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Chapter 905:

Chapter 1256 Terrible, hit the mark.

Alphia out of a terminal illness?

Hearing Mihe's guess, and seeing Zeus's smile but not saying a word, the gods present are all human beings, and they still don't understand the truth of the matter. But if that's the case, then things can't help but be a bit big.

Many gods who have some connection with the dark faction have already cooled down.

Dionysus is not good at messing with anyone, go to mess with the sick girl Hera.

Didn't he know that Hera was notoriously paranoid? When that guy sacrificed himself and healed Alphia, what orders did Bao Qi give?

Can't keep it, what about Hera's order to kill all the gods and family members related to the dark faction?

That paranoid definitely has the guts to do it, and unfortunately the resurrected Alphia also has the ability...

One has an idea, one has the ability, these gods who only have a little deal with the dark faction, don't they want to be cool?

Thinking of this, these gods who thought they were trapped immediately searched for Dionysus in the crowd, and when they found that they couldn't find anyone, they immediately cursed in their hearts.

Damn Dionysus, he tried to kill himself, but he hurt us, and now he runs away?

Are you courting death to let us take the blame? In your dreams!

"It's too much! How could Dionysus do such a thing, to assassinate Lord Hera, and he doesn't take us seriously!"

"That's right, it must be punished! Lord Uranos, issue a wanted notice. Gods like Dionysus shouldn't exist! He should replace Istar and become that sage's stone!"

After these words fell, the audience suddenly became much quieter, and many gods suddenly blinked.


They don't want to be made into a sage's stone, but they still have the courage to make a hapless person who offended everyone into a sage's stone!

The thought of Dionysus doing things in secret, causing so much trouble for them, and creating a murder weapon like the Sage's Stone, threatening the lives of the gods, the gods were heartbroken.

Anyway, Dionysus must have been spurned by all gods, so turning him into a sage's stone is considered to be evil to control evil, right?

After thinking about it like this, many gods present immediately agreed.

"That's right, you have to be arrested, and you have to be sentenced to death!"

"I agree! And the old capital punishment is too light, I suggest adding a 'stoning'!"

Hearing this sentence, many gods murmured in their hearts: Does the stoning you speak of have the three words 'sage' in front of it?

"Lord Uranos, you order it, God Dionysus has done too much, not killing is not enough for people to be angry!"

"Yes, I thought so too!"

With a sound of approval, it rose from the bottom.

After hearing these second opinions, Su Jin turned to look at the guy who first said stoning. After seeing that he turned his eyes away with a guilty conscience, he didn't care much, and just tapped the table with his index finger and said:

"So, do you agree with the arrest of Dionysus and his execution?"

"Right, that is it!"

"Strongly agree!"

"I suggest issuing a guild S-level mission to capture Dionysus!"

"If that's the case, then it's better to designate the target, let the fierce Ota or the sword girl be dispatched, and bring them back. No matter how strong the family who wants to come to Dionysus is, they can't deal with these two."


"That's what I want to do, kill them all!"

Hearing that voice of approval, Su Jin faintly laughed in his heart.

In the eyes of a group of gods, the greed for the sage's stone is almost undisguised, and it is funny to still be righteous there.

The gods of this world really don't hide their desires... Su Jin sneered in his heart, then turned his head and looked at Hermes:

"Since everyone agrees, then Hermes, this matter is left to you."

Hermes immediately got up and bowed after hearing this:

"Follow your orders!"

After bowing to Su Jin, he raised his head and looked around the gods:

"In order to prevent the leakage of arrest information, I suggest everyone present to cooperate with the guild personnel to conduct a routine inspection."

"On the one hand, it is to prevent news from leaking, and on the other hand..." Hermes said this with a slightly funny expression: "I suspect that Dionysus is now hiding in the crowd."

The gods present immediately looked at each other when they heard this sentence, with hesitation in their eyes.

search? Still to everyone.

This caused some gods to resist in their hearts, but they were the ones who were clamoring for cooperation just now.

In the crowd, although Dionysus, who heard this sentence, sank, he did not panic.

He became vigilant when he knew that he was framed by Zeus. Although he also sneaked into the hall of the gods, hoping to find some information about the people behind the scenes, he was not without help.

In fact, although Dionysus was wearing a hood and a windbreaker, and tried his best to cover his face, under these disguises, his face was still the image of another god, and he was definitely unable to contact his god.

Under the camouflage, another layer of camouflage was added, and this camouflage was made with a very special transformation magic, which made him not worry about his own exposure.

The gods in the arena were silent for a few seconds, and then one of the goddesses took off her hood and revealed her face:

"Since it's all proposed, let's cooperate. We can't stay here forever, right?"

Hearing this sentence, Hermes couldn't help but look at the goddess who spoke out. After recognizing the other party, he couldn't help but chuckle:

"It's you, Demeter."

After Hermes said the other party's name, he shook his head, and then gestured towards the guild staff at the door:

"Since Demeter said so, let's start, um, since it's Demeter's suggestion, let's start with you first, everyone line up, check it out, and after the check, we will Discuss what to do with Zeus."

"Okay." Goddess Demeter responded.

Several members of the guild guarding the door received the signal, stepped forward, and said to Demeter:

"Please God forgive me."

Afterwards, the female guild personnel stepped forward and searched the body. They also checked one side with a special tool for checking magic, and even pinched their face to determine whether it was a magic mask.

After multiple inspections, the guild members looked at each other, and then a member immediately said:

"No problem, God Demeter, you can move to the hall next door and wait."

"Please come with me!" the two female guild members whispered.

"Okay!" Demeter nodded immediately after hearing this, and followed the guild member to a door in the link hall.

And the next second she moved into the door, there was a creaking sound, and the door closed instantly.

Demeter's face suddenly froze.


She couldn't help staring at the two expressionless guild members in front of her.

In her line of sight, the faces of the two guild members began to change, and the same tall figures also became one tall and one short.

Without waiting for this person to react, Alphia, who changed back to her original state, threw away the detection tool in her hand, and in the sound of clanging, she sneered at the **** in front of her:

"Hera asked me to say to you: I'm sorry."

Chapter 1257 Hello, I'm your father!

The moment he saw Alphia, Dionysus' pupils suddenly widened.

He didn't have time to think about the reason for Alphia's appearance, instead he hurriedly opened his mouth and tried to make a sharp cry of help.

At the same time, Alphia raised her finger under the black silk glove, touched her **** and thumb, and snapped her fingers with a snap.

Dionysus, who tried his best to open his mouth and his Adam's apple trembled, found that he couldn't hear his cry for help.

It was at this moment that Dionysus remembered Alphia's nickname... Silence.

It was only now that he recalled that the magic that Alphia was best at was the subordinate level of wind magic... sonic magic, especially good at controlling various sound waves and infrasound waves in the atmosphere.

Therefore, in front of Alphia, it is absolutely impossible to make a cry for help.

Thinking of this, Dionysus instantly calmed down.

That is, at the same time, a sneer appeared on Alfiya's cold and delicate face: "It seems that you understand your situation."

When Dionysus saw Alphia speak out, he was silent for a while, and then whispered: "I think the loyalty of a **** should have a proper value."

When the voice fell, Alphia and the guild members next to him were stunned. It seemed that they did not expect Dionysus to give up so easily, and even wanted to surrender.

For Dionysus, however, surrender was not difficult.

In the case of discovering that nothing can be done, he naturally chooses to join the enemy, especially when he finds out with his own eyes that Alphia is really alive.

After all, he didn't want to become the sage's stone that Zeus said.

On the other side, after being stunned for a short time, Alphia suddenly understood Dionysus' mentality. She narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Dionysus with a smile that was not a smile. Her tone was playful:

"You are quite interesting."

After she finished speaking, she reached out to the guild personnel next to her, or immediately took out a handcuff from her pocket and handed it to her.

"Bring your own."

Alphia casually threw the silver handcuffs to Dionysus, who took advantage of the situation to catch it, and then honestly clasped it in his hands, and at the same time he was relieved.

Dionysus was not stupid, he saw the change in Alphia's attitude, so although he didn't know the future situation, he also understood that his chances of surviving were much better, so he naturally cooperated honestly now.

Seeing that the handcuffs lent by Su Jin were put on by Dionysus, Alphia could not help but reduce her vigilance.

After all, in her opinion, no matter how bad the anti-arrest props that Su Jin threw out, it is not something that the gods of the wrong world can resist. As long as Dionysus wears this, his life and death will naturally not be in his own hands. up.

After confirming that the danger level of Dionysus was reduced, Alphia Adam said to the staff around him: "Lily Luca, it's your turn."

The woman in guild attire next to her nodded immediately, then stretched out her hand, chanting a magic spell in her mouth, and pressed her hand on Alphia's body.

In an instant, Alphia had an extra set of gray, which was as old as a starch washer, and with the appearance of this dress, Alphia's appearance also began to change.

Her silver hair suddenly turned black, her ears began to become slender, and her height became a little shorter. It didn't take long before 'Fairways' appeared in front of Dionysus.

Seeing this familiar subordinate in front of him, Dionysus couldn't help but widen his eyes, looked at Lilyluca, and said in surprise, "There's actually such a transformation magic?"

As a god, Dionysus was naturally not unseen in the world, but this kind of magic still surprised him, because even he, the main **** of Fairways, could not see through the truth of the person in front of him now.

If it wasn't for the appearance of Alphia Adam's face, and the method of silence just now, he even suspected that Alphia was actually pretending to be Fairways, and that she herself was not resurrected at all.

At this time, Alphia, who had become the image of Fairways, moved her body, adapted to the changes, quickly ensured her combat power, and then used wind magic to manipulate the atmosphere, summoning the hand of the wind, and destroying Dionysus. He hung up, and then said to Lily Luca:

"According to the original plan."


The voice fell, and Alphia led Dionysus towards the place with the floor-to-ceiling windows quickly, in order to escape by jumping off the building.

On the other hand, Lily Luca took out a small medicine bottle and poured medicine for herself, her complexion suddenly became pale and vain.

Then she took a deep breath and screamed towards the hall at a high voice:

"Enemy attack!"


At that time, Hermes, who was standing outside the closed door and seeping out of the guild hall, saw Demeter walk into the side hall for the first time. The gods said:

"Okay, everyone, the inspection is over, we have found the inner ghost."

The gods who were planning to line up couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then suddenly understood something, glanced at the door next door, and said with a strange expression:

"Hermes, are you saying...?"

"Yes!" Hermes nodded and couldn't help laughing: "I didn't expect him to be so stupid. Do you really think we didn't know that Demeter was already under his control?"

"I have already arranged the backhand. Just waiting for Dionysus to show up, a catcher will take action and take him directly. Want to take the opportunity to escape? Haha, it's impossible!"

Hearing what Hermes said, the gods suddenly realized:

"So this is ah!"

Although transformation magic is rare, there are several in Euleri. The gods present naturally have not seen this kind of magic, so it is easy to 'guess' Dionysus' operation.

"Did that madman from Dionysus still control Demeter? It's maddening."

"Damn, to imprison Demeter, what does Dionysus want to do? What does he want to do!"

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