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Chapter 975:

"Only the two of us are investigating this matter?"

"Otherwise?" Sun Wukong couldn't help rolling his eyes: "Could it be that you still want to drag others in? Who? I can trust only the elder brother, Jialing and Jiao Liu, where are you? Who can be found?"

"This kind of thing, there is no four-digit strength, and mixing in is asking for trouble. I advise you to worry a little bit. There are some things that we can handle, but others can't handle it."

The words fell, and Sun Wukong suddenly noticed a look. She followed the line of sight and suddenly saw Leticia, who had been sitting beside Su Jin without saying a word.

Sun Wukong 'Ah! ', and suddenly a little bit of energy came:

"I almost forgot, Little Letty, you have reached this stage, but you can also get involved."

"No, she is not fit to participate in this matter."

Su Jin shook his head and glanced at Leticia, with a tough tone:

"I don't say that Leticia is still in a stable period, just talk about the attention of the Ouroboros to her. Leticia is mixed in, it will make us too 'conspicuous', and it is not safe for Arcadia. , after all, eggs can't be put in the same basket."

The Crusader faction in the Ouroboros imprisoned Lamia for the power of the 'Original Code'. Although it is not obvious now, the original trajectory of the Ouroboros was clearly not dead to Leticia, and it also made Kalgi come forward to face her. Perseus bought Leticia, which was relegated to possession. ’

Even if people are placed in the subordinate community of Thousand Eyes, the Ouroboros are tempted, not to mention other...

Bringing Leticia to mix with the Ouroboros is obviously carrying a super large light bulb, which is obviously detrimental to action.

Of course, the most important thing is that it is impossible for Su Jin to take away all the four figures in the community that can guarantee combat power, and mix them into this kind of thing.

Although Little Athena and Aphrodite also inherited authority and personalities, they are obviously still half-baked and need time to accumulate. The Great Athena has to stabilize the people of the Greek gods, while Alger is a 'nuclear'. Deterrence', can't take action easily.

In this way, the high-end combat power that Arcadia can actually send, except that Su Jin is Leticia, Su Jin went to investigate the people who went to Kalji against the Crusaders, and Leticia had to guard in the community. .

Seeing Su Jin's attitude, Leticia pondered for a while, but did not refute, apparently thinking of Su Jin's consideration, so she could only apologetically say to Sun Wukong:

"Although it's a pity, judging from the situation, Arcadia really can't draw high-level personnel."

"What apology, I just mentioned it casually."

Seeing Leticia like this, Sun Wukong has nothing to say. After all, she came here this time to 'coerce' Su Jin to take risks, and then pull Leticia away, causing huge risks to the family community. She obviously couldn't do it.

"So, after all, the candidates are still the two of us!"

Su Jin folded his arms around his chest without shyness, and asked directly:

"Let's not mention the candidates, do you have a goal?"

"Where to start the investigation, who should be investigated, who should not be investigated, and where did you find the actual evidence, do you have a list of these?"


Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment, then he smiled, leaned on the sofa, raised Erlang's legs, and said:

"Of course... not one!"

You don't even have one, and you still pretend like this? Su Jin stared at the monkey in front of him speechlessly, and wanted to pour all the tea on the table into her mouth.

If it weren't for the fact that this teacher is Canary, who is considered to be his ancestor, he would have to bully his teacher and destroy his ancestors today.

"Okay." Su Jin took a deep breath: "Since there is no goal, just follow my ideas!"

Sun Wukong nodded immediately after hearing this:

"That's of course no problem, it's the same as what I used to do."

"I open the way, you set the direction."

"You are that Tang monk."

Looking at Sun Wukong, who obviously didn't want to move his head, Su Jin's mouth twitched.

It was really not easy for Zhantan Gongde Buddha to be able to get the sutras with this pit of goods back then!

Chapter 1384 The biggest folk shady in the southern district

The capital of the end.

The city center is 33 stories high, two skyscrapers like the twin towers.

Inside the aisle.

Sun Wukong wrapped his hands behind his head and asked casually:

"So, don't you want to investigate Kalji? Why did you bring me here?"

Su Jin, who was walking in front, said without looking back, "Look for someone."

"Who?" Sun Wukong's eyes flashed with curiosity.

At this moment, Su Jin stopped and said calmly:

"Certainly the one closest to Kalji."

After the words fell, Su Jin didn't care about Sun Wukong's doubts at all, and took him to a room on the 21st floor of the skyscraper, knocked on the door, and then pushed the door and walked in.

"...Can you wait for my response before opening the door next time?"

The black-haired girl wearing a half sleeveless blouse looked at Su Jin, who had entered uninvited, with resentful eyes. She pulled down all her clothes with resentment, and snorted at Su Jin:

"I was almost scared to death by you."

Seeing the girl's full of resentment, Su Jin not only did not apologize at all, but rather "schadenfreude": "You look good recently, Ling, it seems that I can consider adding more burdens to you."

"Child labor is illegal, Mr. Capitalist."

As Cai Liling said, she turned her eyes and looked at the petite blond woman who was full of wildness walking in behind Su Jin. She couldn't help but be a little surprised:

"Isn't this the... Great Sage?"

"Oh? Little girl, do you know me?"

Sun Wukong looked at Caili Ling with some curiosity. She could smell the spirit of the other party and know that he was at most ten years old, his rank was only five digits, and there was no Arcadia flag on his body. Apparently an 'outsider'.

But how could a five-digit 'outsider' recognize her at once?

So obviously, the other party already knew some of her information.

That would be interesting.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong couldn't help but narrow his eyes, looked at Su Jin and said:

"This little guy has something to do with Kalji?"

Hearing the name 'Kalji', Cai Liling's face changed a bit, her expression seemed to be a little nervous, and she even frequently cast her gaze towards Su Jin.

Seeing Cai Liling like this, Sun Wukong's interest was even higher.

A five-figure girl, Ling Ge is not very special, but she is actually related to Kalji.

Thinking of the operations that the old immortals liked most in Buddhism, the smile on Sun Wukong's face became even brighter:

"You can do it, you actually hide such a big treasure in the golden house!"

Speaking of this, Sun Wukong grinned and said with high interest:

"Is this little girl a lay blood relative of Kargi?"

Su Jin nodded at this time and said, "It's my sister."

"You can do it, kid!" Sun Wukong understood Su Jin's thoughts in an instant. This is to use his sister as a breaking point to investigate the matter of Kalji?

On the other side, Cai Liling's excitement when she saw Su Jin instantly collapsed, and she said with an embarrassed face: "Su Jin, what are you trying to do with the Great Sage coming to see me now?"

Speaking of this, she also said aggrieved: "In the end, didn't that child send you to Buddhism? And I myself am doing things for you now, helping you integrate the community under the alliance, but you are better, bring with you The Buddha's Fighting Victory came to the Buddha, do you want to hand me over to the Buddha to deal with?"

"What's the matter?" Sun Wukong was stunned when he heard it: "Kalji was sent to Buddhism? Why don't I know about this?"

"You don't know it means 'can't know', it means someone wants you not to know."

Su Jin replied to Sun Wukong, then turned his head and looked at Cai Liling, who bit her lip and looked aggrieved. Although she understood that the other party was acting, her tone was still much softer:

"Kalji is safe now."

"And don't worry, since he handed you over to me before he left, I naturally won't let you be wronged."

Cai Liling felt relieved when she heard the words, but she still looked aggrieved on the surface. She felt a little uneasy in her heart. She always felt that something would happen to Kalji, and she was worried that Su Jin would betray their sister and brother. But now, she doesn't know who to rely on now. We can only temporarily believe Su Jindao:

"So, is it the plan of the upper-level people? I also called their chess piece?"

Su Jin glanced at Cai Liling, then nodded, and simply said:

"There is a big man in Buddhism who wants to investigate the origin of Kalji's birth."

Su Jin didn't say that it was the big man. After all, Cai Liling had a very good mind and knew the proportions. Naturally, she understood that things would involve those dangerous matters, and she also knew how to pay attention to her own mouth.

Cai Liling's face froze when she heard Su Jin's words, she couldn't help but glance at Sun Wukong and said:

"So, now you need me to be a tainted witness?"

Cai Liling knows all too well the nasty things ouroboros did for the birth of Kalji, whether it was to obliterate the exploratory community, eradicate the previous generation of Arcadia, or a little longer, the destruction of the Hakoba Knights, this is almost all title The nasty thing that the serpent sat down for the birth of Kargi.

And as Kalji's 'sister', one of the military divisions of the Ouroboros Third Alliance.

"Yo, the little girl is very good." Sun Wukong's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he touched his chin and said, "Although I don't think you will know much, but as a breakthrough point, I think you will be very qualified. "

Tsk tsk, that old Puxian is still acting as a blind eye, saying that there is no such person as Kalji, now it's alright, Kalji's sister has come out, this face can be beaten...

Thinking of the dead mother's face of that saucy monk, Sun Wukong couldn't help but feel happy, and his mood was quite cheerful and said:

"Although it's not good to say this from my standpoint, little girl, if you are willing to testify, no matter what happens in the future, I will guarantee you."

Hearing this, Cai Liling's eyes suddenly lit up.

Monkey King's guarantee?

This is a good thing.

A three-digit figure is personally guaranteed, and behind the three-digit number are the Buddha and Emperor Wa. If there is really any big trouble, with this guarantee, it will not be difficult to protect one's life.

Su Jin looked at the monkey in front of him speechlessly, pinched his nose and said:

"You like to brag about Haikou."

I haven't discussed anything with Cai Liling yet. It's a guarantee. If it wasn't for knowing the character of Sun Wukong, Su Jin would suspect that this is a counterfeit banknote expert who specializes in making bad checks.

Hearing Su Jin's sarcasm, Sun Wukong suddenly became a little unhappy: "What? Could it be that you still want this little girl to stand alone against the beasts of Buddhism?"

"This doesn't solve other people's worries, why should others testify for you? Just because you have a good-looking face?"

Hearing this, Cai Liling couldn't help but glance at Su Jin. If nothing else, his face is really very good-looking. There are many women of the right age in the community under the alliance who are greedy for Su Jin's body. When she came to the end of the capital to inquire about Su Jin's news, she was almost speechless.

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault."

Su Jin was too lazy to argue with Sun Wukong. Anyway, it wasn't him who made the guarantee for the monkey, and he wasn't responsible for the accident. What was he afraid of.

"Being so rough, it's no wonder that Feng Dedou defeated Buddha."

Su Jin murmured, then looked at Cai Liling, and said in a serious tone:

"Although the great sage said almost the meaning, I still want to add some content."

Speaking of this, Su Jin paused, gave Cai Liling a meaningful look, and then said:

"You'd better think carefully about what enemies you have."

"After all, there are not many opportunities like this!"

Chapter 1385 Borrowing Chickens to Lay Eggs

Think about the enemies?

Hearing Su Jin's words, Cai Liling and Sun Wukong were stunned, and their expressions were a little dull.

They are not stupid. Isn't what Su Jin meant by 'revenge for revenge, revenge for grievances, and frame the enemy to death? ’

How can the Buddha thoroughly investigate Karji?

Really long experience!

"Ah this... the enemy... my enemy seems to be gone..."

Cai Liling looked at Su Jin with some embarrassment, how old is she this year? How many people have you met in Hakoten? How many people can you grudge against?

After all this, it seems that the credit can only be attributed to Maxwell, but Maxwell had already died in Su Jin's hands, so what kind of enemy does she have.

Hearing Cai Liling's statement, Su Jin couldn't help but be stunned, and said in surprise, "So your quality of life is so high?"

If the enemy is gone, wouldn't life be very comfortable? No wonder this girl happily helped Kalji to work after he went to Buddhism. It turned out to be a 'clean family'?

How do I feel that you have something to say? Caili Tambourine stared at Su Jin with her cheeks drummed, feeling very unhappy.

On the other hand, Sun Wukong began to break his fingers:

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