Thank You

Chapter 988:

"I will remind Bai Ye and the others synchronously ten minutes later. Of course, the final result of the matter depends on you."

Speaking of this, Algerton said:

"Do you need me to inform the Black Rabbit and the others?"

Su Jin asked back at this time, "Why do you think I have a sore back today?"

Alger was stunned, her mouth opened slightly, because last night it seemed that she had been accumulating strength all night, preparing to deal with the enemy.

But when she was working so hard, Su Jin was comforting her little lover and putting on a hat for her by the way?

Are you still a person?

Alger's face darkened, he gritted his teeth and said:

"That's really hard work for you!"

"Help me inform the monkey, I'll wait for her here."

Su Jin wondered about Alger's sudden change of face, but didn't ask any more, just thought she was angry that she didn't let her legs get sore last night:

"To be honest, I really can only bring her this time."

"…I understand."

Alger's voice fell, and his figure silently disappeared in front of Su Jin.

Seeing this, Su Jin silently looked at the many gates in front of him, and finally opened the Dimensional Forum with a long sigh.

Looking at the top, there are zero and one, and the '14.6 million' points that have been collected with great difficulty, Su Jin is satisfied, but also looks at the purchase column.

Looking at the purchase column, he was listed in the first row of the purchase column by himself, with 100 million points of 'understanding the mystery of life and death', and then looked at the second column, the third column, and the fourth column, Su Jin sneered. :

"I hope you will like this rare 'surprise' in the future!"

As for the hearts of those old guys who can't stand it, that's not something Su Jin has to manage.

He Su someone, just kill, don't bury!

Chapter 1410 In short, it is very strange

Under the dark night, there are many shadows, and there is no sound in the forest ruins.

Under a cedar tree hundreds of meters high with straight branches, the young man with clear eyes turned his straw hat with his fingers, and said with a smile to the cross stone tablet in front of him:

"Honestly, I can't understand your nervousness, and I can't understand the significance of what you're doing."

Hei Tian stopped turning his straw hat, looked up at the two bright moons in the sky, looked at the red and blue bright moon, and said with a little interest:

"What exactly is hidden in Su Jin's body that makes you design like this? Is it possible that it is his 'charm' that can make Xingling unable to control himself?"

The figure said indifferently: "This is not the main reason, at least not one of the main reasons."

"Oh? Then I'm a little curious, can I talk about it?" Hei Tian looked at the figure in front of him and made no secret of his curiosity.

On the three-meter-high cross, a figure hung upside down on it, with a face covered in shadows, with an inaudible voice, and the overlapping voices turned towards the underworld:

"What are you going to give?"

"Hey, they're all old acquaintances, and you still need to pay for this information?"

Hei Tian widened his eyes, looked at the figure hanging upside down on the cross with a stunned expression, and then said with a melancholy expression:

"That's enough, then a contribution point of authority - let's do it."

"Not enough." The figure hanging upside down on the cross was indifferent.

"Not enough?" Hei Tian raised his voice a little, and seemed a little surprised: "This matter is so important?"

However, the Hanged Man's tone was still calm: "Because this involves information that only those four people know."

Hei Tian's pupils contracted slightly, his mouth pursed unconsciously, and then he laughed dumbly:

"It looks like I've still suffered from the loss of youth!"

As one of the youngest beings among the Nineteen Supreme Beings, Hei Tian, ​​who felt his lack of intelligence, shook his head helplessly and said:

"Contribute points and look at the deduction."

"Ten authorities, five million contribution points."

The Hanged Man said the price lightly, and then indifferently said the information about the corresponding offer:

"'It seems that a new will has been born in the center of the little garden'."

Hei Tian's pupils contracted sharply, and he couldn't even control his emotions, and said in shock:

"That mentally retarded thing can really give birth to will?"

"No, where did this information come from?"

"The Jade Emperor and Sakyamuni." The Hanged Man replied indifferently.

"It's actually them...the second of the original four...but why would they give such information..." Hei Tian muttered to himself.

"500,000 contribution points."

The Hanged Man's plain tone made Hei Tian's mouth twitch, but out of curiosity, he still gritted his teeth and asked:

"Tell me everything you know, and you can decide how much it costs."

The hanged man on the cross was silent for a moment, and then calmly said:

"The sudden occurrence of the Godslayer War made the original four people strengthen the supervision of the center of the small garden, and thus discovered the blind spot that could not be explored."

"After the Jade Emperor's investigation and the confirmation of the two goddesses, it was determined that the content of the blind spot is likely to be a 'ticket' to a two-digit number, thus confirming that the Godslayer War actually gave birth to two two-digit 'tickets'. quota', but one of them has been specially hidden and cannot be easily detected."

"Impossible!" Hei Tian, ​​who heard the news for the first time, was shocked: "In the small garden, someone actually got a quota under the eyes of you old guys?"

"How can this be done?"

Hei Tian couldn't believe it at all, that someone could hide a two-digit quota under the eyes of the Primordial Four Truths who had the authority of Hakoba.

No wonder, no wonder the paranoid in front of him would say, 'The center of the small garden is suspected to have a new will'. If this is not for the center to guard and steal it, it is impossible to hide a copy of the original four truths from the eyes of the existences with most of the authority of the small garden. Two-digit quota.

Wait, a new will? New... Hei Tian's expression suddenly became unnatural, because this information obviously exceeded the deductible range of contribution points.

In the midst of confusion, Hei Tian sighed as if admitting his fate:

"So that's the case, do you suspect that Su Jin is the new will of the center of the small garden? No wonder, no wonder you will join forces to test this way, and no wonder the two goddesses will allow you to target Su Jin like this."

Speaking of this, Hei Tian couldn't help but think of Su Jin's situation, and his tone subconsciously took on a bit of sourness:

"But also, in half a year, the mortal at the bottom of the seven-digit number has leaped to a four-digit number, and even the frontal combat power is comparable to that of a three-digit legend. Such an exaggerated leap-forward growth is still a human being."

"It's me, and I doubt whether this guy is a fake from the center of the small garden. After all, there has been no old guy coming back recently."


The face under the shadow of the Hanged Man seemed to show some approval, and the echoes said:

"He's just the most likely existence."

"Even you said it's the most likely, then it's really possible." Speaking of this, Hei Tian's expression couldn't help but feel a little dread: "The center of the garden... tsk, why is it such a troublesome thing, you are sure about him If you kill yourself, won't the wind of decadence come in person?"

The Hanged Man didn't answer, just said indifferently after a while:


"Hey~" Hei Tian took a deep breath and sighed: "No wonder you have to set traps in the world outside of Little Garden, but if you do, will he really come?"

"He has humanity." The upside-down figure said coldly.

"Humanity..." Hei Tian sighed with a nostalgic sigh, and then pressed his straw hat on top of his head: "I hope he has more humanity."


A breeze blew, and the figure wearing the straw hat also dissipated into the air with the wind, leaving only the moonlight of two full moons, illuminating the forest.


Arcadia headquarters, the underground world corridor.

In front of the huge door, Su Jin looked at the majestic and majestic woman wearing golden armor, a golden crown on her head, and her feet on cloud shoes, but her height was less than 1.5 meters, and she couldn't help but exhort:

"It was agreed in advance that if we take this step, we are accomplices!"

However, what responded to him was a rude shout: "What? Why are you a big man and mother-in-law? As for it? Do it if you want, just give it a word."

"I really don't understand the sentiment." Su Jin snorted, tidying up his suit and tie.

Wearing an all-black suit, he was like a black crow going to a funeral, and he was filled with a sense of destruction to die.

He looked back at the silhouettes outside the world corridor behind him, his smile showed slightly, and then he returned to indifference.

Turning back, Su Jin looked at the huge stone gate in front of him and took out a silver key.

"Let's go."

Su Jin stretched out the key and twisted it gently on the stone door. The door opened with a click. The huge stone door bloomed with azure brilliance and formed an overlapping door in the air.

behind the door.

One red and one blue, two bright moons shone a cold radiance on Su Jin's face.

Seeing the moonlight, Su Jin stepped forward,

Turn around!

Chapter 1411 The Cursed Sea

Stepping into the boundary gate, the first thing that catches your eye is the layers of white clouds. When he found himself in the sky, Su Jin immediately changed the gravitational position around him and tried to stand in the sky.

However, at this moment, his ability to control gravity seemed to have failed. In contrast, a strong attraction came from the ground.

"Huh?" Su Jin let out a sigh, and his body fell rapidly with the huge gravitational force.

At the same time, Sun Wukong, who stepped into the sky after him, also fell down with Su Jin, and said doubtfully:

"Authoritative gravity? Is this world a world with a 'creation god'?"

The God of Creation, in the small garden, generally refers to those high-ranking beings who created the 'world' outside the small garden with their own authority.

These worlds have different appearances, some are rounded, some are in the shape of a tree of the world, and even in the shape of a giant egg.

But what does not change is that in the world created by these creation gods, great power must be attributed to the creator gods.

If outsiders want to mobilize concepts in this world, they must use the power of the same level or even higher than the jurisprudence inscribed into the world by the God of Creation.

It is precisely because of this that the gravity mobilized by Su Jin's thoughts will fail, because the gods who created this world have reached the level of authority in the concept of gravity, which exceeds Su Jin's attainments in gravity.

"I've been sent a 'dismissal'!"

Su Jin, who fell weightless, said with an unsightly expression, he had some doubts that the reason why this gravity was a level of authority was because the Ouroboros were targeting him.

After all, he was seriously injured by falling from a height, but Su Jin's black history when he first arrived at Hakoba.

The matter of being seriously injured for half a year because of falling from a high altitude without protection is almost a must mention in the 'experience' in Su Jin's related intelligence. Su Jin does not believe that Ouroboros will not know about it.

Seeing Su Jin's bad face, Sun Wukong, who knew his dark history, couldn't help but look weird and said:

"It's not so childish, is it?"

However, she was not sure what the creator gods of this world thought. After all, there are many high-ranking people in the small garden who maintain the mentality of children. The most famous ones are Bai Yasha and the world king.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong couldn't help but gasped for air-conditioning, and thought to himself: Could it be that the creator **** of this world is the world king?


The strong wind generated by the fall from the sky hung on Su Jin's face. Although it couldn't destroy his face, it continued to accelerate the speed of his fall and the temperature around him, making it like a meteorite falling from the sky, blasting through layers after layers. Layers of clouds continued to fall to the ground.

After about forty seconds of falling, and after passing through the clouds again, Su Jin finally saw the 'green ink' land.

Seeing the situation on the ground, Sun Wukong, who knew that there was a forest below, recited the formula in his heart, slid his fingertips in the air, and wrote four ancient seals in the air:

...youlong game painting!

I saw that in the blasted clouds, the clouds gathered into a dragon shape, opened his mouth, roared, and rolled his tail, and then wrapped Sun Wukong together.

And Su Jin also reached out and grabbed the dragon's claw at this moment, hanging in the air, frowning and observing the silent forest below.

Sun Wukong, who stepped on a real dragon, saw that the Taoist spell took effect, and muttered: "It seems that the world's creation Shen Taoist method is not good, in a sense, it is a good luck."

Su Jin does not deny this, after all, this at least in a sense proves that this world has nothing to do with the Taoist Patriarch in the East.

Controlling the real dragon soaring in the sky, while confirming the environment, Sun Wukong also shouted to Su Jin:

"Speaking of which, Su Jin, can the shelter we put on us block their perception in this world?"

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