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Chapter 965:

This guy is too brave. They are even better than the Gao Tianyuan group of gods who had a good life in their childhood. After all, they sacrificed their whole family to create double digits. You are here to anger the queen. You can't compare, really can't compare.

"Hey!" Seeing the reactions of Su Jin and others, Allen shook his head and said nothing.

Although he could explain that this was the nomination certificate that Ouroboros wanted, but even Hei Tian had given up on him, what else could he say?

Up to now, he can only ask for a quick death, other than that, everything else is an extravagant hope.

With a pessimistic attitude, Aaron untied the cover of the different space.

I saw ripples in the void, like the air turning into a lake.

And after the ripples rippled, a drop of water, which was as white as paper, but not turbid, floated out of the ripples, and then floated in front of Allen.

"Is this the Tear of the Goblin?" Sarah was a little surprised to see the water droplets. Although she had heard of this kind of thing, it was the first time she had seen it.

On the other hand, Merlin looked more professional and asked calmly:

"What's the dose of this drop?"

Allen was silent for a while and replied, "The concentration is about 500 C."

Merlin did some math, and said with a cold expression, "Five hundred C, that means it was extracted from five thousand goblins?"

"This kind of amount is impossible without accumulating three or four hundred years. Oh, the people of ouroboros are really brave."

On the other side, Su Jin glanced at the tears of the goblin. Although he could perceive the massive breath of life and nature inside, he was somewhat disgusted with this kind of thing, so he turned his head and asked Merlin:

"What should I do with this thing?"

"...I can't handle it." Merlin shook his head, then sighed, "Let's report it, that's the only way to do it."

After she finished speaking, she said to Su Jin, "I'll prepare the ceremony and lend me a hair."

"Hair?" Su Jin paused and looked at Merlin suspiciously, but raised his hand, letting one of his hair fall out automatically, and handed it over.

"I really gave it, aren't you afraid that I will curse you?" Merlin was surprised as he took his hair.

Su Jin smiled and said nothing.

However, Merlin immediately understood, and said a little embarrassedly:

"Well, even if I curse you, it will only be me who will die in the end."

After she finished speaking, she also muttered to herself, 'I'm just joking, to ease the atmosphere, and I really gave it to me. ’

After getting the hair, Merlin drew a ritual array on the ground pointing to the queen, put Su Jin's hair in the center of it as a contact material, and recited:

"You are the incarnation of the realm, you are the queen in charge of life and death, you are the mistress of the sun and the realm, I praise you, I fear you, and I pray for your eyes to come."

Accompanied by whispers, the magic circle on the ground lit up little by little with starlight.

In contrast, Merlin's eyes gradually became empty. Before her reason dissipated, she whispered: "It's broken, this time it's spiritual support."

The words fell, and Merlin's eyes instantly became empty, and his temperament also changed completely, becoming ethereal and ethereal.

He looked down at himself, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, then he raised his head and looked at Su Jin, and the smile on his face immediately became brighter.

"Interesting, Merlin is using your hair as a medium!"

"Queen!" X3

Seeing the appearance of 'Merlin', Allen, Lancelot, and Sarah hurriedly knelt down on one knee to express their respect.

And Su Jin frowned, and with a puzzled expression, he expressed the guess that he had been holding back for a while:

"What do you want Fairy Tear for?"

That's right, Su Jin doubts that the Queen of Halloween also has a demand for fairy tears.

Otherwise, Aaron, a four-digit number under the Queen's banner, has been targeting the Queen's family members for hundreds of years, and the Queen will not know about it. This is simply underestimating the Queen's Wang Wei.

Even if Allen has ouroboros asylum.

Therefore, in Su Jin's view, there is only one possibility that this kind of thing will develop, that is, the Queen of Halloween also needs fairy tears.

Hearing Su Jin's words, Aaron, Lancelot, and Sarah all changed their expressions, and their heads that were originally lowered are now even lower.

Facing Su Jin's question, the 'Halloween Queen' squinted, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly:

"Since it's what you want to know, well, I'll tell you the answer."

The 'Halloween Queen' showed a naughty smile:

"I want to summon someone with 'Fairy Tears'."

"A person with the same qualifications as you!"

Chapter 1366 Colorful Birds

People with the same qualifications... At the moment when Su Jin heard this sentence, Su Jin suddenly felt that what he said was the same as, 'You have lost your tuba practice, I want to practice a trumpet? ’

If you want to practice trumpet, practice early, you forcibly modify all blood relatives!

Su Jin looked at the Halloween Queen who was attached to 'Merlin' in front of him with black lines, and said in a rude tone: "Oh, then what?"

The Queen of Halloween turned her head away, turned her back to Su Jin, and said, "...It's because of your attitude that I had to make such a difficult choice."

"Don't say what happened to me, yes, I didn't do anything right?" Su Jin twitched the corner of his mouth and said speechlessly.

"Are you sure you didn't do anything?" The Halloween Queen turned her head and put on Merlin's face with a playful smile: "Then who was slandering me just now?"

"I slandered you? How can I..." Su Jin was halfway through speaking, suddenly remembering his 'bold' guess, and then his expression suddenly paused.

At this time, the Queen of Halloween narrowed her burgundy eyes and said happily:

"It's a bold guess to think that 'I also have plans for Fairy Tear, so I let my subordinates do what they do'."

Hearing this sentence, Su Jin's face was a little embarrassed, and he cursed inwardly: Damn it, he actually read his mind beforehand.

On the other side, Sarah and Lancelot, who were still kneeling on one knee upon hearing the Queen of Halloween's words, both changed their expressions, and then lowered their heads lower.

Obviously, they also raised the same suspicion as Su Jin in their hearts.

As the 'principal offender', although Su Jin was a little embarrassed, he was still very stubborn: "So what? Are you going to explain anything?"

"Do you need an explanation?" The Queen of Halloween tilted her head slightly and said in a flat tone: "No matter how unreasonable I want, my family members will do their best to satisfy them, even if it requires sacrificing their lives. "

Indeed...Although I don't want to admit it, almost all of the fairies in Hakoniwa are loyal to the Queen of Halloween, and swore 'don't hesitate to give their lives'. The goblins will launch a large-scale ancient blood sacrifice... Tsk, why do you feel that those capitalists are not scary by gods... Su Jin thought a little in his heart. And at this moment, the Queen of Halloween changed the subject: "However, it would be too ugly to order the family members to die without authorization, so I think, instead of doing such evil deeds, it is better to let a demon king who is eager to make progress work hard to do evil, Gather what I want for me..."

"Isn't this the same as what I said?" Su Jin's face twitched fiercely.

At this time, the Queen of Halloween had already swept to Alan, who was kneeling on one knee. After a while, she smiled sweetly and said:

"You did a great job, Allen."

"Truly and frightened."

Allen touched his head on the ground and said respectfully.

"Then, as a reward."

The Halloween Queen smiles:

"You can kill yourself."

"As ordered!"

Having said that, Su Jin frowned, then turned his head, and then he heard the slight sound of the blade cutting through the flesh.

When he turned around again, what he saw was Allen's body.

"Huh!" Su Jin sighed, realizing that this was the kindness of the Queen of Halloween.

After all, suicide can still be reincarnated, and if the Halloween Queen was triggered on the charge of 'offending Wang Wei', Allen would not even have the chance to be reincarnated.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Su Jin looked at the corpse on the ground inexplicably: "So, what exactly are you planning?"

"Didn't I say it? I want to summon a fairy tear."

The Queen of Halloween 'knows' Su Jin didn't ask herself, but answered anyway.

Is this taking Allen's guilt on his own head? Su Jin looked at the queen strangely. He really couldn't judge whether she was kind or cruel.

But 'because the Queen of Halloween wanted fairy tears, Aaron went to commit the ban set by the queen' 'not allowed to kill goblins and create goblin tears'. Although Su Jin couldn't understand it, he could still tell the difference. It is the Queen who is supplementing the 'Knight's Loyalty', so that Aaron will not continue to bear a deeper infamy.

Of course, such behavior must have affected the reputation of the Queen of Halloween, but then again, does this... have a reputation?

Hakoniwa's biggest problem child, the final trial of the mobile humanoid, the sun queen who equals good deeds and evil, under this title, it is strange that the queen has a good reputation.

At this moment, the Queen of Halloween suddenly turned her head and looked at Su Jin: "You are in a very active mood recently."

"Fortunately for you, the class rulers have not yet completed the teaching, so they came to meddle in such a mess." Su Jin said at this time, complaining a lot.

Who can still remember that he actually came to take over as the ruler of the class, and he came to find Allen to get used to his work, and to come to a big show of 'the ruler of the class crusades the devil'.

But the result?

Another goblin tear, another black sky, and then the Queen of Halloween.

Am I just doing an official job?

In the face of Su Jin's complaints, the Queen of Halloween tilted her head again: "Teaching, is there such a thing? Isn't it good for class rulers to do whatever they want?"

Su Jin was silent for a while, and then said: "...If someone asks me 'why do this' in the future, I will say that you taught me."

"...You still like to shirk your responsibilities so much!" The Queen of Halloween was a little out of control by Su Jin.

What is this called shirking responsibility, this is called throwing the blame... Su Jin whispered in his heart.

Shaking her head, the Halloween Queen stopped teasing Su Jin, and instead focused on the 'tears of the fairy' in the palm of her hand.

She raised her hand and lightly touched the water droplets, and the water droplets exploded, like waves hitting a reef, blasting hundreds of thousands of waves:

"Although you can use it directly, it's still like that."

Along with the Queen's whispers, the waves turned into miniature painful faces in the air.

Lancelot, who had lowered her head, suddenly raised her head and looked at the faces in the air. She found a few familiar faces in the masks of pain.

"This is... reincarnation?"

When Lancelot was surprised, the Queen of Halloween blew lightly, and with the slight airflow, the miniature pain masks instantly eased, and then lit up with golden rays of light.

"The gift of spirit..." Su Jin didn't know what to say at this time.

The gift of spirituality is the ability that is possessed by five figures.

This is different from resurrection, because resurrection is a stunt only performed by the "Holy Son" in Little Garden, but a gift of life.

Of course, considering that the spirits of the goblins were bestowed by the Queen of Halloween at the beginning, this time it was no different from resurrection.

"You can use it directly, but you have to revive those dead elves... No wonder the goblins are willing to work for you..." Su Jin glanced at the queen and murmured in his heart.

It is estimated that even if the Queen ordered the goblin blood sacrifice, after the blood sacrifice, this wicked woman will resurrect everyone again, right? She is the wayward child who can do this kind of behavior.

But in this way, Su Jin also overturned his previous suspicions.

The Queen of Halloween might really not know about Arun's harassment of the goblins, but since she doesn't know, it means that the two-digit number is deliberately concealed, and there may be more than one shot...

So, what do those double figures need Fairy Tear for?

When Su Jin's doubts were thickening, the Queen of Halloween said lightly:

"Don't think about it, in addition to the power of accelerating authority, the tears of the fairy are also the tentacles of the natural spirit of Hakoba. In a strict sense, it can even be regarded as the 'tentacles of the world'."

"It is also the medium through which the world makes its voice."

"Just as I can use it to summon 'heroes with the qualifications of a god-king', if the corresponding conditions are gathered, it is not unreasonable to forge the world's cry for help and call out the hero who saves the world."

Hearing this sentence, Su Jin immediately realized the truth.

Is it one of the manufacturing conditions of Kalji? It's no wonder that there will be two-digit tricks to hide from the Queen of Halloween, this is indeed a condition worthy of their action.

And just as Su Jin was thinking, the Queen of Halloween suddenly raised her left hand and pinched a strand of hair with her fingertips: "By the way, what do you think is a better name for this child?"

"What?" Su Jin was stunned. It was strange that he suddenly changed from a two-digit conspiracy to a channel named after him.

However, at this time, the Queen of Halloween stroked the belly of her index finger with her right thumb, and a drop of golden-red blood flew out automatically, and then mixed with the hair pinched by her left hand:

"If you don't answer, then I'll take it myself."


Colorful birds... Su Jin was stunned for a while, and before he could say anything, the golden circle quickly formed in front of the Queen of Halloween.

In the magic circle, a green figure curled up gradually solidified.

Chapter 1367 Is it really okay?

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