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Chapter 979:

Hey, you're really right... Su Jin thought it was interesting, but on the surface he still respected Yang Chan:

"As you said, I don't think the value of the information just now is equal, so I carried out certain verbal manipulations according to your request. I think you won't blame me, right?"

"My request? Damn it, I knew I wouldn't say that just now."

Yang Chan murmured, then glared at Sun Wukong who was giggling beside him, then turned back, looked at Su Jin angrily and said:

"What do you want to know?"

Su Jin asked back, "Then what do you know?"

Yang Chan didn't speak anymore, just looked at Su Jin, and then snorted: "I understand, you are the same as the woman from Taibaijinxing, and you are a person with a lot of guts."

"I know how to make fun of people." Yang Chan muttered, and then said in a very unpleasant tone: "I will simply say what I understand. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask."

Speaking of which, Yang Chan paused and said:

"You should have seen the Gobi outside, right?"

"That was a disaster created by the demon king who attacked here using his authority. He directly took away the 'time' of the land, causing what should have been a fertile plain to become a desert."

"Well, according to the information I read in the office of the head of the Hand of Order, this place seems to have been assigned the authority of 'fairness' by 'God Xia Matthew', forcing the output to be limited to the number corresponding to this outer door. The level, that is to say, the place itself has been strengthened by authority, and normally it can only exert the 'power of the five-digit upper limit'."

"But this place was attacked by authority." Su Jin added at this time, and then frowned: "Does it mean that the devil who attacked here also broke Xia Matthews' authority?"

"Yes!" Yang Chan nodded, then raised her chin slightly, like a proud peacock, and said proudly: "There are not many people who can do this in the lower realm, among them my second brother and the other three Counting can’t be done even if it’s a human being.”

Hearing this, Su Jin asked back: "Is it possible that it is a three-digit number that violates the lower bounds and has not been subject to too many restrictions?"

"Impossible!" Yang Chan retorted very succinctly: "Second brother said that although authority is omnipotent, it cannot be omniscient, and in Little Garden, the upper limit of a single authority is suppressed, and the total scale of any authority is equal. Yes, although there may be an authority that is particularly powerful in some respects, it must be equal in general."

"And authority can only be dealt with by authority. A single authority is completely suppressed by another authority, resulting in the inability to play its proper role. There is only one possibility."

"In other words, the demon king who shoots must be like my second brother, with a 'special power' that can strengthen his authority."

What is the special power, Su Jin also knows some.

It is rumored that Yang Jian's practice of Jiuzhuan Xuangong was handed down from the ancestors of Taoism, and has the power to change the essence of power. Therefore, under the same circumstances, Yang Jian's power is inherently stronger than others.

This is also one of the reasons why the opponent will be rated as 'combat power equivalent to a three-digit legend' with an exceptional spiritual scale of four figures.

At the same time, Su Jin actually has this special power, which is his own little universe.

The authority motivated by the small universe is inherently stronger than the authority exerted by the other three figures. This is the information that Su Jin has verified.

Thinking of this, Su Jin frowned and said, "So... the demon king who attacked here is a special existence with enhanced authority... even suspected of being a two-digit direct disciple?"

"Do not."

Yang Chan denied Su Jin's words and looked up at him:

"There is another possibility."

When Yang Chan said this, she tried her best to keep her face straight and said in a serious tone:

"That's the person who shot, the incarnation of double digits."

The words fell, and the hall fell into silence.

Chapter 1392 Ru and Tianting Yang Jian, who are weaker or stronger?

The incarnation of double digits... Su Jin suddenly felt that the 'old guys' were really haunted, no matter where he went or what happened, they would eventually be involved in the heads of those double digits.

How many times is this?

This small garden, is the co-author your chess box? Falling everywhere?

Of course, if you really want to be serious, Yang Chan is actually right.

Under no special circumstances, if you want to exert the fixed authority of the 'total amount' to a higher level, and suppress the defense arranged by God Xia Matthew in the Hand of Order headquarters, you really have to take action by those old monsters.

Therefore, Yang Chan guessed that the person who shot was the incarnation of double digits, and it was not impossible.

After all, although the Hakoba Center restricts the two-digit number to participate in the gift game, the rules are dead, but the two-digit number is alive. Some two-digit bugs using the rules and using the avatar to participate in the gift game have happened.

For example, the Taoist ancestor who incarnated as Laozi in the legend, or the Jade Emperor whose real name is Zhang Bairen in the legend, the Holy Son, and the Buddha Sakyamuni.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is not uncommon for these two-digit figures to walk up and down the upper and lower floors of the box garden in the form of avatars, but in the era after the chronology entered the 18th century and the industrial revolution of the outer universe was set off, this phenomenon became less. .

But less does not mean no.

It's not too uncommon for two-digit avatars to haunt the lower floors of Hakoniwa, and there are one or two sightings every 100 years - it's normal.

Not to mention, Shiroyasha, who is essentially a two-digit guy, has been active in the lower layers, hasn't he? Besides, isn't Mithra also an incarnation of some two-digit number?

Therefore, it is not impossible for the avatar to make a move with two digits and to erase a community.

'But... the consequences of the Demon Lord who attacked the Hand of Order and the Demon Lord who attacked Arcadia were extremely similar... And now, the Demon Lord who attacked the Hand of Order, because the traces were not cleaned up, exposed the double-digit incarnation. God Buddha...'

'Then, can it be considered that the Demon Lord who attacked Arcadia is also an incarnation of the double digits? ’

'That's the problem. ’

‘At that time, the strongest player only had a four-digit legendary level, and at most Arcadia, which was close to the exception, how could there be a double-digit incarnation against him? ’

'You must know that even if it was the Hand of Order, it was because I assassinated the **** King Anat, which led to the failure of the mission, and the dispatch of the double-digit incarnation was exploded. Arcadia Hede and Heneng will cause the double-digit to drop Avatar? ’

'And more importantly, the incarnation of the double-digit descended, and he has not been able to kill the people of Arcadia, but exiled them from the small garden, and the hand of order has been wiped out. ? ’

'This is obviously unreasonable. ’

Thinking of this, Su Jin couldn't help shaking his head. When he didn't know the truth before, he also regarded the attacker as a three-digit demon king, and his level was not very high, so he could only banish Canary and others, but now It seems that the other party is not only able to exile, but the other party is here to exile Canary and others.

So why did the two-digit number not erase the canary, but banish the canary and others?

Su Jin doesn't believe that those old things have no purpose, so there must be secrets that he doesn't know.

Moreover, Su Jin also suspected that the secret was related to Kalji.

After all, Su Jin, who had heard about Kalji's birth date from Cai Liling, knew very well that the difference between the demise of Arcadia and the birth of Kalji was the difference between the front and back feet, and the difference was no more than three days at most.

Considering this, Su Jin had a vague assumption in his heart.

‘Could it be that the exile of Arcadia’s cadres was the opportunity for the birth of Kalji? To be more precise, the exile of the canary was the opportunity for the birth of Kalji, and the reason why other cadres were exiled was to cover up the truth of the exile of the canary? ’

This is not impossible.

You must know that Kalji is the savior who will be born at the end of the day, and in Hakoniwa, the end of the day can be regarded as the ultimate trial of mankind that cannot be overcome, and the arrival of the tyrant of the end time cannot be avoided.


In that case, Kalji is bound to be born, leading the people through that final trial and creating a new world.

From this point of view, solving the two final trials in a row, erasing the dystopian demon king, and sealing the canary of the absolute demon king is simply a stumbling block on the road to the birth of Kalji.

You must know that when the canary was still in the little garden, the gods were extremely optimistic about the lower level crossing the final trial.

There are even many gods who believe that as long as Arcadia, the dominant alliance of the class, still exists, the threat of the final trial faced by the lower class will be reduced to an unprecedented low.


On this point, even if Arcadia lost 80% of its power due to the crusade, it did not make the gods change this view.

And Arcadia collapsed overnight in the optimism of the gods, until half a year later, Su Jin dragged Arcadia to rise again.

But to be honest, in the face of the final trial, Su Jin cannot replace the role of the canary. At least in the eyes of the gods, Su Jin's power is beyond doubt, but can he overcome the final trial? , They still have no bottom in their hearts, at least no canary bottom.

'If you think so, then the canary, or the reason for Arcadia's downfall, may have been doomed when the 'absolute evil' Az Dakaha was sealed. ’

Su Jin's eyes were calm, and he put himself into the position of Ouroboros to think.

'The stumbling block that must be eliminated, use its waste, guide the birth of the 'must' born Kalgi, make the gods fall into pessimism, and at the same time cover up some traces with the shock brought by the fall of Arcadia... Oh, it was really arranged clearly and clearly. ’

And just when Su Jin sneered, Sun Wukong, who was not sure about the twists and turns in Su Jin's mind, asked hesitantly:

"Hey, from the Yang family, are you sure it's the vest of those old things? You can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing!"

Chapter 1393 Repeat Offender Canary

"Why not?"

Yang Chan rolled her eyes, obviously dissatisfied with Sun Wukong's questioning herself:

"In Little Garden, every existence with special power is focused on by the major forces. If nothing else, if those special existences shoot the hand of destroying the order, Qianyan can definitely buy the corresponding information."

"They are people who specialize in this kind of intelligence business. With this kind of intelligence, it's weird not to sell it."

"So since Thousand Eyes can't buy the corresponding information, it is only possible that the Thousand Eyes did not observe the hand of order who shot and destroyed it. In this way, wouldn't it be obvious who could commit the murder? "

"Having the magic eye department that shields the entire Thousand Eyes, shooting in secret and destroying the existence of a community with an authority-level defensive position, isn't it just the incarnation of the nineteen?"

"Hey!" Sun Wukong's eyes widened, looking at Yang Chan in disbelief, and exclaimed: "I can't think of not seeing you for hundreds of years, you are so good at this little brain, and your words are well-organized, you are completely a big girl. what!"

"I didn't coauthor me before?" Yang Chan was obviously a little unhappy with Sun Wukong's tone, but he couldn't help this stinky monkey.

After all, this is a monster that can draw a tie with her second brother. Among the three figures, this monkey is not a small character to be messed with. Otherwise, this master will not break out of the heavenly palace. 's reputation.

In the Daomen, the level of this stinky monkey is also the fourth imperial level. Even if it is barely stepping in, it has reached that point, which is much better than Yang Chan's small four-digit exception.

When Sun Wukong saw Yang Chan's small eyes, he couldn't help but want to tease her, hehe smiled and said, "Look at your look, you are not convinced? Then I will test you: do you think you will be able to make a move? Who's incarnation?"

"Dare I say that?"

Yang Chan couldn't help but rolled her eyes. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, she would have wanted to pry open Sun Wukong's head and use a spoon to pull it to see what was inside.

Guess which two-digit number is the murderer?

If you guessed it right, 80% will be silenced. If you guess wrong, the person who angered the slandered person will also be silenced. Good guy, if I co-author, I will be silenced, so what else can I say!

Live well, okay?

"What? Don't you dare to guess?" Sun Wukong laughed, rubbed his hands behind his back and said, "I can't imagine that the three virgins who are not afraid of the sky are not afraid of the earth, and they are not afraid of the sky!"

Hearing this, Yang Chan pulled her sleeve, then pulled it back, snorted, and said:

"You want to talk about 'brother and son' again, don't you, will you just catch me and say this?"

"Also, why don't you irritate me, I don't dare to talk nonsense when it comes to the two-digit thing, I can't cause trouble to the second brother."

"Cut. It's boring." Sun Wukong curled his lips, and then said unhappily: "Obviously, both of you brothers and sisters were very hard-boned before, and dared to challenge the second child of the Jade Emperor. As a result, it has only been a long time, and this is even one Don't you dare say your name?"

This stinky monkey has to stimulate me today? Yang Chan looked at Sun Wukong speechlessly, too lazy to care about this shameless guy, and said, "That's better than defeating Buddha in a fight."

Hearing the words, Sun Wukong shook his head into a rattle: "It's different, this is different, I was invited by the old monk Shakyamuni to be a Buddha, and you and your brother were forced to bail by the old gentleman. Things are different."

"What nonsense are you talking about, how does the Jade Emperor compare with the kind-hearted Buddha?"

As soon as Yang Chan finished speaking, she quickly covered her mouth, patted her face with fear, and then glared at Sun Wukong and said:

"Okay, you just want to provoke me to speak ill of the Jade Emperor, right?"

"Haha, what are you afraid of, that's your uncle, what are you afraid of?"

Sun Wukong laughed, but after a few laughs, suddenly a voice came from beside him.

"The shot should be the incarnation of Hei Tian."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong's words suddenly got stuck, and Yang Chan on the side was also taken aback, and looked at Su Jin in amazement.

"Look at what I do?" Su Jin's reaction to the two was very equal: "Since I said it, I have dealt with it and won't be heard by him."

"...That's not necessarily true." Yang Chan shrank her neck and looked at Su Jin's eyes a little differently: "Although authority can be shielded to a certain extent, if those two digits really need to be checked, they can still I found out that even if the other party has set it up in advance, it may not even be able to block the authority."

After speaking, Yang Chan looked at Su Jin with a look of pity and admiration, pursed her lips, and sighed:

"To be honest, I didn't know the person you mentioned before, but I heard that he has a relatively good temper. If you think about your ability, there shouldn't be much of a problem..."

"No, you seem to be the same as the second brother. You are a candidate for the commander of the Heavenly Army, and I heard that you have a deep relationship with the Lord Demon Star. So, it seems that you are quite safe?"

Yang Chan suddenly remembered that Su Jin in front of her was not a small character without a backstage.

Rumor has it that the magic star who once challenged the Three Thousand Worlds has an unclear relationship with the person in front of her. Besides, she also boldly guessed that the White Night King might have an affair with Su Jin in the South District lace tabloid she likes to read. ', and even lace said 'The White Night King is suspected of having an abortion for Su Jin'.

Even this kind of news has come out. I think the relationship between Su Jin and the White Night King should be very good. In this way, Su Jin's backstage is two supreme powers at the level of cosmic truth.

In addition, the commander of the Heavenly Army who intends to help Su Jin ascend to the throne.

If we really want to talk about the background and the foundation, then Su Jin is much more comfortable than her.

Although she reluctantly set up a relationship with the Supreme Being of the Three Realms in Heaven, but if something were to happen, she didn't believe that uncle would lend a helping hand, let alone say "abortion".

So when it comes to the backstage, Su Jin is still tough enough, but he doesn't know his strength...

Thinking of this, Yang Chan couldn't help but think of her elder brother's "perfunctory" campaigning for the head of the Heavenly Army, and the attention that appeared between her eyebrows when she occasionally mentioned it.

In that way, it is not like discussing a second-generation ancestor, but an 'adversary' that needs attention.

Thinking about it carefully, although Su Jin has a lot of lace news and extremely few records, but if you really want to count, this guy who has a defensive simulation star creation map and recklessly killed the Greek **** Zeus, is also a small garden in this place. Some tough characters.

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