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Chapter 906:

"That's right, it's just too enviable, that's the number one breast in the heavens... cough, cough!"

The contemptuous gazes of the goddesses suddenly looked at them, and the male gods who spoke out shyly closed their mouths.

And Hermes also recalled Demeter's amazing figure, then coughed a few times, peeked at Su Jin, and immediately shrank his neck when he realized that the other party was looking at him.

What does Su Jin mean when he sees me like this? Could it be that he also has some ideas about Demeter's number one breast in the world? Will he have to think of a way later to send the rescued Demeter to the Lord's house?

No, this is a bit too straightforward, and it may not be good for both sides, so it's better to hide it and let people suggest that Demeter was rescued by Master Su Jin, and then make a good operation. If you think about it, even if you can't let Demeter vote A hug can also raise my impression in the hearts of adults.

Hermes thought about Su Jin's thoughts again and again, and after making sure that the risk of doing so was not high, he suddenly made up his mind.

On the other side, Su Jin, who was actually staring at the door, had a subtle expression.

Judging from the breath, Alphia has already jumped off the building with Dionysus. That's almost it. Lilyluca will also shout. Wait, what is this fellow Hermes thinking? In front of my face, thinking how to give a woman to me? What's your brain circuit like?

And just when Su Jin was complaining about Hermes' sassy operation, a sharp shout finally came from outside the door:

"Enemy attack!"

Hearing this, Hermeston, who had just boasted about Haikou, enjoyed the sight of the gods, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief. At the same time, he patted his thigh and shouted:

"Oops, it's a plan, Dionysus is a plan!"

"Quick, go to Loki's family and ask Ais to cooperate with the guards to search the whole city!"

Chapter 1258 Arcadia's Secret to Dealing with High-level Existence

Hermes' roar immediately distracted everyone's attention, and the energy of the gods immediately focused on a few guild employees who received the order, watching them run out of the hall nervously and orderly to issue the order.

But the gods didn't notice that on the main seat in the center of the hall, Su Jin's figure appeared slightly illusory, and then suddenly solidified.

The change in the blink of an eye did not attract the attention of others, and even Aphrodite and Artemis who had been paying attention to Su Jin did not notice the change in this moment.

In contrast, Hermes, who was somewhat clear about some arrangements, couldn't help but glanced in Su Jin's direction. After seeing that the other party had not changed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

'Next, what I have to do is to focus the attention of the gods on the whereabouts of Dionysus, which is fine, um, and maybe find a way to rescue Demi-t. ’

Clearly, Hermeston, who was just a simple job next, took it easy - get up.


Loki's family residence.

Ais, who was sitting on the sofa with her legs together, looked at Finn with a calm expression, and the focal length of her pupils seemed to be absent.

Being stared at by her like this, Finn, the head of Loki's family, looked like he had a headache:

"Ais, I know you've been busy cultivating recently, but isn't that Loki's order on standby? You've been staring at me like this, and I can't do anything about it?"

"Stare...!" Ais didn't reply, but her unfocused eyes kept reflecting Finn's figure.

Aware of this scene, Finn, who was sitting on the height-adjustable office chair, suddenly felt helpless, turned his head and said to Riviria, who was drinking tea next to Ais:

"Riveria, persuade Ais, I'm going to have a nervous breakdown if I stare at her like this."

"There's nothing I can do about this." Riveria held her tea and said with half-closed eyes, "Who let you know that Ais was in a period of rapid improvement in strength recently, but interrupted her practice."

Hearing this, Finn couldn't help but whispered: "Still cultivating? You advanced to level 8 in the early morning, still cultivating? How many days have you been sleeping?"

"Also, isn't this Loki's order? Why should I take the blame..." Finn was extremely speechless about the current situation in his heart, but he didn't dare to speak loudly.

No way, after his strength was far surpassed by Ai Si, he would not dare to stop Ai Si's enthusiasm for cultivation. If it wasn't for Loki's repeated explanation before going to the meeting, he wouldn't bite the bullet and interrupt Ai. Silk's crazy workout.

'It is estimated that only Mr. Su Jin can persuade Aisi in this state...' After sighing about Su Jin's methods, Finn actually felt hot at the speed of Aisi's strengthening.

In just a few days, Ais had risen all the way to level 8, and the promotion speed far exceeded Finn's understanding.

In his opinion, even Alphia, who was promoted to level 7 at the age of 16, is not as fast as Ais, and her attributes are not as high as Ais' full-attribute SSS.

It is clear that Su Jin only taught some cultivation skills, but it is the part of these skills that belongs to physical training, and Ais is continuously promoted. How terrible would it be to be Su Jin himself?

Just a level 7 comparable to Orta?

Only a fool believes that is Su Jin's true strength!

Finn seriously doubts that the 7 needs to be followed by a 0, otherwise the exaggeration of those skills cannot be explained at all.

But having said that, Ais has been taught such precious skills, and even Lefiya has benefited. Sure enough, is this child Ais destined to marry... No wonder Loki has a stinky face lately... just When Finn was sulking in his heart, the magic communicator in front of him suddenly made a beeping sound.

When Finn heard the sound, he breathed a sigh of relief, then glanced at Ais, who had stood up early, and signaled her to take it easy, and then picked up the communication.

"I'm Finn, um, escaped into the dungeon? I see, pre-manhunt? Okay, I'll arrange it."

After hanging up the communication, Finn sighed and said to Ais and Riviria in front of him:

"A mission is here!"

"The guild has assigned Ais's mission to hunt down Dionysus, the sin **** who fled into the dungeon, and the criminal Philvis, just in case, Riviria, please accompany Ais for a trip, that's all. leave."

Hearing this, Ais and Riviria looked at each other, then nodded in unison, turned around and walked towards the door.

Seeing the two leave, Finn pinched the bridge of his nose, turned his head, looked at the Tower of Babel in the distance outside the window, and muttered to himself:

"Did you know in advance that Dionysus would escape? Loki, what the **** have you been tinkering with lately?"

After the words fell, Finn was quietly surrounded by doubts, watching Ais and Riviria go away.


Oralie, a three-story stone house on the street.

On the balcony of a three-storey roof, the clothes drying rod swayed without wind. Then, the sign of the tavern hundreds of meters away suddenly swayed. In the alley in the distance, the shadow on the wall shook for a moment.


Not long after, the third floor of the rich hostess of the tavern.

Leon Leon, who was wearing a maid outfit, pushed open the window on time and stepped aside.

The atmosphere suddenly swayed, but there was no sound, but Alphia's figure slowly emerged from the air.

The invisible wind swept Dionysus into the room and threw him to the floor with a thud.

Dionysus, who finally got out of the high-speed state, arched his body, covered his throat and retched uncontrollably, spitting out a lot of stomach acid.

Leon Leon took a step back in disgust, and then looked at Alphia.

"Don't worry about him." Alphia waved casually, the invisible wind rolled the dirt out of the window, and then deliberately looked at the time: "The time is within the predetermined range, it seems that my body is not too rusted. ."

The other half, Dionysus, who had finally recovered, wiped the corners of his mouth with his sleeves, got up with a pale face, glanced at Liu Leon and said:

"Are you?...Asteria Familia?"

Leon Leon gave him a cold glance, and did not speak, but only glanced at Dionysus' neck with that knife-like look.

Seeing her like this, Dionysuston was wary.

He didn't forget that a few years ago, he commanded his subordinates, seduced monsters, and nearly wiped out the Astoria family.

Now, at this time, when he encounters the obviously malicious Lyu Leon, wouldn't that be the case?

Dionysus, whose vigilance was greatly increased, suppressed his fear, and said to Alphia, who was already sitting on the sofa: "Can I see the person behind you?"

He knew in his heart that there was definitely someone behind Alphia, and even that person was not Zeus and Hera, it was suspected to be Hermes, but it could also be someone else.

But since he was brought here, he must have ulterior motives. If he is used well, Dionysus may not be able to escape this disaster.

After hearing Dionysus' words, Alphia raised her eyebrows slightly, and then smiled at the air next to her:

"It seems that our Mr. Bacchus is in a hurry!"

Dionysus was shocked when he heard the words, and he followed Alphia's gaze, but he did not see anyone's existence.

This is? In the end there is no one? Just when Dionysus was puzzled, a male voice suddenly came from the empty place.

"Dionysus, when you see him as a father, don't you kneel down to greet him?"

Chapter 1259 Purpose

Hearing this humiliating remark, Dionysus frowned, and just as he was about to say something, he suddenly noticed a strange yet familiar divinity coming from that empty place.

[Sky], [Thunder], and the strong fatherhood.

Even though Su Jin's face has been gradually drawn from the blank space, Dionysus is still immersed in the previous divinity.

‘Zeus, it’s actually Zeus? ’

Dionysus didn't doubt Su Jin's identity, even if his face didn't match Zeus's, but the divinity that was echoing the world just now couldn't be faked.

‘I didn’t think it was Zeus who was behind me behind the scenes... And what is this huge difference? Obviously it's just a simple manifestation of divinity, but this kind of pure oppression like a high-dimensional existence... Is he really the Zeus I knew in the past? ’

'Or, is the real Zeus standing in front of me now, and the one I knew before was just a fake? ’

Dionysus shuddered, and the expression on his face changed.

It was at this time that Su Jin smiled and cast his gaze towards him.

And when Su Jin looked over, Dionysus lowered his head without thinking, stood in front of him with lowered eyebrows, and did not dare to speak aloud.

Seeing his lowered eyebrows and bowed head, Su Jin chuckled lightly:

"Looks like you're confused about our relationship?"

Dionysus' expression changed, and then he sneered:

"Sir, stop joking, the gods I waited for were born from the sea of ​​​​clouds in the heavens, and the so-called parental relationship in mythology is just a game in the past."

Speaking of this, Dionysus paused, forced himself to look up, looked at the figure who could hardly look directly at his face, and said bitterly:

"Besides, will a **** like you give birth to a child like me?"

His voice fell, but he heard a chuckle.

Immediately afterwards, Dionysus suddenly had a sense of enlightenment, an inexplicable connection, and suddenly, he seemed to feel that he could fiddle with the thunder between heaven and earth, and the magnetic field between the universe at will.

In an instant, the contract of the gods, which was originally signed by the gods and recognized by the world, suddenly became blurred, and Dionysus' heart also surged with the illusion that he was able to use divine power in the lower realm.

'The restriction that you cannot use divine power in the Nether has been lifted? Why? ’

Just when Dionysus was confused, and even his attention began to be led away by the inexplicable power pouring out of his body, a sneer sounded in his ear.

"Alphia, Ryu."

Su Jin raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile on his face.

"I am here."

The silver-haired woman looked sideways with her legs crossed, and Lyu Leon, who was wearing a maid outfit, also cast an inquiring look.

And when the eyes of the two fell on Su Jin's face, he shook his head and smiled:

"Before going to Hakoba, I have to give you a simple lesson, a simple one-sentence lesson."

Hearing the sound, Alphia couldn't help lowering her legs, her ears trembled slightly, her concentration was highly concentrated, and Liu Leon seemed to have thought of something, and glanced at Dionysus subconsciously.

It was at this moment that Su Jin looked at Dionysus with a playful expression, and said:

"That sentence is: 'Don't arbitrarily respond to the words of a high-ranking existence.'"

When he said this, he sneered in a low voice:

"Because you never know if that sentence will be a deadly 'trap'."

Su Jin's voice fell, and Dionysus' head exploded.

Just like a watermelon smashed by a baseball bat, his brain suddenly exploded, and his original perception of himself became blurred at this moment.

"Who am I?" Dionysus covered his head, his facial features were distorted, and purple thunder flashed constantly on his body, and he said angrily: "I am Dionysus... No, I am Zeus, right, I am Zeus? Dionysus? Zeus, no, I am Zeus, the lord of Olympus, the god-king Zeus...!"

Looking at Dionysus who suddenly fell into madness, Alphia's face was calm, but her eyes flickered:

"What's the trick in what you just said?"

Hearing this, Su Jin shook his index finger and said with a smile: "It's just a little bit of 'cognitive fraud', which belongs to the category of fraud power."

"He does not admit that he is the son of Zeus, but in the public's cognition, Dionysus is the son of Zeus, and there is a deviation in the cognition of the two."

"And all I did was mix those two perceptions and end up getting his brain to come to a confusing conclusion."

"That is, Dionysus is not a descendant of Zeus, but he has an inseparable kinship with Zeus, so a conclusion is drawn..."

Su Jin deliberately paused here, then said with a smile:

"That is Dionysus is Zeus himself!"

"That's why he is not Zeus, but he has an inseparable kinship with Zeus..."

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