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Chapter 978:

The people who are here now are obviously here to investigate the Ouroboros. In a sense, they are in a competitive relationship with Su Jin.

And in the order of first come, first come, those who walk in the front obviously have the intelligence advantage, which is not in line with Su Jin and the others.

If the two sides cannot agree on intelligence, there is a real possibility of conflict.

Seeing this, Su Jin didn't refute, but said lightly: "It's nothing to meet, I just hope that I don't meet those who are unclear."

Next, the two did not speak, but followed the passage illuminated by the fire, entered the battlement from the tower, and entered the main entrance of the castle through the inner stone aisle.

Passing through the exquisite stone pillars that were not known as load-bearing columns or ornaments, Su Jin observed the hall and saw a huge door, and immediately understood that this should be the main entrance of the ancient castle.

He chose the direction, turned back and looked forward, and suddenly saw a huge staircase leading to the upper floor. The staircase was bifurcated upward. At the junction of the fork, on a huge wall, there were more than ten huge portraiture.

Su Jin narrowed his eyes and fixed his eyes on the portrait in the center.

The portrait is obviously larger than the left and right portraits, and on the picture is a handsome man in a black uniform.

This man holds a golden scale in his left hand and a black axe in his right hand. His face is serious, cold and majestic, like a majestic judge sitting on the court.

His face made Su Jin a little familiar, and then he quickly thought of the ancient Babylonian god-king, the **** of justice, Shamaxiu, whom he encountered on the starry sky when he faked Kalji.

"Speaking of which, the Hand of Order seems to be directly under Xia Matthews... So those people in the paintings are the leaders of the Hand of Order in all dynasties?"

Su Jin murmured to himself, and at the same time, Ta Ta's footsteps sounded.

"I thought who broke into this castle, but I didn't expect it to be you."

Accompanied by a gentle female voice, a woman walked from the steps of the second floor to the portrait, stood there, overlooking the two and said:

"I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, Great Sage."

The visitor was wearing a simple and elegant white long shirt, and the lower body was a long skirt of the same color. The waist of the skirt was tied high by a purple belt, and the outer jacket was also covered with a large light purple sleeved robe.

Her face is elegant and delicate, the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, and her eyes are smiling. She looks like a lady from ancient times, but if you look closely at her eyes, you can vaguely see a bit of naughty.

Seeing this woman shouting to herself, Sun Wukong's face suddenly pulled down:

"Yes, no wonder I always feel my left eyelid twitching wildly before I go out. It's you, the girl, who ran out!"

Hearing this, Su Jin looked up at the elegant and beautiful woman in front of her, lowered her voice slightly, and asked Sun Wukong:


"I know." Sun Wukong rolled his eyes, then curled his lips and said, "That little three of the Yang family, it's not a good thing to meet."

Hearing this, the woman was not happy:

"Little San, is this a curse word?"

"Don't think that I don't know the meaning of the new era after living in Huashan for a long time. Let me tell you, Sun Wukong, I know much more than you think."

"Besides, I was so angry just now, but you slapped my face in vain. You are really shameless, no wonder you were called a monkey."

Hearing the dissatisfied voice of the woman on the steps, Su Jin thought for a moment, then thought of the other party's origin.

Knowing the great sage, he is also the 'little third' of the Yang family, and he still lives in Huashan for a long time?

With these two characteristics, could this woman be the sister of the Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun, the legendary 'Three Virgin Yang Chan'?

Did you meet here?

Chapter 1390 Special Power

As a Celestial, it is impossible for Su Jin to not know the mythical figure of "Three Virgins Yang Chan".

According to rumors, she is the youngest of the three children born after the Jade Emperor's sister Yunhua Fairy and the mortal Yang Tianyou gave birth to a private life, hence the nickname of the Three Virgins.

And one of her elder brothers is Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun Yang Jian.

In the mythology, because the Yunhua fairy violated the laws of heaven by fornicating with mortals, she was suppressed by the Jade Emperor under the Taoshan Mountain, and then there was the myth and legend of Yang Jian apprenticing to a teacher to learn art and splitting the mountain to save his mother.

For some unknown reason, Yang Chan, the three virgins in mythology, also had a private life with the mortal Liu Yanchang and gave birth to his son Liu Chenxiang.

This also extends the myth and legend of the three virgins, Yang Chan, who had fornicated with mortals and was suppressed under Huashan.

If people who don't know read these myths and stories, they will probably think that 'women of the Jade Emperor's family must be fornicating with mortals', and their sons are destined to 'split the mountain to save their mother'.

Considering that the people who are Tong are all 'scholars', and the people who wrote stories and read stories in ancient times were basically 'scholars', the reason why the story is set up like this is that everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart.

After all, you need a 'sense of substitution'.

When Su Jin was thinking wildly, Sun Wukong, who was replied by Yang Chan, pretended to be stupid, scratched his hair and deliberately asked:

"Is Xiaosan swearing? I don't know~ It's you, from the Yang family, how dare you scold me for being a monkey? Are you itchy?"

Seeing this, Yang Chan rolled her eyes and said rudely:

"Okay, stinky monkey, I don't want to quarrel with you. Since you came here, you want to come here because of that, right?"

"It's like I want to quarrel with you, well~ Although it is true." Sun Wukong muttered, then looked up at Yang Chan and said, "Hey, from the Yang family, you are the only one here this time."

"Do you think everyone is as laid back as you?" Yang Chan cast a glance at Sun Wukong with a hint of disdain in her tone.

Speaking of this, Yang Chan slightly shook her head and looked at Su Jin who was standing beside Sun Wukong. After seeing Su Jin's face, her eyes lit up slightly, and then she showed a little curiosity:

"Stinky monkey, who is next to you...?"


Sun Wukong raised his hand and tried to hook Su Jin's shoulder. When he found that he couldn't hook it, he changed to hold Su Jin's shoulder and said with a smile:

"My apprentice, how is it, handsome?"

"...It's really nice to have a long face." Yang Chan murmured softly, and then she seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and said in surprise: "Huh? This boy is your disciple and grandson? Where did you come from?"

"Don't worry, it's not your 'brother son', he is actually Canary's disciple." Sun Wukong emphasized on 'brother son', his tone full of ridicule.

And when she heard this, Yang Chan was immediately unhappy, and said with some anger:

"Dead monkey, you can't get along with me today, right? Didn't I say it all, the second brother is my brother, not my brother and son!"

"Brother son?" Su Jin couldn't help but repeat when he heard this strange word.

"Oh, forget you didn't know."

Seeing Su Jin's doubts, Sun Wukong patted his head and said carelessly:

"Actually, it's easy to understand. In oriental folk mythology, that guy Yang Jian learns art from a teacher to save his mother, and Liu Chenxiang learns art from a teacher to save his mother. It's obvious that this thing is plagiarized without plagiarism."

"And this kind of mythological plagiarism, playing in the garden is a different aspect of the same kind of spirituality."

"So... why is it brother son, you know!"

Seeing the playful look of Sun Wukong when he blinked at him, Su Jin's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Good guy, Yang Jian and Liu Chenxiang are actually the same person, no wonder Sun Wukong would use 'brother son' to describe it, this is really 'my brother is my son', this time is really a long experience!

"Your explanation is still so disgusting, can you not deliberately mention this next time?"

Yang Chan snorted in dissatisfaction, then looked at Su Jin, and after thinking for a while, she suddenly said in surprise:

"Wait, you're Canary's apprentice, that freak of Arcadia?"

Freak? Who is ruining my reputation... The corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched, but he didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either.

However, at this time, Yang Chan looked at Su Jin up and down with panda-like eyes, and then muttered without shyness:

"Although it looks good, it doesn't seem to be anything special. In this way, it is also the 'people who need to be treated with caution' in the mouth of the second brother?"

That Erlang God thinks I need to be careful? Is he following me? Su Jin was curious, but still suppressed the doubts in her heart, she just stood there pretending to be calm, without too many words.

After all, he and Yang Chan are not familiar with each other, who knows if there will be filth due to the distribution problem later.

Instead of getting close to the next possible enemy and then turning around after the fact, it is better to simply keep your distance, which is more worry-free.

And at this moment, Yang Chan, who was standing on the steps, said suspiciously: "Strange? I praised you for your good looks, why don't you give any reaction?"

ah? Su Jin was stunned.

At this time, Yang Chan suddenly realized: "Oh~~ I understand, you are boring, right?"

The corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched fiercely, and said in a low voice:

"Your Majesty the Three Virgins is really funny!"

"Hey!" Yang Chan stuck out her tongue and asked with a smile, "You'll get angry if you say a few words, you're really a child!"

After speaking, she asked curiously: "So, the legend that you rose from a mortal to four figures in one year is true? How did you do it?"

'This woman... Under the appearance of a gentle and elegant lady, what is it? Sellers show off their looks, buyers show off their IQs? ' Su Jin looked at Yang Chan's "smile" that didn't seem to be disguised in front of him, and couldn't help but turned to look at Sun Wukong.

"An La An La, this girl has this temperament, otherwise she would not be lustful by those poets." Sun Wukong shrugged, obviously very accustomed to Yang Chan's behavior.

Being obsessed by a poet... Oh, do you mean Liu Chenxiang... The poor scholar used his IQ to deceive a rich and beautiful godly wife, deceived to give birth to a child, and was completely devastated about the life of a scholar, um, this is indeed in line with the hobby of a scholar... Su Jin felt in his heart He murmured, and at the same time didn't bother to care about Yang Chan's behavior, and said directly:

"Sorry, what you asked involves my privacy, so I'm sorry I can't tell you the truth."


Yang Chan showed a regretful expression, but soon, this regret disappeared from her face:

"Then another question, um, I came here to investigate the intelligence because of my second brother's competition for the chief of the Heavenly Army, how about you?"

Su Jin didn't expect that Yang Chan would say such a thing directly, so he couldn't help but turn his head to look at Sun Wukong, he needed this acquaintance of Yang Chan to make a 'suggestion'.

"See" Sun Wukong, who understood Su Jin's meaning, said indifferently, "It doesn't matter, just say it straight, this girl is good at other times except for occasionally stabbing people, not the kind of person who stabs people in the back."

So is it the 'Three Virgins'? Su Jin groaned inwardly, then turned around, nodded towards Yang Chan and said, "If you are talking about Kalji, then I think our goals are the same."

"Oh~" Yang Chan opened her eyes slightly, then tilted her head: "Then... exchange information?"

Su Jin's eyes moved, and then nodded:

"Okay, exchange information."

Chapter 1391 The reason for the destruction of Arcadia

"The birth of Kalji involved the tears of the fairy. Isn't that a contraband set by the queen? The Ouroboros dare to provoke the rules she set?"

"Kalji has a sister who is still in your hands? Doesn't that mean I'm completely out of luck here?"

Listening to Su Jin's remarks, the 'Three Virgins', whose appearance was elegant and dignified, but was completely deceitful in appearance, rubbed his forehead in distress, and said unhappily:

"No wonder the second brother is not active at all about this matter. I thought I could help him by coming out this time. The co-author already knew that this matter would not be too feasible, so he didn't bother to move!"

Did you still sneak out? Su Jin glanced at Yang Chan in surprise, and then suddenly felt that it was quite possible for her character to have a private life with a mortal. In this regard, Sun Wukong was very calm, even with a little disdain: "I knew that you girl must have run away without communicating with Yang Jian. Oh, how old are you, you are still playing this set."

Sun Wukong curled his lips in disdain, and then said perfunctorily:

"Then what? What cheap information are you going to use to prevaricate us this time?"

"What do you mean by cheap intelligence to prevaricate you? Am I the kind of woman who loves to deceive people?"

Yang Chan was very unhappy when she heard Sun Wukong's 'slandering', and said in a plausible manner:

"The value of intelligence itself is not fixed. If I don't listen to the intelligence in your hands first, how can I know what intelligence to use to answer you? If I say more, then am I at a loss?"

"And the stinky monkey, which time the information I gave was cheap? Didn't I give you equal information? Besides, if you really feel that you have lost money, you can lie to me and deceive the information at that time. Don't you think I'm stupid anyway?"

Seeing this, Su Jin had nothing to say. He was the first person who saw that "he thought he would definitely be tricked, so he just took this as a basis for lying and encouraged others to trick her".

Co-author, the Three Holy Mothers, are you still a little self-aware of yourself? Shouldn't that be complimenting you?

"I knew you wanted to be rude." Sun Wukong rolled his eyes, then said angrily, "Forget it, tell me, what are you going to explain to pay off the debt?"

Yang Chan's eyes turned, her face showed an expression of "obviously playing tricks", and then said thiefly:

"Second brother plans to use this investigation to give himself a long vacation, should this information be enough?"

"Not enough." Su Jin endured the thought of rolling his eyes, and said as coldly as possible: "What I need is information related to Kalji, not information related to Erlang God, you are secretly changing concepts."

Yang Chan suddenly became unhappy when she heard the words: "Isn't it? Shouldn't the information of competitors be more important? Is it not good enough for you that the second brother did not intend to compete for the commander of the Heavenly Army? And I can still provide you with the second brother's information during the holidays. Whereabouts, this value should be equal, right? What else are you unhappy about?"

No, I just think why I don't have a vacation, but he does... Su Jin added in his heart, and at the same time provocatively said:

"If you don't have any information on Kalji, you can pay it back with something else, but since you've been talking about other things, you probably don't have it, so you said it on purpose?"

"Who said I didn't!" Yang Chan subconsciously retorted, and then, holding her breath, she glared at Su Jin with a blushing face: "You actually lied to me? How can you do this!"

"You have allowed it, Your Majesty." The corners of Su Jin's mouth curled up, and her mood was obviously much more comfortable: "Also, although I'm clichéd, there is really nothing wrong with you who want to hide the information and don't say it. ?"

His green tea flavor thief almost didn't make the Monkey King beside him stunned.

"Ah? Or is it my fault?" Yang Chan obviously had never seen such shameless words, and the whole person was stunned.

After a long while, she thought about it, and after realizing that Su Jin was playing tricks, she immediately blushed and said:

"Did you bully me on purpose because I'm honest?"

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