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Chapter 976:

"One Kasyapa, one Puxian, one more Medicine Master Buddha, and their scumbags, tsk tsk, after careful calculation, I have many opponents on Lingshan."

Sun Wukong clicked his tongue in amazement, then turned his head to look at Su Jin and said:

"Hey, Su Jin, is it feasible to add people outside Buddhism? Will it be possible to frame the opponent and collude with the Ouroboros and be killed?"

Hearing this, Su Jin rolled his eyes and said, "Turn your head around, this isn't colluding with the Ouroboros, can't you collude with the troublemakers?"

and troublemakers? Hearing this, Sun Wukong's eyes widened, and he said in his heart, "Fuck."

Can you still play like this? Too cruel... Sun Wukong clicked his tongue, bared his teeth and scratched his hair.

Sun Wukong actually knows that collusion with the Ouroboros is too common in Buddhism, and there is a process internally. It is difficult to cure those old things, but the troublemakers are different.

Because Alger's promotion to three figures was exceptional, because he changed from a top master to a superpower, and because the other party blatantly claimed to be a member of his "troublemaker".

The name 'Trickster' can be regarded as a number on the upper level. If you really want to talk about fame, it is estimated that it is 'higher' than the Ouroboros in the previous section.

No way, the Ouroboros do things in secret, and they are cleaned up very cleanly, but the troublemakers are different.

Tampering with the second huge war, inducing the god-killer war, and sending the magic star Alger to the throne of the strongest, it's over, and the recent rumors from the inside of Thousand Eyes that most of the internal members of the troublemaker are the final trials of human beings ' grapevine.

Hey, although the figure of the troublemaker has never been seen by the gods, it has a reputation for being the most cutting-edge and most famous Hakoba 'terrorist organization' in the last century.

The gods are 'deeply painful' for this emerging, blind-sighted organization. If they really want to catch a 'regular member', it is impossible not to be ruthless.

If this is her old enemy's name as a troublemaker... sigh... Sun Wukong can't help but take a deep breath, and the look in Su Jin's eyes is suddenly different:

"You kid, it's really a trap to tie a hole, and the Smurfs can't stop it!"

What kind of metaphor is this... Su Jin's face darkened, and after glaring at Sun Wukong, he said angrily: "Don't say it if you can't speak, just make a list, and I'll handle the 'evidence' for you."

Su Jin was very confident when he said this.

The reason is not because of anything else, it is naturally because of 'the part of the troublemaker forum under the jurisdiction of Alger'.

Even though Alger lives in the headquarters of Arcadia every day, and because he is a troublemaker, he is closely monitored by the twin goddesses, but in fact, it is not fun for that guy to make trouble in the southern district.

Those things include but are not limited to 'pretending to be Gabriel and publicly proclaiming to a Buddhist female believer who is pregnant with a black baby that she is pregnant with the Second Son of the Holy Son', 'fabricating a Buddha of Jianzi and offering incense to those temples Husbands of female believers of children offer free paternity tests. ' 'Let the devil pretend to be a lawyer and take church clergy abuse against children to court. ’

If it wasn't for Su Jin's occasional log in to the troublemaker forum to see the situation, he, the leader of the troublemaker, would not even know that the 'biggest folk shady person in the southern district' was himself.

To be honest, he was also stunned by these little tricks of Alger.

Although this method is small and funny, he is disgusting.

People who stick to this kind of thing will lose their skin even if they don't die. In addition, because of the large number of gods in the southern district, the conflict of beliefs is very fierce. If you do this, it will be even more intense.

Coupled with the recent coincidence of the Godslayer War, the attention of the upper management went to the battle of the gods, and the attention to the believers decreased, but they didn't care about Alger's troubles at the low-level outer door.

In the Godslayer War, the gods fought happily, and the believers underneath also made a complete mess. Su Jin is now very worried about the situation in the southern district, for fear of where the explosion will take off, and the entire southern district will go to the sky.

After all, the 'cult establishment manual' in the troublemaker forum is selling like crazy.

The Eight Snake Sect, the Three Sacred Dragon Sect, and the Baoshu Dragon King Sect, these sects in the lower seven figures in the Southern District are almost becoming orthodox folk churches.

The sect that believes in the ultimate trial of human beings is a ghost... But Su Jin actually found out that this thing can be converted into forum points by Alger. Although the amount is small, it can be converted, and it is also a layer of income, Su Jin Jin also acquiesced.

And sects are often the most useful means of framing the gods.

Algor can be degraded into Medusa, not to mention the other gods of Little Garden.

Therefore, Su Jin has a wealth of professional channels for trapping gods. After all, Alger has experience!

Sun Wukong, who didn't understand that Su Jin still had such a channel, was puzzled, but his intuition told her that Su Jin did have a way, so his mind became a little more active.

Perhaps, I should prepare a detailed list... While thinking to himself, Sun Wukong said to Su Jin:

"Although this little girl is willing to come forward as Kalji's sister, you also know the thickness of those people's skin..."

Before Sun Wukong finished speaking, Su Jin seemed to suddenly think of something, and asked directly towards Caili Ling:

"Lin, do you know Fairy Tear?"

Cai Liling raised her head in surprise, looked at Su Jin in surprise, and said:

"The tears of the fairy, are you talking about the tears of the fairy that were refined by the spirit of the fairy family? I once heard Lord Lakshmi say that the tears of the fairy seem to be the lubricant that made the birth of Kalji smoothly..."

"That's right." Su Jin nodded, and then explained to the confused Sun Wukong: "Heitian once made me pay attention to Goblin Tears, saying that there are surprises hidden in it, I think the surprises may refer to now Let's rain."

"The Tears of the Goblin... Even if you want to get relevant information from the Queen..." Monkey King's face changed, but he understood that the Tears of the Goblin was indeed a good proof, but the Queen is not easy to negotiate!

Wait... Sun Wukong suddenly glanced at Su Jin, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

It's not easy for the queen to discuss that is for her, but it's different for Su Jin!

Seeing Sun Wukong's expression, Su Jin immediately guessed what she was thinking, and said with a slightly speechless expression: "Don't worry, since I mentioned this matter, I will definitely help you solve it."

"Of course, I also have my own thoughts."

"Oh?" Sun Wukong was surprised for a moment, but he wasn't surprised, after all, people have their own minds, and Su Jin didn't seem very strange: "Then tell me, as long as it's not too much, I'll definitely stand with you. "

Hearing this, Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice:

"I need your cooperation to bring Lamia's affairs into Kalji's affairs."

Chapter 1386 Loyal Loki

"Lamia? Who is that?" Sun Wukong's tone was a little surprised.

On the other side, Cai Liling frowned when she heard the name 'Lamia', and asked hesitantly:

"You mean the one who brought Maxwell last time?"

"Yes." Su Jin nodded slightly, and then explained calmly: "But to be more precise, it should be her mother, Lamia Decrea, Leticia's sister."

Speaking of this, Su Jin paused, and then said in a low tone:

"She is now in the hands of Ouroboros, and the level of secrecy is high."

When Sun Wukong heard this, he finally understood that Su Jin originally wanted to take someone from the Ouroboros, so he was a little surprised: "With your current power, those snakes dare to offend you?"

This is not Sun Wukong's nonsense.

If it was just a four-digit number, the Ouroboros might still be ignored, but now Su Jin has incorporated the Greek gods, became the master of the Greek gods, and himself became one of the best candidates to succeed the commander of the Heavenly Army.

With this dual identity, even if the Ouroboros is tough, he should understand the fate of offending Su Jin.

So logically speaking, the most likely place for Lamia to appear is on the way to the headquarters of Arcadia.

So... Sun Wukong's mouth twitched faintly:

"How high is the level of confidentiality you said?"

Su Jin looked back at her and said, "It's as high as the simulated star chart."

"No wonder." Sun Wukong showed a stunned expression at this time.

If it is a simulated star creation map, then the Ouroboros or the Crusaders in the Ouroboros will be held to death, which is very reasonable.

After all, it is the secret treasure of the gods. It is the secret treasure among the secret treasures that can only be conceived by combining the power of the gods with a complete view of the universe.

Although it is said that there are high and low points, but if the Ouroboros can stare at it, it is obviously not a low-level thing.

And the high-value simulated star creation map, if fully utilized, can be regarded as a 'parallel version of the truth of the universe'.

Even in the face of real two-digit numbers and paper-based fakes, with a single three-digit number, except for the two perverts, Alger and the Queen of Halloween, others are afraid that they can't even compare to paper.

Weaker than two digits and above three digits, this is the status of the simulated star map, and because of the rule that the center of the box garden prohibits the end of two digits, the simulated star map is the biggest force deterrent.

Even in the Heavenly Army, the Twelve Heavenly Dharma Protector holding a simulated star creation map is an existence like 'absolute violence'.

Thinking of this, the reason why Ouroboros pinched his nose and Su Jinzhen to the end.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong couldn't help but hesitate a little: "So the matter of 'exposing Kalji' is used to threaten the Ouroboros to release him? Can this work?"

Hearing this, Su Jin rolled his eyes and said angrily: "It's definitely not possible, the Ouroboros are not stupid, what about Kalji is threatening the Buddhist monk who is whitewashing Taiping, not the one who is secretly doing things, beaten up. If you don't fall on him, he will care about ghosts."

"What I want you to do is actually to mix 'Lamia', that is, the fact that Ouroboros tried to create a simulated star map, into the investigation of 'Kalji'. As for Ji's matter, it is convenient to expose the fact that the Crusaders tried to create a simulated star chart."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong said "oh":

"I understand, take advantage of it, right?"

After finishing speaking, Sun Wukong said with a smile:

"You're really bad enough to play this trick. This is forcing those old Buddhists to pour dirty water on the crusade."

In Little Garden, the relationship between the super-large groups of gods is intricate, but in general, they tend to compete in secret.

Therefore, there must be a lot of gods who don't want the cross religion to get the simulated star creation map.

Among them, especially the Buddhists who "do not want Kalji to appear".

Therefore, when encountering Su Jin, the child who "handed over the knife honestly", Fomen must bring the rhythm of the investigation to the matter of "Lamia".

And those old immortals in Buddhism, to a certain extent, the Ouroboros are also high-level bastards.

So as long as Su Jin shows his bias, these 'leading parties' will definitely cooperate to bias things. Anyway, they can dig the corners of Buddhism, and their hearts on Ouroboros are not much.

When Su Jin goes to investigate Kalji, there must be nothing on the surface, but secretly, there must be a large group of Ouroboros 'leaking' Lamia's whereabouts and secretly doing bad things.

And this is Su Jin's purpose, and the reason why he must communicate with Sun Wukong.

"Tsk tsk, take advantage of Buddhism to do your own thing, you kid, you have a good hand in stealing funds. Next time you teach me more, change it tomorrow, and I will cheat on that great monk again."

Seeing Sun Wukong pat his shoulder carelessly, Su Jin was speechless for a while:

"You can save me some snacks. Although it is said to take advantage of the situation this time, the matter of Kalji still needs to be found out, otherwise the Buddha will not be able to explain it."

"What are you afraid of, I don't believe that the great monk has no preparations. Maybe when we are about to fail, Kalji will jump out himself."

Sun Wukong pouted, obviously not caring about this.

She defeated the Buddha alone, and belongs to the "nominally powerful fringe" in Buddhism. If things succeed, she won't get much credit, and if things fail, it's not her fault.

If so, what else is there to do?

Fishing hard!

Seeing Sun Wukong like this, Su Jin also sighed: "It's not without reason that the Buddhist factions, big and small, are willing to send you to investigate."

Obviously, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of all parties have 'see' through the urine nature of this monkey, and understand that she is determined to fish, so she is asked to do this thankless task.

And Emperor Shitian also clearly knew that monkeys were unreliable, so he asked Sun Wukong to come to Su Jin for dry goods. Even if Su Jin borrowed chickens to lay eggs, wouldn't there be a few eggs in the end?

Really... These old people have too many hearts, aren't they afraid of constipation?

"Okay, don't hold your face, you kid, hurry up and think about how to check the account! It's just a few words from the little girl next to me and 'Tears of the Fairy', but it can't cover the faces of those fake monks."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Hearing this, Su Jin rolled his eyes, replied speechlessly, and then said:

"Let's check the most critical things first."

"The most important thing?" Sun Wukong was curious.

Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said:

"Those exploratory communities that were destroyed."

Chapter 1387 Loki's Letter

"Gah~!" "Gah~!"

The jet-black feathers fell from the sky and fell into the forest sea of ​​Miron Mio.

A crow slid through the sky, through the white sea of ​​clouds, and gradually slid to the end of the forest sea, among the mountains surrounded by golden rays of light.

On the top of the mountains, there is an ancient stone-built temple.

The crow fluttered its wings, passed through the open gate of the temple, and came to the Mahavira Hall of the ancient temple. It landed in front of the gray and white worship platform, raised its one eye, looked at the sad Buddha statue in front of it, and calmly pecked it on the table. water-fruit tribute.

When the crow had eaten half of the apple, the sad Buddha statue suddenly said:

"Loki, whose subordinate are you today?"

Hearing the sound, the crow paused, raised its head, and looked at the Buddha statue mockingly:

"Look at what you said, it doesn't matter whose subordinate I am, what matters is the price you offer!"

Hearing the words of the Buddha statue, the sadness on his face suddenly increased a lot:

"You're getting more and more shameless, Loki."

"That's right, as if your face can sell for money."

Loki looked at the half-eaten apple in disgust, shook his head and said:

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