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Chapter 914:

Su Jin waved his hand, and said in a somewhat self-deprecating tone:

"Since Bai Yasha invested in me, the one with Thousand Eyes has been investing in me."

Shiroyasha is the defeated demon king, and the defeated demon king in Hakoniwa is owned by others, so Shiroyasha is the 'servant' of the twin goddesses who defeated her.

Even if the twin goddesses somehow raised this 'servant' as a daughter and let her toss, the affiliation would not change.

Therefore, Shiroyasha's investment is actually equal to the capital injection of the twin goddesses.

From the very beginning, among those five quasi-single-digit eyes, Su Jin has a thousand-eyed 'stencil' on the back, which is why until today, no official personnel from Buddhism, Taoism, or even Christianity have been sent to win over Su Jin. s reason.

Because in their eyes, Su Jin had already stood in line.

Hearing Su Jin's self-deprecation, Alger sighed and said:

"When you incorporated Greece, but you were not stopped, I guessed the mind of the Thousand Eyes, but in my opinion, it's not a bad thing for that person to be a messenger."

Alger's main force in the past was all in the Crusaders, and it was precisely because of this that she understood how fierce the contradictions there were.

Compared with the cross religion with many internal contradictions, compared with the Buddhist sects that stand on the top of the mountain, and compared with the terrifying infighting, Daoism and Heavenly Court, with many great powers, after careful calculation, the most suitable for Su Jin is really only Thousand Eyes.

Although the alliance is loose and there are some rotten potatoes inside, as long as the two goddesses, as long as Alpha and Omega are still there, this flag will not fall.

Su Jin sighed lightly, and he also knew that Alger was telling the truth.

It's not hard to guess that he has incorporated the Greek gods and intends to use the resources of the Greek gods to expand Arcadia's mind, but the twin goddesses did not come forward to stop it.

Su Jin can see the support here.

You must know that although Thousand Eyes is a large-scale commercial community of alliance nature, the Greek gods occupy the majority in Thousand Eyes, which can be regarded as pillars.

This is to be replaced by Taoism, that is, Su Jin is planning to acquire Tianting, and that is Buddhism, that is, Su Jin is buying the land deed of Lingshan. It can be said that if you change any force, Su Jin will be warned when he wants to acquire it. But now the two goddesses didn't even show their faces, and kept the default throughout the whole process.

The attitude here made Su Jin feel very delicate.

Especially the fact that Shiroyasha was raised as his daughter made him feel even more weird.

‘Why do you feel like I’m in a family now, the Greek gods are the dowry given by the twin goddesses? What's up with this weird déjà vu? ' Su Jin muttered in his heart, and at the same time, he gradually lost the idea of ​​the twin goddesses.


"Okay, don't think too much, it's useless to think too much, why do you feel that I, one of the nineteen tallest people in the garden, are not as much as you think."

Alger stood on tiptoe and patted Su Jin's shoulder, then pointed to the front and said:

"Someone is waiting for you, take care of yourself, life still has to be lived."

Hearing this, Su Jin took a closer look, but saw a bunny-eared girl with long blue hair and a black maid outfit. No, judging from her current figure, she has obviously shrunk into a loli.

Seeing this, Su Jin couldn't help but rejoice:

"It's the black rabbit, why did she become a Lolita maid after disappearing for a while?"

Hearing this, Black Rabbit, who had seen Su Jin turn around and wanted to run, suddenly stopped and turned around, his face was very embarrassed, as if the society was dead, his mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out.

But for Su Jin, who can read lips, it's different.

'Because I lost the game to Yao, I have to reduce my age today and wear this outfit...'

Hearing this, Su Jin suddenly looked strange:

"Losing the game to Yao? How did you do it..."

How many days has Kasugabe Yoshi come to Hakotei? Less than three days, right? Can this beat the Black Rabbit in the Boon game?

Is this because Yao is too strong, or are you too weak?

Black Rabbit found that it was useless not to make a sound, and suddenly became tearful:

"Yao Mingming said she can't play poker..."


Do you believe this too? Su Jin silently looked at the silly rabbit in front of him.

Alger next to him also had a weird expression: "You can't even play with a child, are you really a Hakoba noble?"

In her impression, those Hakoba nobles were all force judges who slammed and spoke with their fists, how did they pull their hips when they got to this rabbit?

"Please don't say any more, especially the four words of Hakoba Noble!" Black Rabbit squatted down with his face covered, and cried bitterly.

"..." Su Jin sighed, and then said, "Forget it, come with me next, to meet new companions."


Let the black rabbit wear a maid costume to greet the newcomer? Alger couldn't help but look back at Su Jin, and suddenly saw the 'persecution' in the other's eyes.

However, on the other hand, the black rabbit immediately got up and said with bright eyes, "Are there any new people? Can we really go to meet them together?"

Su Jin smiled at this time: "Of course you can, after all, they will also come into contact with Little Garden under your care in the future."


Hopeless! Think carefully about your majesty in front of your rivals in the future, you stupid Hakoba noble! Alger covered his face and couldn't bear to look directly at the black rabbit.

This rabbit, I am afraid, has been persecuted to the point that it does not realize what persecution is...

Chapter 1273 Hestia's Spirituality

Underground Arcadia, the underground hall that has recently been called the "Hall of the World". Surrounded by huge doors with a height of more than ten meters, Su Jin was standing in front of a door, preparing for the final communication between the two worlds.

At that time, after looking around and looking at the huge doors around him, Black Rabbit suddenly said with emotion, "There are more and more doors."

There are already 7 worlds that Su Jin has traveled through and observed.

In these seven worlds, except for the world of Ghost Slayer, where there is no high-level existence as a hidden base, other worlds have established two-world passages with Arcadia in Hakoniwa.

As a result, more and more people from the lower realms came to Arcadia through the gate of crossing the realm.

Although among these people, except for Little Athena who reached the four-digit breakthrough due to the same body, the strongest is the four-digit elite level, and most of the rest are five-digit or even lower, but it is undeniable. The thing is, their strength is improving rapidly.

Backed by the abundant resources and detailed development route of Hakoba, and Athena, a natural **** and Buddha who is good at cultivating heroes, although the strength of the personnel of Arcadia headquarters is still relatively low, most of them have begun to realize their talents. It is estimated that after a period of time, there will be a large number of talents pouring out.

This is why Black Rabbit is very happy to know that there are newcomers from the lower world.

Because after so many years of development, the major outer gates of the small garden have long formed spheres of influence, and the channels for talents have also begun to solidify.

Although it is said that [2105380 Outer Gate] in the easternmost part of the Eastern District has become the sphere of influence of Arcadia, the earlier talents have long been hollowed out by the great forces of other outer gates, and new talents have not yet been produced. Compared with the virgin land The lower bound of , obviously there is not much comparability.

Furthermore, the newcomers from the lower realm are in Arcadia because their 'birthplace' is in Arcadia. In the eyes of the gods of the little garden, they are naturally subordinate to Arcadia, and it is impossible to poach corners unless necessary. Cadia is a big opportunity to inject blood.

At this time, Su Jin, who was ready to build the gate of crossing the world, clapped his hands, took a few steps back, and said helplessly:

"It's just six worlds. I see how happy you are. At the time of Arcadia's heyday, there were more than 200 subordinate worlds, and I didn't see you so happy?"

"This is different!" Hei Rabbit retorted with puffed cheeks.

"Why is it different?" Su Jin asked back.

One is for Mr. Xiaoming and Canary, and the other is for you and me. Can this be the same? Black Rabbit stared at Su Jin angrily, and then said angrily:

"Su Jin, if you continue like this, you will have no girlfriend!"

"You actually told me this?" Su Jin's eyes widened in disbelief. He, a man who can open a harem in minutes, was actually said, 'I don't have a girlfriend? ', or was the black rabbit? What's wrong with this world? How did it get so fast?

"Why can't I say it?" Black Rabbit knew that he had said the wrong thing, but he said bravely.

"Forget it, don't care about this." Su Jin turned his eyes away and changed the subject.

Counting the number of 'Su Jin's girlfriends' with Hei Rabbit, he is not so stupid.

"Where's Alger?"

"Eh? Lord Alger was there just now? Strange, where did you go?"

"That doesn't matter to her." Su Jin shook his head, then stretched out his hand and swiped in the void, opened the interface of the Dimensional Forum, glanced at the balance of more than 360,000, and clicked on the consumption of 5,000 points for the piercing gate.

Not long after, the huge door ten meters high in front of him began to hum, and the concepts of time and space converged on it, causing vibrations and rays of light.

Under the not-dazzling silver brilliance, the door slowly took shape and started its first activation.

Seeing the door open, Black Rabbit realized something later, pinched the corner of the maid's skirt, and hurriedly shouted, "Wait, why did it start? Should I change my clothes and come back?"

Su Jin pretended to be surprised at this time: "I thought you didn't notice it?"

"But it's all here, so let's use it first."

Hearing the curse of 'come all come', Hei Rabbit's expression changed several times, and finally looked like he was discouraged, and sighed:

"Obviously I'm still thinking of giving the newcomer a showdown, why is this!"

Also give the newcomer a kick, you are lucky if you don't get kicked! Su Jin groaned in his heart, and then the door opened brightly, and after a while, three figures slowly emerged from the gate.

"Is this Hakoten..."

An elegant female voice sounded.

Black Rabbit's ears perked up, first thinking about being a girl again, and then thinking that, with such a temperamental tone, it must have been through excellent education, which is equivalent to professional training, which means that the community has earned again!

Well, that's a good thing!

Just when Black Rabbit thought so, an unhappy female voice sounded:

"Hey, Alphia, why are you walking so fast! Didn't you say that as soon as the door appears, I must go in first!"

Alphia looked to the left and right, and after Ais was the only one nearby, she snorted:

"Where did this sound come from?"

"Don't despise me based on my height!"

Hestia, who was one head shorter than Alphia, jumped straight with her feet...

At that time, Ais turned her gaze, looked directly at Su Jin, and whispered:


"Well, welcome to Little Garden, Ace." Su Jin nodded, then congratulated with a smile.

"Hey, Su Jin?!" Hestia finally noticed Su Jin's presence at this time, and quickly turned from annoyed to a lady.

But then, she saw the blue-haired bunny-eared girl standing beside Su Jin, who was taller than herself, and her appearance was too delicate, she couldn't help but stunned and said:

"Does Hakoten also have rabbit people?"

Hei Rabbit, who had wanted to say a welcome message at first, was stunned when he heard this:

"Rabbit? Rabbit? People are not rabbits!"

"Huh?" Hestia was dumbfounded, pointing to the ear on the top of the black rabbit's head and said, "Then this... is it the legendary decoration of Happy Street?"

"Happy Street special decoration? Why does this sentence sound very sexy!"

Black Rabbit reached out and touched his ear, and his face instantly turned red:

"Also, this is not a decoration, this is a real ear, and they are not rabbit people, they are aristocrats of the small garden!"

"What you're saying now is like pointing at someone and saying she's a gorilla, do you understand? You know, in Hakoniwa, it's taboo to say that Hakoniwa nobles who are born gods and Buddhas are rabbit people. It is very dangerous for you to play the game, you must remember this for newcomers."

After the black rabbit said these words in one breath, he took a glass of water from the gift card, and after drinking it, he squinted at Hestia and said:

"By the way, what's your name as a newcomer?"

Hestia, who was preached, replied dumbly:

"Me? My name is Hestia."

"Hes... Tia?"

Black Rabbit's face suddenly tensed.

"One of the twelve gods of the Greek pantheon, Hestia, the goddess of stove fire?"

Hestia nodded, and then hesitantly said: "Yes, um... In my world, it is like this."

Hei Rabbit rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and fell straight towards Su Jin:

"Hey! I earned it!"

Chapter 1274 Cooperation

Su Jin hurriedly supported the black rabbit and patted the rabbit, no accident, very tender.

Hestia, who was next to him, was a little stunned when he saw this, and said: "What happened to her?"

"It's nothing, I'm so happy." Su Jin stood up straight with the black rabbit, then patted the rabbit's butt, and said angrily, "What about you?"

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