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Chapter 987:

Looking at the limit amount of power demanded on the envelope, Marta couldn't help but smile: "Huh, with such a scale, it seems that Su Jin's kid is not hiding some trump cards, yes, that slicker. If the boy didn't hide something, I really don't believe it."

"Then who will deliver these..." Uesugi Kenshin raised his head and glanced at the crowd. He simply didn't finish his words, and said without any room for discussion: "Forget it, I'll go."

Hearing this, Di Shitian gave Uesugi Kenshin a meaningful look, with a teasing smile on his face:

"Okay, since you are the only one who is willing to Uesugi, then Xiao Uesugi, you are responsible."

"Oh, remember to explain that stinky boy for me, and let him remember to 'stay away after trouble'."

"…I see."

Facing the eyes of these **** colleagues, Uesugi Kenshin turned around and left as if stepping on oil on the soles of his feet.

When she walked out of the door, there was a wave of cheerful laughter in the room.


Arcadia headquarters.

Inside the huge 'hall of the world'.

Among the silver doors and the quaint doors on the left, Su Jin's illusory figure slowly solidified.

Chapter 1408 Surprise to be sent

"are you back…"

Su Jin, who appeared in front of Chuanjie Gate, looked at the scene of heavy doors around him, and couldn't help but sighed and said:

"It looks like the progress is pretty good?"

His voice fell, and a female voice sounded as if in response:

"You seem to have gone to Orari?"

Accompanied by the female voice, the fiery red-haired woman in a long white dress and a blue ribbon tied her waist calmly walked towards Su Jin. "More than that." Su Jin was not surprised to see the person coming, but just smiled: "What? Are you homesick? Vista."

"For the gods, the concept of hometown is not as bad as humans." Vesta explained flatly, and then said with a puzzled expression: "Although I don't know why you want to do this, but the illustrious Hakoniwa Sitia has already agreed to meet you."

Speaking of this, she paused and asked, "Is it suitable here?"

"Just here, it's the same within Arcadia anyway." Su Jin moved his muscles and bones to relieve the fatigue caused by running around.

Hearing this, Vesta didn't say much, just closed his eyes lightly and took a deep breath.

When she opened her eyes again, there was a turbid yellow flame in her blue pupils. At the same time, her original rational and majestic aura softened, like a bonfire slowly burning in the middle of the night.

Seeing her like this, Su Jin immediately understood that Hestia, the Greek goddess of the kitchen, had already relied on Vesta.

For them, who are of the same spiritual origin, this kind of reliance does not require any rituals and is extraordinarily hidden, especially in this headquarters that is shielded by Alger's power, making it difficult for anyone to detect.

"I didn't expect at all that you still hide this kind of thing." Hestia, who was relying on Vesta, felt the impermanence of fate.

She has pursued and worked hard all her life, but the "Rome" that she can't get into is just the "birthplace" for some people, which is really ironic.

"Instead of fussing about that, let's talk about reality."

Su Jin was not interested in Hestia's sentimentality. He knew very well that this was not the time to 'talk about feelings' with Hestia.

You can talk about feelings at any time, but you must never talk about feelings when talking about money. After all, you never know whether the other side is talking about feelings or money.

He didn't want to lose money.

Thinking of this, Su Jin rarely lit a cigarette for himself, put himself into a state of hindsight, and calmly said: "A two-digit quota, I think you should know the value of this 'slot', Hestia. "

That's right, Su Jin asked Vesta to seek a private meeting with Hestia in order to give up the 'two-digit quota' that originally belonged to him.

To be honest, it's not that Su Jin doesn't want to use this quota for himself, but unfortunately, he is still separated by an 'eighth sense' from the 'will of the gods', which is analogous to two-digit numbers. In this case, he No matter how hard you practice, and even if you hang up, it is impossible to reach double digits overnight.

But Su Jin can't, doesn't mean others can't.

'Hestia' and 'Pandora', these are the two three-digit powerhouses that Su Jin knows, the closest to two-digit numbers.

Compared with Pandora, who has been in contact with him for a while, Su Jin naturally prefers to be more familiar with Hestia, who is now directly under his command.

In particular, the spiritual figure that Hestia is chasing is a symbol of the earth, and "Gaia" has a field bonus in Little Garden, which further increases the weight ratio of Hestia in Su Jin's heart.

Both parties are well aware of this.

"The value of the quota, I naturally understand, but I never thought that you would give up Athena." Hestia's tone had a different flavor.

Su Jin heard the words, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled a smoke ring:

"I looked for it, and she refused, on the grounds that the situation was not suitable."

To be more precise, Athena believed that the 'Earth' after Hestia's promotion was far superior to the state after her promotion, so she chose to give up due to the need for combat power.

The expression on Hestia's face paused for a moment, and then said with a particularly subtle expression:

"It's rare for someone like her to refuse."

Hestia certainly understood why Athena would say 'the situation is not suitable', but it was because of this that she realized that what she needed to pay was probably far beyond her 'imagination'.

After a long silence, Hestia sighed:

"Is Alger also borrowed a 'slot'?"

"No, she's worse than you, it's a loan." Su Jin smiled naughty and looked at Hestia meaningfully: "Of course, it's not impossible for you to copy this kind of operation, but 'Little Hestia' You are also aware of Ya's situation."

As soon as these words came out, Hestia had nothing to say.

The situation of Little Hestia is actually a manifestation of the Central Garden's forbidding others to interfere with the spirit of 'Gaia', which is why Hestia once gave up on Gaia and turned to the 'Goddess of Time Rhea'.

But now, the emergence of the 'place' has made Hestia see the hope of successfully climbing to the top of Gaia.

After all, it was an 'unconditional permission' from the center of the small garden.

Hestia fell into a long period of dullness.

Seeing this, Su Jin didn't ask any further questions, even if his time was relatively tight, he was like a spider now, watching the butterflies tangled in the web, watching her struggling little by little, watching her get tighter and tighter.

After a long time, Hestia said:

"What conditions did Alger promise?"

"'Unconditional'." Su Jin replied without hesitation.

"No wonder she protects you like that."

Hestia chuckled lightly, and understood the reason for all of Alger's abnormal actions.

After all, it was a debt that he could not repay even after he sold it, so choosing to compensate himself was in line with the character of that little lunatic.

However, the bad thing is also here. Argel came up with the first case, and the latecomers can only choose and compromise according to her case.

Seeing Hestia's reaction, Su Jin was not surprised, just looked at her with those calm eyes, and said lightly, "Are you satisfied with this result?"

The goddess on the other side smiled slightly, revealing the smiling slave of the city:

"I agreed."

Chapter 1409 The information that shocked Hei Tian

The goddess of the stove turned into pale white smoke and dissipated in front of Su Jin.

Su Jin threw the cigarette on the ground, crushed his foot, and let out a long breath:

"Oh, am I forcing God to be a prostitute?"

"If that counts, then I think the goddess who wants to be prostitutes is enough to fill the entire Hakoniwa Continent."

The leather shoes stepped on the ground, making a squeaking sound, and Alger's sneering laughter also reached Su Jin's ears.

Wearing a curvaceous restraint suit, the delicate girl with purple hair and magic eyes strolled to Su Jin, reached out to support his chin, and carefully looked at Su Jin's face and said:

"It's no different!"

"What are you doing?" Su Jin let Alger's tender palm drag his chin with a surprised expression.

"It's nothing, I just want to confirm what kind of structure the guy who can be given a 'place' by the center of the small garden is."

Alger let go of his hands, put his arms around him, and said in a complicated tone:

"After all, it's normal for anyone who has been chasing things all their lives to be easily held in their hands by others to feel complicated, right?"

"I can understand." Su Jin nodded deeply, and then said, "But can you imagine the pain of having to sell such a quota because of the situation?"

"..." Alger silently looked at the **** in front of him who 'gets cheap and sells well'.

One spot covers everything in Hestia, where is this guy still shouting "I am so painful", so painful, don't you ask so hard?

Oh, the price seems to be set by me, that's fine.

Thinking of this, Alger packed up his mood, but still asked a little unhappily: "By the way, are you sure that a Hestia can bring you back safely?"

"Do your best to know the destiny."

Su Jin shook his head slightly. He wasn't sure how far Hestia's hand could finally be achieved, but compared to the previous useless quota, a two-digit number was still the two-digit number in charge of 'Earth'. The success rate skyrocketed.

As for the remaining success rate, that has to be left to fate.

Of course, this refers to the success rate of rescuing Lamia and the success rate of survival, Su Jin has never been worried.

After all, the uncle of the forum is still there. If you want to kill him with two figures, as long as he does not exceed the automatic emergency program he set in the forum, he will definitely not die.

Enough to guarantee 'immortality', which is why Su Jin dared to fight.

Even though he still hasn't figured out what these two figures are doing together to deal with him, according to Bai Yasha, the lineup they've come up with now is twice as exaggerated as when they cut her down.

I wonder what I've done is not so serious! ... Su Jin sighed

"Leave it to fate? Then I will use the authority of fate to give you a few more blessings later."

Alger is obviously good at breaking the atmosphere, so Su Jin didn't know how to respond.

Of course, this has no effect on Alger:

"How is your preparation in the lower realm?"

"Don't ask, you won't do anything if you ask."

Su Jinming obviously didn't want to tell Alger, when did this guy like to inquire.

"Cut, stingy." Alger pouted, but felt that this expression affected her beauty, and quickly took out the mirror and looked at her face.

Well, still so beautiful...

"You should have accepted all those extreme powers, right?" Alger asked with a little playfulness.

"I received it last night." Su Jin was silent for a while, but also had some headaches about the debt he owed: "After this wave, I estimate that the debt will be repaid for a long time to come."

"It's good to receive it. As for the consequences, it's your own fault."

Alger fiddled with his hair and asked calmly.

"By the way, when are you going to leave?"

Hearing this, Su Jin raised his eyebrows and gave a weird smile:

"Of course, in 10 minutes."

"What?" Alger raised his head in astonishment and said in astonishment, "Didn't you tell those old guys that three days later, it's not even a day yet?"

Su Jin looked at Alger with the look of "looking at a fool" and said:

"Why should I trust the enemy?"

"Just allow them to target me for no reason, so I can't play with them in terms of time?"


Alger looked helplessly at the 'childish' man in front of him, but there was no way, who said this was her man, so he could only choose to forgive.

Thinking of this, Alger sighed: "Are you sure you're really just angry because of this?"

"Of course not."

Su Jin shook his head slightly, then said calmly:

"According to some estimates that are not easy to explain to you, the time point for Hestia's promotion is about 2 hours, and once she breaks through and becomes me 'He', the center of the small garden will naturally respond accordingly. The backhand will also be exposed to a certain extent, so I have to get things out of the way before they know the new truth is born."

Speaking of this, Su Jin paused and said with a playful expression:

"Otherwise, when the time comes, the hands will be transposed."

"Of course, it's also one of the reasons for being unhappy with the calculations of those old guys, but it's not a big proportion."

I think the proportion is very large... Alger complained in his heart, but at the same time he couldn't help laughing because of Su Jin's stinginess, and said with a smile:

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