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Chapter 977:

"Okay, my Samantabhadra, let's not gossip, let's talk about the price."

Speaking of this, Loki's crow's face showed an obvious funny look:

"The matter of Kalgi has really attracted a lot of people this time. I said, why did you admit that 'Kalgi has not been born'? With such a face, I am afraid that even the old Zeus will be defeated. "

The Buddha statue did not respond, but said lightly:

"It doesn't matter what we say, after all, this matter is to make the World-Honored One feel comfortable."

Loki's expression froze, but he didn't say anything. There are many chaos in Buddhism, and the World Honored One can't stand it, and it is only natural that many vested interests 'coax' him a little.

After all, this Buddhist sect is the Buddha sect of the World-Honored One after all. Anyone can do it without him, but not without him.

Shaking his head, Loki didn't even think about the crooked things, and started his own 'small business' with peace of mind:

"For the intelligence fee this time, I want three 'powers' that I don't have, and the quality must be at least 70%."

The Buddha statue didn't bother about these trivial matters, but said lightly:

"Everyone has entered the game."

Hearing this, Loki narrowed his eyes and said:

"In addition to the monster boy in Arcadia, there is probably a big man in the guardian of the Daomen, and the magic eye department of Thousand Eyes has also dispatched people. In addition, the holy immortal inside the Ouroboros has a very good attitude. Ambiguous, the King of the World is always the same, cheerful, and I don't know what that person is thinking."

Speaking of this, Loki coughed:

"Cough cough, as for the Crusaders, you and I both understand, it's too difficult to check things in that place, and the Holy Sequence is like a lunatic, and it can't be installed at all. What's the attitude of the other side towards Kalji? No way."

The Buddha statue did not respond to this, but said lightly:

"How much?"

Loki coughed twice:

"It's not a matter of whether to add money or not, but I really didn't find out anything this time. In the Garden of Eden, I am afraid that only Argel and Aphrodite can insert people into it."

"..." The Buddha statue was silent for a moment, then asked, "Have you joined the troublemaker?"

Loki looked stunned, and said with a very subtle expression:

"It's still in the assessment, and the Calamity Star of Alger doesn't know what to guard against. The internal assessment is too strict. I still borrowed the channel of the mad woman of Athena to get a backup position."

"But don't worry, the disaster star has learned a lot now, and some information can be exchanged for her points, but the exchange rate is a bit outrageous."

The Buddha was silent for a moment, and then said: "I will double the intelligence fee for you. Be sure to determine the internal movements of the Crusaders, especially Aphrodite. You must pay attention. After all, the Son and that person are not as convenient as her."

Loki also understands what Puxian means. Although there are many factions in the Crusaders, it is a rare unity with the outside world. If the Son or the 'God' can do something with the hands of Aphrodite, it is really difficult. guard against.

However, after knowing that he wanted to pay attention to Aphrodite, Loki's attitude was very subtle:

"Yes, I have to pay attention to another crazy woman. I am afraid that I will have to rip off these women in the future."

Speaking of this, Loki shook his head, flapped his wings, and joked towards the Buddha statue:

"Speaking of which, Emperor Shitian is really ruthless. Even if the Heavenly Army is disbanded, it will be cheaper than a thousand eyes, and even the little monster Su Jin will be cheaper, and there will be no soup for you."


"Tsk tsk, sure enough, since ancient times, only traitors have been hated the most."

The Buddha snorted: "Are you talking about yourself?"

Loki didn't care about the sarcasm, he said with a smile:

"Gaga, I'm different. I'm wholehearted with every boss. As long as they don't agree, I don't sell any of them. After all, being a multi-faceted spy also requires credit."

Speaking of this, Loki stroked his feathers with his wings, then narrowed his one eye and said:

"at last…"

"Saint Immortal let me give you a word."

"If you can stop it, you should stop it. Those things about the exploratory community have already provoked public anger. This time Kalji is just an excuse. When the thousand-eyed one can't help it, the two Dongfang reach a consensus, and the Buddhist one is afraid that I can't protect you."


Speaking of this, Rocky paused and said:

"Of course, if you can really ensure that the Crusaders can survive, then there will be a turning point, but from the exchange just now, it seems that you are not sure about the attitude of the Crusaders, right?"

The Buddha statue was speechless, but said lightly:

"Loki, you are so heartfelt."

"Of course!" Rocky Pu fluttered his wings and laughed straightly: "I am heartfelt to every employer."

Hearing this, the Buddha statue closed his eyes and his face was covered with sadness again.

Seeing this, Loki didn't say any more reminders. After all, Buddhism and Cross religion are too dirty, and the 'cooperation' between the two sides is the reason for the current situation in Hakoniwa.

Now the lid can't hold it anymore, because of someone's various actions, everything has to be put on the table, and it is normal for Puxian to have a headache.

After all, what Ouroboros does will not be on the table. Once it is exposed, it will die in the light of the light. Without the skin of the Ouroboros, the black hands who secretly do things are afraid that they will end up in real life.

By then, an unprecedented reckoning is unavoidable.

And what happened to Kalji was just a prelude to this reckoning.

‘I just don’t know if I can stand on the right side of this reckoning. ’

Loki added in his heart, then flapped his wings and slipped out of the ancient temple.

He has to hurry up and send the 'exploratory community information' explained by Athena to Su Jin, but there is no time to delay here.

Chapter 1388 Yang Family's Mistress

In the early morning, in the elegantly decorated room, a young woman leaned against the window, holding a black scroll, and reading it carefully.

The sun shines through the window, shining on the woman's profile, illuminating the white clothes on her body, and setting off her holiness.

Suddenly, the black feathers slid past, and there were bursts of illusory murmurs in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a crow with blood-red eyes and a black body, carrying a snow-white envelope, landed on the window sill, jumped and landed in front of the woman, dropped the letter on the window sill, and took three steps back respectfully.

It was not surprising for the young woman to see this, but she just let go of the hand holding the scroll, broke the varnish that sealed the envelope, and took out a small stack of letter paper inside:

[Your Honorable Goddess of Wisdom:]

【Forgive me for conveying information in this way, but for some reason, I can only convey some information to you in this way. 】

[The battle between Emperor Shitian and Puxian Bodhisattva is close to tearing his face, and the sudden decision of the Emperor Nengtian has put Puxian Bodhisattva in a difficult position.

[The dissolution of the Heavenly Army will cause the tentacles of Buddhism to completely withdraw from the 'Martial Gods', and the Twelve Days of the Dharma will also gain independence. In hindsight, Emperor Shitian seems to have the idea of ​​​​breaking away from Buddhism and establishing his own door, but how to do it? Depends on what he does next. 】

[As you said, the disbanding of the Heavenly Army not only affected Buddhism. 】

[What is certain at present is that Daomen and Qianyan will definitely not miss the opportunity to take charge of the Heavenly Army, and even the Crusaders are eager to move in the dark. [The Bodhisattva Samantabhadra without the support of the Buddha has been unable to intervene in Kalji’s investigation. At the same time, for various reasons, ‘Kalji’s supervision power’ will become one of the decisive factors for the next commander of the Heavenly Army. 】

[Stupid Puxian did a good deed at the end. 】

[He raised 'whether Kalji was born' to the level of "Should Buddhism continue to be in charge of the Heavenly Army", which also led to the 'investigation of the birth of Kalji' as one of the chips in the election for the chief of the Heavenly Army, and also In this way, the layout of the Crusaders was affected, and their conspiracy was 'exposed' on the table. 】

[Haha, after all, you also know that the Crusaders never dared to put the 'facts' on the table, even if Kalji was the one who prompted their birth, they have the most detailed information. 】

[At present, this information has become the hottest potato, so they can only choose the candidates selected by Daomen and Qianyan for support. 】

[And as you expected, the Heavenly Emperor of Daomen and Daozu maintained different opinions on the candidates. What can be confirmed at present is that Daozu seems to like that Erlang Xianshengzhenjun. 】

[The special status of that True Monarch is indeed beneficial to appease the noise of the Heavenly Emperor faction and the Daozu faction, but you also know that He is not keen on such things. 】

[Comparatively speaking, the Goddess of Thousand Eyes bet on Su Jin’s crown early. In the Crusades, the Madonna faction and the Holy Son faction also believe that this will help ease the conflict between them and Su Jin’s crown, but It's a pity that the One God has yet to express his attitude, which casts a shadow over this matter. 】

[Although the situation is still unclear, I believe that with your assistance, that majesty will surely succeed in ascending the throne of the commander of the Heavenly Army. 】

[Oh, yes, I almost forgot something important. 】

[According to a senior executive of Ouroboros, during the destruction of the exploratory community 'Hand of Order', because of the accidental disappearance of the principal 'God King', the tail of the hand was not completely clear. 】

[Because of this incident, the behind-the-scenes investor of the Hand of Order, His Majesty the God of Justice, Xia Maxiu, personally came forward and interfered with the actions of the Ouroboros. 】

[This has led to the leakage of some information related to Kalji to some extent. According to your instructions, I passed the information to His Majesty Su Jin. 】

[But unexpectedly, this information seems to have attracted the attention of the Daomen Dharma Protector. I have a hunch that this will lead to certain troubles, I hope you know.

[…Your humble servant, Loki, on December 12th. 】

"Huh!" The goddess of wisdom who read the letter showed a mocking expression, and the hand holding the envelope shook slightly, and the snow-white envelope was torn to shreds by the rolled-up airflow, and then turned into wisps of fireflies...

……57155 Outer door…………

Above the barren Gobi, Su Jin looked at the wind and sand in front of him, frowned slightly and said:

"This is the headquarters of the Hand of Order? Are you sure you didn't lead the wrong way, Great Sage?"

Su Jin said this, looked around, and saw a fortress that was mostly buried by wind and sand in the northeast direction.

Feeling the active conceptual power in the atmosphere, Su Jin's face sank slightly.

"Did you bring it with you, didn't you guess it?"

With blond hair like ears of rice, the height is definitely less than 1.5 meters, the flat girl in a white shirt and jeans digs her ears carelessly, then narrows her eyes, leans down and touches the ground, holding up a touch of yellow sand:

"Hehe, I almost know what you're thinking." Sun Wukong let the yellow sand on his hands fall with the wind, squinting his eyes and jokingly said: "It's a force of the same nature as the ruined headquarters of Arcadia before, right? ?"

Su Jin didn't deny it when he heard the words, but just frowned and said, "It's not like the Ouroboros has only one devil, how can he do things so uncleanly?"

Sun Wukong shrugged, threw away all the sand, and said calmly: "I heard that the execution of the **** king had an accident. It is estimated that in order to solve it as soon as possible, he sent a 'powerful officer'."

Hearing this, Su Jin's expression became a little weird.

It seems that the only **** king who had an accident with the Ouroboros recently was Anat, the one who was targeted by Alger and then executed by Su Jin.

Co-authoring the Ouroboros will have to expose the traces, or is it because of him?

Am I born to have a grudge against ouroboros? This can happen.

"Okay, don't worry about these little things. If you really want to track down the Demon King who defeated Arcadia, you can check it out later."

Sun Wukong patted his trousers, shook off the yellow sand on it, then looked strangely at the fortress in front of him that was submerged in yellow sand, and sensed the breath ahead:

"Looks like there are 'old acquaintances' who got there first!"

Chapter 1389 Three Virgins Yang Chan

The yellow-white sand and dust came along with the strong wind, covering up the surrounding scenery. Under the sound of rustling, Su Jin raised his eyes slightly, looking at the dead gray wall in front of him, his eyes took a little look.

The building in front of it is cylindrical in shape, and its image is somewhat similar to the defense tower of the ancient castle. underground.

The defense tower in front of him should be the defense tower on the far left of the castle according to its shape.

"Hey, Su Jin, the entrance is here."

Hearing Sun Wukong's shout, Su Jin looked sideways, and indeed saw that Sun Wukong dexterously got into a sloping window.

From the open door of the window, it was clear that they were not the first visitors.

Seeing this scene, the daring Su Jin did not hesitate, and his follower Sun Wukong entered the castle from the window.

However, unlike the inclined angle, after entering the castle, the floor tiles on which you are stepping are not inclined at all.

But Su Jin turned back and looked out the window, but he could see the tilted world outside the window.

Seeing this, Su Jin was not surprised, but looked at the oil lamp hanging on the wall that was burning brightly without candles and said:

"Is the gift of this castle still in effect?"

In Hakoniwa, the community headquarters is full of strange things, but the constant is based on the living needs of most races, especially the human race.

As a result, some residential gifts for home use have become popular.

The Arcadia headquarters also has the gift of maintaining internal balance and lighting, and the consideration is also to maintain the internal ecological balance in the case of abnormal gravity outside.

It can be said that the headquarters of each community is an independent ecological environment. If there is demand, it can even open up a continent or even a planet-scale space in it.

However, this is a bit strange to Su Jin.

Because judging from the degree of damage on the outside, this castle should have been attacked by the Time Demon King who once attacked Arcadia, and the entire community has been baptized for more than 10,000 years.

Few of the gifts of maintaining ecological balance can continue to operate in such a time span.

Hearing Su Jin's question, Sun Wukong, who walked to the front, held the back of his head and said indifferently:

"Sarah, who knows, maybe a guy disliked the inconvenience of activities here, and took some gifts to help adjust it."

"It looks like you are an acquaintance?" Su Jin raised his eyebrows, followed in the footsteps of Sun Wukong, and said in a subtle tone, "Isn't he an enemy?"

"...Well, it's really hard to say." Sun Wukong scratched his head: "Anyway, it's better to have a face-to-face with the other side, lest everyone's face will look bad."

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