holy garment is necessary."

Thinking of this, Su Jin shook his head and looked up at the realm gate not far away:

"Almost, it's time to return to NoName."


【1028】Outer door, the capital of flowers.

Although it is a city named after flowers, and the names of street shops are all flowers, this is not a place to sell flowers.

The practitioners here, or they, sell some kind of special service.

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