Thank You

Chapter 279:

At this time, Su Jin raised the corner of his mouth, raised his hand, pierced Mithra's head with one finger, and took out a gift card from it, saying:

"I'm sorry, one of my cards is to hand out three report letters to a two-digit existence!"

0345 The object of the letter

After making up for Mithra, Su Jin then punched and smashed the atoms in his body.

After doing all this, Su Jin turned to look at the right side, where the elegant woman who was standing there had disappeared.

gone? Su Jin was surprised for a moment, then lowered his head quickly, rushed to the alley opposite the building, and jumped into the shadow created by the street lights.

In the shadows, Su Jin and Leticia met eyes, the latter did not pause, but just held down Su Jin's shoulder.

The surrounding shadows wriggled and twisted, presenting gloomy black-and-white images.

This is Leticia using her shadow power to move quickly.

After moving for less than a second, Leticia reached out and grabbed the black rabbit that jumped down from above, and said:

"It's going to cross the border."

In Hakoniwa, there are space controls for every outer door.

Even if it is an outer door with adjacent numbers, it is impossible to migrate to another outer door by means of ground movement.

It will even appear, go to the end of the south, and find that it is the beginning of the north, such a strange phenomenon.

If you want to move to another outer gate, you must use the realm gate, or activate the outer gate crossing technique by a four-digit being with realm spirit.

These rules are formulated by the queen in charge of the realm, the Queen of Halloween.

In addition to the realm gate and the high-ranking existence holding the realm spirit, the shadow power of the Hakoba knight was also given the right to cross the outer gate.

This is because at dawn, the knights of Hakoniwa swore allegiance to the queen of the realm.

At that time, the people who signed the contract ceremony were Leticia, who was the leader of the Hakoba knights at the time, and the Queen of Halloween.

The three of them crossed the realm gate without any nonsense and returned to the NoName headquarters on the outskirts of the capital at the end.

In a dim living room.

Leticia stepped out of the shadows and flipped the light switch.

A white light lit up, illuminating the entire living room.

Seeing this scene, Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, walked to the sofa in three and two steps, thumped, lay down, and sat on the sofa in a large shape.

At the same time, the black rabbit suddenly rushed up and sniffed around Su Jin, and then said:

"It's okay, it's okay, there is no smell of injury."

"He died!"

Su Jin pushed the black rabbit to the sofa next to him, making a 'boom' sound.

The black rabbit who hit the sofa cushion suddenly became angry: "That's too much! People are caring about you!"

Su Jin closed his eyes, let out a deep breath, and then shouted, "Leeticia."

Hearing this, Leticia glanced at Su Jin, cut her wrist with her nails, and squeezed out blood.

Drops of blood flowed out, and then turned into a blood-winged angel with a blurred face in mid-air, wrapping the entire room.

This is to interfere with eavesdropping and tracking.

After confirming safety, Leticia said: "You can continue talking."

Seeing this, Black Rabbit was in the mood to ask:

"What happened, why did I feel the power of the Lord God."

The main **** refers to Emperor Shitian.

This Lord is the **** that Moon Rabbit worships together, and is also one of the ancestors of the bloodline.

The simulated godhead Brahma Spear held by Black Rabbit is the projection given by Di Shitian to separate his weapon spirituality.

And just now, over the demon capital, a real Vatican spear appeared.

"I don't know if it is the Emperor Neng, and the queen also shot."

Leticia, who arrived near the scene after Su Jin called for help, said delicately:

"Sorry, I couldn't catch up."

Actually, catch up.

When Mithra caught Su Jin, Leticia was standing in the opposite alley, and she was ready to make a move.

With the strength shown by the enemy just now, Leticia believes that she can temporarily stop the opponent and give Su Jin a chance to escape.

If the two join forces, there is a high probability that they will escape together.

However, at that moment, Leticia was imprisoned.

The realm queen who reigned in Hakoten didn't seem to want to see this scene.

She seems to have deliberately left Leticia aside and made Su Jin owe her favor. While revealing traces and intimidating Mithra, she also restricted Leticia's actions.

This kind of performance is like deliberately trying to make Su Jin owe a favor... Leticia fell into silence when she thought of this.

She remembered the smiling eyes when the Queen of Halloween looked at Su Jin when she disappeared, and the warning eyes when she turned to herself.

In view of this, Leticia could only admit that she did not catch up.

After all, this is a warning from the Queen.

"A lie? The queen is here too." The black rabbit's teeth began to tremble: "We just want to get the flag back!"

As she spoke, she scratched her hair frantically, and then asked with a look of fear:

"What the **** did you encounter! What are those letters for!"

At this time, Su Jin took a deep breath and said with a look of fear, "I encountered Mithra."

The black rabbit's eyelids jumped wildly, and his mouth opened uncontrollably:

"Mithra? Mithra, the **** king of the Persian group of gods?"

"So that's the case, is that the God King?"

Leticia looked at Su Jin calmly and said:

"You'd better check Lingge now to see if there are any traces left."

When she said this, she paused for a while and said:

"Mithra is a **** who is good at 'contracts'. He is good at coaxing with words, and then inadvertently, let you reach some kind of contract with him."

"The thing that His Majesty is best at is to invade the enemy's spirituality and turn the enemy into his friend or even a servant."

The corners of Su Jin's mouth twitched, and she closed her eyes to examine Lingge. After a while, she said with a strange expression:

"The remaining power has been resolved."

He felt the breath of 'the end of all things' in his spirituality.

Until then, he didn't know that Omega had shot.

At this time, the black rabbit held down Su Jin's shoulder and said:

"Let's check it again, or let Shiroyasha-sama check it again."

"That kind of thing will be discussed later."

When Su Jin said this, he frowned and looked at the black rabbit and said:

"You just shot, are you sure it's your main god?"

"Can it still be fake?" Hei Rabbit asked in astonishment.

Su Jin was silent for a while, and then said:

"Bring all the reserve envelopes I gave you."

"Oh!" Hearing this, Black Rabbit immediately took out 30 envelopes from the gift card.

These are the backups that Su Jin gave her when she couldn't burn the three envelopes.

Backups of each envelope are ten.

Su Jin took out three different backups and opened them directly.

The recipient of the first copy is [Queen of the Realm].

The content is [the location information of the Sun Sovereign Chenlong in exchange for a shot]

The recipient of the second copy is [The Mistress of the End]

The content is very short, only two words [Save me]

Su Jin quickly opened the third letter and looked at the recipient's name:


Chapter 0346 Victory and Loser

The content on the third envelope is simple.

[The Son tries to devour Kargi]

It's a bit alarmist, but if Sakyamuni has an intention on Vishnu's spirituality, the probability of the opponent's shot will be relatively high.

But it was Di Shitian who shot... Su Jin looked at the third letter with a subtle expression.

He subconsciously wondered whether Di Shitian might be Sakyamuni's vest, but in a flash he thought of a bigger possibility.

Shakyamuni used Emperor Shitian to solve the threat of Mithra, to avoid his attempt on Vishnu's spirituality from being discovered by the Son of God.

In the eyes of the gods, Di Shitian and Mithra are related godheads, and it is normal for both sides to attack the other.

Therefore, Shakyamuni can use the emperor Shatian to make a move, relatively speaking, he can have a cover.

This is what Su Jin thinks is the most likely.

Thinking of this, Su Jin couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect them to take action."

In fact, at the beginning, Su Jin pinned his hopes on Omega, who was the most likely to shoot.

He and the other party have certain interests involved, and he is responsible for the troubles and rains in the different world, threatening the religious rule of the Crusaders, and Omega is to provide him with the necessary shelter.

Although the invasion of the Ouroboros' stronghold was something other than cooperation, it was Mithra, the **** who was suspected of being the incarnation of the Son of God, so it was reasonable for Omega to take action.

It is unlikely that she will allow Su Jin to be controlled by the Crusaders, so that the secrets of recent changes in human history will be known to the Crusaders.

Of course, if the situation at that time were more urgent, Su Jin would have fled to the world of death.

However, what Su Jin didn't expect was that all three existences took action, and even the Queen of Halloween sent her avatar herself, shocking Mithra.

Not counting the messages like "Su Jin is a subordinate of the Queen of Halloween" that can be generated later.

Just coming out in person is very problematic.

The queen has unknown plans for me? Or, in the face of the disciple Canary, help? Su Jin can only make associations and guesses like this.

After all, he couldn't ask the Queen of Halloween directly.

The black rabbit next to him looked at the envelope in front of him and said in surprise:

"Everything has been shot, aren't these letters blank?"

Su Jin replied naturally at this time:

"This is an IQ letter. Those who can read the words are smart people."

In fact, this is because writing the description corresponding to the two-digit number will be induced.

After being sensed, the corresponding existence will cover up the connection, which will naturally cause Su Jin, who is not the party, to see the content.

"I see!"

Black Rabbit suddenly realized and nodded, but then her expression changed, her ears turned red, she stared at Su Jin angrily and said:

"Su Jin! Are you trying to call me stupid?!"

Su Jin suddenly looked at her in surprise after hearing this:

"Have you been smart?"

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