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Chapter 915:

Black Rabbit took a few breaths, then blushed, looked at Hestia in front of him with shining eyes, pulled Su Jin's arm and said:

"This is Hestia, Hestia, the goddess who is famous among the Greek gods. In the past, many people used her as an example."

"Huh? Am I so famous?" Hestia froze for a while after hearing this, and soon became happy.

Did you think it was you? Su Jin didn't bother to remind this idiot when he saw this scene. What does it have to do with Hestia from Hakoten and your street version of Hestia?

Contrary to Su Jin, Hei Rabbit was particularly excited:

"Of course he is famous! You must know that in the dawn period, the one who once held the holy mountain of Olympus with one hand and suppressed the legendary king of demons with the other hand was called the strongest goddess in the heavens! "

"What, it turns out that the people of Hakoten are so discerning!"

Hestia proudly raised her chest, with a smug expression on her face, but a drum in her heart.

The King of Demons is Typhon, right?

I of Hakoten held the sacred mountain in my hand and suppressed Typhon?

Yaoshou, everyone is Hestia, can you keep some!

"Hand holding the holy mountain?" Alfia suddenly glanced at Hestia and smiled.

The corners of Hestia's mouth twitched, but she didn't feel any rebuttal.

At this moment, Black Rabbit rubbed his hands and looked at Hestia with a smile:

"Since you are that person's co-existence, does the spirituality bestowed by the center of the small garden reach four figures?"

"Ah?" Hestia was at a loss: "The gift of spirituality? Oh, you said the thing Su Jin mentioned, where do you get this spirituality?"

"Which lead?" Black Rabbit was stunned for a moment, and then said strangely: "Of course, the Lingge was given directly by the center of the small garden!"

"Where is that little garden center, I'll find it for me." Hestia tilted her head and said.

Hearing this, the black rabbit suddenly felt something wrong: "He is not where, but..."

"It's everywhere, right?" Alfia suddenly said.

She narrowed her eyes, raised her palm, and in the palm of her hand, a little radiance converged on it:

"When I got here, I always felt that something was wrong. So this is what Su Jin said to be the gift of spirituality?"

Ais, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said:

"Power is pouring out."


Hestia turned her head at this time and looked at the two of them dumbfounded. What were they talking about? What power is coming out? Why doesn't she feel at all.

And ah! Why all of a sudden, these two made me feel extremely dangerous, as if the other side could kill me at any time, but I am now in Hakoniwa, not in Orari, who cannot use divine power!

Just when Hestia was flustered, Su Jin suddenly said:

"Black Rabbit, give them three Laplace identification cards, the kind you want special."

"Oh, okay!" Hearing that, the black rabbit immediately took out a gift card from his chest, and then took out three blank cards.

Seeing this scene, Ais couldn't help being stunned for a moment. She looked at the place where the black rabbit hid things in disbelief, looked down at her own, and then looked at Su Jin with a blank expression.

Look at what I'm doing, I can't help you to make it bigger? While Su Jin muttered in his heart, Black Rabbit distributed three cards to the three.

Alphia took the card, and a string of words appeared on the blank page. Then, she looked at the document above and said in surprise:

"Savior Spirit?"

"Huh?" Black Rabbit was startled suddenly, leaned over to take a look, and then said in surprise, "A five-digit savior? Have you ever saved the world?!"

save the world? Black Dragon... Alphia suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Su Jin. In her impression, killing the black dragon can only be said to solve the biggest threat of the dungeon to the human world. If it is really necessary to save the world, it must be Su Jin's will to resist the arrest of the dungeon.

Su Jin nodded, and then said, "It's probably due to the assistance."

Hearing this, Ais next to her nodded: "Well, I also have this spirit of salvation."

Black Rabbit appeared beside Ais in a flash, pressed her shoulder, and said in surprise:

"Another savior spirit?"

But just when the black rabbit was ecstatic, Ais looked at her profile with a serious face: I couldn't see... she couldn't see her movements at all...

Alphia on the side also had a delicate expression on her face: a bunny race is so strong, Hakoniwa is really a monster-like world.

"Both of them have the potential to be promoted to four figures."

After confirming the spirituality of the two, Black Rabbit rubbed his hands together with the expression of an old casino fritter's 'win big money', and then looked at the last person with a smile:

"Then, Lord Hestia, has your spirit identification revealed yet..."

Hestia didn't respond, but after a while, he waved the card with a wry expression and said, "Is this thing broken?"

"How come? This is the latest product of Thousand Eyes. It's only for internal members... eh? Blank?" Black Rabbit looked at the card in Hestia's hand, and the whole person was stunned.

Blank gift card? What the **** is this? Even if it's a stone, there is a spirit in Hakoba!

"how can that be!"

Black Rabbit suddenly appeared beside Hestia, holding the card in her hand, looking at the gift card in her hand seriously, the whole person was stunned:

"It's really a blank card, but this... As long as it exists, even if it is a concept, it is theoretically impossible to get rid of the identification! This is an all-purpose identification card made directly with omniscient power!"

"As long as it exists?" Hestia's expression couldn't hold back, co-authoring something that doesn't exist for her?

And at this moment, a sigh sounded.

"Doesn't it exist... That one is really not polite at all..."

When several people heard the sound, they suddenly looked at Su Jin, who had a calm face next to them, and stepped on Su Jin to know something.

"Su Jin..." The black rabbit looked at Su Jin with wide-eyed eyes, and said in a melancholy tone: "What the **** is going on, this is a destined four-digit number!"

Su Jin scratched his hair at this time and said helplessly:

"In general, it is estimated that there is something wrong with the Greek **** group, well, it is not a big deal."

"After all, I originally wanted to take Hestia to Mount Olympus, and now it's just one more reason to climb the mountain."

At this time, the black rabbit said: "How do I feel Su Jin, what are you implying?"

"You don't feel wrong." Su Jin looked at her faintly, and then said, "But if you don't want to offend the Hestia in Little Garden, I suggest you don't ask anything, and don't think about anything."

"Oh..." Black Rabbit immediately shrank his neck and didn't dare to make a sound.

On the other side, Su Jin narrowed his eyes with a thoughtful look on his face.

As soon as Hestia came to Little Garden, Lingu was sucked away... The one on Mount Olympus, is this the last step?

On the other side, knowing that he was going to see Hestia in this world, and thinking of the good name of the holy mountain in his hand, Hestia in the wrong world immediately panicked:

"This... Su Jin, do you have to meet?"

Hearing this, Su Jin turned to look at her, and said with a smile:

"What do you say?"

Hestia looked at Su Jin's penetrating smile, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.


Heaven, Mount Olympus.

Kneeling under an altar of holy fire, the gentle woman whose hair was as gorgeous as the flame of a flame sighed softly:

"Is it just one step away..."

In the flash of fire, Hades the Hades appeared behind the woman and said calmly:

"Big sister, there is news from Athena, let us hold a meeting of the twelve gods."

"...So fast?" Hestia said in a slightly surprised voice, and then she laughed again: "But this is really the style of that little guy."

When Hades heard the words, his handsome face was suddenly covered with helplessness: "Greece is about to become someone else's subordinate, you can still laugh."

"But isn't that a good thing?"

Hestia asked back, then slowly stood up, turned around and said:

"Hades, in my name, summon the twelve main gods."

Hades heard the words and let out a deep breath:

"I understand."

Chapter 1275 Dangerous

In front of the gate of the realm of the capital at the end.

Su Jin looked at the 12-meter-high, silver-white new arch with dense azure patterns in front of him, and said with some joy, "Is this old realm gate finally updated?"

"Yes~ And it's the latest model this year~ It was assembled by the people of Avalon and sent directly!" The black rabbit standing beside Su Jin responded briskly, and then said happily: "Say It seems that Su Jin also has your credit here."

Speaking of this matter, Black Rabbit couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"After all, if it wasn't for Su Jin, you facilitated the cooperation between Arcadia and Halloween, and there would not have sent someone over there to build the realm gate at their own expense, and even generously exempted the use tax permanently, which could save a lot of money. of."

In Little Garden, the construction of the Realm Gate has long been monopolized by several major forces, and the most powerful of these forces is the Protoss in charge of the realm... the Queen of Halloween.

To put it a bit harsher, whether or not the space transmission such as the realm gate can be used depends on the queen's intentions, so the use of each realm gate must be taxed to the queen.

The lowest gold coin in the realm gate usage fee includes taxation. The community in charge of the realm gate must pay taxes to the queen every year according to the number of users who use it each year. This is also one of the exclusive privileges of the queen.

"Built at your own expense?" Su Jin's mouth twitched, and she said with a subtle expression: "It would be great if it was at your own expense."

Do you really think it's free, you bunny? That's what your man got in exchange for being a 'son'! Do you really think that pie can fall from the sky?

Su Jin groaned in his heart, then turned his head and looked at Hestia who was standing uneasy behind him. He couldn't help laughing, "Are you nervous?"

Hestia glanced at Su Jin angrily after hearing the words, puffed up her cheeks slightly and said:

"What do you say?"

It was impossible for Hestia not to panic at the thought that she would meet the twelve Greek gods of Hakoniwa next. Although Su Jin is protecting her, God knows what the attitude of those gods and Buddhas is towards her, especially there is a 'Hestia' in it, which makes people even more nervous.

In her heart, Hakoten is an enlarged version of Orari, the major communities are the major families, and she is now the newcomer who squeezes in and divides the other 'Hestia' cake.

Comparing her heart to her heart, she didn't think that Hakoten would accept her unconditionally.

"Relax, they won't eat you again. Besides, even if they want to bully, don't you still have me?" Su Jin smiled and stroked Hestia's hair, and said in a relaxed tone as possible.

Hearing Su Jin's words, Hestia felt a lot more at ease. Although she always felt that Su Jin's movement of rubbing her head was a bit visual, a bit like treating a pet, but now the situation is special, Hess Tia also pinched her nose and recognized it.

Isn't it a pet! I've been a rice bug, but I'm still afraid of being a pet? I, Hestia, fear nothing!

When the mood eased a little, Hestia asked Su Jin:

"By the way, are we leaving now?"

"Not yet, I have to wait for someone." Su Jin looked around, then calculated the time and found that there were still about 5 minutes left before the meeting time.

"Waiting for who?" Hestia was surprised.

Hearing this question, Su Jin's face became a little strange, and his tone was even more subtle:

"It's your acquaintance in a sense."

"Oh, here she is."

Hestia followed Su Jin's gaze, and suddenly saw a woman walking towards him.

The woman had long silver-white-blue hair, wearing an ancient Greek-style one-shoulder white robe, and restrained her waist with a golden waistband, revealing her exquisite figure.

Cold, even a little bit icy.

Hestia commented on the woman's temperament in her heart, but then she was stunned by the familiar divinity: "Artemis? This?!"

Hestia subconsciously thought about how Artemis had plastic surgery and dyed her hair. Wouldn't it be because of bad learning and become a little sister? But as soon as she thought of it, she suddenly thought that this might be Artemis of Hakoba.

But it's too cold, isn't it? It always felt like I owed her a lot of money, much colder than the Artemis I was familiar with.

Just as Hestia was muttering in her heart, Artemis, the goddess of hunting in Hakoba, glanced at the shouting girl, and then turned her eyes away.

Artemis has long been surprised by the appearance of unfamiliar women around Su Jin, and she will be surprised when there is no girl around Su Jin.

As for Hestia, a girl with no spiritual aura and powerful eyes, she simply chose to ignore it.

On the other side, Su Jin, who saw Artemis, was a little surprised and said, "It's quite early, I thought you were going to be at night."

Artemis said in a flat tone at this time: "Subordinates have no right to refuse."

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