You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Xia Chenling is here!

After reporting to the police and dealing with related matters, Xia Chenling, Xia Youyou, Ding Shanshan, Su Rong, and Zhang Shuai moved into Xia Youyou's house. Her family lived in a single-family villa, which was enough for these people.

Qin Nuannuan and Hao Jianyun took a taxi to the vicinity of Shengzheng University of Science and Technology, and found a hotel to live in, planning to report directly to the school tomorrow.

Sitting on the sofa at home, holding a hot tea cup in his hand, Xia Chenling was still crying in shock.

"Uncle...Don't tell my dad about this, or it will worry him too much."

Xia Chenling said chokedly.

"What a bastard! You can't be merciless!"

Xia Zheng slammed the phone in his hand to the ground, and the battery splashed out and hit the vase aside, making a very loud sound.


Xia Zheng sighed angrily, and sat next to Xia Chenling, stroking her hair. After a while, the man's eyes turned red.

Where did the Xia family's palm pearl have been so angry, when he gently touched Xia Chenling's red and swollen cheeks, the soft-hearted man couldn't restrain himself anymore, and even choked up crying.

"Lingling, I blame the uncle, I should pick you up today."

Xia Zheng said in a choked voice, he could smell the smell of wine all over his body two meters away.


Xia Chenling cried out, buried him in Xia Zheng's arms, and cried aggrievedly.

After a long time, Xia Chenling's mood calmed down a little, and after a brief wash, he went back to the room and went to sleep.

Xia Youyou slept in her own room alone, Zhang Shuai was also alone in the room, and the remaining three girls squeezed into one room.

Covered by a silk quilt, the three girls huddled together and chatted quietly.

"Tonight... it's really scary!"

Ding Shanshan muttered in a low voice, looked at Xia Chenling distressedly, and gently touched her hair.

"Lingling, Gu Qingyuan in your class feels so amazing!"

Su Rong lying on one side suddenly said.

"Today...thanks to him." Su Rong added again.


Xia Chenling nodded thoughtfully. Gu Qingyuan had a little more mystery in her heart. How did he meet the group of people who fought with him? Moreover, it seemed that the age was very different.

How could Gu Qingyuan know so many people?

"Well, don't think about the previous things anyway."

Ding Shanshan put her arms around Xia Chenling's fragrant shoulders, and said in a low voice, "Didn't they all have been captured by the police, and they will definitely be punished as they deserve."


Su Rong nodded, squeezing Xia Chenling's body, and comforted: "Let's look forward to a better university life. I'm going to report tomorrow. I can't sleep with excitement."

"I envy you." Ding Shanshan curled her lips. "If only I had a high exam, I could go to the same university as you."

"Shengzheng Normal University is also pretty good."

Xia Chenling finally spoke, turned her head and looked at Ding Shanshan with a smile.


Ding Shanshan nodded and touched Xia Chenling's face.

These girls seemed to have endless topics and didn't turn off the lights until three o'clock in the night.

However, Su Rong keeps mentioning Gu Qingyuan's topic, but Xia Chenling can always avoid it. In her heart, Gu Qingyuan is a very strange person, and she is unwilling to share with others about him. thing.


Early in the morning, Hao Ji, who was sleeping like a dead pig, was pushed to wake up by Gu Qingyuan. He patted his fat butt and urged: "Isn't it the college report today? I slept more deadly than me, hurry up!"


Hao Ji sat up all of a sudden, after a few seconds, he cried out again: "Mom!"

Gu Qingyuan: "?"

"Hurry up and wash up!"

Gu Qingyuan patted Haoji on the head and walked out of the house with the washbasin.

Downstairs, there is a public washbasin. You don't need to pay for the water fee, just pay a monthly management fee of 3 yuan.

In less than five minutes, Gu Qingyuan was ready to wash, and as he walked upstairs with the washbasin, he happened to bump into Hao Ji and walk down with the washbasin.Cool Record Literature

Seeing that the corners of his eyes were a little ruddy, Gu Qingyuan didn't ask much, and went straight upstairs.

After Hao Ji washed and packed his things, Gu Qingyuan helped him carry the sheets and bedding, and went to a vocational high school to report together.

I took a taxi and arrived at the gate of the vocational school. It was only ten o'clock in the morning, but the gate of the school was already crowded with long banners.

"A warm welcome to the new students!"

Gu Qingyuan was carrying his bag and strode forward, as if he were a freshman about to enter school.

"By the way, Hao Ji, how many tests are you taking."

Gu Qingyuan walked ahead, and after looking at Hao Ji, asked with a smile.


"That's not too high. By the way, how many exams your school can come to."

Gu Qingyuan asked again, he was deeply attracted by the good life of the university.



Gu Qingyuan chuckled and walked forward with his arms around Haoji.

Helped him to submit the enrollment materials, and then took the big and small bags to the assigned dormitory.

Gu Qingyuan squinted his eyes and looked at the female students coming and going.

I have to say that in this vocational high school, the girls' dresses are still very avant-garde, and there are no less than ten female students wearing black silk.

"Okay, very good!"

Gu Qingyuan touched his chin, and his smile gradually brightened.

"Brother Chicken, you will be happy in the future."

Gu Qingyuan hugged Haoji's shoulders and stood on tiptoes until a beautiful figure disappeared at the end of the road.

"What happiness? I'm a bit homesick."

Hao Ji said lowly.

"Okay, when you're feeling down, just sit downstairs in the girls' dormitory."

Hao Ji's dormitory was on the sixth floor, and the two came to the sixth floor with big bags and small bags. Gu Qingyuan's physical strength could not be the same as that of his previous life. Only the six-story stairs made him sweat all over.

The dormitory turned out to be a ten-bed dormitory. When Gu Qingyuan and the others entered, all the other roommates arrived. At this time, the dormitory looked very crowded.

"Yeah, brother."

Seeing Gu Qingyuan and the others coming in, a student with yellow hair came up to say hello and helped lift the package.

"Well, thanks."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and looked inside the dormitory. The other roommates had colorful hair, and after a glance at the two Gu Qingyuan, they did not come up to talk to each other and tidied up the bed.

Gu Qingyuan didn't care about what level of student he was in the vocational high school, but he was worried that Haoji would be bullied.

At this time, only the uppermost bunk in the dormitory was left empty. The key was that Hao Ji was afraid of heights.

"Brother, just give it to me."

Gu Qingyuan carried the package and walked to the inside. After placing the package on an empty table, he took the small package in Huang Mao's hand.

"Who are you two here."

The yellow-haired boy asked with a smile.

"Oh, my brother."

Gu Qingyuan looked at Haoji and patted him on the shoulder again.

"Hello! Hahaha!"

Hao Ji smirked at Huang Mao and looked straight at him, until Huang Mao was a little embarrassed.

"Oh, Hello!"

Huang Mao smiled faintly, glanced to one side, ready to leave, not wanting to take care of this Hao chicken.

"You pack first!"

After Gu Qingyuan said something, he stepped forward and put his arm around Huang Mao's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Friend, come out and say a few words."

"Huh? All right!"

Huang Mao nodded and walked out of the dormitory with Gu Qingyuan.

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