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Chapter 964:

...The Crusaders are too strong, let's backstab him!

Under the common idea, Su Jin suppressed the previous hostility and asked in a flat tone:

"I need the coordinates of 'Lamia'."

Hei Tian knew why Su Jin needed coordinates, so he shook his head and vetoed:

"I can't provide it, at least not on the bright side."

"Then secretly, for example, 'Some demon kings, such as Allen, happened to know some information about Lamia, and they happened to meet me. In order to save their lives, they happened to tell me the information they accidentally learned'."

Su Jin accentuated several 'coincidences', with strong hints in his tone.

Hearing this, Hei Tian looked at Su Jin strangely, as if he didn't expect 'he would be so skilled'.

But for Su Jin's proposal, he still shook his head and vetoed:

"I don't face his thoughts directly now."

He means the one from the Crusaders... Su Jin also understands that it is really difficult to let Hei Tian disregard the situation and leak the news 'blatantly', so he changed his mind and said:

"Then I need a chance to get the 'Lamia position'."

Hearing this, Hei Tian narrowed his eyes and tapped the tea table with his index finger. After a while, he said lightly:

"I can arrange it, but it needs a reasonable timing."

"I understand." Su Jin nodded, then looked at Hei Tian, ​​narrowed his eyes and said, "Then what is the price?"

As an 'honest person', Su Jin naturally wouldn't think that getting the news of 'Lamia' from Hei Tian would be priceless.

Even if this echoes the interests of Hei Tian.

It's one thing to go along with the enemy's interests, but it's another thing to get information without giving money.

He also doesn't want to owe the enemy a favor, so he will only hesitate in the future when the killer is hurt.

If you hesitate, you will lose!

Therefore, he refuses to owe Hei Tian's favor.

Facing Su Jin's attitude, a smile appeared on Hei Tian's face:

"A price? Interesting."

He whispered, and then said casually:

"Then let Kalji come back."

"If he continues to hide in the three thousand worlds, then the old guys on my side will have a headache."

Hearing this sentence, Su Jin couldn't help frowning.

Although it was his and Shiroyasha's idea to throw Kalji into the hands of the Buddha, Su Jin was not at all sure about him coming back.

After all, who knows what the Buddha thought?

Thinking of the difficulty of this matter, Su Jin couldn't help frowning and said:

"I can only say that I will try my best, but I'm not sure whether it will be successful or not."

"That's enough." Hei Tian seemed to be very open about this kind of thing, giving people the feeling that 'Kalji's return is good or not'.

But Su Jin felt that this might not be Hei Tian's true thoughts, and even he was a little suspicious that the return of Kalji at this time would add to Hei Tian's blockage, but he was not sure.

But no matter what, this is a transaction, as long as the goal can be achieved, he naturally doesn't care about a Kalji.

People related to the ten incarnations of Vishnu care about him, but it doesn't mean that Su Jin will care, and Su Jin does not think that in the competition for the sovereignty of the sun, Kalji will be stronger than himself with the support of "White Yaksha and the Queen of Halloween".

Joke, the referee, the administrator and even the venue are my people, what do you Kargi do to win? take the head?

After the deal was finalized, Su Jin and Hei Tian glanced at each other, and the two smiled at each other, and the tension between the two sides also dissipated.

Regarding the 'ally', Su Jin's attitude before stabbing the knife must be very friendly:

"How to deal with Allen, the Queen ordered me to deal with him."

"Then solve it." Hei Tian's tone was very indifferent, obviously he didn't care about a four-digit number loyal to him.

However, considering that Arun seems to have harmed the Queen's community at the same time, it is not surprising that Su Jin has also harmed the Ouroboros.

After all, the grass on the wall is hated by people, and it is not surprising that there is such an ending.

It's just, why this knight who seems to have a good reputation in the community will go this way, although Su Jin is a little curious, but he has no idea of ​​digging deeply, just said lightly:

"If that's the case, then I'll take his life."

Hearing this, Hei Tian glanced at Su Jin, and then said with a bit of a smile in his tone:

"You'd better pay attention to the tears of the fairy, maybe there will be a little surprise."

After he finished speaking, Hei Tian, ​​or the possessed 'Alan' suddenly froze, the hollowness in his eyes gradually died of laughter, his reason returned, and at the same time he looked at Su Jin blankly.

Obviously, Hei Tian's deal with Su Jin did not hide the bitter master from him. Knowing that he was about to die, he stood up and said in a flat tone:

"Please come with me, I'll put the Tear of the Fairy in a safe place and need a specific method to get there."

Seeing this, Su Jin glanced at Merlin and the others, and after confirming that they planned to follow, Su Jin, who was confident that he could protect them, couldn't help but nodded, and also stood up.

Chapter 1365 Then I will take it myself

Among the densely vegetated forest paths.

Sarah looked at Alan, who was leading the way in front of her. Seeing that the other party seemed to be concentrating on leading the way, and that Lancelot was vigilant next to him, she calmed down a little, turned her head to look at Su Jin, and asked carefully:

"Boss, is it really okay to be like this now?"

"What do you mean by 'no problem'?" Su Jin asked without looking back, looking straight ahead.

Sarah was stunned by Su Jin's rhetorical question, and then considered it for a while before saying, "I mean the deal with that person..."

She actually wanted to say, 'Is it really good for you, the leader of Arcadia, to play private deals with the leader of the Ouroboros? ', but considering that the game goes beyond that, only the 'trade' thing is mentioned.

"Oh, the deal with Hei Tian!" Su Jin heard the words with a stunned expression.

When she heard Su Jin reciting the name of 'Black Sky', Sarah quickly lowered her head and did not dare to look directly at Su Jin, her expression was unusually restrained.

Compared with Su Jin, who was very hard in the background, Sarah didn't have the courage to call Hei Tian's name directly, or in Hakoten, except for some top powerhouses, no one dared to show any minions to those nineteen top powerhouses.

Like Su Jin, it's a completely passive habit. After all, there is a supreme powerhouse Alger at home, and the unrecognized direct elder, the Halloween Queen, is also a supreme powerhouse, and the former main god, the White Night King, is also ranked in the truth of the universe. The presence.

The backstage is so hard, and there is still a two-digit seat waiting for him in the center of the box garden. In this case, let Su Jin be a little more respectful to the two-digit number. Although he can do it, in the face of hostility like Hei Tian power, he is completely a 'he can be replaced' attitude.

It is impossible for him to be respectful to Hei Tian!

Therefore, when Su Jin talks about Hei Tian, ​​his attitude is more relaxed, and even a little disdain:

"Actually, it is impossible to say that there is no problem. After all, I am not a Buddha. I want to interfere with the issue of Karji's departure and retention. Basically, I cannot do it. At most, write a letter to Look at that, no matter how many, it is basically impossible, so the request of Hei Tian can basically be regarded as air."

"But Hei Tian's promise, I think he has a high possibility of implementing it. After all, in his position, he said that he would not deal with Yawei face to face, that is, he really did not deal with it. There is no need for him to say such things. Lies, unless he's a shameless guy like Zeus."

"However, according to the news I heard from Shiroyasha and Alger, Hei Tian is still quite mindful of his face, so this possibility is very low."

"Therefore, I have an 80-90% confidence in the issue you are worried about, and I'm sure it won't happen, so you can rest assured."

"Ah this?" Sarah was a little confused when she heard this. She thought that Su Jin took on the job of 'bringing Kalji' back to her because she had a good idea, but she only planned to write a letter?

And according to Su Jin's meaning, it seems that the risk he took on this matter is not high, and the relative benefit is still very large? If that's the case, didn't that holy immortal come to give the benefits in vain?

"His Royal Highness~ If you explain it like this, it will scare Sarah."

Holding a staff and following Su Jin, Mei Lin smiled and rubbed Su Jin's junior with his elbow and leg, and then explained to Sarah:

"Little Sarah, you may not understand yet. The focus of this transaction is not on Kalji, but on the issue of whether the ownership of 'Lamia' cannot be attributed to the Christian religion."

"In a sense, neither His Highness nor the Holy Immortal wants the power of the Crusaders to become stronger again, and because of this, other things can be put on hold."

Hearing this, Sarah finally understood, and her expression was a little unnatural: "So even if the leader Su Jin didn't ask for it, will that one find an opportunity to send the information of that Lamia over?"

"That's right." Su Jin nodded slightly, then narrowed his eyes and said, "It is estimated that even if I don't agree, I will 'accidentally' meet a member of Ouroboros in a few days, and dig enough clues from him. And then lead me to Lamia's place, although it will be a little more troublesome for Black to deal with the tail, but it is not difficult."

"So that's how it is..." Sarah thought suddenly, and at the same time, she was also slandering in her heart: Even the enemy can put down his face and cooperate. Is this the so-called adult only looking at the pros and cons?

I really can't learn this...

Just when Sarah was sulking in her heart, Alan suddenly stopped in front of him and said calmly:


Hearing this, Su Jin stopped and looked back in Allen's direction, but saw the Lake of Swords in front of Allen.

It was an endless, calm, dark lake.

On the lake, there was a strong wind, and from time to time there was a sharp whistle like a wire sliding over the concrete floor. However, even if the wind was blowing, the lake in front was still calm and calm, even giving people a metallic heaviness. texture.

"Like a lake like metal liquefaction, this is the lake of swords that can condense the concept of swords on its own?"

Su Jin looked at the lake in front of him and couldn't help but complained:

"If it weren't for the odor, I would have to wonder if the heavy metals here are seriously exceeding the standard!"

"Exceeding the standard is probably exceeding the standard." Merlin held back his smile and nodded in response to Su Jin: "Under the Lake of Swords, there is an Olinghagang Kobelco vein with a reserve of more than 100 million tons, and the lake itself is spiritual water. It has been immersed with Kobelco for a long time, and the product is partially dissolved, so it is no problem to say that the heavy metal exceeds the standard."

"A whole vein of Kobelco with hundreds of millions of tons?" Su Jin's brows jumped wildly when he heard the word, and his eyes seemed to fall into Qian's eyes.

Olinhagang is a type of Kobelco, and Kobelco is an extremely rare forging material. Mixing a few grams of debris can greatly increase the strength of a five-digit weapon, not to mention a ore vein of hundreds of millions of tons!

In an instant, Su Jin's eyes changed when he looked at Sword Lake: This is a lake, this is a living mountain of money!

However, although he was quite jealous, Su Jin still had some doubts in his heart:

"Is this level of mines stored, not mining? Instead, let the people of the Knights of the Lake rub the concept of swords?"

Isn't this a small loss?

"It's true that someone has always wanted to mine this rich mine, but unfortunately it didn't work." Merlin said this, shook his head, turned to Su Jin and smiled: "However, it's not necessarily for you."

Hearing this, Su Jin instantly shut up, but instead said speechlessly:

"This clause is the Queen's? The ownership is in her hands?"

"You are so smart!" Merlin showed a big smile.

Seeing this, Su Jin twitched the corner of his mouth. Obviously, the white-haired man in front of him also wanted to ask him to beg the Queen. After all, the Knights of the Lake really started to mine here, so how could Merlin not benefit.

You can talk to the Queen about such a thing, why don't you go? Want me to go instead?

Oh, you really treat me as a tool person... Su Jin groaned in his heart, and then said expressionlessly:

"Then where are the tears of the fairy? Hurry up and retrieve it, we can return to life."

As for the Olihagang ore vein, it is not the case, he Su Jin is not the kind of person who kneels and begs a rich woman to feed her! unless the other way around.

"Under the lake, please wait."

Alan responded calmly, then took out a gift card, and took out a roll of black parchment from it, which was his sponsor's authority.

Seeing Allen's actions, Sarah and Lancelot clearly showed alert expressions.

In contrast, Su Jin was not worried about Aaron's tricks, but watched his actions curiously. In his perception, after Aaron took out the organizer's authority, there was a faint force inside the Lake of Swords and him. resonated.

That is, in this vague resonance, Su Jin noticed that the space where the Lake of Swords was located seemed to overlap slightly.

At this time, seeing Allen's actions, Merlin suddenly realized:

"So that's the case, using the natural spiritual power of the Kobelco ore to cover up the different dimension that overlaps here? It's a good method, but I don't know if it's the handwriting of the **** king?"

At that time, Allen, who was resonating with the overlapping space, had a complicated expression:

"This space was originally used to store 'tributes', and it was one of the rewards obtained by the first-generation knight leader of the lake."

In an instant, Su Jin and Merlin were silent, and Sarah and Lancelot stopped guarding Aaron. Instead, they took two steps back, trying to distance themselves from each other, even worrying about hurting themselves when thunder struck.


What can make the leader of the community "Knight of the Lake" called "tribute" naturally refers to those special offerings dedicated to the Queen of Halloween.

good guy!

Kill the queen's family, and use the queen to create a different space to store the "gift made by the remains of the family".

This is simply a few slaps on the queen's delicate little face!

Su Jin even suspected that the hatred value drawn by this storage method was much greater than the hatred value of the Queen's family being killed.

Thinking of this, Su Jin's gaze when looking at Allen has changed, and it has turned into a look at the 'Warrior'.

He thinks that he is enough to kill himself, but compared to this one, he is still willing to give up.

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