Thank You

Chapter 278:

"Huh?" The Prophet was surprised, then stretched out his hand and grabbed it, followed by a sharp pull.

Cai Liling was caught by the Prophet, and at the same time grabbed the Prophet's hand with a look of 'wrong'.

The Prophet frowned, and instead of trying to shake off Cai Liling, he stretched out another hand towards Yun Wu.


Kalji, who was still in pain, became frightened at this time, and rushed over in an instant. During his sprint, a terrifying strong wind was triggered, and the fog around him was blown away at once.

At this moment, Shen Fei with the double horns of the ninth beast smashed through the ceiling, and the hurricane caused by it took the opportunity to **** up all the fog.

"Lin, are you alright?"

Kalji rushed over, broke the prophet's hand, and held up Caili Ling.

At this time, Cai Liling seemed to have finally "returned to God", and smiled reluctantly at Kalji: "I'm sorry, Your Highness, I'm fine."

After she finished speaking, she quickly looked at the prophet who was about to leave, and said with a smile:

"Thank you for your help."

The Prophet paused, took a deep look at the two of them, and quickly chased after them.

Seeing this, Kalji narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, "Use the last resort directly."

Cai Liling's eyes widened, but she didn't say anything, but nodded.

basement one.

While the Prophet was being held back for a while, Su Jin shattered the ceiling leading to the ground, but stayed here again, waiting for the pursuers.

The prophet who arrived behind suddenly stopped, stood on the ground on the ground floor, and looked up at Su Jin, who was two hundred meters above the sky.

Su Jin looked at the old man who fought for a short time, but still didn't know the other's name, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile:

"Old man, let me ask you one last time, is what I want in your hands?"


The Prophet froze for a moment, then smiled and said:

"I don't know what you're looking for either."

Hearing this, Su Jin, who was only one step away from escaping, narrowed his eyes and smiled:

"My name is Su Jin, what about you, old man."

"Su Jin?" The Prophet was stunned for a moment, then smiled gently: "I see, then what you want is indeed in my hands."

"As for the real name..."

The Prophet smiled, then sighed softly:

"Forget it, with your current performance, you will be able to know my name in the future."

The old man with mottled white hair, beard, and obvious nasolabial lines said with a smile:

"You can call me... Mithra."

The smile on Su Jin's face suddenly solidified.

Before his smile froze, he had already followed his heart's choice, took steps, stepped out of the underground space, and came to the surface.

Yet at the same time.

Mithra came quietly behind Su Jin, stretched out his hand indifferently, and grabbed Su Jin's shoulder.

At this time, Su Jin only had time to shout:

"Black Rabbit, burn!"

Chapter 0344 Three Letters

Six kilometers away, on the top floor of a building.

Facing the cold wind in the early morning, the black rabbit sitting on the edge muttered:

"Really, Su Jin, you only need one connector for yourself. To put it bluntly, you're not worried about me being a hindrance."

"That guy, does he have any bad thoughts about Moon Rabbit? Does he think that Rabbit can only serve as the face of the community?"

The black rabbit sitting on the edge of the building swayed his legs and complained again and again.

Knowing that it was a night mission, she was wearing warm trousers and long sleeves, her bunny ears were hidden in her hood, and she was surrounded by hidden gifts borrowed from Thousand Eyes at a high price.

"Although Su Jin said that I have a very important insurance here, it doesn't always feel like it."

Black Rabbit turned his head and looked at the three envelopes held down by three fist-sized stones, with a slightly tangled expression.

Would burning these three letters help a lot?

How can this sound unreliable?

It's impossible that the combined effect of the three letters is greater than her judicial authority, right?

Thinking of this, Black Rabbit couldn't help hugging his knees and sighed:

"People also want to help..."

At this moment, a loud roar came from above the sky.

"Black Rabbit... Sao..."

Black Rabbit's face instantly burst red, and his ears were red to the bottom:

"Who's to say that, I'm a serious rabbit, okay?"

After she roared, her pupils shrank instantly, she turned around quickly, and ignited three envelopes with divine power.

Boom three times.

The flames rose suddenly, and white, black, and golden flames quickly burned.

Seeing the flames rise, Black Rabbit immediately started the trial authority.


An illusory beam of light appeared in the sky.

In the demon city, all the gift games have been forcibly suspended!


Su Jin looked at Mithra's hand on his shoulder with a very unnatural expression.

He tried his best to cover his whole body with a small universe, prepared for defense, and at the same time prepared his mind to burn the small universe.

Facing Mithra.

In the face of this existence that seems to have long since become the incarnation of the Holy Son of the Cross.

Su Jin had to plan for the worst.


Mithra raised his eyebrows, and there were a few more nasolabial lines on his forehead:

"Very wonderful power, I even felt some kind of vast power in it, didn't you? Are you the chosen one too?"

After Mithra said these words, Su Jin's guard suddenly relaxed a lot.

The feeling of a life-and-death crisis has suddenly decreased a lot... While surprised, Su Jin deliberately delayed the time and asked:

"I'm curious, how did you know that I was going to sneak in."

Hearing this, Mithra shook her head and said:

"I only predicted that someone would sneak into the stronghold recently, and then made corresponding preparations."

After he finished speaking, he seemed to open up the conversation, and said softly:

"I guard the entrance of the secret vault, follow everyone who enters the secret vault, observe their reactions, watch them stunned by the disappearance of the secret treasure, and modify their memory after confirming that there is no problem."

He said this, the corners of his mouth curled slightly:

"I handled thirty-seven people like this, and I finally waited for you."

Grass, squatting in the grass... Su Jin's heart twitched, but he continued to ask:

"Aren't you worried about my call for help just now? If Bai Yasha comes now, even a big man like you will not be able to escape her pursuit."

"Huh? If it's fake, you shouldn't rely on Bai Yasha, and she can't stop me now."

Mithra smiled, then looked at Su Jin, and then said:

"Can you smash atoms after getting started? This force seems to be much stronger than the existing power system of Hakoniwa, and it goes deeper into the essence of the root force. Is there a malfunction in the central hub of Hakoba?"

This old immortal is really studying the small universe... The corners of Su Jin's mouth twitched, but he still didn't dare to act rashly.

He couldn't figure out Mithra's means, and at the same time felt no danger, so...

Wait, there is no danger? Su Jin's pupils suddenly widened.

At this time, Mithra raised the corner of his mouth and said:

"Discovered my psychic parasitism? Is it the credit of your special power?"

At this time, all the gift games were forcibly suspended by Black Rabbit.

Even the Demon King game with Mithra temporarily lost the restraint of the venue.

Su Jin can escape.

Seeing this, Su Jin immediately tried to burn the small universe, but suddenly found that the resistance in his heart was rapidly increasing.

He didn't want to waste his life to gain power.

Damn, thinking is interfered! Su Jin cursed inwardly.

"It's useless, if you choose to run away from the beginning, if you keep pulling the distance, I can't catch you at all, and I can only watch you move out one by one to rescue soldiers.

However, at that time I foresaw that, 'When you know my real name, you must not dare to act rashly'. "

Mithra showed a happy smile at this time:

"After all, my name is quite deterrent in the little garden."

Suspected to become a double-digit incarnation.

This information alone is enough to make anyone who knows it lose three points against Mithra.

It was here that Su Jin was trapped by Mithras.

"At this time, even if you have any means of turning around, you may not be able to succeed."

When Mithra said this, he shook his head and said:

"You shouldn't have asked my name in the first place, or you won't give up and run away, but here you are with me."

"At this level, I am afraid that only the existence of two digits can save you, but unfortunately, it is impossible for two digits to come out because of you..."

Mithra was silent for a while before he finished speaking.

Seeing this, Su Jin turned his head and looked to the right.

There, an elegant and noble woman with sun-like blond hair and a fiery red dress is standing not far from the two of them, watching them quietly.

And when Su Jin turned his eyes, the noble woman raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said softly like an oriole:

"It seems that I am a woman who can turn the impossible into the possible."

Mithra opened his mouth, then shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Halloween, I can't believe that you actually shot it yourself..."

Before he finished speaking, his figure was fixed by some kind of force.

At this moment, his consciousness seemed to come to the end, to the place of eternal silence.

Here, Mithra saw his own [death].

Omega... Mithra thought in shock before sinking into death.

And at this moment, far away, pure white light flew from the unknowable realm and pierced through Mithra's chest.

- Fan Shi gun!

It was held by Emperor Shitian, and it contained its victory authority, calling for victory, and hitting it was the holy gun of victory.

The gift game forcibly organized by the Demon King was automatically deciphered the moment Mithra was shot by Vansh.

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